The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM

I'm making a serious attempt in following your logic.

Let me down a few homebrews and see if this might help make better sense of what your trying to say.

I found the best way to read Forrest Fenn's poem, was somewhat inebriated. If I read his poem like a drunken sailor out loud, it would actuall make sense! (Kind-a-sort-of) I think it even reads better inebriated, upside down, sitting in a hot tub, reciting it to my other drunk friends. A real party starter! Lots of laughs!

Well, I figure, FF was a genius, and maybe you are too! I'm all about understanding someone's logic. But I first must set aside my own disposition by dousing it with something stronger then lighter fluid "my homebrew is higher in octane", and put the "all seeing eye" to sleep, or at least at a disadvantage. Then, I become human! Boy am I opening this one up for some colorful comments. Fire away!!!

Well there you have it TN members. Disagree with this man and you are arrogant...not allowed to sit at his master table...and now placed into a category of a dog playing fetch (that also has a "master" quote in it)

This dog is howling with laughter. :laughing9::laughing9:

This is what I truly love, this what gets my pulse up and my blood running!

Here comes, a man, let us call him The Great Emancipator, who seeks to help those less educated, less fortunate, and those taken advantage of; and what do they do, the ones that he seeks to help the most? They spit in his face, they attack him, they call him names, they denounce him in any number of ways without anything other then baseless insults.

Well, I'm not gonna sit still and watch it happen. I'm going to watch a Godly man try to elevate more souls who are being taken advantage of and stand by idly while they assault him.

FACT: When the Civil War ended a large number of slaves went back, VOLUNTARILY, to work for free for their former masters. Why?

Give me one factual or logically coherent reason to reject Slick's hypothesis, just give me one...Anybody, anybody, nobody, crickets...WAKE UP PEOPLE, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED.

How is this any different then trying to help Grandma avoid the Nigerian scammer on the internet? How is this any different then warning Bernie Madoff's clients they are in danger, how is this any different then standing up for those who cannot stand for themselves?!?

O, I forget, treasures, riches, a bronze box...feed his ego, buy his books, study his maps, immortalize him for his benefit. What has he given any of you....................nothing.......

No, I'm no where near genius! My mom told me I was!:laughing7: Until I took the test! Something about....I forgot my name and all the answers weren't C. So, I wasn't allowed in the club! :dontknow: The girl a few seats up was hot though!!

Thanks Mom! For the false hope at joining MENSA!:laughing7::laughing7: I mean 8th grade!Sometimes I get confused too!:laughing7:

Would someone please solve this!!!

This might be for you SlickNickel......

I tested "Gifted" in elementary school but I was denied entry because of my "oppositional nature towards my teachers...."

The Tiger - a poem by William Blake

The Tiger
William Blake

Tiger Tiger. burning bright,
In the forests of the night;
What immortal hand or eye.
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies.
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat.
What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp.
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears
And watered heaven with their tears:
Did he smile His work to see?
Did he who made the lamb make thee?

Tiger Tiger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

The Tiger
William Blake

The Lamb poetry by William Blake

The Lamb
William Blake

Little Lamb, who made thee
Does thou know who made thee
Gave thee life & bid thee feed.
By the stream & o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing woolly bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice.
Making all the vales rejoice:
Little Lamb who made thee
Does thou know who made thee

Little Lamb I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb I'll tell thee;
He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb:
He is meek & he is mild,
He became a little child
I a child & thou a lamb,
We are called by His name,
Little Lamb God bless thee,
Little Lamb God bless thee.

The Lamb
William Blake

So Mr. Nickel, when ya going to go get said treasure rather than type??? Were it me I would have gone and retrieved it prior to making such boasts, of course that's just me.

So Mr. Nickel, when ya going to go get said treasure rather than type??? Were it me I would have gone and retrieved it prior to making such boasts, of course that's just me.

That thing that just flew over your head...that was Mr. Nickel...

Well, I figure, FF was a genius, and maybe you are too! I'm all about understanding someone's logic. But I first must set aside my own disposition by dousing it with something stronger then lighter fluid "my homebrew is higher in octane", and put the "all seeing eye" to sleep, or at least at a disadvantage. Then, I become human! Boy am I opening this one up for some colorful comments. Fire away!!!

