Stone Maps Revealed

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Hal could he be, Jasper Buchanan TUMLINSON
Born 4 apr 1878 texas died 25 apr 1912
Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona
at 5:20 p.m. at 710 W. Madison
Cause of death Pneumonia
27 Apr 1912 Stockton Cemetery, Charco, Goliad, Texas
Jasper Buchanan TUMLINSON b. 4 Apr 1878 Texas, USA d. 25 Apr 1912 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USA: Robert and Christina Barritt's Family History Page


[TD="colspan: 2"]Death Records[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]Arizona Department of Health Services, Vital Records Section[/TD]
Death Records: Robert and Christina Barritt's Family History Page

Very curious if he is related to Travis.
Remember, "Gus" the other treasure hunter with a stone map?
Well, he and his family also lived/live in the area.

"Globe, Miami, and the unincorporated areas nearby (including Inspiration, Claypool and Central Heights-Midland City) are commonly called Globe-Miami."


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Very curious if he is related to Travis.
Remember, "Gus" the other treasure hunter with a stone map?
Well, he and his family also lived/live in the area.

"Globe, Miami, and the unincorporated areas nearby (including Inspiration, Claypool and Central Heights-Midland City) are commonly called Globe-Miami."

Why did you post something that's completely unreadable?

Why did you post something that's completely unreadable?

Unreadable? How so? Are you clicking on the image to enlarge it?
Its a re-post and only the last name has been blacked out but I don't think the family cares anymore.
Medlock is the name.

Unreadable? How so? Are you clicking on the image to enlarge it?
Its a re-post and only the last name has been blacked out but I don't think the family cares anymore.
Medlock is the name.

Hmm.. I do have a feature on my browser that blocks pop-ups; I'll try to deactivate it and see if that works. Sorry.

Hmm.. I do have a feature on my browser that blocks pop-ups; I'll try to deactivate it and see if that works. Sorry.

No problem. On my Mac, it takes two clicks to activate the enlarge feature.
Again, you can read about the Medlocks on the A Heap of Proof thread.

I would not be surprised if eventually, we will see a direct connection between the Tumlinsons and the Medlocks.

If you haven't already done so you may want to check out "another" site for some interesting revelations concerning the ongoing research into the origin and history of the stone maps.



Desert USA?


Hal there is a Medlock @ the fam link for Tumlinson
Laura and her father are @ the Medlock sheet/link
and Augustus Lafayette Medlock fam is there too, i
couldnt fig out if L.J. Medlock fam is related to
the A.L. Medlock fam

laura medlock
Laura J. MEDLOCK d. 27 Dec 1879: Robert and Christina Barritt's Family History Page
Laura Jane Medlock Dunnahoo (1843 - 1879) - Find A Grave Memorial

father of LJM
Judge John Alfred Medlock
Judge John Alfred Medlock (1812 - 1894) - Find A Grave Memorial
John Alfred Medlock FGS

Augustus Lafayette Medlock
Augustus Lafayette Medlock 1869-1956 - Ancestry
Augustus Lafayette Medlock (1869 - 1956) - Find A Grave Memorial

ALM parents
SAMUEL MEDLOCK born abt 1842 MS. Samuel is the son of Stephen andEpsey Medlock and can be found on the 1850 Noxubee Co MS
and the 1860-1880 Ashley Co AR Census. Samuel married Sarah Cone Oct 20 1860 AshleyCo AR. Samuel was on the tax list of Llano Co TX from 1890-1896. Sarah can be found on the 1900 Llano Co TX Census.
more @ Medlock sheet/link


The story in Bob Wards book is pretty much what Harry told the folks that were involved in the search. I have that directly from Tracy Hawkins, on tape. That story was also corroborated by personal conversations with my Uncle, Chuck Ribaudo, Ernie Provence and Dale Howard, who were all involved in the search. I believe all of those men held the gold bar in their hands.

