Highmountain said:
Cubfan64 said:
Gossamer said:
OK... I'm disregarding.
Cubfan... I also do some RVing... or at least I have been trained in it. Any interesting reading of late?

Haven't had a chance to get to that e-text book you gave me the link to, but I definitely will! Still reading "The Marvelous Country" by Samuel Cozzens and really enjoying it. Lots of really great vivid descriptions of native american ruins and such from the 1870's as he spent time travelling throughout New Mexico and Arizona - an easy read and well worth it imho.
Cubfan: Cozzens is a good'un. Only whiteman interviews and personal interactions and observations of old Red Shirt I've ever come across.
The H Ross Brown and Daniel Ellis Conner tomes are good stuff also.
I'm really enjoying the Cozzens book alot! It's extremely "readable" and although I'm sure there's plenty of embelishment and storytelling going on, I think there's still alot of value in his descriptions of the areas he visits and people he meets. It reminds me of what it would be like to come across an old-timer's journal of his travels.
I keep finding myself wishing the ability to take photo's were around at that time as I would love to be able to see many of the things he was witness to - despite the fact that his observations and descriptions are very good.
I'll have to look into H Ross Brown and Daniel Ellis Conner as well. It's refreshing to get a firsthand account from someone who sounds like just an average "Joe."
Thanks for the recommendations and Gossamer, if you do come across anything good you think I might be interested in, please let me know.