The grandaddy of all Treasure Puzzles FORREST FENNS POEM


I'm not putting anyone down. I can't make anyone feel inferior, unless they allow themselves to first feel that way.

If you look at the beauty in the puzzle, you would then understand why it took the long winded solution.

Sorry you think because you have been here forever, and I just showed up, that my solution has no merit and neither does my opinion.

My arrogance is really confidence. But it is my humility that I would truly like to extend to all of the searchers who were duped into this mess. I hope now, that searchers will go into the wilderness seeking the true beauty of our nature and not a box of lies. Family, friends and the great outdoors is for all of us to partake in, not for someone to profit from or to peddle his crap called memoirs, at the price of a lie and on the backs of the unsuspecting.

Slick you really believe because YOUR solve didn't produce the chest that makes you right and everyone else wrong? WOW! There is a word for that condition and it isn't arrogance. Good grief man listen to how you come across to people. Your solve isn't necessarily the issue it's YOU telling everyone they are stupid to keep looking because YOU and YOU alone have proven the entire story of FF is a hoax just because the chest wasn't where YOU deemed it to be. C'MON!!!!!!

I have not been here forever. Simply a member since February of this year and personally still consider myself a newb to this hobby and forum. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a new member and starting off. This forum would not be alive if new members did not contribute.

That being said, I do feel there is a bit of decorum that new members usually follow. That starts by not touting how brilliant you think you are for theorizing a riddles conclusion and then placing RULES we must follow to get a response from you. That is absolutely arrogance. You can be as confident in your original post as you want. But to think you can place yourself on a pedestal mentally and then enforce rules for the masses to follow in order to get a response is utter nonsense. If you cannot handle the replies without touting how brilliant you think your are compared to others....perhaps a public forum is not the right place to bring your ideas. Perhaps a private club where you control the members ideology would be more suitable.

You definitely will not make me feel inferior as I can speak for myself and if they so desire and allow....others that feel the same way. I won't respond with quotes from authors and poets in a attempt to deflect the issue at hand and appear witty and charming.

It you want to pretend to call it confidence then prattle on until you are content with your place in life. In my opinion you are belittling people in this thread by saying you are more intelligent than them and you do not even realize it. You go on to call it confidence...I apologize for my crass attitude, but I do not buy it. I see little humility in your posts...just somebody trying to be a "savior" to those he deems beneath him.

First impressions are everything and I believe we have done no favors to each other in that regard. Good day and best wishes in your FF endeavors.

I don't think I have seen anyone with MORE likes than posts!!! That speaks to me!!!

I am not a pro Fenner. In your "opinion" you solved the riddle and didn't find the treasure. And because you didn't find the treasure where you expected to, you have decided that Fenn is a liar. Your initial post was so long that reading it made my eyes bleed, but in the end, your conclusions are no more valid than anyone else's.

You believe you solved the poem/puzzle and found no treasure. I believe there is a china teapot situated between Earth and Mars in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Prove me wrong.


I GET IT, you're a ProFenner!

I understand!

You will jump off the ends of the earth for him. You won't stop looking for the treasure until little green leprechauns fly out your arse and tell you it's over.

I have heard this EXACT same spiel before. The EXACT same one you have just posted.

Please go back and tell FF that it simply won't work! The cats out of the bag and he won't be able to get it back in a bag, a box or whatever he decides to come up with next.

What's wrong with setting up rules that are EXACTLY the same as FF? Just the poem, just a map and a dictionary. Those are HIS rules and now I'm using HIS Rules in my favor.

Discuss the poem/puzzle/solve. PROVE ME WRONG! I'm begging you! Prove me wrong JUST using the poem, a map and a dictionary.

TC "The Chase" is over. You call this arrogant, I call it a FACT. A perfect triangle around a "Y" that's connected to a second "Y" which = uu in the Greek alphabet. That's the end in FF land.

Now, your a ProFenner, and I know, that you know what UU means. Play dumb all you want but the Fat lady has sang her last note and UU "is it"

YOU FAILED!!! NO CHEST!!!! Stop trying to convince yourself all your time and effort WASN'T for not, IT WAS!!! BTW I have never heard the term "PROFENNER" just so you know.


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I GET IT, you're a ProFenner!

I understand!

You will jump off the ends of the earth for him. You won't stop looking for the treasure until little green leprechauns fly out your arse and tell you it's over.

I have heard this EXACT same spiel before. The EXACT same one you have just posted.

