The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

after having watched several videos I will huck this into the stew....I see no indication of sociopathic responce...I see an elderly man who is asked an amazingly stupid question followed by an equally stupid request."well you can tell me where it is"

I see politeness.ask yourself this...have you ever known an elderly person you cant shock?how about one who gets less animated when you trip up?Heck...forget elderly,just watch a celebrity when they are asked the same question over and your mom when a suggestion is dumb.

My take is that his behaviour is very ordinary for a person recieving attention at nauseum.

also I find that 50% of profits go to cancer charity.interesting to note that his works are avail only on amazon and a local book store.this lends credence to his claim that he paid for publishing,no publisher on earth is going for that deal if they invested in it.finally on amazon I see that sellers generally have less than 10 available and used versions are more numerous.hardly a formula for making millions,in fact quite the opposite.

He claims he hasnt even recovered publishing costs and looking at the dismal sales...prolly correct.

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If the treasure does not exist, I think he should go out there and hide one, if for nothing more than a courtesy to all the hard working treasure hunters struggling over this.

hey slick...crispin looks thirsty,any chance you might fetch him a beer?:occasion14:

Guiness is not a beer, it's a Stout.

all the same,slick is closer to the fridge....:occasion14:

I'm going out on a limb here, but I suspect that Forrest Fenn is actively participating in a forum or, in direct contact with an individual who is doing his bidding.

As I am not a psychologist, or a mind reader, I would like to present a passage from this individual, and maybe, someone can shine some light on it.

I released my solution to this site, and this same person tried to use his logic against me but failed, by simply saying things like:

And I just gotta ask. If you have this all so figured out, why are you explaining it to us, instead of just going and collecting the treasure? I promise I'll be impressed with your ideas once you prove they are correct the only way they really can be proven. Till then, well not so much. You just come across as yet another in a long, long line of over-confident buffoons.//
The Brown Ranch? That's all you've got??? Christ on a stick, people have been looking there almost from day 1. The poor Browns have been inundated with searchers over the years. I have often wondered what they must have done to piss off Forrest. Sheeshh, what an utter lack of imagination. I could tell from your first post that your so-called solution was going to be a big let-down, but even I had no idea it was going to be this pathetic.

Ok, it is official now. You are just another in a long line of nutjobs who cobbled together a lame, crackpot solution, then when the treasure wasn't where you were sure it was supposed to be, decided there really wasn't ever a treasure. Because you can't possibly just be, like, you know, WRONG!

Get over yourself.

Same Guy, today 8/30 on someone else's solve. Has a "TEXAS" flavor to his swagger.

Yeah, mess with the bull and you ll get the horns. You can complain all you like about the way I say what I say, but you can't complain about the accuracy of what I say. I've been 100% correct every time I shoot down a theory. I don't need to know all the details. The details most people do post are more than enough for me to tell almost immediately if they are off in fantasyland or not. For instance: A mark on a tree? Really? Get real! And if that is only 1/100th of your solve, then you are clearly just throwing everything you can at the wall hoping something will stick and have no real strategy. Therefore you are doomed to failure. I don't need to know anything else.

But hey, if I am keeping you entertained, then it's not all bad, right? Maybe you'll even get a clue in spite of yourself. :END QUOTE

Love to hear some comments on this.

ummmm...errrrr....uhhhhh...they dont believe you?You cant possibly be surprised right?I actually think you did a good job but am conflicted on the outcome.bigcy would be an interesting addition to the debate.I like his"matter of factness"Crispin has good thoughts on the psychology and you have me to test your every statement.sounds like a good spot for an enlightening debate !!

whats up with the"mark on a tree"deal...dont remember you mentioning that.did you post the same thing over where ever?or is just another flamer?

That was a comment on another guys solve, sorry for the confusion.

:occasion14: tired and weak(pun intended)go beddy by now.have fun kids !!

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Motive? That's even harder to describe then my solution.

Its complicated.

Similar to the the service of my country, and likewise, in the service of my creator, I was volunteered to do a duty. I humbly accepted, this duty. The request crossed many dimensions of time and space. I'm not a very smart guy, more like Forrest Gump smart, (lucky) so the spark of inspiration wasn't from any tool that I had hanging in my shed. God knows my genes come up looking more like cut-offs instead of full length pants.

I can't believe the journey or the outcome. I was really just along for the ride. I did enjoy the ride and I'm amazed that I was actually given the reigns to command the whole chessboard as a king. I've always just been a pawn up to this point in my life (just like MONGO).

My wife is flabbergasted. I'm still confused and both of us are asking ourselves, "What has just happened?" Wife said " No more jousting with The Holy Spirit until we get back from vacation, promise me?" I told her I just asked a simple question. I received the answer. I did my duty and now I am returning back to my secluded and happy niche that I have retired to.

