I joined this forum many years ago with the express intent to read, not write about a subject which is near and dear to my heart and many of yours: The Stone Maps. I can honestly say that although I don't agree with very much of what has been declared to be the truth about the maps, I have enjoyed the discourse. Many of you are very well informed.
It always struck me as odd that most, if not all, of the conversation about the Maps, dealt with subject matter that seemed to me to be unknowable in spite of much research by many people. The who, what and why of the Maps could never be answered unless the only true and available data, which is contained on the Maps, was applied.
Over the years many well-spoken voices have declared them to be a hoax and I guess if I couldn't figure them out that's what I would say just to save face. They are not a hoax. In fact they are an incredibly accurate map. I say map because all four stones are involved and they show one continuous journey from the starting point to the End of the Trail. All you need to do is follow the map.
Many have found clues that led them to believe they had found a piece of the puzzle or code. The problem, is it's not a puzzle at is a Map. The difference between those two concepts is monumental. The clues or pieces of a puzzle are randomly selected and as a consequence, are individual clues that do not lead to the next one. If you find a rock that looks like a clue, what do you look for next? A map on the other hand, must have clues that are sequential; one leads to the next, in order to be followed. Not at all random.
A few important things that must be contained within a map are:
- Starting Point
- Compass Orientation.
- Direction of Travel
- And if you were in the desert, Where's the water.
All of these points are addressed on the Stone Maps. They are clear and no code is needed to interpret them. Only an understanding of maps. Everything needed to use a map is contained on the map.
It mystifies me that the discussions regarding the Stone Maps do not concentrate on the carvings on the Maps, the only real data associated with them. Most of the conversation focuses on parts of a story that can never be answered only argued. Only by following the clues on the map to the end of the trail and seeing the place the maps were carved to locate can provide the real story.
This is the end of the trail.
If you would like the REAL story check out