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Good morning River,
This is a vicious cycle. I'm going to bow to your wishes on just this one instance to show you what we say has credibility. But.......I want you to know none of us are under any obligation to prove anything to anybody. We do so at our option. Ryan has not yet finished posting the story. He's told you he will post at the end what documents and pictures he is capable to produce. Cut the guy some slack. Wait a time of patience.
Here it is, copied below. The instructions with the cost scribbled at the top and the draft of the telegraph sent. The authenticity of it may not come through the fog of time for you. RG and I have had 3 years to become very familiar with Travis' handwriting and thought patterns. This one isolated document many not have the level of impact to you that it does to us. You are just going to have to give us the benefit of the doubt on some things. Or; just pass this by as not your cup of tea. But.........its extremely unfair to call our integrity into question until you have spent the same amount of time working with Travis' belongings as we have. Its perfectly acceptable to be skeptic. Calling us names is a little premature, I'd think.
It's also ironic that much of the "accepted" story is passed down from third and fourth hand sources with little to no authenticated source or trail of province. But; its accepted as gospel. Yet; we present to you the story, sources and time lines and we are chopped liver.... Its disheartening. So be it, nobody said this would be easy. Do with it what you will. The purpose of this is to introduce what we know into the public narrative, present where possible the evidence to support it, report to you where we draw conclusions based on our finding and separate them from the provable, factual evidence and let the chips fall where they may. We will have done justice to the story we know, correcting where possible misconceptions and furthered the quest for full truth on the subject. That's the motive. What you do with it is your choice.
I know, and I appreciate that some of what is being presented is WILDLY different than what has been the accepted narrative. I get that! I've been where you are. I've felt the confusion and I've felt the ..."well; if that's true, what CAN I believe".... I had weeks and months between discoveries to get comfortable and come to a place of peace with the information as it developed. I fully realize you (all of you) are getting it full on at warp speed. It can be overwhelming. I'm cutting you slack to make that same adjustments to the story as YOU find it acceptable.
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So see did that hurt? So he offered to BUY the stones. Therefore he lied about finding them. Thank you.