The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

poet William Ernest Henley
#53 on top 500 poets

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Invictus - Poem by William Ernest Henley
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Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley

Beyond the night that covers me,
I endure for those misguided.
All that is needed has been provided.

“Svn qnzcr chudqfdc hm z vnnc, zmc H —
H snnj sgd nmd kdrr sqzudkdc ax,
zmc sgzs gzr lzcd zkk sgd cheedqdmbd.”

I think dementia has gotten the better of FF. Slick, what is your take on the obvious similarities and reference to "Invictus?" I see this as a Narcissistic man standing in outright defiance. It obviously did not take him ten years to write this nonsense. He is admitting your solve is correct. He will be dead sooner then most of us....

Where warm waters halt webpage is the Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

I'm having a difficult time not believing the two events are not connected.

The coded text on the right are the last three lines of the Frost poem.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Here is my theory on the whole thing:

Let us assume that Slick is right. When FF discovered he had cancer the thought that it could kill him had to cross his mind. This leads into thoughts of painful death, avoidance of that, and hence suicide. I think at one point in time he was planning to suicide at that spot and then leave the poem behind as a map to find his body. Turned out the cancer got better and he had a great idea years down the road and made a ton of money.

Where warm waters halt webpage is the Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.

I'm having a difficult time not believing the two events are not connected.

The coded text on the right are the last three lines of the Frost poem.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Two references to two very famous additional clues in that.

AHHHHHH! CRISPIN, you used the "N" word! Good for you also good for you in knowing it didn't take him 10 years! Bravo! You may sit at the masters table. There is no way a standard TOPO map could have been used. sat maps haven't been around that long. Could FF had a huge Sat map printed up for him to do this? Sure! This is a precisely made out set of map coordinates using satellite imagery. AHHHHHH I know the ending as well! Your secret handshake is recieved and accepted! "wise you are, in the way of the force"

I can only give Mr. Fenn one piece of advise,

Do not go gentle into that good nigh...

Dylan Thomas


You go ahead and keep looking!

Please don't follow my logic or the actual solve to this puzzle!

"These aren't the droids your looking for"

And to be so arrogant to think that the puzzle can't be solved, because you don't understand what your looking at?

This solve is not an opinion. It is factual. Your turn, prove me wrong! Just one single thing. Using ONLY the poem, your knowledge of a dictionary and a map!

Let's hear it Chief!
Haha...I'm way too smart to spend my time looking for FF's treasure. I read the poem several years ago, and it fit a particular piece of country not far from my home. Even then, I wasn't going to go look, unless I had another reason to go there. Then, my lifelong fly-fishing buddy called me from out of state, and said "ya know, that poem reminds me of our old fishing spot". That gave us enough impetus to go look at the area one day. That day, after a few hours of looking, we noticed a particular spot that fit very, very, well. We didn't have time to check it out, and our schedules haven't fit well enough since. Eventually we'll go look, unless it turns up somewhere else. Beyond that, I'm not wasting time on it. Got much better things to do. But I do enjoy an occasional cruise among the serious hunters, just to see what they've come up with. Now and then one is interesting enough (read: outrageous enough), it gets my attention.

Let's assume for the sake of rational argument that your "solve" is 110% correct. What makes you so certain that someone else didn't beat you to the treasure chest as opposed to your contention that one never existed at all...? I think like many of us (myself included) you're guilty of what's called 'confirmation bias' --- believing only those clues, hints, ideas & concepts that confirm & support what you already believe. At the expense of other possibilities....

I am wondering WHY someone would put SOOOOO much effort into solving this if he thinks it's HOT AIR???? Do tell slick.

Is it to validate your own self belief you are much smarter than the average bear and to show all others you spent endless time and thought on the poem? Here is a bit of advice from a common smarts and common sense RARELY join hands. I and others can see quite clearly you put an enormous effort to your solve... but you have nothing to show for it.So in my mind it's your opinion just like everyone else opinions. You call yourself a "master solver" and surely you know that alone will bring much dissent upon you. Toot your horn when you have the chest and we will ALL congratulate you 100%.

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Let's assume for the sake of rational argument that your "solve" is 110% correct. What makes you so certain that someone else didn't beat you to the treasure chest as opposed to your contention that one never existed at all...? I think like many of us (myself included) you're guilty of what's called 'confirmation bias' --- believing only those clues, hints, ideas & concepts that confirm & support what you already believe. At the expense of other possibilities....

I will let Slick answer for himself but I would like to give my own interpretation at it. The biggest thing would be "Fenn say's it has not been found;" however, based on slick's hypothesis Fenn is a lying sociopathic narcissist. If the treasure chest really was found then he would continue to lie so he can make money.

HOWEVER, this swings us right back around to Slick's hypothesis that a lying sociopathic narcissist would never hide millions in treasure! FYI, I totally acknowledge this is circular logic.

Next, the contents of the supposed treasure chest are very specific and very vague. In particular, his supposed memoirs or supposed bracelet. Anybody who invested the amount of time and effort that Slick did would stay anonymous but find a way to release one of those two things. They would want the country to know they had found it. Plus, you assume a super rich person would not invest the time into doing this. So, whoever found it would want to make money off it. Got to sell things to do that. These supposed objects would be showing up.

