tayopa, legend or reality ...?

Gossamer luv: You posted -->

What giants?
I have posted on this before. They run from 9 - 12 ft tall with reddish hair. I have already promised to take photgraphs of a complete skeleton and post them in here as soon as I can break free of the mining compromises.

Don Jose de La Mancha

It is likely that the entire "Crystal Skull" myth, as well as the artifacts that have been around since the late 1800s, were the brainchild of one man, Eugene Boban.

One of the latest rumors, is the existence of a crystal skull at the bottom of a ladder in the Superstitions. There are supposed to be Mayan faces carved in the walls as you descend the ladder. There is a rock with some interesting carvings on it, that Paul posted a picture of. It may be related to that cave.

Two people who may have searched for this cave are: Ron Eagle and Alin Tree Horvaka.

"Another was a cave with horizontal component, and a staircase down in a narrow, oxygen deprived tunnel. At the bottom Alin said it sounded hollow - like someone had put boards down and filled over with dirt. Need a compressor or scott pack to supply air at this site. Alin Tree had several other caves as well."

One of these caves is said to be underwater now. While that may seem.....just mildly interesting, it does create a little more interest when you research some of the Horvaka family history. I could make it easy, but I believe most of the rewards from treasure hunting comes from the search. :icon_study:

Have fun, :icon_jokercolor:

Joe Ribaudo

if it is this cave the lion protects the enterence .......yes there is a crystall skull there . where tdo think they were made ...? i wonder if my silcon crystall is a match to any of the skulls ....remember that crystall ...?
what was that saying .. "a leap of faith from the lion's head "

Evening CJ mi buddy: you posted -->

Two people who may have searched for this cave are: Ron Eagle and Alin Tree Horvaka.
Ron Eagle and I had contact when he was working with Norm Byers in the superstitions. He liked the idea that I had a bit of Mohican blood. He mentioned that he had just barely escaped from a trap in a tunnel.

Norm also sent me a drawing of the entry shaft, the sloping tunnel, the Aztec head carved on the ceiling, the spiral staircase descending to the wooden barrier and what appeared to be the top of a door. He also sent me two photographs of carved figures that appeared to be aquatic, possibly seal, supposedly taken by the gov't agents of objects recovered there.

The orig finder claimed that the lack of air was critical, but the safety factor from falling rocks was worse He claimed that he needed to clean up the shaft etc first, but that the gov;t intruded. He said that he had found it by noticing a slight depression in the ground which he excavated finding the entry shaft....

Don Jose de La Mancha

OHIO ORO: You posted -->

what about the locations where you found the giants

One days mule ride North East of Camotes, La cerro de l a Campana. The caves on the mt. were their buriel area Sorry no valley

also my assoc that died on the last trip to Tayopa, had found a sealed cave which he happily opened expecting to find a treasure. Instead he found two giant skeletons wrapped in woven cane sheets. He was so disappointed that he threw them down the clif. I told him that he had indeed found a treasre but had thrown it away.. We never could find any of theo bones, I presume that the animalls either ate them or carried them away.

Also remember my story on them at Chinapas, where Carlos told me that his father had killed the last one in the area about 1900.

Don Jose de La Mancha


I don't believe you will be hauling any fans into the Superstitions......but I could be wrong.


You were my original source for Norm Byers and the rest of my story. While I could not find "Alin Tree Horvaka", I was able to find the family name. Strangely enough, it involves cave diving and if you look deeper into the site........the Maya.

Visit these sites:


The following site is part of the first one:


Steve Gerrard's history seems to dovetail nicely into our story.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

Tally ho Cj mi compadre: I will see if I can dig up copies of the two figures from Norm..They were fascinating, almost Eskino in effect.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Doggone... I missed a lot... I'm fascinated about Giants, I got caught up in ancient history today, the Phillistines and the other 'sea peoples'.. One thread running over another.

will see if I can dig up copies of the two figures from Norm..They were fascinating, almost Eskino in effect.
Don Jose de La Mancha

You have pics of Giants?" This is really cool. The skulls I have a lot of books about them, but have never held one, so until I do...lol
Do you have pics of the caves that they were found in?:
I feel like I missed or a bunch of stuff was removed, lol.

