The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

IMHO, only a flying carpet could take you to the stone maps spot. I wrote "close to First Water trailhead " as a random example of where a cart could be used. I don't think it's possible someone to drag a cart more than a half mile from any trailhead , on any trail.
Junior, First you wouldn't need a Flying Carpet even if one existed, you only need Experience and a Willingness to Succeed in your endeavors. Second, I never said anything about a TRAIL HEAD, plus One Doesn't Drag a Cart they Pull or Push. And "Who said there was a Trail"? Please Don't Give Up trying to Rule the Conversation, y'all are keeping me LAUGHING!

IMHO, only a flying carpet could take you to the stone maps spot. I wrote "close to First Water trailhead " as a random example of where a cart could be used. I don't think it's possible someone to drag a cart more than a half mile from any trailhead , on an

As I have wrote, from my research I found out how the trail depicted on the stone tablets, is about 580 feet long. So, the distances between the lugares are from 32 feet to 40 feet in some cases. The trail is going from west to east and it's somewhere high on a mountainside. The dagger depicted on the map , shows the direction of the trail that someone has to follow. Of course someone can to do it and in reverse if knows where the end of the trail is.
Today, I want to show you the altitude average between the starting point and the end of the trail. I marked on the Trail map the altitude average in feet, from lugar to lugar, beginning from the starting point as 0(zero) altitude.
I made also a diagram of the trail's altitude average with approximation, just to let you know how it would looked in regards to a horizon certain (zero) level point.
Stop ok, With Respect, you are extremely wrong on all accounts on the Latin Heart and trail on the Stone Maps. The Dagger sits beside the Latin Heart and does not point in which way to go because The Heart and Dagger are at the End of the Trail. The Start of the trail is the Cross in the Box on the Stone Maps. Ah, Been There Saw It! And the trail from the Cross in the Box to the Heart and Dagger is 1500 feet. Altitude Example: Above 1086 Feet, Phoenix altitude is 1086 Feet as example, sorry can't give positive answer due to contracted work

Junior, First you wouldn't need a Flying Carpet even if one existed, you only need Experience and a Willingness to Succeed in your endeavors. Second, I never said anything about a TRAIL HEAD, plus One Doesn't Drag a Cart they Pull or Push. And "Who said there was a Trail"? Please Don't Give Up trying to Rule the Conversation, y'all are keeping me LAUGHING!
I mentioned the flying carpet just to add more fantasy to your fairytale. You can pull or push your cart everywhere you want, but at the canyons floor only cardbage you will find.

Stop ok, With Respect, you are extremely wrong on all accounts on the Latin Heart and trail on the Stone Maps. The Dagger sits beside the Latin Heart and does not point in which way to go because The Heart and Dagger are at the End of the Trail. The Start of the trail is the Cross in the Box on the Stone Maps. Ah, Been There Saw It! And the trail from the Cross in the Box to the Heart and Dagger is 1500 feet. Altitude Example: Above 1086 Feet, Phoenix altitude is 1086 Feet as example, sorry can't give positive answer due to contracted work
The dagger or knife, is a common Spanish symbol for direction. You can't go out there searching for treasure if don't know the basic Spanish symbols.

Looks like the non existent forever cart permit is getting more expensive.

The Forest Service is now going to charge you to process a permit whether it's granted or not. They are also going to require insurance for your activity and are requiring strict liability.

Since the Department of the Interior oversees the The Forestry Service, wouldn't you think that they would have informed them of what the Mothership is doing? And yes, The Forestry Service has been informed that's why my cart was Permitted at the Mesa Ranger Station. So, there is no Insurance or Liability to worry about. You don't get it.... I went to DC and met with All parties over the course of 2 weeks in sit down meetings discussing all avenues of one cart, with me were several people and many affidavits. You can look up anything and keep reposting it until you are Blue In The Face and it won't even matter one bit. All I got was exactly what I set out to do, Approval and a Permit for a Cart, no money as in Grants or anything else except Privacy from The Govt in order to document my work. Permit expires when Documentation is Finished.