Please go back and tell FF that it simply won't work! The cats out of the bag and he won't be able to get it back in a bag, a box or whatever he decides to come up with next.

What's wrong with setting up rules that are EXACTLY the same as FF? Just the poem, just a map and a dictionary. Those are HIS rules and now I'm using HIS Rules in my favor.

Discuss the poem/puzzle/solve. PROVE ME WRONG! I'm begging you! Prove me wrong JUST using the poem, a map and a dictionary.

TC "The Chase" is over. You call this arrogant, I call it a FACT. A perfect triangle around a "Y" that's connected to a second "Y" which = uu in the Greek alphabet. That's the end in FF land.

Now, your a ProFenner, and I know, that you know what UU means. Play dumb all you want but the Fat lady has sang her last note and UU "is it"

Well there we have it folks. Since February of 2015 I have been waiting for my chance to pounce on SlickNickeL with my Pro-FF talk knowing that someday he would arrive and I would have my just revenge! (insert evil laugh here)

Get help need medication. I could care less about FF and his treasure...check my post history and you'll see this is the first I have entertained the subject. Pretty sure I even agreed that FF could have duped us in my last post.

What I do care about are my fellow TN members not being called idiots by somebody consumed by...well who knows what your consumed by after this post. This is one of those times I can just sit back and watch your ship burn all by itself after this masterpiece.

I don't think I have seen anyone with MORE likes than posts!!! That speaks to me!!!

Thanks man...I appreciate that kind sentiment.

For someone so SMUG and arrogant as to say they know where it is and hasn't been on the news to get his " 15 minutes " forgive me if I yawn at your waste of time in telling us, I can see your lips moving but all I hear is BLUH BLUH BLUH BLUH, BLUH!!!!!!!!!

None of you have produced so much of a fragment or kernel of anything other then insults and hatred. You claim he is arrogant but the only arrogance is from those who decided the man was wrong before you read his post. The real problem here is that you don't understand his explanation. Do you understand rocket science or brain surgery? If not, that does not make it any less helpful or true. I still can't fathom how we put a man on the moon...but we did.

Ignorance is no excuse. Educate yourself first, then come back with an intelligent argument and not band wagon hatred.

None of you have produced so much of a fragment or kernel of anything other then insults and hatred. You claim he is arrogant but the only arrogance is from those who decided the man was wrong before you read his post. The real problem here is that you don't understand his explanation. Do you understand rocket science or brain surgery? If not, that does not make it any less helpful or true. I still can't fathom how we put a man on the moon...but we did.

Ignorance is no excuse. Educate yourself first, then come back with an intelligent argument and not band wagon hatred.

As I have stated it many times OPINIONS one and all Crispin....I'm not one bit irritated about the mans solve it's his ATTITUDE that irks me and most likely others. You can't tell people I'M RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG end of story without proof. Simple as that. NO matter how it may sound and look. I will tell you my solve is much much simpler and does fit the poem to a tee. No reaching to fit. WE don't post our solves because WE believe our solves are just as good and just as promising. NOBODY would be silly enough to post their solve without thoroughly searching the spot true? Slick searched his spot,came up empty as we all have done but we don't belittle folks and tell them they are dumb dogs because they don't take his story for gospel.
Slick wants everyone to stop searching just because HE says so. pfff

If it is solved! It might take a like minded person to FF to solve his puzzle? So, The arrogance might be ok! I do agree with comparing people to dogs or like a dogs reaction a little twisted! I re-read the whole solve and the thread.

I was thinking, maybe give him the benefit of doubt, and try to see if the solution is possible or just really a long winded, exotic, way to look like a solve. :dontknow:

So, if we get past that for now.....

Ok, onto the solve! Has anyone checked some of the meanings to the words? If one of his is off? Well, that pretty much throws most of the theory out? :dontknow:

If we look past the way it's presented,communicated and try to see if the solve is even correct or possible! Anyone, have that motivation?

great idea,investigate the language histories.If I cared I would give it a go.I find his solve most entertaining and earnest.I simply believe he believes and others may also.I also believe that his second quest,to warn the world,shut down TC and bring global shame to a man he deems deserving of it is simply outside of the realm of possibility.It is this second quest that intrigues me.Akin to alerting the world to the stupidity of tailgating.There is no appetite for reception.

