The "Peralta" Stone Maps --- On Their Own


You make a good argument for (or against)" treasure" in the dollars and cents perspective. This story is not about that. That's a secondary theme.

That's where the audience gets divided. If ones only interest is converting the elements of the story to cash commodities, this story probably isn't of much interest to that audience.

If ones curiosity leans more to history and unfolding the layers of what happened and why then this story is incredible.

Fiction is telling a story based on fantasy. This story is not fiction as based on that definition. I don't hold it against anyone to decide this story is not interesting to their objective. We just have to be honest about what our objectives really are. Otherwise, we just hurt each others feelings which isn't productive to either point of view. One objective is no greater, OR LESSER, than the other.


I hate to be the voice of skepticism but if it there were any major finds or new revelations we wouldn't be reading about on DUSA. Also while I appreciate the new reading it's just that and also a further caveat; if there were any major discoveries it wouldn't be divided up into multiple posts and/or forum entries. It's just another "OOH LOOK AT ME" thing.

If there were any finds worth reporting we'd be reading about in the American Journal Of Archaeology. Therefore it's fiction. It's up to the claim maker to provide the proof and skepticism is not only healthy it must be rigorously defended.

Until I see that entry in the AJA it's all a bunch of fiction. ;)

Let the telling be presented before arguing it.
No sense blowing the accounting of it out in protest of what has not even been read yet and not knowing what is or isn't.

>>>>>>>>> the eviI hate to be dence <<<<<<<<<<

River, I don't know where that came from in your quoted message. Its a profound statement almost Shakespearian but <g> its not an accurate quote of my writing. That's not a slam against you. Its a quirk of the cyber world of copy and paste. The squirrels in the cogs just dropped in a random quote. Just wanted to get on record......I did not say that! I get in enough trouble all by myself.

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Leaving aside some of the more caustic quips; I will try to address your question.

I don't blame anyone for being skeptical. It is a quite astounding turn of events. All I'm doing is telling you what indeed did happen. I've told you since early on the story was larger than imagined and global in scope. To broaden your horizons. I was sincere. I, and others, took a lot of heat for that mostly justified, some less so. Does it sound beyond the pale? Of course it does. That's what makes it extraordinary. I am so very glad it can now be shared.

Does the Vatican use email and Skype and such. Of course they do for normal business. What they don't do is expose their antiquities to possible damage from scanners and harsh lighting. And they don't do it under any circumstance unless there is merit found in the request. That requires meetings to discuss the merit of the request and review by higher placed members. If found worthy of further study; appointments, retrieval of the pertinent documents and eyes on review using careful processes under the care of the archivist. These wheels don't move fast. It was a long process with lots of anxiety and anticipation.

What the upshot of all of that the evidence passed the test and got an okay for further exploration under a joint plan. It was a collaborative effort. That's no small thing.

Bigger than imagined and global in scope......sounds very important from a historical perspective.
It wasn't all that long ago, that the Vatican allowed scientific examination of the Shroud.
That was big news which was also global in scope.
I'll certainly be anticipating what should be coming out of Rome about this history making discovery as well.

For what it's worth, in the 60 years I have been involved with the Superstitions, only three people, that I know of, have lied to me and about me. In my book, that's a pretty low combination for a person to embody in one lifetime. One of those people is no longer with us and the other two I will leave to your imagination. Consequentially, I will never believe anything those persons write or say.

Good luck to all,

Joe Ribaudo

Something to keep in mind as to "the millions" .............

What RG is about to discuss with you concerns a "theft" not a recovery. Very important difference. Much more to follow on that front and always, much is left to your discretion and interpretation of the facts as you see them.

R Chair. travis, Tavis, to boster his land claim Tomlison happened upon their location. They were not recovered in time to bolster his land claim.

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Uhhh..... Joe
Travis never made any land claim.

Uhhh..... Joe
Travis never made any land claim.

Our friend is welcome to reply to posts.
All that dust in his bones from many trails many places ,burro dander ,gold,silver ,tin birds that are manned,jungle ,sea ,desert , an angels touch , ect. seeps out and get in the file cabinet drawer's slides upstairs and the little guy in charge of data gets riled up when a drawer sticks, tosses papers around and goes out for coffee sometimes.

We'll catch up soon enough...Meanwhile ,let a foot-worn dusty Senor senior Trampe adventurer swing the bat sometimes too.

Peralta/Reavis came to mind with the mention of a land grant attempt in his post. If that was not what he meant to me ....I'm alright with it regardless.

When/if I'm an old oak ,here's hopin I can still swing a key.

Uhhh..... Joe
Travis never made any land claim.

