tayopa, legend or reality ...?

Blindbowman I seem to have missed a post or more? What about showing a 'card' or two, just to let folks know you have something? Perhaps now would be a good time? <edit> A good poker player will show a card, even when running a bluff.
Those vanishing posts have baffled me more than once - I see that I am not the only one who cannot understand why someone would remove a post quickly after posting it.

I called his bluff, and still no clear pictures. Oro, he mentioned he was worried that having Clinton as President but he was worried about her having 'metapaws' .
Its like having mad cow disease, and what a perfect segway into, Bill was having 'metapaws' while he was in office. lmao

you dont under stand what i said or why i said it now you want me to beleive you would under stand the game and why i play the way i do .... it is not me that is confused ...

i see no reason to explan anything beyond this piont , you wouldnt beleive me if i told you any way .. so why should i .. if i was a normal preson yes it would be odd beheavor but i am not ...

if i told you why ii know it is chicomoztoc then anyone on this web site would knpow it as well even if they did not beleive me they would under stand why i said it ...

the out come would most likely end up with people distrubing the site and not careing about what this site means ...

you have tryed to put me under the spot light go for you but the fact is i under stood what has been going on frm the start ...

for 29 years i looked for every peice of evidence i could find from this over all area yet what i found was not what i was looking for ...

some new faces show up and think they can find someway to figer it out ...lol

you dont have a chance , you never did ...

when it is all said and done the trail will get to one piont and then it will vanish like all my replies did . to remind you .. i knew way more then you will ever under stand in 20 of your life times .. sorry but true ...

its not that most of you are not smart because you are , but smart and gifted are two diffrent things ...

i fold .. the world is not ready for what i found , and most likely they would not under stand it ...

wealth is not what you leave the table holding in your hands . wealth is the wisdom you leave the table with from playing the game with others ...

So I presume you are choosing not to post even one "bombshell" type of photo or other kind of strong proof? If this is your choice, you should not be too surprised or be offended when some folks have doubts amigo.


bb has been trying to impress us since his first post. Where have you been? He has shown us his best "bombshell". He has held nothing back......nothing. He is to be commended for sharing it all.

Take care,


BB, I'm not looking for the Dutchman mine or any other mine. Its not what I want... I want interesting stories. But you get so defensive and go into long diatribes on how we/I could never understand what you have been looking at for 29 yrs.
I'm thrilled just to read all this, but airy allusions and photos so distorted that no one could even help you, they just don't serve a purpose.
I understand that this is your info and research, I hope you find it, just for the delight of solving an age old mystery. I too do research, and will track down every dot and delight that can be gleaned.
These forums (I thought) were to toss things out there see if anyone has an idea, you don't have to share your most sacred info, but don't insult ours/your intelligent with pics that are so blurry, they could be the hill behind your house.
I think you make very interesting statements, but why continue to flash things that are not recognisable.
Throw out your ideas, I love em', can't speak for others, but think they like it too.
We aren't jumpin' on you like a duck on a june bug, but be fair, do you want to banter around and possibly allow others to give you info, in turn for the tidbits you have.They could put a piece in the puzzle that you didn't have before.
Its all a puzzle, I know of some people that swear there is no gold in the Sups proper, they are mining experts, but hey they haven't proven that either.
I haven't been here long, but the comradery is very helpful and its fun.
Don't back off and pull your comments, it leaves unneccesary gaps, and isnt helpful. If you look around there is treasure everywhere.

