The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

sure thing crispin,

I would have to say I grew up with one of the best,my older brother.duly diagnosed.he's dead now,was killed by some nasty folks he ripped off.make no mistake...we all have our own life expieriences to draw from and will make our own conclusions.thanks for heads up tho.


This is why I'd like to see all video's, Even if not relevant to a solve, it would be interesting just to get an Idea of the person. Like you, I'm a pretty good judge of people. Picking up tells through speech,expressions, movement, But a good con will have that covered too.His writing style, wording, will all give clues, to it being real or not. He admits he makes his own rules! There will be a weakness or fault, somewhere. So, I really am completely neutral in my thinking. It does not matter either way to me if the treasure exists, or if this solve is correct. I do find the whole thing interesting for a bunch of reasons. Just a lot going on!

Again, this is where I cry havoc. NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY is a good judge of sociopaths.

funny...I thot nitric addressed that well."he could have that covered too"pretty sure we both get it.I can tell you with absolute authority that I have spent more time with a sociopath than you.yes,only the one,but a master according to his learned anylists.I shared a room with him untill 16 when I left home because of fear of him and never returned.

I dont know nitrics history any more than you do but I am willing to bet there is a reason he feels he can"read"folks.Several of the tourney poker players I still play with could read you like a book in less than an hour.with no degree.some are gifted in this area and others are just victims.

all good...thanks crispin for your insights and you are right...even you could be rode hard and put up wet by a good one.

This an an excerpt from this site: Long read, but very, very good information...

What is a Psychopath?

If you try to deal with psychopaths in an ethical manner, you will be in for a shock. Dr. William Higgins claims that you "can't negotiate or bargain with psychopaths."

Psychopaths will not only deny the past and trivialize it, but will avoid answering your questions directly, and even if they seem to answer them -- you can be sure that it's not the answer you were looking for. It has been said that even when they do give you a straight answer, the real issue will never be addressed by them, although they may even claim to be honourable when it suits them. But don't be fooled, for this is where the psychopath wants his victim -- he wants to shame you while at the same time fitting you into his plans; this is because "psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they no have no sense of guilt, are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused, and that there is no reason for them to be concerned." [Hare, 41].

On the other hand, "psychopaths sometimes verbalize remorse but then contradict themselves in words or actions." [Hare, 41]. Psychopaths may apologize or show remorse only to get away with something, but in the end you will be stabbed in the back and realize how very shallow their words were.

The psychopath appears not to be able to remember what they had said or committed to for very long. They seem to always be living in the present. That is why they are usually guilty of being big "promise- makers" who cannot live up to their word. Once again, it will be the victim who must deal with the aftermath of all the psychopath's twists and turns, and when he gets you angry enough, you will be discredited as "defective" by him, and the psychopath will often make himself out to be the real victim. As John Wayne Gacy once said, "I was the victim, I was cheated out of my childhood."

What often happens in the aftermath, as Field has stated, is that the victim may repress his or her anger for a quite a while, but then, often many months later, a sudden realization of the truth may come over the individual, and the victim will finally realize that all along he/she has been bullied by the psychopath. This is when the victim suddenly becomes very angry and is motivated to have some sort of justice. But when trying to obtain justice with a psychopath, be aware that you will be the one to pay if you don't take a firm stand; the experience will have you more confused and bewildered, and you may even feel tempted to fight fire with fire.

In some cases, our society allows psychopathy because we do not really fight back against cheating and lying behaviours (one good example: Bill Clinton). They are also good at tricking their own psychiatrists. For instance, two individuals I (Wendy Koenigsmann) knew bragged that they liked to play mind-games with psychiatrists.

any evidense from public records or tells in interviews that FF is emotionally void?

funny...I thot nitric addressed that well."he could have that covered too"pretty sure we both get it.I can tell you with absolute authority that I have spent more time with a sociopath than you.yes,only the one,but a master according to his learned anylists.I shared a room with him untill 16 when I left home because of fear of him and never returned.

I dont know nitrics history any more than you do but I am willing to bet there is a reason he feels he can"read"folks.Several of the tourney poker players I still play with could read you like a book in less than an hour.with no degree.some are gifted in this area and others are just victims.

all good...thanks crispin for your insights and you are right...even you could be rode hard and put up wet by a good one.

Not trying to compare knowledge. I am sorry your brother is a sociopath, I can only imagine the horrors he inflicted on you as a child.

I play poker for fun...nobody can read me because I play for an amount of money that I could care less if I lose. When I have no fear of losing it throws all their reads off. Also, the amount I would win is trivial to me, so they can't get a read off of that either. I am very good when playing for small amounts. I am sure that if I bought in for 10,000 I would have a list of tells a mile long.

