Okay...well it certainly could be as plausible as some of the ideas I have seen here but it would be helpful to have a narrative to go along with the uhhhh hmmmm not allowed to comment on that. snicker
Who said you found nothing? Cynangyl
This is my frustration also, I don't know if we are talking LDM or tayopa? Or are we on a ride at disneyland. NO one loves this kind of stuff more than me, I've spent my life on the mystical side, so BB don't get you panties in a wad, no way do I say you're wrong. But on what page are we? As someone with the background I have, the mystical must be proved, otherwise its nothing but fluff. Just like not taking your posts down, stand by your words, I'm reading... we all are.
HI PEEPS: Since I am the devils advocate, show me where this could not be true,, or at least as possible as any theory so far presented. It also could tend to explain our / my hero ORO's theories on Trans-atlantic contacs and trade. Thanks to a lead furnished by my friend Hi Mountain.
Since it took me 12 sec to whip up, please do not comment on my Cartographic abilities snicker.
Don Jose de La Mancha El pesto
I have kinda picked up that thread here, with the references to the Pearl, I have been reading everything I can about that possibility and I think its true. I'm exploring the water ways of the last 1000 yrs. This to me is more than a possibility.
That is a lovely map Don Jose
Quote from: the blindbowman on Today at 04:59:37 AM
so what i found must not be a ball court , thats was good to find out now before i wasted money going back to look ,..i glad your so smart . now i can get back to my farm chores......you herd it from her she says i found nothing ........latter
Again, BB... this is not meant to say you are wrong ... I find your writing intriguing, although the cut and paste encylopedia is a little over the top.

Shoot and when you come out here, I will be the first to buy you a cup of coffee,

even if its on the way home. Just tell me what you
think about what you find. As for the solstice circles being medicine wheels, I don't believe, I think they are more ancient than that.
I've known about them for a long time and its a strange place, I don't think we have given credit to the ancients. But I do believe that having the 23 days of something brighter than Venus visible during the day, certainly changed a lot of things.
BB, Oro, I will challenge you, its my nature... I'm very good at research and i know the mystical side, so this is a lot of fun for me, I find you guys intriguing, but I'm not going to let you run rough shod over things I do know about. What is the info Hi Mountain gave you, Oro? The story of the Pearl is one of the most intriguing stories I've ever heard.
on the north west trails leading into the supers... where the LaBarge Canyon Trail intersects with the trail out of goldfield. There is a Ruin Nearby and close enough to that ruin there is a pile of stacked copper ore .. last time I was there it was partially hidden and not as stacked as it once was but its there and was purposely stacked and not natural..
I never did find where the ore might have came from but I would venture to say it was a trail marker of old and was there to say something possbily about an old mine.
and that is right about near the 33rd Lat
You have (Copper Producing Towns) Miami, Globe, Morenci and the towns in between that are ghost towns now....... Copperhill, Stanton (Gila County version) Richmond Basin, Seneca, and a few more...... so your theory could hold true..... As I know some gold producing areas around there that are in the same vicinity of that Lat...
I agree, actually I started putting that together awhile back, I believe that there is underground tunnels or even temples. This what I'm most interested in, what was here before the Indians. Who were the mound builders? Where did they go? This is the treasure I seek.
I would never presume to say another is wrong, BB, you are a pain... but one I can live with. But if there are things that don't make sense, mystical or no... I'm going to challenge you. Just take a breath, RV me, I'll bet I surprise you.