The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own

The number 7 represents something that is "finished" or "complete," or a that you've accomplished a task or reached a destination, especially as far as the bible is concerned ("On the 7th day, God rested."). So 18 = 7 could be taken to mean that you've reached your destination (the heart) after going 18 places.

Sorry buddy, but that isn't what "7" means. If it is in the field, it means that there is a protected campsite near where the "7" is carved. If it is shown on a map, it means Gold (5 means Silver).



Sorry buddy, but that isn't what "7" means. If it is in the field, it means that there is a protected campsite near where the "7" is carved. If it is shown on a map, it means Gold (5 means Silver).

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That interpretation is Spanish based, isn't it?

Sorry buddy, but that isn't what "7" means. If it is in the field, it means that there is a protected campsite near where the "7" is carved. If it is shown on a map, it means Gold (5 means Silver).

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Mike is right and the five dots on the Horse stone map represent silver mines. Also that region depicted in the Horse stone map has a close relation with the lost Ship silver mine, related also to the Chest and Ship stone maps carved by Travis Tumlinson.
But to explain what relation has the lost Ship silver ( mentioned also by Edgar Cayce ) mine with the silver mines in the Horse stone map:
First the name of " Ship " was adopted from the triangle shape landmark above the mine which in their imagination was simulated with a front part of a ship. The design/symbol on the chest map ( which also is situated beside the mine as a landmark/sign ) is a mirrored image of the triangle, but this doesn't prompt to reverse the image , but reveals how there are two places to find.
These are two GE images from the loost Ship mine. In the first is more recognizable the triangle above the mine and the mirrored triangle symbol from the Chest design ( in the yellow rectangle from the second image ). In the second image is more recognizable the mine ( in the white cloud ) and the manner they have covered it. The manner they covered it is like a fingerprint and an example to what someone has to search for in regards to find the other mine/s at the second place ( second half triangle ).

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Now , to find the second place someone has to decipher the numbers 1535 from the Chest map and to follow direction from the Ship mine. And while at the second place, there we find the second mirrored triangle sign and the mines which are covered in the same manner with the Ship mine.
Accidentally or not, the second place of the Ship map is the same place of the five dots ( silver mines ) from the Horse stone map. Was the Ship/Chest maps made only for the silver mines?
Here is a GE image of the second Ship map region, and you can recognize the second mirrored triangle sign ( in the red rectangle ) and the five silver mines depicted in the Horse stone map. Like you can see, the mines are covered in the same manner with the Ship mine and has the same formation like in the Horse map. Seems to be more than five mines there, but maybe the author of the Horse stone map wanted to confuse and to relate the dots to the number five.

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Two different maps for the same region reveals the accuracy.

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The hole is where Travis Tumlinson inserted a candle while he carved them. :occasion14:

I joined this forum many years ago with the express intent to read, not write about a subject which is near and dear to my heart and many of yours: The Stone Maps. I can honestly say that although I don't agree with very much of what has been declared to be the truth about the maps, I have enjoyed the discourse. Many of you are very well informed.
It always struck me as odd that most, if not all, of the conversation about the Maps, dealt with subject matter that seemed to me to be unknowable in spite of much research by many people. The who, what and why of the Maps could never be answered unless the only true and available data, which is contained on the Maps, was applied.
Over the years many well-spoken voices have declared them to be a hoax and I guess if I couldn't figure them out that's what I would say just to save face. They are not a hoax. In fact they are an incredibly accurate map. I say map because all four stones are involved and they show one continuous journey from the starting point to the End of the Trail. All you need to do is follow the map.

Many have found clues that led them to believe they had found a piece of the puzzle or code. The problem, is it's not a puzzle at is a Map. The difference between those two concepts is monumental. The clues or pieces of a puzzle are randomly selected and as a consequence, are individual clues that do not lead to the next one. If you find a rock that looks like a clue, what do you look for next? A map on the other hand, must have clues that are sequential; one leads to the next, in order to be followed. Not at all random.
A few important things that must be contained within a map are:

  1. Starting Point
  2. Compass Orientation.
  3. Direction of Travel
  4. And if you were in the desert, Where's the water.

