tayopa, legend or reality ...?

Oroblanco said:
Blindbowman wrote:
if it is this cave the lion protects the enterence .......yes there is a crystall skull there . where tdo think they were made ...? i wonder if my silcon crystall is a match to any of the skulls ....remember that crystall ...?

HOLA mi amigo Blindbowman and everyone,
I would like to ask you to try your remote-viewing on this, to see if you got any impression(s) or information about the Mayan looking carved faces also reported there. Or if you have already done this, did you detect any Mayan-looking faces in the tunnel? (This is NOT a test or trick question of any kind, just curious if you got any impressions to confirm or deny the part about the Mayan faces.) Thank you in advance,
your friend,

PS Joe - you have not posted an opinion about this story, or if you did I missed it. What is your opinion? Thank you in advance also.

PSS - this same request goes out to anyone else here who is able to utilize remote viewing, specifically about the Mayan faces.

Oro: I'm a bit lost on exactly what place you're talking about wanting RVed or otherwise scouted by unconventional means. The thread's somewhat scattered and I don't have a television, if you're talking about something on television.

If you can put together a series of general and as specific as you like questions referring to some specific place either by coordinates or some for-certain event there or unique object there feel free to email me with it. I don't need to know or understand what the thread's about, which I don't [and that tends to be better], but I do need to know what needs looking at/for.


cactusjumper said:

That is the problem, isn't it? Life often interferes with our hobbies. :'(

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

indeed it does yet that makes it all the more fun when we do have time to enjoy our hobbies! :wink: Take care of yourself as well Joe...I do enjoy your posts....at least the reading of tnet is one hobby I do find time for on a bit more regular basis although working 72 hr shifts tends to make that one harder to enjoy as well. lol Thankfully it is here for me when I do get home!

If one trip would make me a millionaire I would walk or even crawl if I had to in order to find a way.....the money in itself would not be the issue...look how much time it would free me from "work" so that I could be with loved ones out exploring.

That in a nutshell is a pretty good description of a true treasure hunter imho - it's someone who has the mindset that they WOULD walk, crawl, scrimp, save and sacrifice alot to follow up any lead that had even a tiny chance of "paying off big."

The funny thing is (and you mentioned this too - which tells me you have it in your blood as well), I believe that a real treasure hunter is addicted to the search, and not the final reward. I would guess that very few treasure hunters would quit searching if they ever made that once in a lifetime "I can retire to a life of leisure" finds. No matter how big, there's always going to be "the next one." :)

amen! I got to thinking about that a lot as well and also thinking about the post referring to how life gets in the way of our hobbies after I had said having the find would give me more time with my family to explore. I am afraid perhaps my response to the "life" post did not truly reflect how I feel....I do not ever feel as if work is my life...my family and friends and the things we enjoy together in this life God gave us would be what I consider my life.....working is just my way of paying the bills. lol I do enjoy most work I have done though and realize it is a necesary part of life...certainly not the whole by any means though. :wink:

I would definitely be one of those who would continue to search if I were to find a great treasure! I would have far more time to do so as well and would thoroughly enjoy the hunt and all those I met along the way. :icon_sunny:

Cyn Luv: The figures are what appear to be a seal, almost appear to be Inuit / Eskimo made, not of the giants.

Also, please refrain from posting ponro in the future W - - - ! shesesh , just thinking of it grates like a fingernail on a chalk board.


Real de Tayopa said:
Cyn Luv: The figures are what appear to be seal, almost appear to be Inuit / Eskimo made, not of the giants.

Also, please refrain from posting ponro in the future W - - - ! shesesh , just thinking of it grates like a fingernail on a chalk board.

I must have missed something...this response made no sense to me. :( Of course after working 72 hrs straight and missing all the posts then....then coming home and being in a state of sleep deprivation I will admit it would be easy to miss something. lol I am awake now though and still having a hard time putting this together. lol Can someone fill me in here? ???

Cyangyl - I think Real meant to respond to this post from Gossamer...

Doggone... I missed a lot... I'm fascinated about Giants, I got caught up in ancient history today, the Phillistines and the other 'sea peoples'.. One thread running over another.

will see if I can dig up copies of the two figures from Norm..They were fascinating, almost Eskino in effect.
Don Jose de La Mancha
You have pics of Giants?" This is really cool. The skulls I have a lot of books about them, but have never held one, so until I do...lol
Do you have pics of the caves that they were found in?:
I feel like I missed or a bunch of stuff was removed, lol.

As far as this comment of his:

Also, please refrain from posting ponro in the future W - - - ! shesesh , just thinking of it grates like a fingernail on a chalk board.