Thanks again, Joe. I wanted to follow up on a previous post. I received a copy of Ward's book and read the Harry France account. I must say, I was a bit taken aback, in that several details in Ward's telling closely matched another "cave of gold bars" search story that I was personally involved with in 1980 near Santa Rita, NM. We got our story directly from a man who himself made a France-like discovery in the 1930s. Following are the matching details from France that matched our witness's story ("he" represents both men, both stories):

1) He was separated from another person whom he was trying to locate in the hills.
2) It rained heavily, causing him to seek shelter.
3) He climbed a hill and found a rock shelter to climb under to avoid the rain.
4) He discovered an opening and began to explore it.
5) After crawling 20 or 30 feet, he was able to stand up.
6) The only light he had was a book of matches.
7) There were stacks of bars as far as he could see.
8) He picked a bar up and it was very heavy.
9) He removed one bar and exited the opening.
10) He climbed up the hill and saw a car way off in the distance.
11) The next morning, he walked toward where he had seen the car.
12) He reached a highway in the afternoon.
13) He had carried the bar in the lining of his jacket.

Rather an interesting set of coincidences, don't you think? There are a number of differences in the story too, but the "discovery framework" listed above is a very close match.

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I'm waiting just like everyone else to see all of the documents. What I have seen (and heard) is multiple eye witnesses to the what the "original" stones looked like and where they were kept. To me, that's new news and a revelation.

As I said, I'm not here to convince anyone of anything. I have absolutely NO stake in the outcome other than looking for a straight story. Joe and his cousins are far closer to the facts than anyone left on the face of the earth. You (collective you) either believe them or you don't. Its really as simple as that.



I keep returning to this post specifically, to the words highlighted in red which, I find sincere and appreciate. Before you began this thread, I had no interest in what was being presented on the other site and thought it best to hold back any comments. That changed when, at your promoting, I went to that site and read the "revelations".

I want to share part of a letter with you that seems to contradict Joe's recollection of events regarding Mitchell and his visit to Texas. I may be reading too much into to this sentence but, it seems that he (Mitchell), as late as 1968, had not yet been to Texas.

"We would like to see Texas, have heard so much about it, wanted to get down there to see the Fair but just could not make it."

Had Mitchell been to Texas as is remembered by Joe, why would he not recall that visit? There are several other concerns that need to be explained however, this is IMO, the most pressing. Have you seen any proof, other than testimony, that Mitchell was in Texas? A photograph of him with the Tumlinsons? A letter from him thanking the Tumlinsons for being gracious hosts? Anything that would substantiate Joe's testimony? I am not saying that it didn't happen, only that this letter seems to argue against it.

I have enclosed parts of the letter for you to review, un-blurred.
Hopefully, you are still looking for that straight story and can help explain it.

Thanks Old.


Here is the route Mitchell would have taken daily to MD Hospital in the years suggested. It would be the equivalent of someone driving from New York City to Washington D.C. round trip, daily (226 x 2 = 450 miles) and this on a major highway. Mitchell would not have been able to take Interstate 10 (see below) leaving him the path highlighted. Seven+hours (minimum) a day driving round trip. I guess my question is, why not park that camper a little closer to Houston? Its not impossible that Mitchell did this daily but, it sure seems impractical.

Mitchell Map.webp


Within Texas, Interstate 10 was an original Interstate Highway, and it was approved by the Bureau of Public Roads in 1959 and by the Texas State Highway Commission in 1962 with 879 miles.9 Sections of I-10 were under construction in the Lone Star State between 1959 and 1982. Early emphasis was on completing the sections through and between San Antonio and Houston; this section of road was mostly done by 1968 and completely open by 1972."

Interstate-Guide: Interstate 10

hal jmo from reading over at gary cundiff pg
im guessing that Clarence Mitchell,has always tried to
keep secret where he and who he got the stones from
i always thought CM just wanted the $$, be it from
treasure or selling the idea of treasure
The Peralta Stone Maps

Hey Hal,

Here's the story as I know it. Please bear in mind the details of this, as well as the larger story, are still being explored with multiple witnesses to the events. As with all eye witness retellings the story may change in some details from person to person depending on what role they played and what stuck in their memory banks.

