tayopa, legend or reality ...?

Cynangyl said:
:'( I don't get the ICMJ.....share at least the highlights when you are done reading??

i will try to type it out for ya to read its pretty lengthy but they said they found some documents that might in the future lead them to it...

they did state something about cannot release reasons why they have not 100% gone after it due to private reasons .. it might be due to the mexico authorities but I will try to transcribe it later..

Oroblanco said:
Highmountain - just want you to know I have nothing against you (or anyone else here) and I think we can scratch off the misunderstandings as misunderstandings. No 'attitude' or rancor directed at you, will come from me. Life is too short.

Gossamer - neat pics! :thumbsup:


Oro: Fair enough. I'll look forward to your comments on the topic.


It may be just a supposition but ...
The reason they haven't gone after it,
(if it is someone other than our beloved Don Jose)
may be because they can't get he permission needed from the property owner to do so.

just a suggestion.

good Morning Thom: Steve Wilson, the author, is a long time friend, even if we haven't kept in contact. I haven't read the story in the ICMJ , but will try to have my offfspring get the three issues for my files.

Tthe last time Steve and I talked about Tayopa was in Alamos in 94.. see accompanying picture.

Most lost mine or treasure stories, always have an excuse, such as I personally do. hehehhe. In my case it is legitiment as I have reported, but Tayopa is no longer lost, just not in the final excavation phase. It all depends upon the response from the different divisions of the government, some in actual competition with other sigh..

When I heard of steve's story of Tayopa, I promptly notified him of it's discovery, but I will not notify the ICMJ until much later. There is no sense in modifying his story for which he is probably receiving needed $$. "Let sleeping doggies lie" as they say.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. "our beloved Don Jose" ?? sheesh If'n you were a beautiful BROAD, I would smooch you.

From: real_tayopa@hotmail.com
To: slwilsonXX@XXXXXX.net
Subject: Tayopa
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 21:56:41 -0600

Good evening Linda & Steve: The Tayopa complex is an acomplished fact, I own them now. They is still closed up waitng for official gov't clearance and clarification before I lead them to the "X" spots hehe. I have been posting quite a bit on them and other adventures.

Yes, we have much to discuss.

Joseph curry


  • ZSteved Wilson on Tayopa and LLuvia de Oro ©@.webp
    ZSteved Wilson on Tayopa and LLuvia de Oro ©@.webp
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  • ZSteved Wilson on Tayopa and LLuvia de Oro ©@.webp
    ZSteved Wilson on Tayopa and LLuvia de Oro ©@.webp
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Ed T said:
Would that be by fire or by water Gossamer? ;D Or could you be so kind as to baptise me by fire followed by water ??? ::) LOL

Ed T :wink:
Well I prefer to do it in that order...LOL... depends on your 'issues'

Hola mi amigo,
I was pretty sure there isn't and hasn't been any legal searches for these mines other than yours.

yes my friend you are more endeared to some here than you would think.
A smooch... if I were a beautiful broad, I might let ya...


Old Dog said:

It may be just a supposition but ...
The reason they haven't gone after it,
(if it is someone other than our beloved Don Jose)
may be because they can't get he permission needed from the property owner to do so.

just a suggestion.

hey, all I did was post that the story was in the ICMJ and a little skim of what I read... wasnt stating anything else.. since the article is more relative than half of whats in the 7 pages here I figured it could possibly stir the thread back towards its inteneded purpose....

but once again I guess I was wrong and not aptly listened to in my proper context........ but I give myself an A for effort of sharing information with someone.. I hope at least 1 reader here recieved info that they might want to get a copy and read......

the end..


I'll stop posting.
Too much thin skin here.

I didn't jump any one.
Only made a supposition based on who actually owns the property these mines are on.
No need to have hurt feelers about it.

Carry on with out me


OHIO Stryker: You posted --->

I hope at least 1 reader here recieved info that they might want to get a copy and read..

You must have missed my post in which I said that I certainly would / will get copies for my files..... Gracias. Keep em coming my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Thom no way are you going to be quiet hehheh post away smoo err hi. :coffee2:

dang....I went away for a day and missed all the smoochin?? ::) Just my luck! rofl You guys are too funny and I adore ya as you well know! :wink: I am home so I am going to be :icon_study: so behave yourselves! :tongue3: :sign10:

Real de Tayopa said:
OHIO Stryker: You posted --->

I hope at least 1 reader here recieved info that they might want to get a copy and read..

You must have missed my post in which I said that I certainly would / will get copies for my files..... Gracias. Keep em coming my friend.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Thom no way are you going to be quiet hehheh post away smoo err hi. :coffee2:

it all good I did see it .. nothing but a mis-reading of a post me and the poster and my self got it all fixed... everything is good.. no worries..

I do not have many issues Gossamer. If you were to baptise me, "what religion would that make me?" I wonder if that might make me one wild screaming Pentecostal. Of course that would only be if you are one of them yourself...

Ed T

lol... 'If' I were to baptise you, you could roll holy. But its just a discussion with your GOD... I can't make you anything. Although after further consideration... I might just hold ya' under for a bit, then you would come up out of that water with a whole new prespective.

That brings to mind the dope smoking hippie, being chased across the park in the early 70s
by a barefoot Jesus person in black pants and white shirt...
The hippie yelling at the top of his lungs..."I don't wanna be saved!"
the Jesus person yelling back..."Oh, yes you do!"

Old Dog said:
That brings to mind the dope smoking hippie, being chased across the park in the early 70s
by a barefoot Jesus person in black pants and white shirt...
The hippie yelling at the top of his lungs..."I don't wanna be saved!"
the Jesus person yelling back..."Oh, yes you do!"

Spang got a horselaugh exploded out of me on that. Thanks for sharing it.

I actually saw this in down town LA When I was on leave.

It was so funny at the time I almost thought I would fall down laughing myself.


Old Dog said:
That brings to mind the dope smoking hippie, being chased across the park in the early 70s
by a barefoot Jesus person in black pants and white shirt...
The hippie yelling at the top of his lungs..."I don't wanna be saved!"
the Jesus person yelling back..."Oh, yes you do!"
Now that is the funniest I've ever heard... but it was probably one of my aunts doin' the chasin'... just kidding.
Janiece, no religion... just kindness

Old Dog said:
That brings to mind the dope smoking hippie, being chased across the park in the early 70s
by a barefoot Jesus person in black pants and white shirt...
The hippie yelling at the top of his lungs..."I don't wanna be saved!"
the Jesus person yelling back..."Oh, yes you do!"


He He He He He cute one, I can just visualize it Cyan gal running like hell to save her virtue, yelling "I don't wanna get smooched", and me running after her also yelling "Yes you do" ! sigh

Don Jose de La Manchsa

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