I am no master puzzle solver, but I can try to break this down:

"All seeing eye:" Reference to Sauron in LOTR, Reference to the third eye of Hinduism, Reference to scientology pineal gland.
"higher octane:" drinking absinthe, higher percent of alcohol content
"lighter fluid:" must be greater then 50% alcohol
Addendum to "higher octane:" moon shine above 50%, bacardi 151, Wild turkey 101, bath tub liquor. Did methanol distill out first, did you separate it, are you going blind?
"Sleep:" Stages vary from 1 to 4 and REM, still semi-conscious in 1 and 2, deep sleep in 3 and 4, REM with vivid dreams and paralyzation of movements.
"Human:" 46 chromosomes, fallible: forsaking logic, reference to Adam in the Garden of Eden
"opening up:" inviting, welcoming, showing signs of weakness
"Colorful:" Racist, homosexual, prejudice without merit
"Fire away:" challenge, light the candle, hasten cannons to cover retreat

Conclusion: I believe in God and the only thing that scares me is Kaiser SoSay.

So Mr. Nickel, when ya going to go get said treasure rather than type??? Were it me I would have gone and retrieved it prior to making such boasts, of course that's just me.

Do you ever get the feeling that you have no idea what you are talking about?

So Mr. Nickel, when ya going to go get said treasure rather than type??? Were it me I would have gone and retrieved it prior to making such boasts, of course that's just me.

its a long read but if you actually read his posting you will find he has been there more than once and believes there is no treasure,never was.its cool if you missed that but thats whats up.

in point of fact its the only things worth debate on the subject.Is the treasure story real?Is it a clever marketing campaign designed to sell signed maps?Is slick really in a rubber room with six cats?

This I will say.It took a whole bunch of time and work for pf to stand in front of a volcanic formation with the UU shape.Ie...the end.I suspect "the end"may prove to be a starting point if in fact FFs life expieriences are closely knitted to the poems over structure.Having been at the end,"cancer"then beating it...begining. your logic stream with that UU as the begining and work towards the end(begining) as the end prolly inspired the begining...first rule of peotry after all.


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This is what I truly love, this what gets my pulse up and my blood running!

Here comes, a man, let us call him The Great Emancipator, who seeks to help those less educated, less fortunate, and those taken advantage of; and what do they do, the ones that he seeks to help the most? They spit in his face, they attack him, they call him names, they denounce him in any number of ways without anything other then baseless insults.

Well, I'm not gonna sit still and watch it happen. I'm going to watch a Godly man try to elevate more souls who are being taken advantage of and stand by idly while they assault him.

FACT: When the Civil War ended a large number of slaves went back, VOLUNTARILY, to work for free for their former masters. Why?

Give me one factual or logically coherent reason to reject Slick's hypothesis, just give me one...Anybody, anybody, nobody, crickets...WAKE UP PEOPLE, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED.

How is this any different then trying to help Grandma avoid the Nigerian scammer on the internet? How is this any different then warning Bernie Madoff's clients they are in danger, how is this any different then standing up for those who cannot stand for themselves?!?

O, I forget, treasures, riches, a bronze box...feed his ego, buy his books, study his maps, immortalize him for his benefit. What has he given any of you....................nothing.......

Yeah because that's what we all are...less educated...less fortunate. Were just a bunch of dipshits who cannot think for ourselves and The Great Emancipator is here to save us. I mean seriously listen to yourself. Like some cult follower with your talk. Elevating our souls? Really? Laughable at best.

Go back to post #9 and read what this guy writes.....

Likewise, it will take someone with the same skill sets to unravel it, and then, someone who is smart enough to to follow the solution. Like I said in the intro, this is a level 10 puzzle, and only a handful of worthy pro's are going to really understand the solution, let alone the poem/puzzle itself. You didn't think this was going to be easy, now did ya? Well neither is understanding and following the solution. Arrogance? No. Confidence? Yes.

That is arrogance at his finest. A "Level 10 puzzle" LMAO....ok. His post is not hard to is just long winded and filled with theories about what is in fact a theoretical treasure in the first place. If it is found someday..he looks like a complete moron. If it is is still just theory. Nobody but FF knows where and IF it is anywhere. NOBODY! All his FF character attacking in the world will not change the fact that he is bitter because he simply cannot find it (like millions of others). Instead of accepting defeat or continue trying he has posted an essay with his self-proclaimed "facts" and then says we obviously are not at his level if we do not agree. Umm no..that's not how it works in adult land.

Onto post #14.....

