Where can I go look at the talk about Vikings?
thank you
Considering your questions and comments about the mica found in the floor of the Mica Temple, the "Viking" segue is an amazing coincidence. Are you aware of the Viking name connection to the mica you were discussing?
My guess is that the mica originally was brought into Mesoamerica by the Olmec's, rather than the Maya. When you consider their engineering abilities and the distances they moved objects that weighed twenty tons or more, that seems like a reasonable assumption. The mica you are talking about was supposedly moved 2000 miles from Brazil to Teotihuacan..
The Olmec's considered mica a sign of wealth. It was treasured by many Native American Cultures. Mirrors made from mica were especially prized and magical properties were attributed to the mineral. It could be that the belief in those magical properties was the impetus for moving the sheets of mica so far, and burying them in the floor of the Mica Temple. Their presence in the Pyramid of the Sun could be for those same magical reasons.
Since you asked for opinions, I was interested enough in the topic to offer mine. They are no better than anyone else's, but few opinions are being offered here, or in the Archaeological Community. Graham Hancock
(no archaeologist) wrote a short passage on page's 174 & 175 in "Fingerprints Of The Gods".
No doubt much of what is being posted here, belongs in another topic, but.......
Joe Ribaudo