The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Gidday Sdcfia

I see ya point with development times. And also being at a certain age. That point hit home amigo. Like a torpedo.:laughing7: Ya have plucked some feathers out of Crow with a big reality check.:icon_scratch:

Yes those projects can make big money but it time is our enemy. Lead in time for such big mining projects could take 20 years even some times longer. A lot can happen between then. So I see your point of existing silver mines meeting the existing increased demand by more efficient mining methods.

But dam you amigo it forced me to look in the mirror. Its not the hungry 30 year old I once knew staring back at me.:laughing7: Its some old guy with a big white bushy beard.:laughing7:

Where the hell did he come from?:icon_scratch:

Old Crow still thinks hes thirty?:BangHead:

Ya reminded me of mortality.

But I guess old habits die hard for this old pirate. Yet even thou very well off from all the projects I and trio has been involved with its hard to shut off. I am making money without even getting out of bed. I gamble in the casino every day because I am a risk taker. And still making money.

But I like to think I am a calculated risk taker. Just gotta roll that dice and find out what happens next? The share market is a risk but rewards can be high.

Here is lump of gold a mother lode from a mine in western Australia. I have had shares in. It would of been a world record nugget but broke into several pieces.

View attachment 1881538

When the mine face was drilled and basted 500 meters underground a whole rock wall fell away. whoooo ha.

View attachment 1881539

Just to give some size perspective below.

View attachment 1881540

About 15 million bonus for the mine.

I suppose that expectation that drives people to search for lost mines and treasure amigos. That the big one is always around the corner.



Sometimes in your own backyard sitting on the side of a trail near a cliff

Got some of that in my front yard garden. Found it along side a road thru a nearby nature preserve.
I've read where some mistake it for gold.


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For the very " stoners ", I will post a picture of how the Latin stone map should be applied on the stone Trail map.
The two hearts show two of the three Jesuit caches, with the third cache to be represented in the Trail map by the dot in the circle/mine symbol which is part of the riddle.

stone maps.webp

Hi Stroker

Of course I tried, but this before I have understood the concept of the stone maps. After that point things come down to a logic and somehow to an easy explanation.
In the real life, the riddle at the bottom of the stone Trail map, as drawings, are like the other drawings on the map, and are shapes on the ground which are following small and bigger stones and different other faults. If someone will tell you something else, then he is far away from the solve of the stone maps.
Now as a riddle , because is connected with the one of the mine ( dot in circle of the riddle ) which holds a part of the Jesuit treasure, promts us to the Priest riddle which is directly attached to this one.
But, let's take the things from the beginning for better understanding. Horse stone map is a locator map in regards to find the horse landmark and after following the drawings on the map, to find the mines depicted on it. The purpose of the H/P map would been to be taken out of the mountains after the maps would been done, in regards to be used as a locator map for those who would been interested to find the treasure, but for some reasons, maybe no time to leave/live, the map remained with the other stone maps at the place where should be find.
The dot in circle from the riddle in the stone Trail map, is the same symbol and it's in the same location with the mine on the stone cross map, the lower mine in front of the Horse and the same mine beside the heart (4) from the Priest map. The mines in front of the Horse are the same mines depicted in the Priest map between the heart #4 and the cross.
So, the riddle on the Trail map says almost what the Priest's riddle says ( from the bottom to the top ):
" Find the heart (4) and the mine and after go above to the other mine to find the Trail map. After go above and find the cross. From there follow 18 crosses ( lugares ) on a dangerous trail ( 184 meters ) until the final target, a cave which holds treasure and whatever the number seven means. "

Here I have to make something clear, the upper mine in front of the Horse it's not one of the three mines/caves which hold the Jesuit treasure, but one common gold mine like many from that region, which was used for the deposit of the maps.

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Another drawing on the stone Trail map which gave food for many interpretations, is the cross between parenthesis and the shape with two lines inside which is attached to the cross.


Like you saw in the Priest map above, the Trail map should be read with the trail beginning from the left and ending to the right ( like the dagger shows ).
Now, the cross on the map represents what remained from the Jesuit church, and the shape with the two lines inside, represents the spring ( DESILIENS AQUA AURUM from the Latin stone map ) which is located beside the church, in the church's yard. Someone has to be very precautious before drink from this spring ( and this after the Jesuit left the place ), because this spring could wash away some gold nuggets but also is could be known as Yellow Medicine Spring to some Apache.
The Jesuit church is not the same with the roofless two room house from the Waltz clues ( a church from a previous era ), but it's not so far away.
Here is an aerial image of the Jesuit church, with the spring marked with a blue dot.