All of these points are addressed on the Stone Maps. They are clear and no code is needed to interpret them. Only an understanding of maps. Everything needed to use a map is contained on the map.

It mystifies me that the discussions regarding the Stone Maps do not concentrate on the carvings on the Maps, the only real data associated with them. Most of the conversation focuses on parts of a story that can never be answered only argued. Only by following the clues on the map to the end of the trail and seeing the place the maps were carved to locate can provide the real story.


This is the end of the trail.

If you would like the REAL story check out

I joined this forum many years ago with the express intent to read, not write about a subject which is near and dear to my heart and many of yours: The Stone Maps. I can honestly say that although I don't agree with very much of what has been declared to be the truth about the maps, I have enjoyed the discourse. Many of you are very well informed.
It always struck me as odd that most, if not all, of the conversation about the Maps, dealt with subject matter that seemed to me to be unknowable in spite of much research by many people. The who, what and why of the Maps could never be answered unless the only true and available data, which is contained on the Maps, was applied.
Over the years many well-spoken voices have declared them to be a hoax and I guess if I couldn't figure them out that's what I would say just to save face. They are not a hoax. In fact they are an incredibly accurate map. I say map because all four stones are involved and they show one continuous journey from the starting point to the End of the Trail. All you need to do is follow the map.

Many have found clues that led them to believe they had found a piece of the puzzle or code. The problem, is it's not a puzzle at is a Map. The difference between those two concepts is monumental. The clues or pieces of a puzzle are randomly selected and as a consequence, are individual clues that do not lead to the next one. If you find a rock that looks like a clue, what do you look for next? A map on the other hand, must have clues that are sequential; one leads to the next, in order to be followed. Not at all random.
A few important things that must be contained within a map are:

  1. Starting Point
  2. Compass Orientation.
  3. Direction of Travel
  4. And if you were in the desert, Where's the water.

All of these points are addressed on the Stone Maps. They are clear and no code is needed to interpret them. Only an understanding of maps. Everything needed to use a map is contained on the map.

It mystifies me that the discussions regarding the Stone Maps do not concentrate on the carvings on the Maps, the only real data associated with them. Most of the conversation focuses on parts of a story that can never be answered only argued. Only by following the clues on the map to the end of the trail and seeing the place the maps were carved to locate can provide the real story.


This is the end of the trail.

If you would like the REAL story check out

Hey Phil,

Good to see you back.


I guess you are inferring that the code you have is Jesuit in nature. I can honestly tell you that no one has broken any Jesuit Codes. The Jesuits have left behind no known code book. We can only work backwards from a few of the treasures found that were found to be Jesuit in origin (Ron Quinn's 82 pounds for one). There are a few other Jesuit Codes that we know of because their locations makes their meanings obvious. I have known most of the serious Jesuit Treasure Hunters over the years. If someone were to have made some breakthrough, we would have heard about it.

If you do think you have it figured out, there is a simple test. I don't have it with me as I am at work, but some months after the initial Jesuit Treasure Cache was found in 1891 in Rio de Janeiro, a second search was underway for the rest of the treasure mentioned but not found in the first cache. It was a full page article that included a coded map/cipher. Decipher that.



I guess you are inferring that the code you have is Jesuit in nature. I can honestly tell you that no one has broken any Jesuit Codes. The Jesuits have left behind no known code book. We can only work backwards from a few of the treasures found that were found to be Jesuit in origin (Ron Quinn's 82 pounds for one). There are a few other Jesuit Codes that we know of because their locations makes their meanings obvious. I have known most of the serious Jesuit Treasure Hunters over the years. If someone were to have made some breakthrough, we would have heard about it.

