The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Thought this page was about helping each other and Respect to one another not about Ego
Howdy Mr. Hagans,
You are correct, that's why I didn't quote anyone with my post, out of respect. I had gone through the LDM thread, and then this one, only to find put downs out of ego, figured it must be the full moon. Hang in there, don't let it get to you.

Homar P. Olivarez

Brother Robert, I have explained which was the language used by the Spaniards and Jesuits in their maps. Here it's not about who is right and who is wrong and in any case it's not a treasure hunting competition. Anyone has a theory which could be better than anyone else, but at this stage all theories are the same good, until will be proven wrong in the research process.
I don't believe your God would help you to find treasure. He will give you health and happiness if you are humble and a good man.
But you have to know a detail about the God who are protecting this treasure. Thunder God ( Zeus ) is the father of gods and humans and is the most ancient after his father Kronos and his mother Gea. Zeus belongs to the silver period of humanity, with the gold period belonging to his parents. On this planet, the humanity " traveled " through five periods, declining morally and spiritually, and these are: the gold , the silver , the bronze ( what the medals in sports are ), the heroes era ( here it's not a metal ) and the last, the iron period in which we are living now, it's not a noble metal and could be magnetized ( manipulated ). In the gold period, there were not human beings but only souls, and Thunder God after defeating his father who was a Titan, made the humans like we know today. After making the humans, Zeus was not able to handle the three dimensions of humanity ( souls, beings and space ) and gave two of them to two of his brothers, Poseidon and Hades.

So, if you want to can reach this treasure, you have to become morally and spiritually a human being from the silver period, or at least one of a noble metal.
Good luck.
Do you know how to read Jesuit and spainyard signs

Howdy Mr. Hagans,
You are correct, that's why I didn't quote anyone with my post, out of respect. I had gone through the LDM thread, and then this one, only to find put downs out of ego, figured it must be the full moon. Hang in there, don't let it get to you.

Homar P. Olivarez
Do you know how to read and understand the old signs of the Jesuit and Spain yards

Do you know how to read and understand the old signs of the Jesuit and Spain yards
Howdy Mr. Hagans,
I happen to be of mostly Spanish decent from the Castile area, so I do have an advantage over most here. Which old signs are you referring to?

one never walks into the spirit world ,the spirit world walks into them ! God will not help you in the Seven caves ,,.....they are frozen in a time portal ,and the wisdom is not to dare or risk ones mortal life even if you are immortal you can still pass on to the next dimension and you will have two more before you get another life here on earth but few ever return and even less ever remember their past life times you have no idea what awaits in the seven caves . those shaman's spirit and souls live in their curses and they are as real today as the last day of their life here long ago .have your faith i would rather have my soul ! gold is a worthless greed that seeks one's future and will take everything you have even if you have less then you know ...time is broken there and reality fades away year after year waiting for the fools and the greedy ... go ahead look for your self but don't be the fool be the meek !

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back to the topic do you think this legend got so confusing over a set of stones ...? set the LDM aside and lets just take a good look at the stones ... i ask you who started the looking for a heart stone and why ? heart insert . Latin heart ,the open heart for the insert .. what do you think it all means ? i all ready know i just wonder if any one else is even close ...

you have the correct idea but the pattern is in the wrong order .. when Cortez was hunting for silver mines in AZ but at the time it was known as part of Sonora .the date i have is 1536-1537 ..that's when Cortez came to the superstition mountains, but its a well known fact he went no where with out Jesuits with him . Cortez searched the area with no luck before he had gotten there they knew of his greed and had sealed the seven caves and the Jesus knew about this but the Aztec knew that the Jesuit were stealing for the mines ..that's what caused the death of the Jesuit and the destruction if their church ... this is what the Tayopa treasure trove lost is really about ..these sites are almost totally gone .. it took me thousands of hours to put the time lines and evidence back together sorry your dates are to late .. it started a round 1524-1527...before 1536 and the Tayopa list was dated around 1603 ,but in fact the bell production in 1603 was after Tayopa had a changed its name to help hide its location ..when the bells were cast the mining town of Tayopa was more then 60-75 years old at the time its name was changed .. in fact took as much as 10 years for Cortes to go from central Mexico to the Superstition Mountains , he had been buying up silver mines as he went threw those area . one account i saw said he ad as many as 29 before his trop north ...and to help prove my point it was stated the Tayopa silver mine was producing a huge amount ore and i know this to be true because i found wagon wheel marks cut into bed rock 6-8 inches deep at one of my sights this reflects so well know folklore about the LDM as well ..back when the Jesus's were trying to convert the natives and the church was standing it was said the LDM vane was to dangerous to work because of the Aztec sacred seven caves , and when silver was found in the area ,they started working that ,and the risk of working the gold was to much and it was left as to not get the Aztec mad at the Jesuit.. this all builds up to the Jesuit being killed off and Spaniards ,and last but not least the Peralta ,by my search in to these events i felt the Peralta family had most likely been some of the marriages and deaths that were recorded by the church of Tayopa well before Cortez and well after his had past threw the area seek silver and gold .. the reason i know this is .i located the volcanic vent that blew gold dust all over the Village that once stood at the seven caves ..i will prove it in the near future i have 5 gold samples from the area and the vent the fact is the legends are true . its a matter of how they fit together and when the time line is in the correct order ....