The best way for me to explain this is by watching a chess match between two Masters.
100% of the people watching see the moves. Half of them will then guess what the masters next move will be, but the reality and outcome of the final game is only understood by less than a handful of other master chess players. After the game is completed, the only two who ever understood the game in the first place were the two masters playing the game. It then takes another master to break down, what had actually happened and put it in layman terms so that the masses can actually follow, what went down in the game. FF puzzle is a masters puzzle to be solved, and not for the faint of heart, no matter what FF has said about it being solved by a child.

He is a chess master and we are just playing checkers. This is a Godly man as you put it? You say you are not going to just sit by and watch him be attacked....yet we are not attacking him...merely standing up for ourselves from this mans arrogance that he likes to twist and call confidence. Let me explain that confidence does not include placing yourself ABOVE others. It is believing in yourself and that is all. HUGE difference.

You say you won't stand for it....but what about his arrogant cut-downs towards us? Obviously you are so enamored with him you are suffering from envy and blindness to his character....which speaks volumes about yours. You are going to let somebody with 20 posts walk up in here and just start bashing our intelligence? Thanks I guess?

Onto post number 20.....

He gives us a rule set in which we must "follow" or he will not reply. I mean REALLY go read post 20...he is right off the deep end and into the water. I am not even going to quote it because really...where the hell does he get off demanding rules in a PUBLIC FORUM?

I honestly could care less about FF and his treasure...but I will admit I was interested after the essay. Post 9 is what killed it for me. What I do care about is arrogant people coming here and saying we are beneath his intelligence level because we are not "level 10 poem master professional chess players" who choose not to dissect his theoretical essay about a treasure poem. Look up to your Godly man all you want....because you absolutely WILL stand there and "take it" as long as he continues to place himself above us "common folk" and pretend his is some elevated soul...which he clearly is not. We absolutely have a right to defend our honor and our intelligence.

My brain is sad I even have to explain this. Who the hell let's people talk to them like that anymore? Have a spine. Good luck on your FF hunt...or lack thereof.

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Bigfoot, lol Dude you lost me! Lol! Way to deep for me! If I'm understanding you the answers, yes, no maybe and then yes again? Lol
I have three beers, come back to check this thread out, and it's like "damn what did I miss? " Everyone is like waaaay smarter then me and I thought I will just take a back seat and let this puppy coast down the road on its own for awhile. No need to do anymore, just enjoy the conversation and the ride, and actually watch someone, other then myself play with my brain! Lol

its a long read but if you actually read his posting you will find he has been there more than once and believes there is no treasure,never was.its cool if you missed that but thats whats up.

in point of fact its the only things worth debate on the subject.Is the treasure story real?Is it a clever marketing campaign designed to sell signed maps?Is slick really in a rubber room with six cats?

This I will say.It took a whole bunch of time and work for pf to stand in front of a volcanic formation with the UU shape.Ie...the end.I suspect "the end"may prove to be a starting point if in fact FFs life expieriences are closely knitted to the poems over structure.Having been at the end,"cancer"then beating it...begining. your logic stream with that UU as the begining and work towards the end(begining) as the end prolly inspired the begining...first rule of peotry after all.


Well...that was about as close to incoherent nonsense as I have seen in a long time... here is my best attempt to make any rational thought out of your otherwise confusing ramblings...

Rudyard Kipling

If - Poem by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!

its cool a few more beers I'll dumb it down a having a bit of fun,not a need to get your neurons in a wad.:occasion14:...never was much of a wordsmith or comic.

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I'm not putting anyone down. I can't make anyone feel inferior, unless they allow themselves to first feel that way.

If you look at the beauty in the puzzle, you would then understand why it took the long winded solution.

Sorry you think because you have been here forever, and I just showed up, that my solution has no merit and neither does my opinion.

My arrogance is really confidence. But it is my humility that I would truly like to extend to all of the searchers who were duped into this mess. I hope now, that searchers will go into the wilderness seeking the true beauty of our nature and not a box of lies. Family, friends and the great outdoors is for all of us to partake in, not for someone to profit from or to peddle his crap called memoirs, at the price of a lie and on the backs of the unsuspecting.


Your choice in Kipling has an elegance to it. In all the chaos, you have found calm.


I'm not putting anyone down. I can't make anyone feel inferior, unless they allow themselves to first feel that way.

