The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:
cactusjumper said:
I am still waiting for someone to show a map that matches better than mine.

I have doubts that there will ever be one that matches better than yours.

I only posted that map above as one of many possibilities in general.

One thing I am curious about, though, is that your map doesn't show all of the Stone Maps markings. Especially the horizontal line on the bottom, which some think is the Gila River, as in the suggestion above. Also, do you have any idea about the numbers on the Stone Maps? Especially on the Trail Maps? And that thing that looks like half of a rising (or setting) sun? And that gosh darned "needle" that is so similar to the Julia map copy?


EE said
"I have doubts that there will ever be one that matches better than yours."

would you like to make a bet EE

i rated joes a 20% . yours a 15%

mine is a 98% .. are sure you would not like to make a bet ...?????

joe has no idea how to translate the stones ..sorry but true joe ..

if you think your chart is better then mine . then lets have that debate you can put me in my place and send me packing you herd the man your is so good .. ..

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:
cactusjumper said:
I am still waiting for someone to show a map that matches better than mine.

I have doubts that there will ever be one that matches better than yours.

I only posted that map above as one of many possibilities in general.

One thing I am curious about, though, is that your map doesn't show all of the Stone Maps markings. Especially the horizontal line on the bottom, which some think is the Gila River, as in the suggestion above. Also, do you have any idea about the numbers on the Stone Maps? Especially on the Trail Maps? And that thing that looks like half of a rising (or setting) sun? And that gosh darned "needle" that is so similar to the Julia map copy?



Thank you for those kind words. Most of the people who claim they have a better fit for the Stone Maps will never show it. It was refreshing to see you post your map. I can see where it fits, but there's so much more on the stones that needs to be there for confirmation.

I know that there are probably other answers out there, I would just like to see someone present one that will work in the real world. If the trail maps are really a map, it needs a place to start and a place to end. Mine ends at the heart......Exactly at the heart.

Just another coincidence.

Take care,


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

.. joe if you can tell me what the priest says , then i would beleive your only 25 % wrong

let me see if i got this correct joe . you could not translate the horse stone , you could not translate the trail stones ,and you could not translate the priest stone .. what could you translate joe to make you beleive the charting you made ..?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

sorry joe i apologize i had no idea you were that good ,, your chart is great , you should find it any day now .. keep looking your so close ..good luck .. i wish i could chart like that ...

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

This is one that we found.



  • a heart in the Supes.webp
    a heart in the Supes.webp
    31.9 KB · Views: 428
Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Mrs O---

Where? And while your're at it, how?---What's the story behind it?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

EE THr said:
Mrs O---

Where? And while your're at it, how?---What's the story behind it?

its a rock and the ground is behind it

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

its a rock and the ground is behind it

Yep, that's what it is.

The picture is of a rock we came across while we were in the Supes last year, after the rendezvous, when we were out looking for Jesse C.

It was on the ground, not too far from where we passed the the "rock head/face" I had posted. It was actually an accidental find, I sat down next to it, while taking a picture of something else.

We were not on a "treasure hunt", so, I took a fews pics, a couple of coordinates, and we went on our way. Hopefully, this year, we can make it back to the area.


Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

i hope you can to , we get so tied up in the legends and hunting we forget there is a lot more out there at times .. just go to where his stuff was found and look south by southwest ..that was his last flight of path ..see there are two sides to every coin .. in this case those sides are called flight of path and path of fling . you can follow the signs back and forth like a tape player on a DVR , if your mind has been conditioned to do it ..

how it works is based on the flight of path of wild game ..

what happens is a hubter shots his game the game runs in the opisite dirrection most of the time or runs from the sound of the shot it self .. now based on the animals type and weight and ablities the animal will go only so far under a kill shot condition . the cirberil cortex and equalibrium will guide that animal till it rest or drops .. in what is some times called the safity zone ..

its a set distence to where the animal no longer feels threatend ..

the flight of path it that path he runs away from you on and if you go as far as you can and trun around and look back from where you came from that is the path of flight ..