Cactus Jumper, do you have any stories about So. Mountain in Phx?
I would appreciate if you could send me somewhere to find anything.
Thank you in advance for your time

HOLA mi amigos,

Cactusjumper wrote:
Where have you been?
Well Joe, I have been "lost" along the way - some eighteen months of this so far with no promise of ever learning the truth. From the first post by Blindbowman,
this is not a joke , i am the blindbowman , i have a on going reguest with the tonto nationial forst offices over the treasure trove permits needed to legally clam 3 sites shown on the peralta _ruth map . yes the sites are the jesuit chruch and the tayopa mine and the lost dutchman mine <snip>
(from http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,58114.msg411977.html#msg411977

to "I fold" we have been down the rabbit hole with Alice, without ever seeing the Cheshire cat smile. I thought that perhaps Blindbowman might yet pull a rabbit out of that hat, if for no other reason than to keep us guessing with a photo of something....but I guessed wrong. Blindbowman has said the site must be protected, and who is the greatest threat but treasure hunters, and that is what most of us are here - so we won't get any such photo.

Janiece there is a little on the internet (rumors mostly) about a ghost town on the far west edge of South Mountain called Komatke and it is supposed to be haunted. You know about the UFO made famous on TV already, but that was not the first UFO sighting reported there and perhaps not the last. Rustlers Roost restaurant is supposed to be the site where cattle rustlers used to hide out, so perhaps there is some rustler loot cached around there. Along these lines there is the story of the person who developed "sparks" flying from fingertips, as found here:
I hope this is of some use to you for the moment, and welcome Cactusjumper's possible additions/corrections.

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

PS I love that word-painting, ...
We aren't jumpin' on you like a duck on a june bug,
very colorful - perhaps you are a treasure hunter at heart Gossamer... :thumbsup:

Oroblanco said:
HOLA mi amigos,

Cactusjumper wrote:
Where have you been?
Well Joe, I have been "lost" along the way - some eighteen months of this so far with no promise of ever learning the truth. From the first post by Blindbowman,
this is not a joke , i am the blindbowman , i have a on going reguest with the tonto nationial forst offices over the treasure trove permits needed to legally clam 3 sites shown on the peralta _ruth map . yes the sites are the jesuit chruch and the tayopa mine and the lost dutchman mine <snip>
(from http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,58114.msg411977.html#msg411977

to "I fold" we have been down the rabbit hole with Alice, without ever seeing the Cheshire cat smile. I thought that perhaps Blindbowman might yet pull a rabbit out of that hat, if for no other reason than to keep us guessing with a photo of something....but I guessed wrong. Blindbowman has said the site must be protected, and who is the greatest threat but treasure hunters, and that is what most of us are here - so we won't get any such photo.

Janiece there is a little on the internet (rumors mostly) about a ghost town on the far west edge of South Mountain called Komatke and it is supposed to be haunted. You know about the UFO made famous on TV already, but that was not the first UFO sighting reported there and perhaps not the last. Rustlers Roost restaurant is supposed to be the site where cattle rustlers used to hide out, so perhaps there is some rustler loot cached around there. Along these lines there is the story of the person who developed "sparks" flying from fingertips, as found here:
I hope this is of some use to you for the moment, and welcome Cactusjumper's possible additions/corrections.

Good luck and good hunting, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,

PS I love that word-painting, ...
We aren't jumpin' on you like a duck on a june bug,
very colorful - perhaps you are a treasure hunter at heart Gossamer... :thumbsup:

you will never find it .. maybe this is the way it should end .... stay safe stay free

the blindbowman said:
you will never find it .. maybe this is the way it should end .... stay safe stay free

This is ending? It's ending? Thank you. Thank you.

Springfield said:
the blindbowman said:
you will never find it .. maybe this is the way it should end .... stay safe stay free

This is ending? It's ending? Thank you. Thank you.

Springfield and others, have you seen the movies "Groundhog Day" or "What About Bob?" IT NEVER ENDS, and HE'S NEVER REALLY GONE!! :)

I think I have a grasp of why BB comes here to post, and once I made up my mind on that it was very easy and liberating to use the "ignore" button. It's amazingly refreshing now to come to these threads to have an open discussion on theories, ideas, etc... with only minimal condescending attitudes and very few grand claims with no evidence.