Since the Department of the Interior oversees the The Forestry Service, wouldn't you think that they would have informed them of what the Mothership is doing? And yes, The Forestry Service has been informed that's why my cart was Permitted at the Mesa Ranger Station. So, there is no Insurance or Liability to worry about. You don't get it.... I went to DC and met with All parties over the course of 2 weeks in sit down meetings discussing all avenues of one cart, with me were several people and many affidavits. You can look up anything and keep reposting it until you are Blue In The Face and it won't even matter one bit. All I got was exactly what I set out to do, Approval and a Permit for a Cart, no money as in Grants or anything else except Privacy from The Govt in order to document my work. Permit expires when Documentation is Finished.
The politics are just crazy.

The Forestry Service has been informed
WTH is "the Forestry Service"? :icon_scratch:

"Privacy from The Govt" ??? That would be illegal Gary! It's the law that all agency actions are open to public view, comment and approval or disapproval? Have you ever even been in the United States?

So you are saying the DOI has a secret illegal program to permit you to document the LDM with a cart in the Wilderness but the permits are private? I guess that's why there is no record of your secret permit! Is the permit invisible without the "Forestry Service" secret glasses? Was the "Forestry Service" at the secret meetings of "All parties" or are they also a secret at the DOI? Did you get to meet the Forestry Service's "secret squirrel"?

You are truly entertaining Gary. Please continue to share your secret world with us. :thumbsup:

WTH is "the Forestry Service"? :icon_scratch:

"Privacy from The Govt" ??? That would be illegal Gary! It's the law that all agency actions are open to public view, comment and approval or disapproval? Have you ever even been in the United States?

So you are saying the DOI has a secret illegal program to permit you to document the LDM with a cart in the Wilderness but the permits are private? I guess that's why there is no record of your secret permit! Is the permit invisible without the "Forestry Service" secret glasses? Was the "Forestry Service" at the secret meetings of "All parties" or are they also a secret at the DOI? Did you get to meet the Forestry Service's "secret squirrel"?

You are truly entertaining Gary. Please continue to share your secret world wi

Gary has left the building.....

It's been several years since I have visited this site. Had stuff going on.
I see nothing has changed. My old buddy B.B. rambling on about time traveling Shamans and the 7 sacred caves guarded by the Thunder God and his army of flying guano poopers, well, until he gets banned once again. Oh well, life goes on.
Same people with different screen names searching for a rube "investor" to finance their next "expedition" to recover 'Ol Jacob 's cast iron skillet. Hats off to the Administrators...must be like running an adult day care.
BTW, the stone maps lead from Tumlinson's garage to the Burger Barn in Stockdale, Tx. I ate there.
Anyway, carry on all you treasure hunters, I'm going to go see if Doc Noss came back to life as a contestant on Epstein's Island.
Each day you wake up is a gift. Don't waste it.

BTW, the stone maps lead from Tumlinson's garage to the Burger Barn in Stockdale, Tx. I ate there.
Why haven't you posted this before? If you solved the maps you have a civic duty to the skillet hunters to reveal the actual meaning so they can retire in peace. A few dozen people have been searching google maps for several years and you have known this for how long? ...cruel

p.s. Is the Burger Barn where they keep the cute pony from the stone maps? I've always wanted to see that pony. There is something about it that reminds me of when I was kid and all those Disney cartoon movies. My buddy Beazel is pretty well convinced that Linda Ronstadt's band the "Stone Poneys" was named after they met the map pony in a Scottsdale bar. I told him the pony wasn't real so it couldn't hang out in bars but he said Big Joe said it was true and nobody want's to tell Big Joe he's wrong (including me) so I guess it's true.

p.p.s. How were the burgers?

Why haven't you posted this before? If you solved the maps you have a civic duty to the skillet hunters to reveal the actual meaning so they can retire in peace. A few dozen people have been searching google maps for several years and you have known this for how long? ...cruel

p.s. Is the Burger Barn where they keep the cute pony from the stone maps? I've always wanted to see that pony. There is something about it that reminds me of when I was kid and all those Disney cartoon movies. My buddy Beazel is pretty well convinced that Linda Ronstadt's band the "Stone Poneys" was named after they met the map pony in a Scottsdale bar. I told him the pony wasn't real so it couldn't hang out in bars but he said Big Joe said it was true and nobody want's to tell Big Joe he's wrong (including me) so I guess it's true.

p.p.s. How were the burgers?

You're the one who's missing the joke here.

It's been a long running joke in this thread and others that the horse on the Stone Maps was or is an advertisement for a burger joint.

You're the one who's missing the joke here.

