Stopped at a sporting goods store on my way home...

I was just in Minnesota for the last few days and on the way back to Iowa My wife and I stopped at Gander Mountain to see what ammo they have. I didn't see to many pistol ammo but there was a few rifle ammo boxes and hundreds of shotgun ammo. I still can't find any Remington .22 golden bullet 550 packs. All I can find is expensive rounds.

I did find something else though. As I was leaving the ammo area I looked at one of the end caps and saw packages of tannerite. I bought up a few boxes and am excited to try it out. I know my friends will be excited to once I tell them. I think I will hold on to some for "special" occasions. Or maybe I wont even tell them and mix some up the next time we shoot and suprise the crap out my pals.

also I picked up some cheap 30-30 rounds for 12 dollars a box.

Arno great fun will not go off with 30 30 or 44 Takes a walop to set it off.

Last year I set a 1 lb er in a tree with the orange dot barely visible It was the end of season and asked my son if he could hit the dot with his 700( not telling him what I was up to) Man that tree came down in a second and sounded like a howitzer. Next thing out of his mouth was (I need some):laughing7: (Funny it's just fertilizer and aluminum dust.)

Just bought some German Black 600 and (Oh never mind)

Come on now, that is the type of response he is looking for.
It's a baiting tactic.
Now, somebody who disagrees with your message can discredit it by "telling on you."

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then the mods need to kick him off the site for being disrespectful on here ive seen alot of his posts where he is putting someone down and if some one wants to tell on me it doesnt matter to me cause if they want respect they need to show some

No .22 rounds on shelf at box store today. Shorts more than long or long rifle last i bought any too. Crazy.
Box of410 shells 12.99 compared to 6ish for 20 or 12. Maybe they,ll have more runs of them with the 45/410 market out there.

No .22 rounds on shelf at box store today. Shorts more than long or long rifle last i bought any too. Crazy.
Box of410 shells 12.99 compared to 6ish for 20 or 12. Maybe they,ll have more runs of them with the 45/410 market out there.
.22 LR was hard to get almost as fast as .223, 5.56, .308 and 7.62x39 and handgun rounds were.
I got lucky and found a brick CCI Velocitor and a few bricks of Wildcat a few months ago.
Now it's not something you will find very easily.
The 5.56 and handgun rounds can somewhat be explained by the HUGE buyup by the .gov.
The rest?
The feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach that tells you your government fears your ability to stop tyranny.

some how you don't get it. As stated in previous threads some of us buy guns for investment A sks several years ago sold for 95$ now they can reach 400$ Bushmasters were just above 1000$ now 1700 and up. I have several 44's still in the box from 1958. 75% up. The same with ammo.
Buying and selling weapons is a lucrative business. Cash is king not the King's.
By the way how many doors to your house? I have 6 so how many guns do you think I have? Why run ?

The next time somebody on this forum asks you why you need "so many guns" ask them how many detectors or coils they have and why they feel that they need them.

.22 LR was hard to get almost as fast as .223, 5.56, .308 and 7.62x39 and handgun rounds were.
I got lucky and found a brick CCI Velocitor and a few bricks of Wildcat a few months ago.
Now it's not something you will find very easily.
The 5.56 and handgun rounds can somewhat be explained by the HUGE buyup by the .gov.
The rest?
The feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach that tells you your government fears your ability to stop tyranny.

As we start winding down in Afghanistan, etc do you think that will free up more 5.56 rounds, etc for the consumer market?

I also wonder if sequestration will free some up if the military and fed agencies might cut back a bit on purchases?

As we start winding down in Afghanistan, etc do you think that will free up more 5.56 rounds, etc for the consumer market?

No. I don't see the government directly transferring any military equipment or munitions to the people they fear.
the muslim brotherhood?
People who hate us? "Give them tanks and F16s"
American citizens? "gasp! why would they need BULLETS??!??!"

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No. I don't see the government directly transferring any military equipment or munitions to the people they fear.
the muslim brotherhood?
People who hate us? "Give them tanks and F16s"
American citizens? "gasp! why would they need BULLETS??!??!"

Wasn't thinking the military would sell them to civilians. But if the military consumed less then more could be sold by the manufacturers to the civilian market. I assume most large ammo producers are under contract to give the military first dibs on ammo.

Also wondering if folks think the shortages are more pronounced than the run on gun/ammo after the first Obama election?

I assume most large ammo producers are under contract to give the military first dibs on ammo.
It's a bidding process.
They announce their specs and then allow manufacturers to bid on it.
At any given time, the military's stock may be from as many as 10 different manufacturers.

Wasn't thinking the military would sell them to civilians. But if the military consumed less then more could be sold by the manufacturers to the civilian market. I assume most large ammo producers are under contract to give the military first dibs on ammo.

I thought the war was winding down?? Why was there tons of ammo available when we were fighting two of them. could it be civilian's hold more ammo then the military?I know dumb thinking but tell me were are all them going? Less men in war less bullets used.

Didn't AT&T try this once? ooppps different time.

