Brother Robert, I have explained which was the language used by the Spaniards and Jesuits in their maps. Here it's not about who is right and who is wrong and in any case it's not a treasure hunting competition. Anyone has a theory which could be better than anyone else, but at this stage all theories are the same good, until will be proven wrong in the research process.
I don't believe your God would help you to find treasure. He will give you health and happiness if you are humble and a good man.
But you have to know a detail about the God who are protecting this treasure. Thunder God ( Zeus ) is the father of gods and humans and is the most ancient after his father Kronos and his mother Gea. Zeus belongs to the silver period of humanity, with the gold period belonging to his parents. On this planet, the humanity " traveled " through five periods, declining morally and spiritually, and these are: the gold , the silver , the bronze ( what the medals in sports are ), the heroes era ( here it's not a metal ) and the last, the iron period in which we are living now, it's not a noble metal and could be magnetized ( manipulated ). In the gold period, there were not human beings but only souls, and Thunder God after defeating his father who was a Titan, made the humans like we know today. After making the humans, Zeus was not able to handle the three dimensions of humanity ( souls, beings and space ) and gave two of them to two of his brothers, Poseidon and Hades.
So, if you want to can reach this treasure, you have to become morally and spiritually a human being from the silver period, or at least one of a noble metal.
Good luck.