good Morning Thom: Steve Wilson, the author, is a long time friend, even if we haven't kept in contact. I haven't read the story in the ICMJ , but will try to have my offfspring get the three issues for my files.
Tthe last time Steve and I talked about Tayopa was in Alamos in 94.. see accompanying picture.
Most lost mine or treasure stories, always have an excuse, such as I personally do. hehehhe. In my case it is legitiment as I have reported, but Tayopa is no longer lost, just not in the final excavation phase. It all depends upon the response from the different divisions of the government, some in actual competition with other sigh..
When I heard of steve's story of Tayopa, I promptly notified him of it's discovery, but I will not notify the ICMJ until much later. There is no sense in modifying his story for which he is probably receiving needed $$. "Let sleeping doggies lie" as they say.
Don Jose de La Mancha
p.s. "our beloved Don Jose" ?? sheesh If'n you were a beautiful BROAD, I would smooch you.
Subject: Tayopa
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 21:56:41 -0600
Good evening Linda & Steve: The Tayopa complex is an acomplished fact, I own them now. They is still closed up waitng for official gov't clearance and clarification before I lead them to the "X" spots hehe. I have been posting quite a bit on them and other adventures.
Yes, we have much to discuss.
Joseph curry