It's been a long running joke in this thread and others that the horse on the Stone Maps was or is an advertisement for a burger joint.
I think you have lost your sense of humor. This often happens when one's point of view becomes rigid. While you were focusing on your "long running joke" your confirmation bias about my presence here and what you assume I don't know caused you to totally miss the ongoing play.

I often see on this forum the inability of long time searchers to step away from their "knowledge" base and consider other possibilities and points of view. If you ever hope to actually find your mine (with gold) you might want to loosen up and expand your horizons.

In other words you are way off base but I appreciate you taking the time to comment - it's been informative.

I think you have lost your sense of humor. This often happens when one's point of view becomes rigid. While you were focusing on your "long running joke" your confirmation bias about my presence here and what you assume I don't know caused you to totally miss the ongoing play.

I often see on this forum the inability of long time searchers to step away from their "knowledge" base and consider other possibilities and points of view. If you ever hope to actually find your mine (with gold) you might want to loosen up and expand your horizons.

In other words you are way off base but I appreciate you taking the time to comment - it's been informative.

You weren't around when that burger joint joke was making the rounds, so I was just being helpful. Nice try on claiming "ongoing play" with someone who hasn't been on the forum for two years.

Not looking for a mine or anything in particular. Talk about being way off base.

But please do carry on with your braggadocio; your flamboyance is bringing life to these tired old threads and I'm enjoying it. :thumbsup:

Why haven't you posted this before? If you solved the maps you have a civic duty to the skillet hunters to reveal the actual meaning so they can retire in peace. A few dozen people have been searching google maps for several years and you have known this for how long? ...cruel

p.s. Is the Burger Barn where they keep the cute pony from the stone maps? I've always wanted to see that pony. There is something about it that reminds me of when I was kid and all those Disney cartoon movies. My buddy Beazel is pretty well convinced that Linda Ronstadt's band the "Stone Poneys" was named after they met the map pony in a Scottsdale bar. I told him the pony wasn't real so it couldn't hang out in bars but he said Big Joe said it was true and nobody want's to tell Big Joe he's wrong (including me) so I guess it's true.

p.p.s. How were the burgers?

What ClayDiggins fails to understand is the relationship of the pony to the burger joint. Where do you think they got the meat for the burgers? The "Burger Barn" should be called the "Burger Stable". HAHAHA


Let's please keep posts cordial and by our rules.


First off Cactus Jumper is completely off his Rocker, The Stone maps are completely real and were made by Jesuit Priests. The trail from the Boxed cross to the Latin Heart or Sacred Heart is only 1500 feet. The canyon all things related to as the LDM or Heart all lay in the same canyon. There are 8 other mines within the canyon, the LDM being the Ninth mine but not the main mine. As far as anyone showing an aerial Photo of the area you won't be seeing that for a Long time. I don't need the Stone Maps anymore, I know how to get to the canyon even if I was in my worst physical shape..... As far as I know I and my team were the only ones to this date to see all the way up in the canyon and we brought back 8 - 5 gallon buckets of tailings we scooped up in the LDM. Out of those 8 buckets we got 8 - 9 ounces of 93% pure gold. .... I've spent over 36 years researching and search the LDM and found it by a accident, thinking we were climbing up on a ledge for the night on December 16th, 2017.

We were going to camp for the night and all day hearing a cougar in the area, we decided to climb up on a ledge we thought, once up there we found out it was another canyon. Remembering Jacob Waltz, "You have to climb up to get into my canyon".... Me and my team spent December 17th - 19th, 2017 in the canyon before we had to hike out because we were out of supplies and water.

You want to see proof? Find me a Serious Sponsor that will fund an Expedition and I guarantee photo's will be without delay. Just note: Sponsor(s) will get 25% on all finds, Full reimbursement and sponsor can come along or send a representative in their place to protect their interest. I will be supplying the 5 man crew, basecamp supplies and a guaranteed location not to mention 100% pure profit for all.


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Don't fall for it my fellow Texan, the LDM has no tailings, "no miner will find my mine".
If those buckets were being hauled out from the LDM area, they would not even be able to walk with them without tripping on the rocks, or running into cholla, all absent in that picture. "take old clothes, it is a God forsaken place"

Don't fall for it my fellow Texan, the LDM has no tailings, "no miner will find my mine".
If those buckets were being hauled out from the LDM area, they would not even be able to walk with them without tripping on the rocks, or running into cholla, all absent in that picture. "take old clothes, it is a God forsaken place"
Agree it would be a heck of a walk lol.

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