I love to solve puzzles. Hard ones. Dimensionally difficult, that involve deep thought and mind bending solutions that stray far from a guide line to color from. I believe the Fenn's poem was meant for me to solve. I think it was a perfect match. It's just so darn hard for me to explain the experience of the solution AND the journey that I have undertaken, in a way that someone will understand it. I fall short in my attempt to bring this puzzle to light. I think Fenn's poem solution could be better explained by someone who has better technical writing skills then myself. Maybe a logic flowchart or perhaps better choice of words. I find that 99% of the time, what makes sense to me, is total confusion for someone else after I get finished hacking and butchering a simple process that need 10 words and not 5000.

Did I miss something? Was a treasure found? I missed the pics. or is this still just a discussion?
you didn't miss anything. There was no treasure found where slick nickel decided to look so in his mind there never was a treasure.

Of course, if that's true, I doubt FF wrote the poem with any particular place in mind thus making it unsolvable.

Doubter, read the whole article. It was a SPECIAL PLACE for FF. he must have first been inspired by the location, and then wrote his poem/puzzle around this place. If you mark the spots for YOURSELF, draw the lines and then make the journey, I promis you, you won't be disappointed at the end.
Even if you don't go to the very end, acknowledge the logic for yourself by maping the points, find the two Y's draw the lines, understand the FF puzzle for yourself.

Doubter, read the whole article. It was a SPECIAL PLACE for FF. he must have first been inspired by the location, and then wrote his poem/puzzle around this place. If you mark the spots for YOURSELF, draw the lines and then make the journey, I promis you, you won't be disappointed at the end.
Even if you don't go to the very end, acknowledge the logic for yourself by maping the points, find the two Y's draw the lines, understand the FF puzzle for yourself.

He does say in a interview, that it was a very special place and that it means a lot to him. I think At the time of the interview he said he knows 4 or 5 people have been on location, and didn't find the treasure. Or something along those lines....Unless I misunderstood! :dontknow: I watched and read so much the past couple days it's all blending together and mixed. :laughing7:

And yes! The place was picked first! Then he played with the poem to make it work. He says this.Or something like this in a interview. I think it was the first video I posted....

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Doubter, read the whole article. It was a SPECIAL PLACE for FF. he must have first been inspired by the location, and then wrote his poem/puzzle around this place. If you mark the spots for YOURSELF, draw the lines and then make the journey, I promis you, you won't be disappointed at the end.
Even if you don't go to the very end, acknowledge the logic for yourself by maping the points, find the two Y's draw the lines, understand the FF puzzle for yourself.
So he is a lying, theiving sociopath who wasn't smart enough to write a poem that couldn't actually be solved?

And now you have solved it and proven him to be a liar about hiding treasure. Makes sense to me.

If I was going to try to pull off an elaborate hoax like this I'd be sure to set myself up to be caught.

So he is a lying, theiving sociopath who wasn't smart enough to write a poem that couldn't actually be solved?

And now you have solved it and proven him to be a liar about hiding treasure. Makes sense to me.

If I was going to try to pull off an elaborate hoax like this I'd be sure to set myself up to be caught.

Well that response made no sense at all on any of number of different levels...


What we are hashing out at the moment is all of the stuff that can't be proven. The poem/puzzle is solved, the location discovered. Question is, what's FF end game to save face? Tons of scenarios here and I think CRISPIN ,would be a better candidate to know what FF is going to do.

I've tried to flush a response out of FF, but all I get are crickets. He knows the jig is up. Just don't know how he is going to handle it. I worked on him for two weeks in an open forum, that's run by his cronies, spilling one clue at a time, but no response. I knew, and was prepared to go into an ass kicking contest with only one leg to stand on. The solve, stood up, head on, to any scrutiny, and was never challenged, because no one knew what they were looking at. BUT have no fear, they rolled me like a jelly donut, down Main Street, at the annual policeman's parade.

Dal, the guy who runs Thrill Of The Chase | Searching For Forrest Fenn's Treasure (supported by FF) was sent a copy of my solution plus the one additional clue that I didn't allow to be published in Mindy's article, because she was attempting to school me in the finer points of poetry, literature and a game of "I"
Dal asked me if he could post my solution. I said yes. (Only treasureNet has the last clue published.) I sure as heck wasn't going to give it to the ProFenners without first serving up a big ol pot of Crow stew to Mindy.

Dal's email quote: "That's very cool Paul..I've not seen anything like it in the five years I've been looking at solunions.."

Now! Dal and Mindy then exchanged notes about my solve, and Dal changed his story in less then an hour. Both parties IMO are subsidized by FF. Dal stated, he didn't want anything to do with it. I then officially pulled his permission to publish.

Now, how is Dal going to spin this? He knows the poem has been solved. He has been on TV and has his own video production company.

No doubt, Dal wants a huge chunk of the end game, so he can prance around on TV and receive his last 10 min of fame, but he would be plagiarizing my solution if he even goes near Folsom Falls NM as a solution. So, I have no idea what's going to happen from here. Let's wait and see if Dal decides to scribble WAY outside the FF designated search area and head for Folsom Falls for a solution and TV show.


There IS a baseline!

Check out his "leave no banana behind" and early childhood hustling days.

Lots of goodies out there for the head shrinkers to use, you will just have to dig. I just used my gut on what I have read. Lots of interviews and excerpts from his books that are relevant to establishing a "gut" profile of this guy.

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