Ed T said:
Are you trying to tell us that some of the posters in this room may possibly seem a bit creepy to you Gossamer

More specifically me ? Here is a link to one of my poems due to be published soon
http://www.poetry.com/voteforme/poemvote1.asp?PID=11911294 ... Furthermore, if you look on mugshots, you can find a picture of my wife and I...The pic can be seen on the 1/17/2008 date...At least it was there the last time I checked it out.
Though I must mention, some of the stuff I write may be a little provocative...
I am one of the few around here who tries to make people laugh with some of my silly posts...
If I have freaked you out, I am truly sorry...
Ed T
Ed: Gossamer didn't say that, mightn't even have hinted at it. Which doesn't say whether some of us here are creepy to her, or aren't. She just didn't say one way or the other.
Nice poem you wrote. Congrats on finding a publisher for it. And the anecdote was a funny one. Thanks for posting it.
(Do you suppose it's our anonymity, the dearth of personal information leads people to feel uncomfortable in our discussions here? I'd never considered it to be the case. But if it's so, here's me, though a decade ago, and sample poems to insure non-creepiness:
http://snipurl.com/295kx [jackpurcellbooks_us Photos from the 1998 search]
http://snipurl.com/295l7 [jackpurcellbooks_us Featured poem]
http://snipurl.com/295lc [jackpurcellbooks_us Samples from Poems of the New Old West])
Gossamer, you were going to go into some possible connections between Mormon beliefs and various tribes and other issues. I'd be interested in knowing your ideas on how to proceed with it, or whether you've abandoned that line of thinking.
Gossamer: I only ask because I'll confess to being a little lost here. Does the target of your inquiry involve Toyopa, Native Americans and Mormon beliefs as they relate to the Toyopa gold legend? It seems an interesting topic whether it relates specifically to Toyopa, or is more general. Thanks. Jack
More edit: Since none of us seem to be intimately familiar with Mormon beliefs maybe some links to the thinking and research of others on that and related issues will help move things along:
Answers to Apologetic Claims
about DNA and the Book of Mormon
http://snipurl.com/2968o [www_signaturebooks_com]
http://snipurl.com/2968t [www_signaturebooks_com]
Looking Over vs. Overlooking: Native American Languages: Let's Void the Void
Brian D. Stubbs
Provo, Utah: Maxwell Institute, 1996. Pp. 1–49
http://snipurl.com/2968w [farms_byu_edu]
Mother Goddess Viewpoints
http://snipurl.com/29692 [www_gnosticrob_com]
Catholic Discussions on Mormon beliefs about Native American origins
http://snipurl.com/29695 [forums_catholic_com]
Debunking enthusiast anti-Mormon Native American origin assertions
http://snipurl.com/29698 [trialsofascension_net]
Assessing the Logical Structure of DNA Arguments against the Book of Mormon
http://snipurl.com/2969d [farms_byu_edu]
http://snipurl.com/2969l [www3_interscience_wiley_com]
The Arts faculty of the University of Manitoba has historical information about the immigration of Icelanders to Manitoba
http://snipurl.com/2969o [www_umanitoba_ca]
References from
1. Blake T. Ostler, “Assessing the Logical Structure of DNA Arguments against the Book of Mormon,” Sunstone (2004): 135:70; John Butler, “Addressing Questions surrounding the Book of Mormon and DNA Research,” available at the FARMS website:
http://farms.byu.edu/publications/dna/ButlerBofMandDNA_Feb2006.php, accessed Mar. 11, 2006.
2. There has been an explosion in DNA apologetics in the last couple of years. I encourage people who are unfamiliar with the limited geography theory and the latest interpretations of the Book of Mormon to read these apologetic publications. Most of these can be found at
3. For example, see David McClellan, “Detecting Lehi’s Genetic Signature: Possible, Probable, or Not?” FARMS Review 15:35-90. Other apologists have completely contradicted McClellan by presenting testable hypotheses derived from the Book of Mormon. See Michael Whiting, “DNA and the Book of Mormon: A Phylogenetic Perspective,” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (2003) 12:24-35; D. Jeffrey Meldrum and Trent D. Stephens, “Who are the Children of Lehi?” Journal of Book of Mormon Studies (2003) 12:38-51. Ostler contends, from a philosophical perspective, that critics' arguments based on DNA evidence are logically flawed ( “Assessing Logical Structure”).
