tayopa, legend or reality ...?

insault me , it dose'nt matter any more . i am not going back to the supers and i dont care what you beleive i found or did not find .....

good luck ...

but smart and gifted are two diffrent things ...

Sheesh, am I not both? Sides being handsome, Romantic, a devil may care bold adventurer, thoroughly lovable and a Saint' to boot.

Ask my nule if you have any doubts, she never lies..

Don Jose de La Mancha el masochistic, narcissistic lovable, non medapawsed, Tropical Tramp

awww we dun have to ask your mule....I am sure you are all those things and more our beloved tropical tramp! :wink:

Cynangyl said:
awww we dun have to ask your mule....I am sure you are all those things and more our beloved tropical tramp! :wink:

You two should probably get a room :)

(just teasing - hehe)

rofl naaaw we don't need a room, he has his mule! :tongue3:

Cynangyl said:
rofl naaaw we don't need a room, he has his mule! :tongue3:

The word "saddle sore" keeps coming to mind :P

Is this too far OT? hehe

Geez what dirty minds! :o ::) ;D :D Maybe it is a lucky thing for the equine family that four-wheelers were invented afte all! ::) ;D

Cactusjumper wrote:
how close can you pinpoint the following picture:

Well I could not pinpoint the location from that picture, though someone might be able to - perhaps someone who has seen that site. Besides I was postulating a POSSIBLE motive for why Blindbowman chose to post out-of-focus photos, not saying that must be his reason(s). Perhaps it did not occur to him that he could crop the photos to the point that no identifiable landmarks were included? With your own experience in the Superstitions, Joe - if someone were to post a photo that included even a fair part of a good landmark, do you say that you could not recognize the spot? For example...

Does this place look familiar to you Joe? With fifty years experience exploring those hills, I would bet that you could locate the spot where the photo was taken, within a few feet anyway. Now consider how someone might be concerned that an experienced Dutch-hunter could recognize a place, if seen in a photo or several photos.

I don't know amigo - but I doubt that I will ever know what Blindbowman saw. On the other hand, there are a few treasures I want to find and eighteen months of running in circles was entertaining but....not too productive. I sure would love to see someone find an amazing treasure in the Superstitions, or anywhere - except my own spots! (hee hee)

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

Stryker_FO said:
seems he is bent on ruining alot of things. he is the forums greatest card holder.... but when its time to call he holds his cards and runs off.. tons of I have this and I know this but never lays the cards on the table...

maybe he is holding aces over 8's and is afraid to throw em down.

I'm pretty sure he's holding 8-2 offsuit.

" an amazing treasure in the Superstitions ....?

i already have .....

i broke my left ring finger today throwing foot ball ,.. so good night ...

Sweet dreams...hope your finger feels better tomorrow!

did you catch that Oro

maybe it was'nt entertaining enough for you ...

Yes amigo - was reading another thread but following this. Sorry to hear about your injury, I hope it is only sprained! Fingers are danged slow to heal when broken. Take it easy and keep that finger in a cold compress, it might help. BTW I didn't know you are a southpaw! You know what they say about lefties - only left-handed people are in their "right" minds! ;D :D ::) :thumbsup:

Oroblanco said:
Yes amigo - was reading another thread but following this. Sorry to hear about your injury, I hope it is only sprained! Fingers are danged slow to heal when broken. Take it easy and keep that finger in a cold compress, it might help.

i delited what i said ...it was not about my finger

Oroblanco said:
Yes amigo - was reading another thread but following this. Sorry to hear about your injury, I hope it is only sprained! Fingers are danged slow to heal when broken. Take it easy and keep that finger in a cold compress, it might help. BTW I didn't know you are a southpaw! You know what they say about lefties - only left-handed people are in their "right" minds! ;D :D ::) :thumbsup:

thats why i said i am not going back to the supers next year ...

I missed it then - sorry amigo. I have a habit of opening more than one "page" on my computer at once, and check on various conversations periodically - when nothing is happening a while, I read some of the other interesting posts in other threads. (Especially in the "What Is It" forum, some really strange stuff shows up!) If it is not too much trouble, would you mind posting it again? Or send by PM? I would appreciate it.

Blindbowman wrote:
thats why i said i am not going back to the supers next year ...

Hmm - now why would you decide that? Is it that someone else might follow you in? If that is a concern you can slip in past the park-visitors with relative ease, just use the "back" trails and avoid the popular springs and camp sites. Is it a case of simple finances? (I have that trouble as a way of life! ::) :'() What is the reason? Thank you in advance,

Blindbowman wrote:
maybe it was'nt entertaining enough for you ...

My apologies if anything I posted was of any offense amigo - it is just my perception/opinion after all and NO offense was intended. As for being entertaining - well I have to admit, conversation with fellow treasure hunters is quite a bit more entertaining for me than the average fare on TV or what I can find in our local saloon. (Common interests and all that) Our discussions have been entertaining for me, sometimes puzzling, sometimes funny, sometimes just a wee bit frustating - but always entertaining. I am not in a position to be heading into the Superstitions to go and check anything, so have to work from memory or what material is available all the time. Where else can a bunch of treasure hunters "meet" to talk about treasures after all - since it is a relatively "rare" interest/avocation, and treasure hunters are scattered to the four winds.

Blindbowman also wrote:
that and a few other things ...

Did I guess it right, the real reason why the photos of the exact sites are not posted clear? What are the other reasons? I am sure that it can't be something someone posted on a web site, which holds no more weight than air - is it something in the photos? Thank you in advance,

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