tayopa, legend or reality ...?


Even a blind hog will root up an occasional acorn.... :icon_scratch: I am never really sure what that means, but I like the way it sounds.

With each passing year, I find myself being wrong on a regular basis.....much too regular. Being right on exactly how you would react to my post, puts a very big smile on my face. :thumbsup:

You, Sir, are the real deal.

Take care,


Gossamer said:
Jack.. are you the comic book artist or the Desert Survilalist? This is all good everyone!

Janiece: I'm the tennis shoe. Depending on what you're referring to I might be the survivalist. I wrote Desert Emergency Survival Basics and a few other books. But who I am has no bearing on the thread. I came on originally and explained I found what you'd posted interesting. I made the unfortunate mistake of assuming you were a Mormon because of something in your post, and I made an observation about Mormon geneologists I considered complimentary.

I honestly believed that was the end of my writing and the beginning of my reading on this thread. Instead I've somehow become the topic, not enough to have apologized for my mistake, not enough to have refused to argue, not enough to have answered your questions about what I thought about Mormons and their history, or about second languages.

Maybe we can start all over. If you read how this all developed I didn't come here spewing venom or rancor. I'm still not.

I'll read the thread, as I originally intended to do. But there's nothing I expect to be able to contribute to it, given the thorniness and attitude, along with the fact I know nothing of your intended subject.

So why not just forget I'm here and proceed.


Afterthought edit: Backing up after reconsidering the company I'm posting in. I have nothing to do with the tennis shoe Jack Purcell. It was intended as humor, not as a deception. So far as I'm aware I have nothing to do with any comic strip character.

Whatever the heck I've done on this thread to draw what I've drawn, please consider it withdrawn. If you don't like me or my posts put me on ignore as I've done Joe some while back. I have no ill feeling toward anyone on this thread, nor toward anyone on TN [except for an individual from a long time ago I keep an eye on but don't communicate with, and that's confined to deep suspicion and mistrust]. I don't care what anyone opines about me, here, nor anywhere else. Having said that, feel free to pile any kind of calumnies on me you wish. I'll try to smile without answering.


Gossamer said:
Cyn, what tribes are you interested in?

The tribes in our area are the Warm Springs Confederated Tribes which are made up of Warm Springs, Wasco and Paiute tribes. I grew up just next to the reservation and have spent the majority of my adult life either on or near the reservation. All of the history I do know is far more current than what is in this thread though. Perhaps through more study I will see how they connect...they obviously came from somewhere! :tongue3:

OHIO Peeps: I have just been reading past posts and encountered a few select sections, which, if taken out of context and setting, show how easily it is to completely change their original meaning.

My political science prof in college would love this one hehhehehe apol. in advance for succumbing to my particular weird sense of humor, it is harmless - I hope. No direct, or indirect / subtle (?) implications are intended consciously or otherwise, just having fun.

My Friend CJ posted --- "I would probably say something stupid", ".Sometimes I learn that I was wrong".

ORO posted --------------"Joe as happens so frequently you are right".

CJ -------------------------" Being right on exactly how you would react to my post, puts a very big smile on my face.

ORO------------------------"I take that back"

CJ --------------------------"I appreciate your apology".

ORO------------------------"Good luck and good hunting to you".

CJ---------------------------"You, Sir, are the real deal"

See how easily things can be taken out of context, and equally, how easily unintentional remarks can be misinterpreted. Too many on these chat sites do not read the post in it's entirety and intended meaning, but jump on the defensive automatically with the sighting a single word or phrase that "might" be offensive or counter to their cherished beliefs.

The basic thumb rule is simple ! Only "I", and the gals of course, are never wrong or mistaken ! - I am well trained. sniff.

Don Jose de La Mancha

lol very good illustration there my friend! Made me laugh and also made me thankful that I most times take the time to attempt to understand before taking offense. I sure never post with the intention of offending someone so I try to give others the benefit of the doubt as well. You made your point well my friend, thanks!

Real de Tayopa said:
The basic thumb rule is simple ! Only "I", and the gals of course, are never wrong or mistaken ! - I am well trained. sniff.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hola, Mi amigo Don Jose,

From being married to one and having raised a beautiful daughter ...
I find from experience that these girls are never wrong,
even when they aren't always right, they aren't ever wrong.... LOL


Old Dog said:
Real de Tayopa said:
The basic thumb rule is simple ! Only "I", and the gals of course, are never wrong or mistaken ! - I am well trained. sniff.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hola, Mi amigo Don Jose,

From being married to one and having raised a beautiful daughter ...
I find from experience that these girls are never wrong,
even when they aren't always right, they aren't ever wrong.... LOL


LOL a safe way to live for sure. I like to think that I am quick to admit when I am, in fact, wrong though. :wink:

Real de Tayopa said:
OHIO Cyn, I knew that you would realize what I was saying since you ARE one smart, and beautiful gal. :-*

Don Jose de La Mancha

You are to kind sweet man! :-*

HIO Ole Houn Dog: ET TU THOM ? We should form a protective hubby society. I nominate you as President, "IF" you are as good as I am in dodging flying coffee cups and steak knives.