4. John Butler, “Addressing Questions.”
5. See Dean H. Leavitt, Jonathon C. Marshall, and Keith A. Crandall, “The Search for the Seed of Lehi: How Defining Alternative Models Helps in the Interpretation of Genetic Data,” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 36 (Winter 2003): 133–-50; Meldrum and Stephens, “Who Are the Children,” 38-–51; McClellan, “Detecting Lehi,” 35-90; and Whiting, “DNA and Book of Mormon,” 24-35; Ryan Parr, “Missing the Boat to Ancient America … Just Plain Missing the Boat,” FARMS Review 17/1 (2005): 83-106.
6. Michael Quinn, “The Ancient Book of Mormon as Tribal Narrative,” Sunstone (2005) 137:67.
7. Maere Reidla, et al., “Origin and Diffusion of mtDNA Haplogroup X,” American Journal of Human Genetics 73 (2003): 1178-90.
8. Cláudia L. Dornelles, et al., “Is Haplogroup X Present in Extant South American Indians?” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, forthcoming; published online at “Research Articles,” Wiley InterScience (
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/109861152/ABSTRACT; accessed online Apr. 28, 2004.
9. William W. Hausworth, et al., “Inter- and Intra-population Studies of Ancient Humans,” Experientia 50 (1994): 585-91; Anne C. Stone and Mark Stoneking, “MtDNA Analysis of a Prehistoric Oneota Population: Implications for the Peopling of the New World,” American Journal of Human Genetics 62 (1998): 1153-70.
10. Reidla, “Origin and Diffusion.”
11. See Ellen Levy-Coffman, "A Mosaic of People: The Jewish Story and a Reassessment of the DNA Evidence," Journal of Genetic Genealogy, 2005, 1:12-33.
12. John Butler, “Addressing Questions.”
13. Agnar Helgason, et al., "A Population-wide Coalescent Analysis of Icelandic Matrilineal and Patrilineal Genealogies: Evidence for a Faster Evolutionary Rate of mtDNA Lineages than Y Chromosomes," American Journal of Human Genetics (2003) 72: 1370-1388.
14. "Iceland," Encyclopædia Britannica, retrieved Mar. 6, 2006, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online (
15. The Arts faculty of the University of Manitoba has historical information about the immigration of Icelanders to Manitoba. See
16. See Parr, “Missing the Boat,” 83-106; Butler, “Addressing Questions.”
17. See Losing a Lost Tribe, 33-45.
18. Mike Segaloff, "Photographic Evidence for the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon," at The Book of Mormon.com: An Exploration of the Authenticity of the LDS Scriptures (
www.the-book-of-mormon.com); Jeff Lindsay, "Does DNA Evidence Refute the Book of Mormon?" online at LDS FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions about Latter-day Saint Beliefs (
19. Walter Neves and Hector Pucciarelli. "The Zhoukoudian Upper Cave Skull 101 as Seen from the Americas," Journal of Human Evolution 34 (1998): 219-22.
20. "First Americans Were Australian," BBC News: World Edition, Aug. 26, 1999.
21. Jaume García-Bour, Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, Sara Álvarez, et al., "Early Population Differentiation in Extinct Aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Ancient mtDNA Sequences and Y-Chromosome STR Characterization," American Journal of Physical Anthropology 123 (2004): 361-70; Carles Lalueza, Alejandro Pérez-Pérez, E. Prats, et al., "Lack of Founding Amerindian Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in Extinct Aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia," Human Molecular Genetics 6 (1997): 41-6.
22. David Epstein, "First Americans May Have Come from Australia," Discover 26 (2005).
23. Rex Dalton, "Skeleton Keys," Nature, Feb. 3, 2005, 454-56.
24. Butler, “Addressing Questions.”