Spyguy: I agree with you that Slick's hypothesis certainly is an example of confirmation bias; however, when chasing down a treasure confirmation is the only tool available. If you excluded the confirmation bias as a form of proof then no one would ever be able to prove within a reasonable degree of certainty that the treasure doesn't exist. If we were to do the opposite of the confirmation bias: "The tendency to reject evidence that confirms our beliefs and to accept evidence that contradicts them," then we would be falling victim to a bias in the form of an availability cognitive heuristic.

I am wondering WHY someone would put SOOOOO much effort into solving this if he thinks it's HOT AIR???? Do tell slick.

Is it to validate your own self belief you are much smarter than the average bear and to show all others you spent endless time and thought on the poem? Here is a bit of advice from a common smarts and common sense RARELY join hands. I and others can see quite clearly you put an enormous effort to your solve... but you have nothing to show for it.So in my mind it's your opinion just like everyone else opinions. You call yourself a "master solver" and surely you know that alone will bring much dissent upon you. Toot your horn when you have the chest and we will ALL congratulate you 100%.

Of course it is an opinion. Slick already acknowledged that. You are not stating anything new by stating this. Why did slick invest all this time? He was trying to find the non-existent treasure! He wanted the non-existent millions. He didn't set out to prove the treasure didn't exist. He set out to find it, solved the poem, and this is the conclusion.

I think Slick demonstrated more common sense than most people who post on this topic, he certainly used a lot of academic knowledge as well. Pulling the "common sense" card is a way for an educated person to disregard the opinion of an educated professional without providing any proof. If you want to keep looking, keep looking. Lots of people enjoy fairy tales. Truly, it is the journey that is the real reward. BUT, don't insult the man to rationalize in your head why may or my not still exists...

Nvradar, same reason someone would want to climb EVEREST! This is a world class puzzle! Plain and simple! The best I have ever seen or had the experience of deciphering.
SPYGUY, YOU, prove that he did place the 10x10 in the rabbit hole. This is known, by knowing the man. Has nothing to do with the puzzle. Two completely different subjects. Study the man, know his motivations. And when I mean study, I don't mean going out and buying his BS memoirs. I'm talking about his past. Before TC. The FBI days. His DIGGING days. Who he associated with so that he could amass his private collection. THEN draw your own conclusions. I'll end it with this statment " FF would sell FORGERIES of famous paintings for $9k a pop. He had a cute little saying that went along with these forgeries. Apply this same thought to the 10x10 box of hot air and the truth starts to unravel. Same type of saying for FF when he talks about keeping a secret." Trust but verify. One man's word? Look at his past. Look as closely at his "sayings" as one would look at the poem, and the question becomes clear.

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So you call yourself a "worthy pro" and invite others to sit at the "masters table" with you.....all the while calling people who disagree with your "proof" arrogant? Also while attacking the character of a stranger you have never met?

Takes a special kind of person to act like that.....

So you call yourself a "worthy pro" and invite others to sit at the "masters table" with you.....all the while calling people who disagree with your "proof" arrogant? Also while attacking the character of a stranger you have never met?

Takes a special kind of person to act like that.....

LOL's like my very own FF poem. All you have to do is decipher what "special" means. Perhaps another 5000 word post can figure it out. He is a worthy pro master after all....or is it a pro worthy I'm confused.

I will be at the dunce table with my cone hat upon my head.....


Show a dog a ball.

Throw the ball, the dog chases after it and brings back the ball.

Some dogs are smarter then others.

Fake the throw. Keep the ball in your hand.

The smart dog, just sits there and knows, you didn't throw the ball.

The gullible dog, runs 20ft turns around and realizes, he's been duped, and returns.

The dumb dog, he flat out keeps running! He knows for a fact that there is a ball "in the wood" that needs to be found. He never turns around to check and see if it was a fake throw.
100% sure, and on faith alone of what the dumb dog knows, he never returns.

Dumb dog finds that he is not alone! He's greeted by hundreds of other dogs that KNOW for a fact that there is a ball "in the wood".

For the smart dog? He's resting at his masters feet in front of a warm fire, waiting for the next game of fetch.


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Well there you have it TN members. Disagree with this man and you are arrogant...not allowed to sit at his master table...and now placed into a category of a dog playing fetch (that also has a "master" quote in it)

This dog is howling with laughter. :laughing9::laughing9:


Sadly, your quote: "no real harm done,"
Your statment is very far from the truth. One man has committed suicide and countless others have spent their life's fortunes, and have lost everything they own. Please don't trivialize TC as being harmless.

Metal detector? I thought I made it perfectly clear why I brought a detector In my article? The metal detector is like a Lie detector! It can afirm or deny a fact, to a reasonable assurance that metal is present or not. Why would any treasurhunter/puzzle solver/detective leave the house without one? Do you leave your house everyday without your watch or clothes on your back?

Too bad Forrest Fenn has never taken a lie detector test.

Take your same strategies and microscope and apply them to Forrest Fenn, then come back here and make all the comments you want. Unless that is, you like to believe in Leprechauns, in which case, keep chasing that rainbow for fennsfool's gold.


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Thomas Edison.


I agree with you that there are underlying possibilities of the death of this man, regardless, he WAS A PART OF THE Fenn community actively searching and was down on his luck and at his wits end when he decided to part this world.

Degrading people? No. Remember this:

"No one can make you feel inferior, without your consent"

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