Season "3" of Curse of Oak Island

No, the more places that question this scripted fantasy show and their lies, the better.

I didn't read anything in the post that deals with Oak Island in and of itself. It reads more about his personal issues with the producer, the Pulitzer guy, and people he has a beef with. Sorry, if you disagree. I don't care about his problems.

Where does this figure come from "They have 170 MILLION invested in this project" I cannot find a source. On top of that it just seems ridiculous. Nothing I have seen would support that type of figure. I know they brought up part of the island but no way did it cost anything like that... If you had 170 million to spend looking for treasure ... why look?.. you already have treasure...

The actual cost of this search may be in the low millions but that would only be if the cost of buying the land was included. Even then the land is an asset and can be sold again if they decide to give up so it is not really a 'cost' but an investment. I do not imagine a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere on an island costs that much anyway.

I am interested in how much the things they do actually cost though. ie last episode they made a big deal of drilling that hole looking for the gold in the cave. Does anyone know what the approx. cost of hiring a drill team of two for a few hours and drilling to 200 or so feet costs. My guess (based on complete ignorance) would be no more than $5000 or so. ie wages for 2 people, pipe for hole, equipment hire.

My impression is that these two brothers just come down here for a couple of weeks holiday each year with their mates and family and do what they can in that time. So most of the labor is free. There cost would be equipment hire and incidental living costs.

I am not saying these expenses are not significant but I cannot see 'millions' other then possible cost of buying land.

Where does this figure come from "They have 170 MILLION invested in this project" I cannot find a source. On top of that it just seems ridiculous. Nothing I have seen would support that type of figure. I know they brought up part of the island but no way did it cost anything like that... If you had 170 million to spend looking for treasure ... why look?.. you already have treasure...

The actual cost of this search may be in the low millions but that would only be if the cost of buying the land was included. Even then the land is an asset and can be sold again if they decide to give up so it is not really a 'cost' but an investment. I do not imagine a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere on an island costs that much anyway.

I am interested in how much the things they do actually cost though. ie last episode they made a big deal of drilling that hole looking for the gold in the cave. Does anyone know what the approx. cost of hiring a drill team of two for a few hours and drilling to 200 or so feet costs. My guess (based on complete ignorance) would be no more than $5000 or so. ie wages for 2 people, pipe for hole, equipment hire.

My impression is that these two brothers just come down here for a couple of weeks holiday each year with their mates and family and do what they can in that time. So most of the labor is free. There cost would be equipment hire and incidental living costs.

I am not saying these expenses are not significant but I cannot see 'millions' other then possible cost of buying land.

I haven't seen the number $170,000,000.

What is the cost of "land out in the middle of nowhere?" Here's what Wikipedia says about it......

"It was announced in April 2006 that brothers Rick and Marty Lagina from Michigan had purchased a 50% stake in Oak Island Tours Inc., for an undisclosed amount of money. The shares sold to the Michigan partners were previously owned by David Tobias; remaining shares are owned by Blankenship. Center Road Developments, in conjunction with Allan Kostrzewa and Brian Urbach, members of the Michigan group, had purchased Lot 25 from David Tobias for a reported $230,000 one year previous to Tobias selling the rest of his share. The Michigan group, working with Blankenship, said it would resume operations on Oak Island in the hope of discovering buried treasure and the mystery of Oak Island."

Lot 25....not acre.....LOT 25 went for $230,000 the year before.

Cost of digging a hole?

Contractors have to make money too.
Most charge three times the actual employee salary.
Most start charges the minute the truck pulls out of the shop and time don't stop until the truck is back.
The bigger the equipment, the more it costs.
Additional equipment is extra. The transport truck was getting paid for being there. (It's tied up on that job and not available for any other).

Two ways jobs are contracted.

1) Hard dollar. You have a contract for a set amount. No matter if you get it done in 45 minutes or 16 hours, the money is the same. Contractors will overbid this type contract in an attempt to not lose money.
2) By the hour. Customers are billed for every hour the equipment is dedicated to that job. Customers want these people in and out as quickly as possible since its their pockets getting emptied.

$5000 was likely billed before the guys got set up on the hole.

Where does this figure come from "They have 170 MILLION invested in this project" I cannot find a source. On top of that it just seems ridiculous. Nothing I have seen would support that type of figure. I know they brought up part of the island but no way did it cost anything like that... If you had 170 million to spend looking for treasure ... why look?.. you already have treasure...

The actual cost of this search may be in the low millions but that would only be if the cost of buying the land was included. Even then the land is an asset and can be sold again if they decide to give up so it is not really a 'cost' but an investment. I do not imagine a piece of land out in the middle of nowhere on an island costs that much anyway.