If you do think you have it figured out, there is a simple test. I don't have it with me as I am at work, but some months after the initial Jesuit Treasure Cache was found in 1891 in Rio de Janeiro, a second search was underway for the rest of the treasure mentioned but not found in the first cache. It was a full page article that included a coded map/cipher. Decipher that.


There are also other ways of confirming provenance of the symbols on the Stone Maps without having to know their meaning, much less deciphering them.

Suffice it to say that I have seen nearly all of them reproduced or used plenty, on non-communiqué documents, and none of them were Spanish in origin.

I joined this forum many years ago with the express intent to read, not write about a subject which is near and dear to my heart and many of yours: The Stone Maps. I can honestly say that although I don't agree with very much of what has been declared to be the truth about the maps, I have enjoyed the discourse. Many of you are very well informed.
It always struck me as odd that most, if not all, of the conversation about the Maps, dealt with subject matter that seemed to me to be unknowable in spite of much research by many people. The who, what and why of the Maps could never be answered unless the only true and available data, which is contained on the Maps, was applied.
Over the years many well-spoken voices have declared them to be a hoax and I guess if I couldn't figure them out that's what I would say just to save face. They are not a hoax. In fact they are an incredibly accurate map. I say map because all four stones are involved and they show one continuous journey from the starting point to the End of the Trail. All you need to do is follow the map.

Many have found clues that led them to believe they had found a piece of the puzzle or code. The problem, is it's not a puzzle at is a Map. The difference between those two concepts is monumental. The clues or pieces of a puzzle are randomly selected and as a consequence, are individual clues that do not lead to the next one. If you find a rock that looks like a clue, what do you look for next? A map on the other hand, must have clues that are sequential; one leads to the next, in order to be followed. Not at all random.
A few important things that must be contained within a map are:

  1. Starting Point
  2. Compass Orientation.
  3. Direction of Travel
  4. And if you were in the desert, Where's the water.

All of these points are addressed on the Stone Maps. They are clear and no code is needed to interpret them. Only an understanding of maps. Everything needed to use a map is contained on the map.

It mystifies me that the discussions regarding the Stone Maps do not concentrate on the carvings on the Maps, the only real data associated with them. Most of the conversation focuses on parts of a story that can never be answered only argued. Only by following the clues on the map to the end of the trail and seeing the place the maps were carved to locate can provide the real story.


This is the end of the trail.

If you would like the REAL story check out
Sorry phil, you are wrong, by the way, did you ever figure out the meaning of the 1847 ?
you see, the whole problem with this stone map thing is that everyone has a theory they profess to be fact, with zero evidence.
it is no wonder nothing has been discovered as of yet, there is no real understanding of the tablets, no real research and no real application of historical fact.

"no one has broken any Jesuit Codes" wrong, i have ....

who ever showed you how to read the stones should be fired i went to this site ( and read the story , good read but you have no idea how to read the stone correctly ..

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You know for a good amount of time I've read a lot about these "maps" that have produced nothing but speculation. Everything about these "maps" have yielded nothing. As it appears the stone "maps" look like they were produced YESTERDAY they are practically flawless in their manufacturing/construction. Even the story of that find is questionable. Those stone "maps" do not look as if they were produced a century or so ago. I personally would love for anyone to find something as a result of those "maps", and by now they should have been proven right or wrong. So much info on these "maps" and no results???? Hopefully they are real and not some bad joke perpetrated by someone just to throw people off the track. Boots on the ground is reality in this treasure hunting game! I'm just a "psuedo-troll" who looks at reality as it was intended.

You know for a good amount of time I've read a lot about these "maps" that have produced nothing but speculation. Everything about these "maps" have yielded nothing. As it appears the stone "maps" look like they were produced YESTERDAY they are practically flawless in their manufacturing/construction. Even the story of that find is questionable. Those stone "maps" do not look as if they were produced a century or so ago. I personally would love for anyone to find something as a result of those "maps", and by now they should have been proven right or wrong. So much info on these "maps" and no results???? Hopefully they are real and not some bad joke perpetrated by someone just to throw people off the track. Boots on the ground is reality in this treasure hunting game! I'm just a "psuedo-troll" who looks at reality as it was intended.