Jesuit church.webp

Just another input for those who are interested to know how many mines are depicted in the " Peralta " stone maps. They are actually five mines, with three of them to hold the Jesuit church's treasure.

-The Trail stone map shows four mines, with three of them to hold the treasure of the Holy Faith. An these three are: the mine symbol from the riddle, the little dot beside the bigger dot/hole and the mine symbol at the end of the trail. The fourth mine is depicted under the heart, in the cavity, and it's about 40 feet downslope from the mine at the end of the trail. The number 10 in the cavity represents only shapes on the ground.

-The Horse stone map shows three mines, with two of them to hold the Jesuit treasure. These two are the lower mine symbol in front of the horse and the mine symbol behind the horse's ear. The third is the upper mine in front of the Horse. The lower mine in front of the horse is the same with the mine in the riddle from the Trail map and that behind horse's ear is the mine at the end of the Trail. The Horse's ear is depicted in the stone Cross map and Cursum perficio map as a triangle with line, with the mine to be at the end of the line outside the triangle.

-The Priest stone map shows two mines, with one of them to holds the Jesuit treasure. The mine with the treasure is that beside the little heart (4) from the Priest riddle and is the same with lower mine in front of the Horse and the same with the mine from the Trail's riddle. The other mine is that beside the cross trail stone map from the Priest's riddle, and is the same mine with the upper mine in front of the Horse.

-The Cross stone map shows the three locations which hold the Jesuit church's treasure and an eluvial gold placer below some ex gold outcrops. The mine symbol on the cross is the same with that from the Trail's map riddle, the lower mine in front of the Horse and the mine beside the little heart (4) from the Priest map. The dot in the middle of the cross is the same with the lttle dot beside the bigger dot/hole from the stone Trail map. The triangle with line is the same place with the left horse's ear and at the end of the line, outside the triangle, is the mine at the end of the Trail map and that behind the horse's ear.

-The stone Latin heart map shows only one mine which holds the Jesuit treasure and is written as CAVERNA AURUM on the map. This mine is the same with the little dot beside the bigger dot/hole from the stone Trail map and with the dot in the middle of the Cross stone map. Also this map shows the location of the Jesuit church/capella, the location of a spring and the location of a smelter.

Now something which is related to the LDM outcrop. One Waltz clue to the mine says " If you will find the grave, you will find the mine " and this because there it's not a grave ( if Waltz believed to be ) but the eleventh lugar ( cross marking ) from the stone Trail map, which is about 15 feet away and two feet up from the LDM outcrop.
What a twist !

Thanks for the vote and complement. But your enthusiasm and stamina impressed me as well.Our friend and partner may have been off a bit, but he had already done his share the day before, when we did the whole circle tour.
Out there, as well as in here, it's a good idea to bring lots of ammo. Keeps the critters and bushwhackers at bay, especially when you get close enough to see their tracks and droppings. That fractured mountain was a perfect place to finish up what must have been a mission of faith for the people involved, although clearly an attempt to deceive and mislead everyone else. But it's beginning to look like what they built, like a house of cards, has begun to tumble down. I want to get there before it does.

The originals were not modern, but all the copies are.
Some are better than others, especially the first set.
However even those are different from the originals.
Of that I am certain. So I don't expect anyone to be able to prove otherwise.
I thought the plug might be natural, after my first visit. Confirmed that it wasn't on my second.
Can't say anything else, other than I do not intend to disturb the site in any way.
I did get a few more photos though.

The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

There are lots of theories about who might have made them, when they were made, where they were made, why they were made, and whether they were found or stolen.

But the only thing that is for certain, is that there are some stone maps, commonly refered to as "The Peralta Stones," and that, whatever they are, they do exist. That is the only thing, I think, that is absolutely known about them.

There seems to have been several copies made, at various times, by various people, as can be seen by the different photographs of them having stone colors, and stain colors and patterns, which are not the same.

And there are some photographs of them on a car belonging to Travis Tumlinson. These are supposedly the earliest images of them.

Beyond that, the only solid evidence is the Stones themselves. Everything else is just conjecture, and although some evidence of their origin seems very convincing, it's a mighty foggy subject.

