The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM


You hit a nail on the head. Few people to this point, have failed to apply the one state of logic needed to PROVE the puzzle's solution. CRISPIN has done this as well.

The key is "repeatability".

When all the points continue to align themselves time and time again, and a "Y" continues to show up in the Triangle every single time with perfection, then clearly, UU in the Fennlore is the end when the last line is drawn, and where the picture was taken.

It's only after repeated checking with the poem to the puzzle to the map, is it realized that the puzzle master's clues are confirmed, and then understood. After the third time of marking the points, and drawing the lines, does the puzzle become easy and understandable.

Here's the thing. The area to hunt has been defined by Fenn as a piece of land from NM to Canada in various ways.
The poem contains no actual clues. The words have various meanings that could apply to many places in the vast designated area.
There is no actual reference to a starting point or any actual place other than a mountain range.
This is like a jigsaw puzzle with no image on it and all square pieces. That is it could be put together properly in many ways, but still no picture!
I don't know how long Fenn will live, but I am sure he will laugh all the way. Just my thoughts, Frank

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Frank I thought you gave up on us after you said someone told you the solve and location?


You hit a nail on the head. Few people to this point, have failed to apply the one state of logic needed to PROVE the puzzle's solution. CRISPIN has done this as well.

The key is "repeatability".

When all the points continue to align themselves time and time again, and a "Y" continues to show up in the Triangle every single time with perfection, then clearly, UU in the Fennlore is the end when the last line is drawn, and where the picture was taken.

It's only after repeated checking with the poem to the puzzle to the map, is it realized that the puzzle master's clues are confirmed, and then understood. After the third time of marking the points, and drawing the lines, does the puzzle become easy and understandable.

as I have said,your puzzle fits.I am not willing to concede it is fact.there are variables in interpretation that would not exist in a mathmatical equation.therein lies the rub.There are other places to be sure that a very compelling arguement can be made.other logic streams that are repeatable.this is not what I actually meant by repeatable.Any quality solve is repeatable by that definition.

The variables of translation,histories and origins of meaning,and perspectives of multiple tellers leave it as less than inescapable fact.Repeatable,to me,would mean a stricter measure(scientific or mathmatical)and any learned person would come to a same conclusion.i.e. earth revolves around the sun.All diciplines agree and is considered fact.Yours is an unprovable htpothesis and therefore cannot be considered fact.likely is best I can do,and that with licence.

Shy an acknoweldgement from FF that its a ruse and you solved it,you are left with likely conjecture.An impressive game played,but alas...stalemate.


Nitric, Nvradar,

You need to see this area for yourself. Forrest fire? Not hardly. There just isn't enough vegetation to spread a fire from lightning or man, that will provide enough fuel to keep it going.

This is real desert. It takes acres of this land to feed one cow. Check out the old article on the Brown Ranch, where they are moving livestock because there is no grass.

The "in the wood" circle set of trees that the "hear me good" line intersects, is really a strange place. It's incapsulated, and surrounded by a volcanic circle that is actually a small depression.

The one set of pines in the gorge "eye" are super old. Couple hundred years old would be a good guess.

The one piece of metal I found was really intriguing and has set my mind to wander. It's trapped between two large boulders. It looks galvanized, but also appears to be the old type of heavy steel made pre1900's. Could have been there from the big Folsom flood.

Change to this area comes slowly if not at all. Unless you have had boots on the ground, you won't understand this place at all. When I first saw this place, it was very alien in comparison to the deep woods of Missouri.

Look at the Indian eye gorge on a satellite map and then overlay it with a TOPO map. The TOPO, actually does a way better job in "showing the area" with contour lines than the satellite photo could ever do.

This area was formed by countless lave flows. The horse head is a basalt mesa and below the mesa, is the subterranean lava flows that followed ground rifts and formed walls that were exposed after erosion. These walls formed the "Peace sign" it looks almost man made but it's not. It looks as if rocks have been stacked to form a wall, but this is not the case. All of these features are going to be here for a very long time. The Forests? Not going any where either. This place is locked in time. But don't take my word for it, go see it for yourself. It's worth the drive, and the beauty of this place is breathtaking.


Secret for you.

After reading through 100's of "what is the special word that Fenn said needed to solve the poem", NOT ONE! single person has found it in 5 Years?!! I was the first to put it out there.

The word is "TIRED".

There is NO PLACE other then Folsom Falls NM, that this will fit this puzzle. Prove me wrong! Find me an "i" on a map that sports the "tired = headdress of a "nigh" left side of a horse"

Also, I am the ONLY ONE, who has found the UU in the puzzle.