"No results" as far as this forum is concerned (as well as all the other TH forums), but doesn't mean nothing happened. There's much that goes on that just doesn't make the "news."

Just a nagging question if they was really A real historical cultural heritage wouldn't archeologists and professional historians would be all over it like flies on horse manure?

That is the problem with such controversial artifacts. They can be anything they want to be to fit in with anybodies pet theory. Open to one million and one interpretations. How many websites claim they have the right interpretation now? But Wheres the treasure or successful mine?

Its an endless pointless circle of self deception.There is a whole industry that preys on the hopes and dreams of would be treasure hunters.


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Just a nagging question if they was really A real historical cultural heritage wouldn't archeologists and professional historians would be all over it like flies on horse manure?

Maybe, but more likely, those “professional” archeologist and historians would avoid the subject as if it were the plague.

well, i am headed back for another hike , just chasing my interpretation. and nope, no treasure yet.. lol. i am not a quitter....

Maybe, but more likely, those “professional” archeologist and historians would avoid the subject as if it were the plague.

Alan, good to see you back.

More like they would have had to endlessly revise the history books.

few people that search for the meaning of the stones truly under stand the that logic is a never ending loop of changes . one excepted logic may not be the same logic that was used to create the stones . and that's what makes these stones interesting ,and not foolish fakes .. let me explain . say i went in my garage and made these , now i am a master tool and die and yes i could make some very close . so close you could not tell them from the real stones .. but here is where the real stones stand out and fakes fall short ,OK say i make a set of stones . first off i have to have a logical reason to make them .. greed some kind of scam . some wild idea it will make a book sell ... ok i will bit .. if i made them who did i make them for .. ?if there they are so complex no one knows how to read them then why make them ?i spent years correcting charts for my ship . given very direct pin point directions not in this area or over there some where but 3 point fix ..i went to QM A school Orlando ,FL mi was trained in all types of historical and modern navigation ,i spent years at sea ...i am a master helmsman, you learn that . your selected for a very isolated type of skills and abilities. now you look at those stones ,and think what ever you want to .. but i will set here and say they are real and i know they are real ... as i see it they were translated from much older codex the codex were translated by Jesuits ...then those drawings or maps were translated by a family that used the same Church , so you have to under stand that the data on these stones comes from a span of as much 12,500 years to end up what you see when you look at those stones now ...the stones were created in the early Olmec pre Aztec area ,there were changes made to them by more then one group of people threw the years after ... how do i know the stone i have in my pocket is early Olmec see a legend is not a collection of data from a given date . its a collection of data from many years that relate in some way to create a structure and like most old structures there are often repairs and things added threw the years .one of the chicomoztoc shaman was a very skilled stone worker, his family bloodlines past down the skills from generation to generation .on his past were the Olmec the craftsmanship is unmistakable on fact there is other known pieces of his work in Mexicoand these tribes past down from the [FONT=Karla, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mesoamerica area and Clovis area . and dated from 2700 to 12,500[/FONT] bce , i yes the stones are real and they have a past and they do locate a few sites ...see i don' need proof ...i already have it ..but go ahead think what you want ...

lol...Believe what you choose to believe...As will I...

Ed T

Maybe, but more likely, those “professional” archeologist and historians would avoid the subject as if it were the plague.

Hola Amigos

Indeed I could imagine that would be career killer for professional academics trying to climb the academic ladder. But regardless for me that is whole problem with academia? They have censored themselves by not commenting on and avoiding such controversial subjects. Thus the very ones we the tax payer general public should be depending on for objectivity and leadership fails, regardless of if the artifact is fake or not.


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