Would you mind explaining the above highlighted in red. Honestly, I have not seen the video that you are writing about and chances are that I will not.
Regarding your theory, if the heart was repaired at a much earlier point in history, there would have been few other options.
About being ridiculing publicly... just consider the source.
You are home and safe and posting again which is all that matters. Have a great New Year and all the best to you in 2016.
Same wish for you and may 2016 bring good fortune to all of us here.
The videos I mentioned are currently available on Youtube, having been missing for some time, but only until Jan 1, when Ryan has said they will be removed once more.
The segment with Garry's own theory about the stone versions of the original PegLeg map runs from about 6-10 minutes in. The "tree sap" comments are made a bit later in the interview, about 9 or 10 minutes in.
The existence of several versions of the three larger stones and the heart stone have been discussed here and on the other two web sites many times over the years.
Within those discussions, I have stated my belief that the two "trail map" stones on display at the museum were copies, altered but still usable, fabricated by either Travis or even by Mitchell. There were enough differences between what could be seen in the bumper photo and the museum stones to support that belief IMO. I also believed the HP and Heart stone are originals, and found by Travis with the use of a map from his grandfather's collection that was mentioned in "Coronado's Children" by F.Dobie, rather than similarly altered copies.
I have also previously shared my suspicions that the "original" trail stones, the ones now described as being of the same stone, or at least color, as the HP stone, remained in the family's hands in Texas. The memories and theories of both Joe and the time they were interviewed...certainly seemed to indicate that Travis carved ALL of the stones, not just those in the museum, and based them on portions of the PegLeg maps. I was disappointed to hear that of course, since it ran counter to my own theories and what I had seen out there in the mountains. Another thought I had upon viewing the interviews, was that if it was true that Travis had carved all of the stones, it would be unfortunate in that if any substantially valuable cache(s) were ever found out there with the aid of these stones, that those stones would also be very valuable to those who had them. But not if they were merely products of Travis' hobby of carving visions and treasure maps on stones found in Texas.
However, Ryan's latest 4 part series of "revelations" mentioned previously by "Old", most having been discussed previously in threads going back at least as far as 2002...alternate locations for where the stones were claimed to have been recovered for example...they do seem to be authenticating some of the stone maps, possibly still in the possession of the Tumlinson family, rather than debunking them all IMO.
Of course I could be wrong, as I evidently was with my "tree sap" glue theory. Having acknowledged my faux pas, I do have to agree with rubber cement being a poor choice for the repair of the broken heart, since while it is easy to remove any excess glue from the surface of the object, it remains flexible, whereas glue derived from pine gum dries rigid and any excess is very difficult to remove unless solvent is immediately available. Because of the powdered charcoal present in the mix of ingredients for pine glue, the cured cement is also black, rather than the amber hue of tire and tube patching cement. I likely still have some of that out in the garage, although it might be a more recent version made from synthetic polymer. Maybe something assembled with pine glue as well.