,your going to ask are they not the same thing .. no they are very difrent .. if a animal it bleeeding out the blood will flow off the animal and make splaters that follow the animal and face in one direction .. , now in the unbder standing of how the flight of path works a animal may follow the lay of the land and may go left or right to stop from runing in to something object but its equlibrium will correct it to the flight of path and it will return to that flight of path the animal has little choice of its own at that point of the paths dirrection . very seldom dose a animal recover the choice of its own in those conditions ..

what you want to do is flag every thing the was found and get up above those flags and see what the lay of the land is arounbd those flags . watch for back trails on the flight of path . you may have to work backwards on the flight of path to see how the flight of path reacts to the lay of the land in that area ..

the fact is that flight of path is not just where those items were found . the flight of path and the path of flight go in both directions from there .. ..

its a matter of haveing a skilled master tracker .. and someone with a brilliant profiling system ..

if those items were found in that area and this is the reflection of a larger animal the flight of path will reflect that and that animal can be tracked to its end of its flight of path ...

if things go well at the Rendenzous and i can end the legend with time to spare .. i will try to hike in with you and roy if you go to that area ..where the items were found . but we would need a few things .. one the person that found the items .. a clear under standing of the condition of those items at the time they were found and a clear placement of those item to flag them for the search for flight of path ..or the path of flight .. a lot of times when i uses this search for prospective people do not under stand it and how it works , but it dose work ...and it works well set up behind the frist item flaged get up above it and behind it and then line it up to the next flag ahead . run a line threw the two targets and then show its line as a future path forward on the lay of the land ..if it was a animal it will most like use the creek beds or follow redges and open free path were it dose not fight the brush or lay of the land ..

it will go back to where it feels safe .. be carefull if you follow a larger animal like this to its home it may react by definding its home some cases ..

if its a larger animal it will have some kind of water sorce near its home beding area . it will be able to see almost any thing comeing into its area ..this is true of bears and larger cats ..if its a cat . thats one thing , but if its bear you will have your hands full in those canyons..
stay higher up on the redges if you think it may be a bear .. your chance of out running him are zero ... make sure one of you are up higher then the other when you search a area that way one of you may see the animal before the other and try to warn them ..
now if you get this far . and you have the 3 places where the items were found flaged . messure the distence between the flags and the over all distence from flag one to flag 3 . take that over all distence and project that distence forward on the lay of the land . if this is a big animal it has to rest under load .. that means its distence of flight of path will be prodictable and its patterns of resting will be prodictable as well ..
dont freak out just because you dont find anything in the next over laping pattern , it could go 2 or 3 patterns before it rest again ... say the messure ment is 60 yards . go to flag 3 and move forward 60 yards and mark it with a difrent color flag . then search between that flag and the 3rd flag on the path of flight . this makes you search forward on the fklight of path and backwards on the path of flight .. some times we walk right past evidence because we dont see it .going in one direction some times that evidence is easyer to see on the path of flight then it is on the flight of path ... few people want to research the same area they just went threw , but you have 3 flags on this flight of path .. it is a good sign to me ..jesse will be found ..IMHO

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

I have been reading along and all the time wondering why it is so easy to derail these threads. Sometimes these posts actually make you stop and question your own solution to this mystery, but eventually the conversation spirals down into silly banter and chest pounding. BB, I have come to the conclusion that you are no longer contributing or helping the people on this forum and while I also question EE Thr & cactusjumper's placement of the map, there is no reason for your constant antagonistic posts towards them. It is simply rude, unproductive and unfair to those on the forum who actually do share their discoveries. You claim to be an expert at a great many things, now including tracking. Lets just see if those skills get you to AZ next month. Something tells me that your story ultimately ends with a blank page.

EE Thr & Joe,
You may find it helpful to look at the scale of your map. Compare your findings to the cartographic standards of the time... either the 1700's if you believe the charts to be Jesuit, or 1847 if you consider the Peralta story, or the early 1900's ie. - the Florence map, or something more recent......... Just a suggestion.

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Hal Croves said:
I have been reading along and all the time wondering why it is so easy to derail these threads. Sometimes these posts actually make you stop and question your own solution to this mystery, but eventually the conversation spirals down into silly banter and chest pounding. BB, I have come to the conclusion that you are no longer contributing or helping the people on this forum and while I also question EE Thr & cactusjumper's placement of the map, there is no reason for your constant antagonistic posts towards them. It is simply rude, unproductive and unfair to those on the forum who actually do share their discoveries. You claim to be an expert at a great many things, now including tracking. Lets just see if those skills get you to AZ next month. Something tells me that your story ultimately ends with a blank page.