Real meant "Reavis", not "Travis"...if I read it right, he was saying Reavis used the maps to bolster his land grant claims, they were not recovered in time to help, and Tumlinson stumbled over them after the fact.

EDIT: R.Chair, didn't see your post re: Reavis until after I posted this...sorry to double-tap, fellas, ...not intended

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Of course he is RC.
I assumed he knew what he was writing, and thought the mistake should be addressed.
Otherwise, such errors become part of the database.
That, in a civil manner, is what we do in these conversations.

Starts at 9:43

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some hiker, oops a typo, you are correc tI have posted on this before, so there is no doubt who

i meant.Reavis.

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Reavis was getting royalty payments from the Silver King, other mines, the railroad and landowners.....until he was charged with fraud.
His claim to the land was being accepted before that, based on the forged documents alone.
The stones were never a part of his scheme. There's nothing on them to suggest that they were.
They weren't found at any of the corners of his claim anyway. So the idea was always a biiiiiiig stretch IMO.

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Something to keep in mind as to "the millions" .............

What RG is about to discuss with you concerns a "theft" not a recovery. Very important difference. Much more to follow on that front and always, much is left to your discretion and interpretation of the facts as you see them.

a theft.....
boy thats an understatement. and you better bust out a calculator and add that up again.

a theft.....
boy thats an understatement. and you better bust out a calculator and add that up again.

The only thing that has been stolen is the best years of good peoples lives wasted; chasing ghosts and hunting shadows because of forged stone maps! The stones are proven forgeries. The original now "grey stone' can't be found or shown because it doesn't "exist". Now we have him finding or trying to buy the original stone and now we have a supposed telegram of Tumlinson trying to buy the stone(s) yet RG has uploaded no photo of the said telegram.

THERE IS NO PROOF. The post on DUSA, so far is just more wasted words with no evidence whatsoever to back any of it up.

I am not being rude folks but we are all smart people here. Instead of typing that tome over there all RG would have to do is take a picture of the telegram and other pertinent "evidence" and dump here or there. Instead we are getting another book.........

I'll just sit right here and blow this thing to pieces on the utter LACK of documentation alone until the documentation is forthcoming.

P.S. Anyone that says in a forum that they don't have permission to post or say something and it's on other family members or individuals to give that said permission is utterly and completely full of it. It takes around 3 minutes to register a new email address and around 4 minutes to register a new account on a forum.

Keep the stories coming. That's all they are so far. Utter and complete FABRICATIONS.

Now prove me wrong. :)

Good morning and here is a cup of coffee for everyone. Please use your powers of deduction and cast a wary eye ANYONE'S way that offers ground breaking information with no EVIDENCE.

Good morning River,

This is a vicious cycle. I'm going to bow to your wishes on just this one instance to show you what we say has credibility. But.......I want you to know none of us are under any obligation to prove anything to anybody. We do so at our option. Ryan has not yet finished posting the story. He's told you he will post at the end what documents and pictures he is capable to produce. Cut the guy some slack. Wait a time of patience.

Here it is, copied below. The instructions with the cost scribbled at the top and the draft of the telegraph sent. The authenticity of it may not come through the fog of time for you. RG and I have had 3 years to become very familiar with Travis' handwriting and thought patterns. This one isolated document may not have the level of impact to you that it does to us. You are just going to have to give us the benefit of the doubt on some things. Or; just pass this by as not your cup of tea. But.........its extremely unfair to call our integrity into question until you have spent the same amount of time working with Travis' belongings as we have. Its perfectly acceptable to be skeptic. Calling us names is a little premature, I'd think.

It's also ironic that much of the "accepted" story is passed down from third and fourth hand sources with little to no authenticated source or trail of province. But; its accepted as gospel. Yet; we present to you the story, sources and time lines and we are chopped liver.... Its disheartening. So be it, nobody said this would be easy. Do with it what you will. The purpose of this is to introduce what we know into the public narrative, present where possible the evidence to support it, report to you where we draw conclusions based on our finding and separate them from the provable, factual evidence and let the chips fall where they may. We will have done justice to the story we know, correcting where possible misconceptions and furthered the quest for full truth on the subject. That's the motive. What you do with it is your choice.

I know, and I appreciate that some of what is being presented is WILDLY different than what has been the accepted narrative. I get that! I've been where you are. I've felt the confusion and I've felt the ..."well; if that's true, what CAN I believe".... I had weeks and months between discoveries to get comfortable and come to a place of peace with the information as it developed. I fully realize you (all of you) are getting it full on at warp speed. It can be overwhelming. I'm cutting you slack to make that same adjustments to the story as YOU find it acceptable.

Telegram instruction.webp

telegram - stones.webp

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