Ahh...Crystal Skulls!
I don't know whether or not this artifactual subject has been has been discussed/discounted before on TN.I kind of expected it to come up though,because of the release of the latest Indiana Jones adventure and the renewed interest in these objects.Anna Mitchell-Hedges was,for a time a resident of my hometown,Kitchener, and following an article in the local newspaper about herself and the famous Mayan skull whereby she extended an invitation to readers to visit her home and and view the skull,I jumped at the chance to do so a few days later.I found her to be a very interesting character,with her home a virtual museum of photos and artifacts gathered during her father's explorations.The skull itself was intriguing in its detail and clarity but gave me personally no sensations or dreams afterward,even though she allowed myself as well as most others the opportunity the hold it,after first demonstrating how to do so because of the way that the jaw piece fit the skull.My visit was short and I've often wished that I had visited her again later.I would have liked to have heard more about her and her father's adventures and examined her photo albums.At least I would expect that if I ever come across a crystal skull somewhere deep within a cave in the Superstitions,that I will recognize it for what it is.
I will keep an eye on the paper in case they do a reprint of the original article due to the movie release,or I may try to obtain a copy from their archives.

Too bad the remains are lost today though, I am sure the Smithsonian Institute would appreciate having them hauled in their front doors with representatives of the Press ready to photograph the arrivals!

Wouldn't that be a hoot Oro!!!? :thumbsup:

Real - I think the site has a policy about not posting photos of human remains (skeletons and such). I may be wrong on that, but if it's the case, I wanted to put my order in for a copy of whatever photos you have of "giant skeletons" down the road via e-mail. I'd love to see them!

Interesting information here the last couple days! Keep it up!

Was gone 3 days working and got home and watched a show last night on science channel about the skulls....got to see quite a bit before I crashed and burned but didn't finish it. Thanks for posting the Blog on it...maybe I can pick up some of the info I missed! :thumbsup:

i watch the speacal on TV last night about the real crystal skull .. ..yet i did not answer when CJ joked about the crystall that could be found in the supers ...

i see the crystall skull diffrently then most do ... it all started with chicomoztoc after the loss of Atlantis there was a set of crystall skulls made to give to the winners of the game .. each tribe that came to play and won the events that only took place once a year at chicomoztoc ,much as i stated a play off set of games .. the fact chicomoztoc was a shamen site crystal skulls were made there by the skilled shaman ... the crystall i found i beleive maybe the sorce of the crystall skulls if i am right the main center skull of the 13 is still there ...other skulls could have been returned to the site at one time or another ...

i beleive this is why the sorce of the crystall skulls has never been found before now ....

the only sad part of this whole story is i have sold most of my gear and i will not be returning to the supers ....

i have no dout what so ever that i have found chicomoztoc .. yet i no longer can aford to take another expedition at this piont in time .. so it really dosent matter much now ...

yes i do beleive the skulls have a unseen power and yes i can trace it and did ...

the reason i stated that about the crystal i found was it links to all 13 skulls as dose the center skull ...

some where far below is a caverna and it is coverd with vast amonts of crystall like the sample i found ....

how things change .....

the jones TV show is just that made for TV good to watch but , nothing like going afte the real thing

i will 48 this year and i have seen so much in my life ...yet i would like to go back again as soon as i can aford to ...

the skulls were made to draw the shamen of these tribes togather as one focus piont .. other people like me .... even to think there were 13 of them is mind blowing ...

the gold found at chicomoztoc may have had no real value to compaired to the value of the crystall skulls and why they were made ...

i feel and sence that each tribe that had one earned it with their very lifes ....

the real human head used for the game was replaced over time with a rubber ball was the crystall skulls next ...?

i know the center main skull is there at chicomoztoc ....i sence it ..and it is real ...

there is so much we do not know or under stand at this site ....

who knows maybe some day ....

the blindbowman said:
i watch the speacal on TV last night about the real crystal skull .. ..yet i did not answer when CJ joked about the crystall that could be found in the supers ...

i see the crystall skull diffrently then most do ... it all started with chicomoztoc after the loss of Atlantis there was a set of crystall skulls made to give to the winners of the game .. each tribe that came to play and won the events that only took place once a year at chicomoztoc ,much as i stated a play off set of games .. the fact chicomoztoc was a shamen site crystal skulls were made there by the skilled shaman ... the crystall i found i beleive maybe the sorce of the crystall skulls if i am right the main center skull of the 13 is still there ...other skulls could have been returned to the site at one time or another ...

i beleive this is why the sorce of the crystall skulls has never been found before now ....

the only sad part of this whole story is i have sold most of my gear and i will not be returning to the supers ....

i have no dout what so ever that i have found chicomoztoc .. yet i no longer can aford to take another expedition at this piont in time .. so it really dosent matter much now ...

yes i do beleive the skulls have a unseen power and yes i can trace it and did ...

the reason i stated that about the crystal i found was it links to all 13 skulls as dose the center skull ...

some where far below is a caverna and it is coverd with vast amonts of crystall like the sample i found ....

how things change .....

the jones TV show is just that made for TV good to watch but , nothing like going afte the real thing

i will 48 this year and i have seen so much in my life ...yet i would like to go back again as soon as i can aford to ...