EE Thr & Joe,
You may find it helpful to look at the scale of your map. Compare your findings to the cartographic standards of the time... either the 1700's if you believe the charts to be Jesuit, or 1847 if you consider the Peralta story, or the early 1900's ie. - the Florence map, or something more recent......... Just a suggestion.

you jsut hold on one mintue there Hal you were not here then , joe started this SH** years ago and has not let up in the whole time i have been here pokeing and makeing jokes when every he thought he could get a chance to .. so if you were not here stay out of it .,.. joe is going to get what he deserves at Rendenzous ..

and a lot of you will find out you were dead wrong about me because all the things joe and flunkies have done threw years ..

ya i have made some misteaks along the way like trusting other members on this site only to find out they are not my friends and dont even know what the value of true friendship is ..
sao preach to HAL joe could have just left it and walked away . but he did not . and he is getting what he deserve ...

you are dead wrong .. i have found the LDM . it is the Peralta ma mine and yes i can prove it at the Rendenzous .. you want to say something to me say it after i am done at the Rendenzous .. joe is going to look like the fool he is and the bully he is .. he may be your god . but he sure the he** is not my God and never will be ..

so you can keep your opioions on topic or face the same rath joe is going to at the Rendenzous .. none of you know me .. and you are lucky yournot part of joe's BS .. do your self a favor and stay out of it .,whats going to happen is going to happen , joe has no idea what so ever how to read the stone ..he could have just left it at that and . put me on ignore and walked away . he did not .. this has gone on for almost 9 years . and he is going to get what he gave weather he likes it or not or weather anyone else likes it or not ..

Hal i have like your post from the frist time i read them i am sorry your thoery is wrong . but you will easyly know that at the rendenzous after i translate the stone and legends ..

as they say . "dontstand by someone when they are in the sights .. "

joe earn whats going to happen .. he is going to look like a total fool ..the LDM is over . and anyone that dose not think so . is going to look foolish ...

i am sorry and i have no problem what so ever apologizeing to the members of this site but joe should be apologizeing to you also .. he caused this to get to this point . a event that will change the future of these legends are days away and joe has made it into to pissing contest . i am sick of it . and i am going to take care of the problem at the rendenzous the best way posable .. show everyone joe is wrong and has been a total fooli and a bully to the one person that had seen the hoya think what it would be like to see something and take 12 years to prove what it is ..

it did not beat me and nether will joe ...
joe is history as far as i am concern . after the Rendenzous joe can crawl away and die for all i care .. the Rendenzous is bigger then joe and the rest of you knew it till joe stood up and started acting like he owns the site and everything that goes on here .. sorry he dont and he dose not run me ..

so keep your word and your opioion to your self if you want to make it personal you will have to wait in line .. i got other fish to fry ..i am makeing a joe bruger

stay safe stay free

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

if your so smart and in controll Hal . where is the placer map on the stones ..?i told you to stay out of it lets see if your worth the time or just another one of joe's flunkies ...

make no misteak ,i am coming to solve the LDM legend once and for all and anyone that dose not think so is in for a big surprize , its called the truth is always right ...!

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

i would hate to think i forgot you to EE ,,.. your question ..if joe said the heart he found was at the end of the trail where did he say the begain of the trail was and why ...? basically . what did he use to define where the trail started and why ..?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

joe: you said your translation of the stone places the stones where your map is ..what geological structure what posable be there and why , what i am saying is if you beleive the stone helped you create the map you made then why at that location you have not found anything yet .. why should anyone beleive you have translated anything ..?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

loke . you were fast to point out my faults .. we know the sub structure of the bed rock in the supers . what would make the stones reflect mines in the supers if their is lemited deposites as the NFS says there is little to no deposites out there ..

what makes you think the stones point to a ore deposite or mine ...?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

joe you say the stone help you place the map on the did they do that if you dont even know where the placer map is on the stones ...?

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

simple questions ., if you are so much better then i am then you should have no problems what so ever giveing me the correct answer should you now ... :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

Re: The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

Hal Croves said:
EE Thr & Joe,
You may find it helpful to look at the scale of your map. Compare your findings to the cartographic standards of the time... either the 1700's if you believe the charts to be Jesuit, or 1847 if you consider the Peralta story, or the early 1900's ie. - the Florence map, or something more recent......... Just a suggestion.


I have had that in mind. In fact, if the bottom line on the trail maps were to represent the Gila River, then there would be a date indication regarding the drop on the left of it to the Southwesterly direction. It resembles modern maps, but only because of the canal "bypass." It appears that the river itself did not turn Southwesterly, but went Westward and upward. So, if the Trail Maps depicted the canal, then they wouldn't be "old."

And there is still the remarkable similarities of the Trail Maps to the Julia map and it's copy that I posted earlier, what with the X's water sources, and trail shape, and that darned "needle." These two maps would also indicate that the bottom line is as Joe indicated---the Southern end of the Supers, rather than the Gila. Oh, and there's also that Apache Camp marked on the paper map, where the Trail Map has the teepee-looking symbol. Very strange coincidences.

Are the Trail Maps and the Julia map and copy somehow related?

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