First off Cactus Jumper is completely off his Rocker, The Stone maps are completely real and were made by Jesuit Priests. The trail from the Boxed cross to the Latin Heart or Sacred Heart is only 1500 feet. The canyon all things related to as the LDM or Heart all lay in the same canyon. There are 8 other mines within the canyon, the LDM being the Ninth mine but not the main mine. As far as anyone showing an aerial Photo of the area you won't be seeing that for a Long time. I don't need the Stone Maps anymore, I know how to get to the canyon even if I was in my worst physical shape..... As far as I know I and my team were the only ones to this date to see all the way up in the canyon and we brought back 8 - 5 gallon buckets of tailings we scooped up in the LDM. Out of those 8 buckets we got 8 - 9 ounces of 93% pure gold. .... I've spent over 36 years researching and search the LDM and found it by a accident, thinking we were climbing up on a ledge for the night on December 16th, 2017.
We were going to camp for the night and all day hearing a cougar in the area, we decided to climb up on a ledge we thought, once up there we found out it was another canyon. Remembering Jacob Waltz, "You have to climb up to get into my canyon".... Me and my team spent December 17th - 19th, 2017 in the canyon before we had to hike out because we were out of supplies and water.
You want to see proof? Find me a Serious Sponsor that will fund an Expedition and I guarantee photo's will be without delay. Just note: Sponsor(s) will get 25% on all finds, Full reimbursement and sponsor can come along or send a representative in their place to protect their interest. I will be supplying the 5 man crew, basecamp supplies and a guaranteed location not to mention 100% pure profit for all.