The real TH'rs here realize that they can only go so far with their thoughts and theories without providing concrete evidence and they're smart enough to know that without that evidence, their claims are just that and folks like Real and others are respectful and content to say that they can't provide that concrete evidence at this time (for obvious reasons) and understand that there will be doubters because of that - heck, I'd guess if the shoe was on the other foot and someone else was making claims without evidence, they would doubt it too.

For some reason, BB doesn't grasp that concept and believes that his word is all that should suffice for us lowly, insignificant mortals to bow down and worship his knowledge and gifts. Frankly, it just got to the point for me where I realized it's continually more of the same over and over and the condescending, arrogant attitude followed by the lack of ability to have coherent and rational conversations was pointless. If he were to discover Atlantis, the LDM, Aztlan or anything else of significance, it would have no affect on my life at all. But sitting here pointlessly trying to discuss things is a waste of my time.

I know of a couple other people who have used the "ignore" button recently, and my guess is eventually some of you will come to realize that "without an audience, the performer has nobody to perform to and moves on.'

It was interesting while it lasted - but really not THAT interesting :)

Gossamer said:
Cactus Jumper, do you have any stories about So. Mountain in Phx?
I would appreciate if you could send me somewhere to find anything.
Thank you in advance for your time

have you bought the book Ghost Towns of Arizona yet I know there are tons of sites in there for reference I ahve used the book alot growing up and in the 80's I think me and my dad visited hundreds of ghost towns .. some there is nothing that you can see anymore and some have remenants of stuff all the way to at least a few buildings standing still.


Talk is too cheap.
I think Paul has the right Idea.
I will put you back on ignore and forget about it.
You bring nothing to the forum of value.

My advice is get some proof or don't post.
even the entertainment value has long gone.

have a good time surfing and gathering evidence for your imaginary things on the net.
Just leave me out.

the childish banter and supposition unsupported,
are things I am not suffering myself to anymore.


OK, if you believe BB has lost entertainment value, then yes ignore it.

My problem is that he deletes posts, as I've said, I find this very cowardly. Stand by your words, even if they are wrong or inflamatory. I have a very open personality and what I say stays, even if my punctuation and spelling aren't up to par. And I get a kick out of BB and his mis-spellings. What I object to is withdrawing your post.

Metapaws was hysterical... I have sent it to all of my friends and they love it. BB you may have started something... but no one will ever know because you withdrew it. So its mine now. :thumbsup:

On Boston Legal, charactor 'Denny Crane' aka Bill Shatner calls his devastating Alzheimers Mad Cow disease. That allows people to laugh at a devastatting condition. Last yr my Mom died of a stroke last yr from complications with ALZ. I don't want any sympathy, the first thing I told my family when she was diagnosed was "we will keep our sense of humor" we did. Its advise I would and do give anyone faced with devastating events.

Oh and just so you know, Hillary is way past 'metapaws'
So basic knowledge of women would have precluded your sexist remark. :icon_profileleft:

The true treasure found on this forum, IMO would be the friends you make with your words and deeds. And standing by them.

Stryker_FO, I have that book... and found the forum online, unfortunately AZ is very agressive in trashing of land. Part of why I left at a young age.

Cactus, wow... I went wiki looking for Komatke and found a bunch of unusual things, does anyone know what "photo enforcement zone" means?


I have heard some stories in my younger years, but imagine I would make a mess of it, if I tried to retell them.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

For those who question bb's photo skills, I can assure you he can take a good picture:


  • beauty%201.webp
    29.1 KB · Views: 523
That is a very beautiful picture! Obviously very talented. :icon_sunny:

HOLA amigos,

That nice clear photo of what I think is a Cannabis (marijuana) plant by our amigo Blindbowman is fair proof that the fuzzy/out of focus pics are likely deliberate. I presume that his reasoning for making the photos unclear is to preclude anyone from using the photos to locate his sites. He has explained that he had an accident which left him legally blind (with terrible headaches) with a bow that broke, but has recovered some or all of his sight, perhaps with some loss of visual acuity. It is obvious that his personal visual problem does not really explain the fuzzy photos.