I'm afraid I'm as lost as you are. I wonder if having two females on this thread at one time has caused some kind of delirious affect on our friend Real :)

lol thank you my dear friend.....here I thought it was me that was delirious! :tongue3:

HIO PEEPS: two thingies

A) cubber is correct, the first part is addressed to gossamer

B) the second part is addressed to Cyn luv, regarding porno. ------->

" I was born lazy and have successfully dedicated my life to not changing", as a result that word "W ----K !grates on my nerves similar to fingernail on a chalk board or pure porno. It is a four letter word in my vocabulary, so watch it. heheheheh


Cyn...I'm with you on that! I haven't been able to make heads or tales of these last posts?
I don't know where the crystal skulls/caves came in... I missed the porno completely! And the one thing I'm really interested in is the giants... I can't figure out 'if' someone 'found' something crystal at the Sup's or they just RV'd it. :icon_profileleft:

One thing about the crystal skulls that are out there is that they are all different/size/shape/weight and color. Different people get different things or nothing at all from them. At last count I 'think' 8 are in different people's hands. But none are of the exquisite workman ship that the Mitchell/Hedges one is. :thumbsup:

So who found the crystal in what mountain or at all
If its about the money BB, and you could prove what you know... I could get it done, but would have to be put in a business prospective, with your goals and what you can prove you bring to the business. This is done a lot, but none of the people I know with the ability to finance something like that would do it on a whim and a prayer. But might for the artistic slant. :icon_study:

Real de Tayopa said:
HIO PEEPS: two thingies

A) cubber is correct, the first part is addressed to gossamer

B) the second part is addressed to Cyn luv, regarding porno. ------->

" I was born lazy and have successfully dedicated my life to not changing", as a result that word "W ----K !grates on my nerves similar to fingernail on a chalk board or pure porno. It is a four letter word in my vocabulary, so watch it. heheheheh

lol okay...now I do get it! :laughing9: :laughing9: Next time I will refer to it as hanging out with the dear 90 year old lady who does not sleep for 72 hours! rofl :-*

Gossamer said:
Cyn...I'm with you on that! I haven't been able to make heads or tales of these last posts?
I don't know where the crystal skulls/caves came in... I missed the porno completely! And the one thing I'm really interested in is the giants... I can't figure out 'if' someone 'found' something crystal at the Sup's or they just RV'd it. :icon_profileleft:

One thing about the crystal skulls that are out there is that they are all different/size/shape/weight and color. Different people get different things or nothing at all from them. At last count I 'think' 8 are in different people's hands. But none are of the exquisite workman ship that the Mitchell/Hedges one is. :thumbsup:

So who found the crystal in what mountain or at all
If its about the money BB, and you could prove what you know... I could get it done, but would have to be put in a business prospective, with your goals and what you can prove you bring to the business. This is done a lot, but none of the people I know with the ability to finance something like that would do it on a whim and a prayer. But might for the artistic slant. :icon_study:

okay....at least since I was ummmmm spending 72 hrs hanging out with the dear old lady that doesn't sleep I thought it was me that was not sure what was going on here and I was oh so shocked trying to figure out what it was I posted that might have been construed as porno! rofl and I sure did not want to be grating on chalkboard to anyone. I am glad that part is all figured out....as to the skulls....not sure where it came in but I did watch part of a special on them last night on tv before the sleep deprivation took over and I went into a coma. lol Wish I would have seen the whole thing and am very interested to find out if someone here did find one.

As far as a financial aspect where you responded to BB....totally can see where you are coming from. I would be worthless to anyone from a financial end and the folks I know that have extravagant amounts of money like my uncle.....well they don't part with it real easily unless they see a way to make more with it and pretty good proof to back it up.....I guess I could understand that....I know my uncle says he never got so much money by spending it foolishly...of course he can take that to extremes at times in my opinion too but what would I know? lol I do hope if BB does have something there that someone goes to see it one way or another. I would love to see what becomes of such a trip!

Recently I read about a 'crystal cave' found with the most amazing crystal, some 10 ft long.
I'm trying to find it, but one was found in the Mexico area.
The cave opens in a semi-desert area of the Naica Mountains, a hundred kilometers southeast of Chihuahua, capital city of the homonymous Mexican state at the boundary with USA. You have to go in a special suite, because they say the heat could kill you inside a half hour.
Then they found a place in Carlsbad that had giant formations too.


Oro.. thought you would love this

Romans In Brazil During The Second Third Century?
Mysterious Earth ^

Posted on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 6:37:14 PM by blam

Romans in Brazil During the Second or Third Century?

