If your been searching for old mines down around the town of Patagonia Arizona?
18th-centry Spanish workings in the Santa Rita, Patagonia and Cerro Colorado mountains. A number of silver mines were set up in the Tombstone Hills, where deposits of argentiferous lead, silver chloride and silver-bearing manganese sat atop a 2-mile-wide mineralized belt that extended 30 miles from the Huachuca to the Dragoon mountains
A Mining company South 32 is trying to develop a greenfield Hermosa project near Paragonia. They have to address ground water issues? They have two tenements Clark and Taylor in which they had down exploratory drilling. Results have been somewhat mixed but reasonable returns on Silver 22-57 grams per ton, 6 - 7 grams per ton manganese and lead ore.
As for 2019, mine supply from the top three silver-producing countries, Peru, Chile and Mexico, all dropped in the first half of last year. Data collected from each country showed Peru’s H1 silver production was down 10%, Chile’s fell 7% and Mexico’s saw a 4% decrease from January to May.
With demand outstripping supply, silver is poised to do well this year. That, along with continued dovish monetary policies at central banks (including low interest rates), and the fact that silver is currently far undervalued compared to gold - at 86 ounces of silver to one ounce of gold (86:1). A ratio above 60 typically represents undervalued silver, while a ratio below 20 demonstrates undervalued gold. ( secret miners trick)
With the gold-silver ratio out of whack, either gold must go down in value, or silver must go up. With whats going on in the world. I don’t expect the gold price to drop, but I do expect silver to gain, and move back towards the historical average gold-silver ratio of 56:1.
So perhaps amigo some more prospecting in that region could yield some interesting results.
These companies generally work to find they have proven deposit. Then form partnerships in a development project or sell out to a larger miner. And shares are high risk but if the projects is pulled off and up and running. Money can be made.
Some times shares crash. Some times stagnate and some times boom Baby. Gotta role with the punches.
So yeah there are opportunities around Arizona out there but it starts with small steps. Hell the trio wishes they had done that 40 years ago than 20 years ago. But hey it just goes to show old ordinary whipping drilling donkeys like the trio who busted their asses in various mining projects around the globe, can learn new tricks.