Cortez married into my family line (Zuniga) lot of history....My family travel to Florida {Luna Papers} met up with Cortez ?in mexico.??/..note I'm going by memory....I'm also a descendent of Don Gaspar de Zuniga Viceroy of New Spain (order of Santiago}then my family travel with Father Serra {Book Rose or Rose thorn?}great grandpa Manuel de Zuniga is intern at El campo santo (note Heart is shown} Mausoleum at Workmen temple Homestead museum with last Mexican Governor...Pio Pico..Note cemetery has a huge Jesuit symbol...My cousin Tim Miguel poyorena know more.....I'm into family Spanish Inquistion part of family history....Book of Hours-zuniga & Seven Part Code-Zuniga=book of Laws..

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no your wrong its two lions laying down . one has his head turned a little to the left, i am sorry i thought you were talking about this lion .
sorry I'm bad w/computers....I dont even have a cell. Lion looks like a painting just made ...Inspired by

DescriptionPortrait of Gaspar de Guzmán, bust directed to right, wearing armour and sash; in an oval on a pedestal with arms, surrounded by allegorical elements; an angel holding Medusa's shield in lower left, another angel holding Hercules' club with lion's skin in lower right; after Peter Paul Rubens who made a copy after Velazquez
note....this picture has several different meaning....sometime the Genius{angel}w/lion & club is on the right....however sometimes he is on the left

Templar will often leave lions where they which to leave a sign of there being at a location .one of the greatest churches they build has almost all the codes of the stone in one place ....and yes a lion . what was missing from that work of art was what most left was a picture of the grail . was it the grail or was it the heart ..its amazing what the drawing tell you when you know what was in his hand before the Vatican it self destroyed parts of the art work .. they don't want anyone to find what is hidden in those codes ... other them them self's,........but what is funny is that lion is not on the stones

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I should add that at least one person on this fourm, Cactus Jumper, has followed the trail on the Stones to the end, and has very well documented that.
I hate to say this but I want Proof he followed it because you have to be in the right canyon and walk the 1500 feet of the same exact trail that is on the stone maps. This being said it is 15oo feet measured from start to Heart Location.

I hate to say this but I want Proof he followed it because you have to be in the right canyon and walk the 1500 feet of the same exact trail that is on the stone maps. This being said it is 15oo feet measured from start to Heart Location.
The trail is way longer that 1500 ft... Just saying..

I don't know why people believe the trail from the stone map is a canyon. Would been too obvious for a coded map, and not even " PELIGROZA ". Actually, the trail is a secret path ( about 570 feet long ) on the edge of a cliff and a very steep mountainside, which connects two sides of a gulch at its head. A cut off, because there are another alternative ways to go at the end of the trail.

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I don't know why people believe the trail from the stone map is a canyon. Would been too obvious for a coded map, and not even " PELIGROZA ". Actualy, the trail is a secret path ( about 570 feet long ) on the edge of a cliff and a very steep mountainside, which connects two sides of a gulch at its head. A cut off, because there are another alternative ways to go at the end of the trail.
Where Stone maps trail leads are Well known.

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One is entitled to their own beliefs. Doesn't take away from the truth. Think Mr. Mathews I believe confirmed the mine in that area some time back on another post on this forum.
You will find out the truth, when you will find nothing in that area. The truth is the truth and doesn't change with anyone's interest. And I don't believe Matthew Roberts confirmed the stone map's trail ends in the region you have posted. Maybe he was posting about another cave or another mine.

You will find out the truth, when you will find nothing in that area. The truth is the truth and doesn't change with anyone's interest. And I don't believe Matthew Roberts confirmed the stone map's trail ends in the region you have posted. Maybe he was posting about another cave or another mine.
You will find out the truth, when you will find nothing in that area. The truth is the truth and doesn't change with anyone's interest. And I don't believe Matthew Roberts confirmed the stone map's trail ends in the region you have posted. Maybe he was posting about another cave or another mine.
Here is the post of said mine in area. When you follow the trail it's where it will take u. Also one of the stone crosses show the same mine. It was how I was able to narrow it down to 100 ft or less where it would be. It's not the ldm. Post in thread 'Mine near squaw valley'

Yes, but Matthew didn't confirm how that mine has something to do with the stone maps, or even if it was a gold mine. What he posted was what his Apache friend told to him.

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