I haven't reviewed the video but I have talked with Joe. As best I remember, Joe never said "the visitor" was Clarence Mitchell. Joe's mother has since confirmed the name as indeed, Clarence Mitchell. Joe was a young lad at the time and remembers the man as on the tall side with graying hair.

One thing that you have to understand is this was not a one off event. Clarence Mitchell visited Texas, (yeap TEXAS) several times to meet with Aileen. Joe remembers him as the man who brought fresh fruit which he very much enjoyed. Mitchell drove a newer model truck with a camper shell. He (Mitchell) would visit with the family and retire to the camper truck to sleep. Joe remembers that Mitchell also visited with Aileen at MD Anderson Hospital. Those visits and the home location visits were different events. Whether the hospital visits were a one day thing or covered several days, I do not know.

What part of this description are you having some doubts about? We know Clarence Mitchell purchased carved stones from Aileen. I don't think anyone doubts that. We know Aileen moved back to Texas shortly after Travis' death. We know the purchase took place around the time Aileen was diagnosed with cancer. What part of this is giving you reason to doubt?

Logic tells us Clarence Mitchell traveled to Aileen to negotiate and close the deal. She was in Texas with family. Why Mitchell said in 1968 he hadn't seen Texas is a mystery to me. Unless he was continuing to honor his pledge to Aileen to protect her (and her child's) identity and location. Knowing he was corresponding with freelance writers and researchers may have given him good reason to continue to protect Aileen and Janie.

Just my two cents worth.


Hey Hal,

Here's the story as I know it. Please bear in mind the details of this, as well as the larger story, are still being explored with multiple witnesses to the events. As with all eye witness retellings the story may change in some details from person to person depending on what role they played and what stuck in their memory banks.

I haven't reviewed the video but I have talked with Joe. As best I remember, Joe never said "the visitor" was Clarence Mitchell. Joe's mother has since confirmed the name as indeed, Clarence Mitchell. Joe was a young lad at the time and remembers the man as on the tall side with graying hair.

One thing that you have to understand is this was not a one off event. Clarence Mitchell visited Texas, (yeap TEXAS) several times to meet with Aileen. Joe remembers him as the man who brought fresh fruit which he very much enjoyed. Mitchell drove a newer model truck with a camper shell. He (Mitchell) would visit with the family and retire to the camper truck to sleep. Joe remembers that Mitchell also visited with Aileen at MD Anderson Hospital. Those visits and the home location visits were different events. Whether the hospital visits were a one day thing or covered several days, I do not know.

What part of this description are you having some doubts about? We know Clarence Mitchell purchased carved stones from Aileen. I don't think anyone doubts that. We know Aileen moved back to Texas shortly after Travis' death. We know the purchase took place around the time Aileen was diagnosed with cancer. What part of this is giving you reason to doubt?

Logic tells us Clarence Mitchell traveled to Aileen to negotiate and close the deal. She was in Texas with family. Why Mitchell said in 1968 he hadn't seen Texas is a mystery to me. Unless he was continuing to honor his pledge to Aileen to protect her (and her child's) identity and location. Knowing he was corresponding with freelance writers and researchers may have given him good reason to continue to protect Aileen and Janie.

Just my two cents worth.


We have this letter which seems to contradict Joe's recollection of events. I asked if there was anything, anything at all, other than memories, that could confirm CM being in Texas. Because if there is, we would be able to confirm the visit which would support your idea that CM was protecting the Tumlinsons in that letter. That is a logical solution and would also support Joe's testimony. From your response, I guess the answer to my question is no?