I am interested in how much the things they do actually cost though. ie last episode they made a big deal of drilling that hole looking for the gold in the cave. Does anyone know what the approx. cost of hiring a drill team of two for a few hours and drilling to 200 or so feet costs. My guess (based on complete ignorance) would be no more than $5000 or so. ie wages for 2 people, pipe for hole, equipment hire.

My impression is that these two brothers just come down here for a couple of weeks holiday each year with their mates and family and do what they can in that time. So most of the labor is free. There cost would be equipment hire and incidental living costs.

I am not saying these expenses are not significant but I cannot see 'millions' other then possible cost of buying land.

I wouldn't pay them $100 bucks an acre for the Island.
at any point The Archies, Greenies & Government can step in and say That's Ours Now !

I suppose if I lived near there I'd consider buying a Permit to detect on the island.
If there was a $100.00 a year Permit. But to buy land,
the Deal would have to include everything on & Under the land is $100% under My Control

Well, good for you.
Excuse me?
Why the attitude? All I said was that I had posted this info last week and someone gets a bit testy.
Geesh,,,this thread is about the show and information surrounding it.
I was just saying I had made that information available a while ago.
No need to be like that.

I haven't seen the number $170,000,000.
Quote Originally Posted by Hitndahed View Post

Then there HAS been notable discoveries made in 10X,, guaranteed,,, is this "the beginning of the end?" As Marty so well put it? They have 170 MILLION invested in this project, A thousand times what any other group has invested.
In my opinion,,,I truly believe there are SEVERAL "treasures" to be found there. And every one of them is righteous onto itself, let alone that they are all on this "island".

What is the cost of "land out in the middle of nowhere?" Here's what Wikipedia says about it......

"It was announced in April 2006 that brothers Rick and Marty Lagina from Michigan had purchased a 50% stake in Oak Island Tours Inc., for an undisclosed amount of money. The shares sold to the Michigan partners were previously owned by David Tobias; remaining shares are owned by Blankenship. Center Road Developments, in conjunction with Allan Kostrzewa and Brian Urbach, members of the Michigan group, had purchased Lot 25 from David Tobias for a reported $230,000 one year previous to Tobias selling the rest of his share. The Michigan group, working with Blankenship, said it would resume operations on Oak Island in the hope of discovering buried treasure and the mystery of Oak Island."

Lot 25....not acre.....LOT 25 went for $230,000 the year before.

Cost of digging a hole?

Contractors have to make money too.
Most charge three times the actual employee salary.
Most start charges the minute the truck pulls out of the shop and time don't stop until the truck is back.
The bigger the equipment, the more it costs.
Additional equipment is extra. The transport truck was getting paid for being there. (It's tied up on that job and not available for any other).

Two ways jobs are contracted.

1) Hard dollar. You have a contract for a set amount. No matter if you get it done in 45 minutes or 16 hours, the money is the same. Contractors will overbid this type contract in an attempt to not lose money.
2) By the hour. Customers are billed for every hour the equipment is dedicated to that job. Customers want these people in and out as quickly as possible since its their pockets getting emptied.

$5000 was likely billed before the guys got set up on the hole.

Once again not saying it cost nothing but $170 million...


A: On average, a well costs around $5,000.00-$7,000.00. This includes all costs pertaining to drilling and the installation of the pumping system. Conditioning equipment typically ranges from $1,500.00-$3,000.00.
source: Edward Powell Pump & Well Drilling | Well Drilling Information Newtown Square PA | Edward Powell Pump & Well Drilling | Serving Delaware County, Chester County, New Castle County, DE and the Main Line

As an indicator of cost of drilling a well (from just googling that and posting what come up).

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well I watched it this week, and it seems they found nothing again. Why not focus on the site and stop searching the whole island for specious leads?

I just found this For Sale: Island with Mysterious Money Pit It suggests the land would of cost them around $7 million.

But this is an investment not an expense as they can sell it later whether they find the treasure or not.

As for what they are spending it does not seem like a great deal. The big expenses I have seen so far.

1. They have dug three holes
2. They have hired backhoes, cranes, boat and helicopter
3. They have brought in some specialist people which they probably had to pay along with cots of getting them there
4. They have the living costs associated with being there
5. They are probably including the money spent on there trip around Europe
6. They have built some specialist equipment relating to 10X
7. They have hired some pretty big water pumps

All those things from 1-7 could not have been more than a few hundred thousand. Most of the money spent must be tied up in the land...

It would be funny if they discovered oil or something..

Looking forward to the next episode... I really hope they do find some treasure....

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Hey but they got the pipe out right ..... LOL ....

So the stone at 90' has been deciphered.....

Cipher_Stone_Replica Deciphered.webp

The 7 steps taken to the Vault from the origins of these tales, has been charted through Nicolas Poussin's Et En Arcadia Ego mapping sequence to the vault in Nova Scotia.....