And that is the reason for this topic title.

Do the maps, themselves, tell their own story?

It would help to have good, high resolution, photographs of the originals---but there are so many copies, how does one know which is which?
The stones are real the witch is pointing to one mine (silver) while the heart is pointing to another (Gold) this is not including the Spanish and Jesuit mines in the area including the treasure of Santa Fe more to follow

one silver mine ,( the Tayopa latter believed to be the El sombrero but the el sombrero is mine #5 , not the same mine ..) your not going to find that one . on Gold mine your not going to find that one (that's the Hoya and its 25 ft deep now.. ). and shows two other mines and a placer .... any other questions? .. what confuses people is the stones were not made by one person....

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Just another input for those who are interested to know how many mines are depicted in the " Peralta " stone maps. They are actually five mines, with three of them to hold the Jesuit church's treasure.

-The Trail stone map shows four mines, with three of them to hold the treasure of the Holy Faith. An these three are: the mine symbol from the riddle, the little dot beside the bigger dot/hole and the mine symbol at the end of the trail. The fourth mine is depicted under the heart, in the cavity, and it's about 40 feet downslope from the mine at the end of the trail. The number 10 in the cavity represents only shapes on the ground.

-The Horse stone map shows three mines, with two of them to hold the Jesuit treasure. These two are the lower mine symbol in front of the horse and the mine symbol behind the horse's ear. The third is the upper mine in front of the Horse. The lower mine in front of the horse is the same with the mine in the riddle from the Trail map and that behind horse's ear is the mine at the end of the Trail. The Horse's ear is depicted in the stone Cross map and Cursum perficio map as a triangle with line, with the mine to be at the end of the line outside the triangle.

-The Priest stone map shows two mines, with one of them to holds the Jesuit treasure. The mine with the treasure is that beside the little heart (4) from the Priest riddle and is the same with lower mine in front of the Horse and the same with the mine from the Trail's riddle. The other mine is that beside the cross trail stone map from the Priest's riddle, and is the same mine with the upper mine in front of the Horse.

-The Cross stone map shows the three locations which hold the Jesuit church's treasure and an eluvial gold placer below some ex gold outcrops. The mine symbol on the cross is the same with that from the Trail's map riddle, the lower mine in front of the Horse and the mine beside the little heart (4) from the Priest map. The dot in the middle of the cross is the same with the lttle dot beside the bigger dot/hole from the stone Trail map. The triangle with line is the same place with the left horse's ear and at the end of the line, outside the triangle, is the mine at the end of the Trail map and that behind the horse's ear.

-The stone Latin heart map shows only one mine which holds the Jesuit treasure and is written as CAVERNA AURUM on the map. This mine is the same with the little dot beside the bigger dot/hole from the stone Trail map and with the dot in the middle of the Cross stone map. Also this map shows the location of the Jesuit church/capella, the location of a spring and the location of a smelter.

Now something which is related to the LDM outcrop. One Waltz clue to the mine says " If you will find the grave, you will find the mine " and this because there it's not a grave ( if Waltz believed to be ) but the eleventh lugar ( cross marking ) from the stone Trail map, which is about 15 feet away and two feet up from the LDM outcrop.
What a twist !
There is a cross on stone has a heart beneath the cross with a circle at each point with 3 all over it and it’s less then 15 feet from mine

The stones are real the witch is pointing to one mine (silver) while the heart is pointing to another (Gold) this is not including the Spanish and Jesuit mines in the area including the treasure of Santa Fe more to follow
I believe that the priest standing on 4 blocks/steps/stones represents 4 Peaks Mnt. And just so happens that 18 miles to the south exactly is Coffee Flat Mnt.. Satellite view of Coffee from north to south looks like you can see the horse head and front legs just as in the carving. Coincidence?

the priest is standing on stone blocks but use your head . it is show elevation ....where do you get those wild ideas from ..whiskey in your canteen will do that every time ...see back in the day of early sea navigation , the used two standards not one . we use sea level they used sea level when on the sea and ground level when in land ...i know what the stones say . but i am not going to stop all the fun your having ...

the priest is standing on stone blocks but use your head . it is show elevation ....where do you get those wild ideas from ..whiskey in your canteen will do that every time ...
That’s the biggest tallest thing there. Makes sense to me since I still have all my marbles!