Peace brother. I just can't fathom (not saying you) why some people feel the need to have a crap load of guns and thousands of rounds on hand to protect themselves. I just seems that some people think that they need to have an arsenal to defend themselves. Is it because they have a problem of shooting straight or is just fear and paranoia? Honestly, there is only one John Rambo on this planet and if highly trained government agents wanted to get anyone for some reason, they would. If people love to target shoot as I do, go ahead, buy some bulk ammo and fire away. Every gun owner should practice using their firearms regularly in order to gain experience and develop a healthy respect for firearm safety. I know that there is a very high volume of people out there that have no business owning a gun due their ignorance of the responsibility and the respect that one should have regarding owning, operating firearms. Now add drugs and alcohol into the equation and undoubtedly there will be shootings. Shootings of responsible, innocent people by drunk, stoned idiots or shootings by responsible, innocent, people trying to defend themselves against drunk, stoned idiots with guns. Now let's play out the same scenario with these drunk, stoned idiots having semi autos with high volume clips? I'm sorry if i offended you in any way. My post was directed towards all the "Rambo" types out there.

I almost didn't reply to this post because over all it's been changed to a stock market primer, but I will, and I'll try and get it back on track. Bacon, you sound just like my wife, it's not that we need a crap load of guns and ammo for protection, there is an old saying that applies, "Beware of the man with one gun." Defense only requires one firearm, and the choice of which one is up to the person that feels the need for protection. I have lots of guns, but I can only shoot one at a time. I have lots of ammunition because I like to shoot, and I'm covered if some BS on ammo comes up like we are experiencing now. I'm sure I'm not alone among the people on this post in owning several guns. My reasons for owning a number of firearms have no thought of protection. I'll explain, For years I've used muzzleloading flintlock and caplock rifles to hunt with and to shoot at targets for fun. These guns have open sights, so in my dottage, I can't see the open sights. I used to win matches shooting those guns, and it's depressing turning in scores that are in amongst the kids and beginners, so I still have those firearms, but they mostly hang on the wall. I also had several cartridge guns that I don't use much anymore due to open sights. One of those cartridge guns was an old pump .22 from my childhood, and a couple -- well, more than two are saddle carbines in two calibers from when I made my living horseback. Again, open sights, so they don't get shot much. I didn't sell those guns, I like them even if I can't see the sights, and the .22 pump was given to my grandson. My kids can fight over the rest when I'm gone, or if finances become tight I'll sell when needed. So my open sighted guns have been replaced with a scope sighted big game rifle and a scope sighted semi auto .22 long rifle. Both of them are tack drivers, and I can drive the tacks using the scope. Oh yeah, there is a shot gun and a pistol or two or three also. I also have a collection of a few antique guns, all are shooters, they date back to the Revolution, the war with Mexico, the Civil War, the Indian Wars, and guns from WWI and WWII. I don't really know how many guns I own, and don't care, it's not a numbers thing, it's history. Some people collect china plates, others bottles, even others pretty rocks, I collect guns. Right now I'm working up accurate black powder loads for my Indian Wars guns, even though I'll be disappointed in the targets that I shoot, because of those horrible original sights. Actually I can understand you not being able to figure why a person needs so many guns. My wife doesn't understand either, but if I run across a Sharps rifle or carbine in 45-70 caliber, and the price is right, I'll buy it, even though I won't be able to shoot it accurately with open sights, it's just that it's a neat gun that fits in my collection. So all American gun owners might be nuts in the opinion of some, but they aren't nuts massing arsenals for protection, some of us are just having fun. Different strokes for different folks. There are a number of people in power in this country that think I shouldn't be allowed to own that many firearms, or even any guns at all, and quite frankly I don't understand why. There are millions of people just like me, they don't own a lot of guns for protection, they own them for fun. Beware of the man with one gun, he'll tend to be familiar with it and shoot it quite well.

Arnofarrell, regarding the tannerite, it's a blast, pun intended. I'm serious, we've had a lot of fun with it.

I almost didn't reply to this post because over all it's been changed to a stock market primer, .
Yeah, Roger that Boats.
I don't know WHAT happened here.
Lost me a WHILE ago..
Lot of copy and paste action....

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I have more than a few guns. Economics prevents me from owning a dozen more... I am not paranoid and don't own them just for self protection. I have hunting rifles in 3 different calibers for hunting any game animal in North America. I have 2 shotguns. I have 2 pistols, both are for self-defense. I'd like to have more pistols, but for fun. I have an "assault rifle" set up for repelling multiple assailants, just in case. Then I have the competition rifle and some other odds and ends that I won't part with...

I have plenty of ammo; I haven't shot most of my guns in a decade...

I also don't have thousands of rounds for my assault rifle... I have enough that in the case I actually have to use it, I can kill whoever is trying to kill me and take their guns and ammo...:laughing7:

100th post and now a full member, baby!!:hello2:

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Right on gentlemen. I have alot of guns and alot of ammo. I used to shoot all the time, every weekend with my friends but in the last year things have changed and prices have gone up it is getting harder to shoot. I bought a ton of ammo last spring and haven't shot hardly any. It is funny, today my friend called me up and asked if there is any place that I have been to that has 9mm rounds and I told him no but I would look around for him. I checked every site I normally go but every single round is sold and on back order. He has this brand new gun but nothing to shoot out of it.

Right on gentlemen. I have alot of guns and alot of ammo. I used to shoot all the time, every weekend with my friends but in the last year things have changed and prices have gone up it is getting harder to shoot. I bought a ton of ammo last spring and haven't shot hardly any. It is funny, today my friend called me up and asked if there is any place that I have been to that has 9mm rounds and I told him no but I would look around for him. I checked every site I normally go but every single round is sold and on back order. He has this brand new gun but nothing to shoot out of it.

Are stores actually increases prices of their ammo given supply / demand imbalance?

Is the pope a catholic?

(Well, when they elect another one i mean.)

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