Ex-marine and underwater explorer/archaeologist/treasure-hunter Robert Marx states rather flatly:

Amongst my most notable discover[ies] was that of a 2nd century BC Roman shipwreck in the Bay of Guanabara, near Rio de Janeiro. This is a discovery that has received little to no examination, much less validation, from the realm of mainstream archaeology, no doubt in part because Marx is not a Ph.D. archaeologist. Scouring the web for more information about this finding, I did find a reference to the discovery in an article from Dr. Elizabeth Lyding Will, an expert on Roman amphoras (clay vessels used to store and ship goods during the Roman era). Dr. Will apparently has a piece of an amphora recovered from Marx's Brazil discovery. Of it, she says:

The highly publicized amphoras Robert Marx found in the ship are in fact similar in shape to jars produced in kilns at Kouass, on the west coast of Morocco. The Rio jars look to be late versions of those jars, perhaps datable to the third century A.D. I have a large piece of one of the Rio jars, but no labs I have consulted have any clay similar in composition. So the edges of the earth for Rome, beyond India and Scotland and eastern Europe, remain shrouded in mystery. Information about this find is practically non existent. Gary Fretz's synopsis of the "whole story" suggests that the find has been suppressed by the Brazilian government:

At the time the amphorae were confirmed to be "Roman", the large Italian faction in Brazil were extremely excited about this news. The Italian ambassador to Brazil notified the Brazilian government that, since the Romans were the first to "discover" Brazil, then all Italian immigrants should be granted immediate citizenship. There are a large number of Italian immigrants in Brazil and the government has created a tedious and costly citizenship application procedure for Italians that does not apply to Portuguese immigrants. The Brazilian government would not give in and the Italians in Brazil staged demonstrations. In response, the Brazilian government ordered all civilians off the recovery project and censored further news about the wreck hoping to diffuse the civil unrest. Finally, I've also seen mention of the following written works, which I've yet to dig up: Marx R.F., 1984 , Romans in Rio? [see Santarelli A. Mondo Sommerso 270 1983:252-3. Oceans, 17.4: 18-21.] The Romans in Rio book (?) is not among the works of Robert Marx as listed at Amazon.

And the pic is to prove that not all treasure is in the ground, this is the largest sunburst ever recorded on April 25


  • neighboring_sun_solar_flare.webp
    61 KB · Views: 463
Gossamer said:
Recently I read about a 'crystal cave' found with the most amazing crystal, some 10 ft long.
I'm trying to find it, but one was found in the Mexico area.
The cave opens in a semi-desert area of the Naica Mountains, a hundred kilometers southeast of Chihuahua, capital city of the homonymous Mexican state at the boundary with USA. You have to go in a special suite, because they say the heat could kill you inside a half hour.
Then they found a place in Carlsbad that had giant formations too.


Yippee is right! The heat sounds incredibly intense even for a sun lover like myself but the crystals would be worth donning a suit to go look for sure!

BTW....that pic of the sunburst is incredible! wowzers!!

God kick me in the nuts for this but i got to agree with CJ .... there is no solid evidence that says the skulls are not modern yet not all of the skulls have been tested so far .. and the only skull i beleive is real so far is the one at site 4...

we know the chicomoztoc seven caves codex is real and it shows the skull at site 4 ...

so with a reasonable peice of evidence we can judge the known age of that skull ....it would be at least as old as the codex it self...

i was not asking for founding and will not except any founding from anyone .. i put up $34,000.00 of my own money so far and damn near bankrupted my self at the same time .. but if you are willing to make the risk ,it must be your own values at risk ..

i do not want help and i will not except it from anyone ...it is my mt to climb and i dont give up ...

LOL indeed...I did say the offending word and will strive to never use such profanity in the future! :wink:

Oroblanco said:
Jack I don't have a good specific location to give you, only the story we have seen here about the tunnel with bad air and dangerous hanging rocks, with a crystal skull at the bottom - and with Mayan-looking faces carved in the walls on the way in. Apparently there are photos of these, I was hoping that someone with remote-viewing could try a search to see if such a tunnel could be found, and if the Mayan faces do exist in the Superstitions or if these photographed carvings are actually somewhere else, perhaps in southern Mexico or Belize etc. If you or a friend of yours would be willing to try it, the information would be very much appreciated as at least some form of either confirmation or disproving the story. Apparently mi amigo Blindbowman has no interest in trying it, or has already but doesn't want to say the results.

Oro: Comes as a shock to me. I wouldn't have credited it on a hard-money bet. But something of the sort you describe does exist in the Superstitions.

Outrageous, from my viewpoint. Absolutely outrageous.


Its a good thing I'm blonde, that way I can blame it on that...

Oro: Comes as a shock to me. I wouldn't have credited it on a hard-money bet. But something of the sort you describe does exist in the Superstitions.
Outrageous, from my viewpoint. Absolutely outrageous.

Jack... are you saying that a cave with mayan carvings does exist in the Sups?
Or that it doesn't
I'm sure its a blonde thing so bear with me.

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