That’s the biggest tallest thing there. Makes sense to me since I still have all my marbles!
this is just why the stones have to be translated correctly before you start trying to locate anything ..every one tries to jump the gun and get a clue when assuming far more then they should ...OK , you tell me what is the value of each block , a hint . each block is a unit .. the standard value all the blocks must apply to ...this is just the geometry of the stones codes ..i tried to tell people the stones were far more complex and you all made jokes and laugh at me .. sorry, your mistake ,not mine ! the map maker tells us what he is doing and he gives us hints on how to read the hidden codes that are on the stones ..i will give you one more hint . he is standing on 4 stones . only 4 of the Peralta are part of the over all mapping codes the other sides and drawings are confusing for a season ...if you want to read a book the covers mean very little if the pages are not in the right order ...Tillman never could have made these maps he just was not that smart ...sorry but true ....two people together made these maps . one a math genius & sea navigator and the other a schooled in early Porte geese ,a priest ,when i was translating the code i realized the stone codes were being made by two different people .

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this is just why the stones have to be translated correctly before you start trying to locate anything ..every one tries to jump the gun and get a clue when assuming far more then they should ...OK , you tell me what is the value of each block , a hint . each block is a unit .. the standard value all the blocks must apply to ...this is just the geometry of the stone codes ..i tried to tell people the stones were far more complex and you all made jokes and laugh at me .. sorry your mistake not mine !
Perhaps you are over complicating some things due to your complex way of observation. You never know though. Could be any body's guess.

Perhaps you are over complicating some things due to your complex way of observation. You never know though. Could be any body's guess.
i fully agree with what your saying but . this is why no one has translated the codes correctly ,being trained in observation helps one see far more then most .anyone that guesses will never under stand the stones . the map maker use that to confuse and misdirect ...these guys knew the game well ...393 your trying to under stand map and location vs code and confusion . picture your self as each of these two people back in 1603 trying to make the stones they had both been at the location for many years in hard times and threw many events that had taken place there with a clear blank mind put the stones in front of you and open your eyes let the stones tell you what they want to say ...i will set the stage for you . Tayopa is being over run by attacks from 2 or 3 groups and these two people are trying to make these stones so complex no one will under stand them other then those they want to show where these mines are just a few years ago in 1603 they were making bells for the church, now they are getting ready to flee for their lives . the stones were being made for more then a year and now they have to be completed be fore they can leave . the priest puts his marks on the stones and is the one cutting the stones .. and the navigator is putting his marks and input into finishing the stones .. they put a treasure in the tunnel and that was the safe place for it and their men could defend it well for many years . but they could not defend them self's as well and over time they were massacred...i saw a few accounts of massacres ,but one account fits this in every detail ...the native tribes did not care about wealth .. the treasure is still there just hidden very well ..

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i fully agree with what your saying but . this is why no one has translated the codes correctly ,being trained in observation helps one see far more then most .anyone that guesses will never under stand the stones . the map maker use that to confuse and misdirect ...these guys knew the game well ...393 your trying to under stand map and location vs code and confusion . picture your self as each of these two people back in 1603 trying to make the stones they had both been at the location for many years in hard times and threw many events that had taken place there with a clear blank mind put the stones in front of you and open your eyes let the stones tell you what they want to say ...i will set the stage for you . Tayopa is being over run by attacks from 2 or 3 groups and these two people are trying to make these stones so complex no one will under stand them other then those they want to show where these mines are just a few years ago in 1603 they were making bells for the church, now they are getting ready to flee for their lives . the stones were being made for more then a year and now they have to be completed be fore they can leave . the priest puts his marks on the stones and is the one cutting the stones .. and the navigator is putting his marks and input into finishing the stones .. they put a treasure in the tunnel and that was the safe place for it and their men could defend it well for many years . but they could not defend them self's as well and over time they were massacred...i saw a few accounts of massacres ,but one account fits this in every detail ...the native tribes did not care about wealth .. the treasure is still there just hidden very well ..
And so I believe this to, but back to the witch get cross is pointing straight up in the morning early noon then her cross points straight in front of her in the later day pointing to the mine opening the horse is opposite her both looking at the entrance the only reason I said silver mine is because there is writing that says SILV but that’s all that could be made out as for the stone waltz thought was a grave I made a mistake the cross has what looks like a star at top a circle in the middle of cross and a heart at bottom of cross with 3’S all over it a 4 and looking close some faces on stone what’s your thoughts

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