I posted in another forum that there is UU horseshoes somewhere in my solve, and 1,800 people didn't have a clue. NODA! I got replies of, " I'm a poet, I'm an accomplished writer, la de da...your WRONG" And only "Crickets" when it came to the YY=uu in the Greek alphabet.
NOT A SINGLE RESPONSE! Not just an incorrect response, but no answer at all. No one had a clue.

It's not arrogance, it's a FACT associated with the poem/puzzle. I didn't make this crap up, the puzzle master did.

See the Horse, see the Indian who's name is "i" and find the triangle that will connect two Y's to solve the puzzle. This is UU.

no secret.I said I read it 3 times,caught that the first time.your solve is indeed elegant.Ill not bore you with repetition of why I cant agree on,"solved"or"fact"or ,"only place"and"special word"obviously your article would have to be fact for these statements to hold water.aint saying your wrong,cant know if you are right.

Problem with a conjecture based hypothesis,as you your self admitted,is that if one parameter,even the most trivial,changes than so too the outcome changes.I hunt the desert southwest all winter and wanna know a secret?

There are volcanic areas everywhere,a UU shape is a common remnant of wasting.U,UU,UUU,UUUU etc.All natural shapes are random in geology as pertaining to erosion and at times formation.somewhere out there is a rock that looks just like elvis etc.The area in your photo is a beautiful spot...but not uncommon.I have seen the desert burn and with less vegetation than in your photo,much dont understand the dynamics of a desert fire,they haul butt driven by incredible winds and forward spotting.a given spot is on fire for seconds or minutes.the desert burns.not that this even matters.

try emailing your article to FF.May be a fun response.also know that he may not have been blessed with the elegance of accuracy that you bestow upon to the 9s...who knows.honest?I dunno.people change,some for better..not all.

you have proven that you created a solve that fits...nothing more.cannot be more,its the very best you can hope for.

at some point you have to settle for the stalemate that is your article.You will be relieved when you do.


I forgot to mention that I have a challenge for you.Scale is not addressed in poem or spoken clues save the large area on western map.You may have everything nailed down and still be doomed by the scale of the area in question.What if all the clues point to an area the size of a city park,or conversely an area of a thousand square miles.There will be many places.heck one area of my backyard may have a feature or two.warm waters halt right where i pee.

Once all possible places that your hypothesis applies to are searched you will likely be left right where you began.unable to definitively claim it solved.

this,my friend is a fatal flaw in pronouncing it as fact.Still quite impressed at a valiant showing...stalemate again though.


Oh I beg to differ on the fire issue I looked on google earth and there is plenty of fuels for a fire. BUT I do have another issue if you don't mind. Do you agree the ONLY way to find the UU is boots on the ground? I would surely think so.How long do you suppose it would take an individual to find such a UU just wandering around to happen on this feature? I have a real issue thinking FF could have done this. It is hard to tell but it looks like quite a distance from any road,save the two track that is fenced off at the highway. Correct? It looks quite rugged as well,but it is hard to tell from google. So now I ask you with your statement in mind of how old and sick he was could he have traversed this area? Hmmm I just don't know.

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FF can never acknowledge it is a lie. He would be jailed cor theft.

FF can never acknowledge it is a lie. He would be jailed cor theft.

hence unsolveable if pf is correct.therefore not proven or solved.


Both of you guys didn't run the points and draw the lines, hence, the RULES for the ProFenners.

UU is not a physical place. It's an X on the Map. Did you two NOT read the article? WOW!!! You missed the whole thing! By 10 MILES!!!

Why=Y x 2 separate physical places to be found on the map. When connected, it represents YY.
YY in Greek alphabet is uu.

When I hear, send it to FF, I have heard this time and time again! You say you are new to FF. Funny, I have heard this COUNTLESS times by people being supported by Fenn.

This ain't my first rodeo boys!

As far as fire and this area. I know WAY more about this then you do. You guys twist and bend FF BS so hard that it amazes me that you know soooo much for being NEW Fenners. Please go to Capulin Volcano and do the research that I have done on the fire at the volcano base. Then please report back to me about how fire in this area is relevant. I asked the research center what the deal was. I know the facts of the burn and at what rate. WHY? Because I'm curious and just maybe, I covered way more details then I have led on to believe, but! Still use just the poem, a dictionary and a map to get to UU (WHICH IS NOT A PHYSICAL FEATURE ON THE MAP) just a place to stand and take a picture! You know? Like when it says photo opportunity ahead? That's all that Forrest Fenn left was a spot to take a picture.