The Second Layer has been opened from the map in Yarmouth, NS leading through to Vermont, using both the calculations of the Nolan Cross and the hints derived in the Tenier's painting Temptation of St Anthony.

The formal recognition of this has been formed both by the correlating work done to decipher the Shakespeare Codes showing these movements specifically matching my work, and the Canadian Heritage Department of their Govt is now recognizing my work and is reviewing my Reconnaissance Permit for the right to travel there and document these locations.

5 of them remain in Nova Scotia.

The rest are in my home state of Vermont, and there are no problems so far except finding the entire historical society of vermont a sham show to propagate their own versions of our history, and set up their "preservation" of the state's history based on ERASING the foundation of New France....

From my experience and with several neighbors digging a well in Canada where we are located 40 kilometers from a major center, similar to Oak Island our cost worked out for a 100 foot well to be
$ 20,000.00

I would venture to say that a similar drilling from 100 – 200 feet would be in $20 – $30M range.

I am starting to suspect that as this show grows in the ratings (top ten presently) that more and more commercial advertising will be inserted…Cat Excavators, Backhoes, Yamaha UTV’s etc..
We will know when the Coca Cola drinks are being passed around.

My questions are:
With the last drilled hole and water was hit…Did they have this water tested for fresh or sea water?

Did they cap this well?

If it was a fresh water source then they have now increased this Ocean View Lot’s value, with serviced water

The Curse states that 7 must die, “But” does not state that many must die!

I am both troubled and concerned watching Season 3 in that what appears to be needless and dangerous actions carried out by the Lagina brothers.

I am puzzled that with the funding claimed by these brothers that they are frugal when it comes to hiring professionals.
They constantly involve themselves and others too old or too young to perform heavy tasks which could be done by Rowdies or Grips, or doing jobs that should only be done by qualified and experienced workers.

I, like the Lagina brothers am capable of performing many projects myself, but know when doing a dangerous task whether working on my roof or using a Backhoe, it is best to hire one who performs this job on a regular basis and is aware of the present dangers.

I watch them lighting a blow torch in a confined tunnel where methane gas has been stated to be in the island.

Ropes and cable being used and breaking which were under rated for the lift.

Old plywood used to cover 200 foot holes and they are satisfied with only a couple of screws to hold it in place.

Operating the Excavator and Backhoe when clearly they are not confident with these machinery.

My questions are:
Why would they want to subject family and friends to these dangers when they clearly have the funds to hire professionals?
Is the “Show” promoting them to do this for an entertainment factor?

Hey but they got the pipe out right ..... LOL ....

So the stone at 90' has been deciphered.....

View attachment 1238218

The 7 steps taken to the Vault from the origins of these tales, has been charted through Nicolas Poussin's Et En Arcadia Ego mapping sequence to the vault in Nova Scotia.....

The Second Layer has been opened from the map in Yarmouth, NS leading through to Vermont, using both the calculations of the Nolan Cross and the hints derived in the Tenier's painting Temptation of St Anthony.

The formal recognition of this has been formed both by the correlating work done to decipher the Shakespeare Codes showing these movements specifically matching my work, and the Canadian Heritage Department of their Govt is now recognizing my work and is reviewing my Reconnaissance Permit for the right to travel there and document these locations.

5 of them remain in Nova Scotia.

The rest are in my home state of Vermont, and there are no problems so far except finding the entire historical society of vermont a sham show to propagate their own versions of our history, and set up their "preservation" of the state's history based on ERASING the foundation of New France....

Since the original stone disappeared from history, no one knows what carvings it truly had on it. Any translations are an exercise in fantasy. Enough with the bs. The brothers need to dig until no dirt has been left unturned. Anything else is just a desire for TV ratings from the theorists out there.

Since the original stone disappeared from history, no one knows what carvings it truly had on it. Any translations are an exercise in fantasy. Enough with the bs. The brothers need to dig until no dirt has been left unturned. Anything else is just a desire for TV ratings from the theorists out there.
:coffee2:Is that a lost peralta stone map,:dontknow:NP:cat:

lol what a headline. All he said was that was the theory he would most like to be true.

Excuse my ingnorance, But what the heck does that Decipher mean? In English.

Excuse my ingnorance, But what the heck does that Decipher mean? In English.

treasure there has one
found new from the bible (or possible library)

Or if you want to read alla as the muslim god instead of the word "over there", then it would say "alla(h) has found a new treasure in the bible"

But it's complete bs, because the "translation" doesn't even match to the symbols. The symbol for one letter means a completely different letter the next time. It's even more bs, because the inscribed rock is fake so any inscription is a fabrication as well.

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