You are asking about "doubts" of a description which I don't remember expressing. A man on the tall side, graying hair, driving a newer model truck with a camper shell. And the name came from Joe's mother, not Joe himself. You wrote that Joe was a young lad at the time and that these details are what "stuck in his memory banks". That sounds reasonable and if it could be proven that CM drove a newer model truck with a camper shell, well, it would be hard for anyone to dismiss what Joe is telling us. If it turns out that he did not own/drive such a vehicle, then we are back to square one with the letter. It shouldn't be that difficult to confirm either way. Until that's done, and the results shared openly (like the letter), the letter remains IMO, an obstacle.

I think that its best for me to step back at this point and let things unfold as they will.

Thank you both (U & Joe) for taking the time to respond.


I need to clear something up. I am the one saying the visitor was Clarence Mitchell. Me and Joe's Mom say that<g>. Joe doesn't recall a name.

I'm saying the visitor and Mitchell are one in the same for all the reasons that make the pieces of the story fit. But I wasn't there. The McGee/Mitchell letter you point to does raise questions. Interesting questions and possibilities. Its possible there could have been a go between between Aileen and Mitchell as the ultimate purchaser. That would be an interesting twist on the story.



I need to clear something up. I am the one saying the visitor was Clarence Mitchell. Me and Joe's Mom say that<g>. Joe doesn't recall a name.

I'm saying the visitor and Mitchell are one in the same for all the reasons that make the pieces of the story fit. But I wasn't there. The McGee/Mitchell letter you point to does raise questions. Interesting questions and possibilities. Its possible there could have been a go between between Aileen and Mitchell as the ultimate purchaser. That would be an interesting twist on the story.



There is a reason that Joe doesn't remember the name today associated with the man and his camper capped truck. If you look hard enough, ask those who have insight into what actually happened and when, the answers are there. Start with the "Gas station" photograph. Find out all you can about who worked there and when. Follow that trail and the story starts to become clear. If you can, canvas the neighborhood and speak with those who would have had the opportunity to see any stones on display. It was a long time ago but there are still a few wonderful, generous, old timers who will share their thoughts and memories.

Look at the Gas station photograph and note the three stripes on the building's facade.
These stripes were part of Gulf's branding strategy from the 1940-50's (see the attached image)
So, we know it was a Gulf station which, at that time, was right next to the Stockdale Lumber Co.
Once you know what it was, it can be easily located and its history learned.


There is a name associated with that gas station.
Learn it and go from there.
Once you do, I promise that you will start seeing things as they actually were.
Perhaps you already know it.

I will stop here and leave you with a few photographs of the building as it stands today.

Gulf Station.webp


The gas station and its role in the history of the stone maps has been discussed in previous videos Ryan has shared with us. I may be just dumb but I don't understand what you are eluding to, as so far, who owned and operated the station. That's been in public knowledge since early on in this discovery process.

What does wig me out is your photo. Do you have Ryan and Joe under surveillance? Or; are you working in partnership with Ryan and his production? Here is a compilation of your photo at top imposed on a photo taken by Ryan this past Wednesday around noon.

Combined photo- gas station.webp

Notice the white car and where its parked.

Are you going to make the meeting this week?

Mighty strange.



The gas station and its role in the history of the stone maps has been discussed in previous videos Ryan has shared with us. I may be just dumb but I don't understand what you are eluding to, as so far, who owned and operated the station. That's been in public knowledge since early on in this discovery process.

What does wig me out is your photo. Do you have Ryan and Joe under surveillance? Or; are you working in partnership with Ryan and his production? Here is a compilation of your photo at top imposed on a photo taken by Ryan this past Wednesday around noon.

View attachment 1260955

Notice the white car and where its parked.

Are you going to make the meeting this week?

Mighty strange.

Lynda you really think all this research is going to lead to a discovery in the mountains or do you just have alot of time on your hands? you really think all this research is going to lead to a discovery in the mountains or do you just have alot of time on your hands?

It really shouldn't matter to you what I or anyone else thinks or does but, it seems to, and for an individual at your age, with your experience, that's rather sad not to mention a little creepy.

Lindia photos such as the gas station can be obtained on Google Earth street view.

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