having watched that video nitric for the first time,I tend now to believe FF as to the trove and the reasons for him placing it to be found.I have avoided listening to him in past as I am not going after it.I am,however an astute judge of life history has required that.
The decisions he has made requarding family and his demenor cause me pause...they ring true to me.I was raised the same way by a man of considerable means yet never recieved an allowance....only a list of projects and a dollar value assigned to them.
Obviously I know nothing of anyone save myself(and still figuring me out)but I wouls surmise FF is truthful about this part of his life expierience.I bet a kid does find it too.not even one who knows anything about it.we'll see or not see.


we are having told you I did your exercise...I surmised that a physical attribution would be visible on my own,not because of you but along side of you.a natural X marks the spot is fun to imagine.I understand your article,I even complimented you several times for it.Is it not debate you seek?if not I shall not respond.It was your chess analogy that sparked me to debate you.Often it is through this path that ideas can be adjusted and victory realised.perhaps I misread you.

Im no profenner...I dont even care.I'm not going to even try to solve and find it.I dont know for sure it even exists.If your aim is an atta got more coming


Both of you guys didn't run the points and draw the lines, hence, the RULES for the ProFenners.

UU is not a physical place. It's an X on the Map. Did you two NOT read the article? WOW!!! You missed the whole thing! By 10 MILES!!!

Why=Y x 2 separate physical places to be found on the map. When connected, it represents YY.
YY in Greek alphabet is uu.

When I hear, send it to FF, I have heard this time and time again! You say you are new to FF. Funny, I have heard this COUNTLESS times by people being supported by Fenn.

This ain't my first rodeo boys!

As far as fire and this area. I know WAY more about this then you do. You guys twist and bend FF BS so hard that it amazes me that you know soooo much for being NEW Fenners. Please go to Capulin Volcano and do the research that I have done on the fire at the volcano base. Then please report back to me about how fire in this area is relevant. I asked the research center what the deal was. I know the facts of the burn and at what rate. WHY? Because I'm curious and just maybe, I covered way more details then I have led on to believe, but! Still use just the poem, a dictionary and a map to get to UU (WHICH IS NOT A PHYSICAL FEATURE ON THE MAP) just a place to stand and take a picture! You know? Like when it says photo opportunity ahead? That's all that Forrest Fenn left was a spot to take a picture.

GOOD DODGE SLICK!!! I'm done with you.

Bigfoot, I enjoy your debate,
I'll back it off.
Sorry for the in your face.
Don't want an attaboy.

I think it's wise to debate the lesser know aspects that are the back-story to TC. That, I might take a beating on but maybe I'll learn something I don't know. Maybe an associate or two will come forward who has excavated finds with FF.
I'm open to debate but I'm not going to beat a dead horse or the one at Folsom Falls.

post removed...didnt see above post...we were typing at the same time


I think you will find things that I have not.
This is the back-story that isn't even close to being revealed. I have my ideas, but I think this might be deeper than the Hatfields and McCoys. Some story's are only whispered in very small circles. I want to hear the whispers, and it will be guys and gals like you that will bring fresh ideas to the table.

agreed...beating a dead horse sounds far less interesting than an open minded debate with someone who has earned that debate right with hard work and research.

having watched that video nitric for the first time,I tend now to believe FF as to the trove and the reasons for him placing it to be found.I have avoided listening to him in past as I am not going after it.I am,however an astute judge of life history has required that.
The decisions he has made requarding family and his demenor cause me pause...they ring true to me.I was raised the same way by a man of considerable means yet never recieved an allowance....only a list of projects and a dollar value assigned to them.
Obviously I know nothing of anyone save myself(and still figuring me out)but I wouls surmise FF is truthful about this part of his life expierience.I bet a kid does find it too.not even one who knows anything about it.we'll see or not see.

Do some research on sociopaths. They are master liars and manipulators. They can charm the pants off of anyone, myself included, I've devoted my life to the study of the mind and I can be taken like anybody else. John Wayne Gacy was loved by the people in his society. They found dozens of bodies of dead boys in his house...nobody had a clue. Same thing with Ariel Castro, he held those girls in plain site for ten years and nobody had any idea.

Forget what you know about people when it comes to sociopaths, they can use that against you. I've watched the interviews, I've testified in grand jurors, interviewed in jails....for what it is worth, I see a sociopath. That is just opinion. I'm telling you though...the best will never see coming.

ok slick,

I'm not a cypher type of guy.ny times crossword takes me DAYS.But as I said I like the process and there are some whispers you may be missing,or not.I'm willing to play the game and huck a few ideas out there but an open mind and even new direction may need to be embraced(temporarily)by you,the wordsmith.If my read is right on this guy,there may actually be a treasure out isnt where you looked if this is true,or as virtually EVERY expierienced detectorist in the world would tell you..."you could have missed it"thats why we know we can go back to an area we have worked over and find things we missed.hang on and keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.

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