the skulls were made to draw the shamen of these tribes togather as one focus piont .. other people like me .... even to think there were 13 of them is mind blowing ...

the gold found at chicomoztoc may have had no real value to compaired to the value of the crystall skulls and why they were made ...

i feel and sence that each tribe that had one earned it with their very lifes ....

the real human head used for the game was replaced over time with a rubber ball was the crystall skulls next ...?

i know the center main skull is there at chicomoztoc ....i sence it ..and it is real ...

there is so much we do not know or under stand at this site ....

who knows maybe some day ....

we can always hope that one day we will truly know and understand it all. Would be an incredible experience to actually find one of the crystal skulls, that is for sure....but to actually understand it all and know the origins and purpose......awww that would be indescribable.

it well be very interesting to see how this all plays out .. if the skulls are all one size would shock me even more so . for a few reasons . if they are all human size ,they could be reflections of real humans that lives in the past tribes , like the best of the best of the game type thing.. or secerd shamen skulls copyed in crystall to hold the spirits of those secerd shamen and maybe these skulls were a vessle of some kind that would hold the spirit of the secerd shamen tell his next body was found , much the reverse of healing crystal and they could be just that .some kind of a conection piont between the shamen and those being healed ,,, i sence this when i am close to them ,as a faith healer , wich " i do not like that word ".....but most can relate to it ... it is my opioion one dose not need faith to be a healer ..

as for the skulls if they do reflect the human size skull then they would most likely reflect inner powers in wich the skulls would be made in diffrent size when they were being toned to a given sense ....

this would most likely explan why the skulls would turn out diffrent sizes , the next question is why the diffrent types of stone ,, are we looking at diffrent effect related to the diffrent types of stone being used or is there some other reason yet unknown to us ...

it maybe missleeding to some of you but the count is 12 and one focus center piont ... is this because of the 12 cycles of the moon pre year , i stated the culture i have been studing is a culture that watched and study the lunar cycle and used it to messure time and distence & events ...are these skulls some how part of this lost skill ...?

your right ...interesting ...

the blindbowman said:
it well be very interesting to see how this all plays out .. if the skulls are all one size would shock me even more so . for a few reasons . if the are all human size they could be reflections of real humans that lives in the past tribes , like the best of the best type thing.. or secerd shamen skulls copyed in crystall to hold the spirits, much the reverse of healing crystal and they could be just that . i sence this when i am close to them ,as a faith healer wich i do not like that word but mot can relate to it ... it is my opioion one dose not need faith to be a healer ..

as for the skulls if they do reflect the human size skull then thy would most likely reflect inner powers in wich the skulls would be made in diffrent size when they were being toned to a given sense ....

thi would most likely explan why the skulls would turn out diffrent sizes , the next question is why the diffrent types of stone ,, are we looking at diffrent effect related to the diffrent types of stone being used or is there some other reason yet unknown to us ...

it maybe missleeding to some of you but the count is 12 and one focus center piont ... is this because of the 12 cycles of the oon pre year , i stated the culture i have been studing is a culture that watched and study the lunar cycle and used it to messure time and distence & events ...are these skulls some how part of this lost skill ...?

your right ...interesting ...

definitely something to ponder there....sure looking forward to seeing how much they are able to actually figure out.....and then how close that is to the truth! :wink: Funny how so many extremely intelligent scientists get so lost and far from the truth when the try to intellectualize something of which has any spiritual focus tied in. :tongue3:

thats very true ,,, scientists as well as faith , i often over see as haveing little control over good research , its nice to have them yet they waste a lot of time debateing each other and not the topic at hand .. i like facts and realities as much as good sciene as the next preson but as i say when the topic is faith or sciene then debate is a good productive resorce but not always ...


Every crystal skull that has ever been found, and subjected to scientific examination, has been deemed to be of modern-day manufacture.

Personally, I don't believe any of those stories. Most were made up to generate enough interest for people to put some money on the table. The story never changes.....If I only had enough cash for one more trip, we would all be millionaires.

Not enough lifetimes to chase down every new story.

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

Every crystal skull that has ever been found, and subjected to scientific examination, has been deemed to be of modern-day manufacture.

Personally, I don't believe any of those stories. Most were made up to generate enough interest for people to put some money on the table. The story never changes.....If I only had enough cash for one more trip, we would all be millionaires.

Not enough lifetimes to chase down every new story.

Take care,


If one trip would make me a millionaire I would walk or even crawl if I had to in order to find a way.....the money in itself would not be the issue...look how much time it would free me from "work" so that I could be with loved ones out exploring. :icon_sunny:

I do not know enough about all of the stories in order to make a decision as to whether they are true or false...sure would like the time to find out though.

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