Cyn, and the skimpily dressed one, can serve as liaison officers. Shoily can be our international one.

Don Jose de los mistreated hubbies Mancha

Doggone... i wrote my post then 'poof' it was gone...
Ed I could baptize you... lol... I'm ordained... I decided to become ordained so I could baptise my nephews. And because it annoyed my Aunt. LOL
High Mountain... I read your survival list, and I had the everything, including the super glue... never leave home without it... one thing tho.. I find nail glue, to be better and faster bonding. Just a girl thing.
I'm on a word hunt, they take me all over the place.. this Cahokia tribe has so many connatations its astounding.
Cactus very good... I watched it unfold when I came on.. but if I did something that pissed anyone off... well just get over it.
Buzz word, Cahokia... and now Pauite

On Paiute you might also look at the Sahaptin language. I believe the Sahaptin is from the Warm Springs (Tenino) tribe but it seems most of the tribes there know some of the language. I used to know some but most has fled my mind other than a few words. There could be a lot of info at the Museum at Warm Springs but I have not been there other than to pull into the parking lot a few times in several years. I might have to plan another trip there soon.

Maybe you can tell me what the skinny is between the Ute and Payute is.
I have friends who are of one or the other tribe,
Both are honorable people and accept ma as a friend,
will not condescend to be friends with each other.
All I can get from either side is that it goes way back before our time.
I would appreciate the insight.

Don Jose,
I don't know if I am the best man for the job of president of the long suffering husbands protective society.
But I certainly qualify as a member in good standing.


Ohio skimpily dressed one: you posted -->

I find nail glue, to be better and faster bonding. Just a girl thing
Is that for basic suturing?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ohio skimpily dressed one: you posted -->
I find nail glue, to be better and faster bonding. Just a girl thing
Is that for basic suturing?
Don Jose de La Mancha

I'm not sure who is skimply dressed... LOL but I find that nail glue dries faster and none of my cuts got infection, don't know if it works for eveyone.

Maybe you can tell me what the skinny is between the Ute and Payute is.
I have friends who are of one or the other tribe,
Both are honorable people and accept ma as a friend,
will not condescend to be friends with each other.
All I can get from either side is that it goes way back before our time.
I would appreciate the insight.

Thom, my understanding is that the hard feelings between different tribes is usually that they raided one another and took slaves/wives. This is recorded that the Ute and Navajo raided the Pauite.
I found this... Between about 1800 and 1850, mounted Ute and Navajo bands preyed on Southern Paiute, Western Shoshone, and Gosiute bands for slaves, capturing and sometimes trading women and children to be sold in the Spanish settlements of New Mexico and southern California.
I would imagine that could cause hard feelings...

Here is some of the dancing. This was the son, the father gave the most beautiful talk. It was about how being Indian was such a blessing as was the dance, it had allowed them to travel the world as superstars. I loved it.
hope these show up!


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Oh darn it


    15.7 KB · Views: 325
The pictures worked just fine pretty lady! I have always loved the hoop dancers as well. If I go to Pi-Ume-Sha this year I might try to get some video of the different tribes competing in the array of dances and put them on youtube so you can see them. The only dances Teresa did were the jingle dance and the butterfly shawl dance.

On the subject of the Paiutes....I cannot speak for other tribes but I know the Warm Springs and the Wasco did not like the Paiute stemming mostly from the fact that the Paiutes hired out to the soldiers to track other tribes to put them on the reservations. Just something one of the elders had told me at one point regarding the animosity between the tribes here.

if you subscribe to the ICMJ Mining Journal

there is a article in it about

Tayopa, Guaynopa and Guaynopita in it.. I have not had the chance to read it as I jsut got it in the mail and just got home. but it seems partially interesting so far..

:'( I don't get the ICMJ.....share at least the highlights when you are done reading??

Highmountain - just want you to know I have nothing against you (or anyone else here) and I think we can scratch off the misunderstandings as misunderstandings. No 'attitude' or rancor directed at you, will come from me. Life is too short.

Gossamer - neat pics! :thumbsup:


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