I am not speaking for Blindbowman he is certainly capable of speaking for himself; over this 18 months of banter (and private messages) I feel as if I have come to know him a little, even if only superficially. It is somewhat rude for me to talk about him in the "third person" like this but it is an effort to help understand this complex, intelligent and talented (and quite eccentric) person we know as the Blindbowman. I am fairly convinced that he found something in the Superstition mountains, though he has made statements that seem to be absolute about what this "something" really is, I suspect that he does not honestly know what it is and has been trying out various ideas to see if they will "fit" with what he found. He makes use of a technique popularly known as "remote viewing" (though he uses native terms for the practice, and has mentioned a number of details obtained this way (or at least does not deny such) including having spoken to Montezuma himself. As much as I do not understand how remote viewing actually works, the US Army and many "professional" psychics report a particular feature affecting the information obtained - that a great deal of it is symbolic in nature - not literal. When I proposed to our amigo Blindbowman that perhaps he is mis-interpreting his information (that obtained by remote viewing or "spirit walking/flying") and that it is perhaps supposed to be symbolic, he insisted that it is literal. Many 'professional' psychics report this to be a significant problem - of getting the interpretation of the perceived symbols correct; I hope that Blindbowman will at least explore this possibility some time. The fact that he refuses to consider the possibility of symbolic information suggests that his status as a remote-viewer or psychic is not on the level of a professional.

I have no remote viewing abilities so can not confirm or deny the information Blindbowman has reported, but strongly suspect that it is in fact symbolic - so when he got "Tayopa" it actually meant a fantastic, rich and hidden treasure or mines, not literally Tayopa, for instance; when he "spoke" with Montezuma, it actually meant a powerful and/or wealthy Amerindian chieftain, not necessarily THE Montezuma. Blindbowman did contact the Forest Service about obtaining permits to excavate his sites (without success) and this action would have been un-necessary if he were just pulling a complete fraud. On the other hand, when Cubfan went as an 'unbiased observer' or to be a witness to one of Blindbowman's sites, he found nothing out of the ordinary - when he reported this fact to Blindbowman, he was informed that was "what he was supposed to find". To me, that was an act of deliberate mis-leading of a friend, a person who could have provided some independent validation of Blindbowman's various claims and I just don't understand this. Perhaps it is a case of trust issues, I don't know.

It took me some time to realize that Blindbowman has a different way of saying things than what I am accustomed to, a far more "absolute" way of phrasing things. Along the way, a few friends got alienated; for quite a few insults were tossed at Blindbowman and he seems to have reacted at the wrong person. When I make this error I have no problems in apologizing (I have enough enemies already, thank you :'() but I get the impression this is not the way of Blindbowman, which might be indicative of his lifestyle choice (rather a hermit). As for his claims about intellectual superiority - this could not be proven via the internet, and I suspect that he might be under-estimating the level of intelligence among the folks here, perhaps grossly underestimating. The majority of treasure hunters are not dummies! It is tempting to conclude that this is a case of self-delusion, along with some other extreme claims Blindbowman has made. I have known a few folks who had similar mental foibles, which can put people off but if one can get past it, the true person is often quite a nice person. Besides - who among us can honestly claim to have NO personal delusions? It is also possible that Blindbowman is actually just 'waxing poetic' when he makes such statements. I don't take them too seriously.

I hope our differences are only skin-deep and that we can be friends when we meet in person one day. I certainly look forward to such a rendezvous, and plan to have a notebook handy in the event I can induce some of our friends with many years experience (and some with not-so-much) to open the vault of memory. "Pick your brain" is the term popularly used today I guess. :tongue3: :thumbsup:

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.
your friend,


Had I not read bb's post on another site, bragging about the game/huge joke he was playing on all the Dutch Hunters over here, I might be thinking the same way you are. There is evidence that he made one (1) trip into the Superstitions, but I doubt he actually hiked to the area he sent Paul.

As for fear that his pictures might give away a location, how close can you pinpoint the following picture:


Take care,


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