I am reasonably sure the language angle and other tests of his solve will show that there are no simple mistakes or omissions.It is a very plausible solve in my eyes.No way to know how many plausible solves have been achieved,how many find the solver standing in a spot his minds eye had already painted.No way.

Im not a proFF guy,nor a hater of PF.I find both personalities to be strong willed and entertaining.I like a Trump speech for many of the same reasons.Note I dont comment on my personal feelings about content,no ones concern but my own and some would be surprised.

I am content to be entertained and am truly impressed by his efforts reguardless of their validity.I cant prove him right or wrong,no one can.

peace gang..:occasion14:

Please let me redeem my arrogance with humility and confidence.

In order to solve this puzzle, only 100% confidence can be assumed.

Why the confidence?

Because it was one of the RULES that Forrest Fenn placed in the puzzle and had mentioned many times.

FF " when the poem is solved, the seeker will move to the location with complete confidence"

I didn't say his, FF did. It's not my rule, it's FF's.

FF also stated, it would take a special kind of person to move with confidence to the final destination. I resent this statement that I'm any different then the fine folks on this web site, or for that matter, anywhere else. I just choose to solve the puzzle using the very first set of facts that FF released, and, before he was able to form a plan that would benefit him the most in peddling his crap. I have studied his spiel many times as to his Cancer statements, and what he has actually changed over the years. He has morphed TC into something completely different.

FF is a deep thinker. He is his own "Id". I'm not suggesting in any way, that I know the man's mind, BUT I do know a little about human nature, and he has embellished "The Chase" to maximize his profit potential over the years.

The use of logic, will solve the puzzle using only the rules set forth by FF from his FIRST INTERVIEW.

The use of human intuition and common sense, solves the question of an actual treasure or a box of hot air.

Common sense here, is the "Key" word.

For the record, I read through the entire solve twice. I had to read it a second time because I did not feel I really understood what Slick was saying after the first read through. I'm no linguistics expert but I didn't see any obvious errors or glaring faults in logic.

Well they won't SPEAK to me!! lol

Does anyone know if I am right or wrong about my earlier comment that the box (according to FF ) is not buried ?

For the record, I read through the entire solve twice. I had to read it a second time because I did not feel I really understood what Slick was saying after the first read through. I'm no linguistics expert but I didn't see any obvious errors or glaring faults in logic.

took me 3 times and I agree however I dispute it only as being labeled factual.It cannot be even if completely true as it is not confirmable.Only had the box been there could it be undisputed fact.Facts to me are not tied to interpritation,they are tied to repeatable result.I actually am in PFs camp as to the logic stream and perhaps even the possibility that TC is a ruse.But I stop well short of,"fact".I have never had any desire to go look for a cashe that I cannot reasonably confirm exists.This is one of those.

Its the process that I admire.I have read other solves,dabbled reading other forums on the subject.It is the process that interests me.His process is valid and can be followed.While I believe it may have been meant to not be solved,this is as good a swipe at it I have read.

fact?not knowable,but interesting conjecture and process.



He stated FF " I didn't say it was buried, I didn't say it wasn't " he did say a lot about the "Place" that would be a good location to hide it. EXACTLY describes the picture in my article. Truly a beautiful place in nature. I was in awe, not because this was the Holy Grail of Fenn's BS but the true beauty that nature actually created it. Stand where I stood, when the sun hits it in the morning hours, and be repaired for a mind blowing experience.


He stated FF " I didn't say it was buried, I didn't say it wasn't " he did say a lot about the "Place" that would be a good location to hide it. EXACTLY describes the picture in my article. Truly a beautiful place in nature. I was in awe, not because this was the Holy Grail of Fenn's BS but the true beauty that nature actually created it. Stand where I stood, when the sun hits it in the morning hours, and be repaired for a mind blowing experience.

I agree with the beauty part Slick but I am wondering how your horse head and indian face and other components will look after a forrest fire. Would a person be able to still find these? If you have used trees for markers and such in these land marks I do believe this is a fatal flaw. Stream channels do change.

Here's the thing. The area to hunt has been defined by Fenn as a piece of land from NM to Canada in various ways.
The poem contains no actual clues. The words have various meanings that could apply to many places in the vast designated area.
There is no actual reference to a starting point or any actual place other than a mountain range.
This is like a jigsaw puzzle with no image on it and all square pieces. That is it could be put together properly in many ways, but still no picture!
I don't know how long Fenn will live, but I am sure he will laugh all the way. Just my thoughts, Frank

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