If you look at the beauty in the puzzle, you would then understand why it took the long winded solution.

Sorry you think because you have been here forever, and I just showed up, that my solution has no merit and neither does my opinion.

My arrogance is really confidence. But it is my humility that I would truly like to extend to all of the searchers who were duped into this mess. I hope now, that searchers will go into the wilderness seeking the true beauty of our nature and not a box of lies. Family, friends and the great outdoors is for all of us to partake in, not for someone to profit from or to peddle his crap called memoirs, at the price of a lie and on the backs of the unsuspecting.

I have not been here forever. Simply a member since February of this year and personally still consider myself a newb to this hobby and forum. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a new member and starting off. This forum would not be alive if new members did not contribute.

That being said, I do feel there is a bit of decorum that new members usually follow. That starts by not touting how brilliant you think you are for theorizing a riddles conclusion and then placing RULES we must follow to get a response from you. That is absolutely arrogance. You can be as confident in your original post as you want. But to think you can place yourself on a pedestal mentally and then enforce rules for the masses to follow in order to get a response is utter nonsense. If you cannot handle the replies without touting how brilliant you think your are compared to others....perhaps a public forum is not the right place to bring your ideas. Perhaps a private club where you control the members ideology would be more suitable.

You definitely will not make me feel inferior as I can speak for myself and if they so desire and allow....others that feel the same way. I won't respond with quotes from authors and poets in a attempt to deflect the issue at hand and appear witty and charming.

It you want to pretend to call it confidence then prattle on until you are content with your place in life. In my opinion you are belittling people in this thread by saying you are more intelligent than them and you do not even realize it. You go on to call it confidence...I apologize for my crass attitude, but I do not buy it. I see little humility in your posts...just somebody trying to be a "savior" to those he deems beneath him.

First impressions are everything and I believe we have done no favors to each other in that regard. Good day and best wishes in your FF endeavors.

This is what I truly love, this what gets my pulse up and my blood running!

Here comes, a man, let us call him The Great Emancipator, who seeks to help those less educated, less fortunate, and those taken advantage of; and what do they do, the ones that he seeks to help the most? They spit in his face, they attack him, they call him names, they denounce him in any number of ways without anything other then baseless insults.

Well, I'm not gonna sit still and watch it happen. I'm going to watch a Godly man try to elevate more souls who are being taken advantage of and stand by idly while they assault him.

FACT: When the Civil War ended a large number of slaves went back, VOLUNTARILY, to work for free for their former masters. Why?

Give me one factual or logically coherent reason to reject Slick's hypothesis, just give me one...Anybody, anybody, nobody, crickets...WAKE UP PEOPLE, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED.

How is this any different then trying to help Grandma avoid the Nigerian scammer on the internet? How is this any different then warning Bernie Madoff's clients they are in danger, how is this any different then standing up for those who cannot stand for themselves?!?

O, I forget, treasures, riches, a bronze box...feed his ego, buy his books, study his maps, immortalize him for his benefit. What has he given any of you....................nothing.......

I don't recall anyone on here asking to be saved by him. OPINIONS ONE AND ALL! Everyone is entitled to his own. So when his OPINION is shunned don't get all mad at the folks who don't buy his OPINION. Stop telling others their opinions don't mean spit because mr. smartypants opinion has trumped all other opinions. Doesn't work like that....UNLESS HE HAS THE CHEST!!!


I GET IT, you're a ProFenner!

I understand!

You will jump off the ends of the earth for him. You won't stop looking for the treasure until little green leprechauns fly out your arse and tell you it's over.

I have heard this EXACT same spiel before. The EXACT same one you have just posted.

Please go back and tell FF that it simply won't work! The cats out of the bag and he won't be able to get it back in a bag, a box or whatever he decides to come up with next.

What's wrong with setting up rules that are EXACTLY the same as FF? Just the poem, just a map and a dictionary. Those are HIS rules and now I'm using HIS Rules in my favor.

Discuss the poem/puzzle/solve. PROVE ME WRONG! I'm begging you! Prove me wrong JUST using the poem, a map and a dictionary.

TC "The Chase" is over. You call this arrogant, I call it a FACT. A perfect triangle around a "Y" that's connected to a second "Y" which = uu in the Greek alphabet. That's the end in FF land.

Now, your a ProFenner, and I know, that you know what UU means. Play dumb all you want but the Fat lady has sang her last note and UU "is it"

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