I can't give you my name so I will not prattle on with my research, experience, qualifications, and studies about sociopaths...academically and in the penal system I am an expert. I would not believe who I was if somebody claimed it on this site...:occasion14:

any evidense from public records or tells in interviews that FF is emotionally void?

Yeah, one interview I watched with a female reporter. At the end of the interview she said, "I have to ask this question. How do we know the treasure really exists?" His response was totally emotionless, nada, nothing, he just answered, "Is there anything I can say that would prove it?" She answered, "yeah, tell me the location." Again, he had no emotional response, totally emotionally void. Anybody who had invested that much in hiding a real treasure would have had a lot more to say and been a lot more animated. Maybe somebody can post the link. I'm not good at finding that stuff.

I'm not qualified as CRISPIN is to call someone the "N" word. I think this, but I keep my mouth shut, or else I will be inserting my foot faster then the last Popcorn flavored JellyBelly at the bottom of the bowl.
I'm sticking with what I know. Unfortionatly, one must know the man, to understand the truth, so I try to use my general life experiences to pry into the mind of the puzzle master. My gut tells me that this is a bad guy. I trust my gut on issues like this. I also trust my knowledge and know better then to go to a gun fight with a knife. I struggle with the mind of the puzzle master, but not with his puzzle. I brought the right tools, and his puzzle revealed its secrets. As far as FF's mind, I will gladly leave the diagnosis in the hands of someone like Crispen, I'll stick to the puzzle!

I'm happy for you crispin,you have risin in your field.I'm just trying to figure out what this has to do with the quest at hand.I would prefer to look at dimensions that can be assertained with the limited resources at hand.any ideas?

I'm happy for you crispin,you have risin in your field.I'm just trying to figure out what this has to do with the quest at hand.I would prefer to look at dimensions that can be assertained with the limited resources at hand.any ideas?

my response: I really like what you said about facts. Very educated and well stated. Nobody can ever prove the treasure does not exist. Therefore, when I was approached by somebody to help aid in the hunt I first had to determine if I believed it was out there. After studying and watching a lot of stuff on Fenn I determined he was a sociopathic liar (my opinion.)

I am not doing a good job of explaining this. If we were in person with a couple of beers it would mean a lot more.


I'll bring the beer, I want to hear this too!

I would like that,I am totally into learning and have no quams about from where this comes.I now wish to learn more about this TC chase.I will now commit some effort,not to find the treasure...but to understand the process and the man behind it.gonna go find all I can watch and look for my own interpretation of his tells.

I found the treasure!!!!!! its on last month issue of Gold prospector now stop raining on everyone's parade! Its all about the chase, the dream, and the hope, real or not!

Yep! I just watched it...Give me a few seconds here....I saw exactly what you are talking about.I had mixed thoughts on why he was acting that way.

Is this the one? I've watched a few and don't remember what he said in what video.

Sorry, that is it!

Start around 10:45 into it for weird behavior. He totally dodges the question and turns it around. No attempt at all to answer it. Very classic sociopath answer. This is what finally convinced me there is no treasure.

I found the treasure!!!!!! its on last month issue of Gold prospector now stop raining on everyone's parade! Its all about the chase, the dream, and the hope, real or not!

No, it is not about any of those things. It is about the tens of millions Fenn made off of a giant scam... You don't need Fenn to enjoy treasure hunting. Grab a detector and go just about anywhere...strong signals are adrenaline rushes. THAT is what the dream is truly about. Not a pack of lies...

If You?re Hunting for Forrest Fenn?s Buried Treasure, Start Here - The Daily Beast

Ahhh yes, does the treasure exist?

The possibility that it exists is valid until proven that it does not exist; and can you prove that?

Barkeep, another round if you please....

Its no worse than the scam that our glorious government plays everyday. Take the US dollar it is backed by nothing, why not just print the 19.5 trillion there is not even an aluminum standard for our US dollars let alone the gold standard. What Forest Fenn has done was exercise the hopes and dreams of thousands of people who wish to believe.

If it is a scam, it gives joy to many people why is that so bad. So he makes some money in the process, why should any of us care our money is fake and fraud anyway.

No, it is not about any of those things. It is about the tens of millions Fenn made off of a giant scam... You don't need Fenn to enjoy treasure hunting. Grab a detector and go just about anywhere...strong signals are adrenaline rushes. THAT is what the dream is truly about. Not a pack of lies...

If You?re Hunting for Forrest Fenn?s Buried Treasure, Start Here - The Daily Beast

Did he seem more uneasy about the poem/clues or the existence of a treasure?
If Fenn is r.h.'d there may be some v.c. goin on .
How could he prove it (the treasure) to the reporter.?
Take the reporter for a ride. Maybe for a small fee /wager.:laughing7:
Then have to relocate it if shown/proven/confirmed/ apologized about by critics , and add another clue.
Or, face howls of indignation if non existent.
Could have been proven . Not Fenn's goal at the time apparently.:dontknow:

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