Hey but they got the pipe out right ..... LOL ....
So the stone at 90' has been deciphered.....
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The 7 steps taken to the Vault from the origins of these tales, has been charted through Nicolas Poussin's Et En Arcadia Ego mapping sequence to the vault in Nova Scotia.....
The Second Layer has been opened from the map in Yarmouth, NS leading through to Vermont, using both the calculations of the Nolan Cross and the hints derived in the Tenier's painting Temptation of St Anthony.
The formal recognition of this has been formed both by the correlating work done to decipher the Shakespeare Codes showing these movements specifically matching my work, and the Canadian Heritage Department of their Govt is now recognizing my work and is reviewing my Reconnaissance Permit for the right to travel there and document these locations.
5 of them remain in Nova Scotia.
The rest are in my home state of Vermont, and there are no problems so far except finding the entire historical society of vermont a sham show to propagate their own versions of our history, and set up their "preservation" of the state's history based on ERASING the foundation of New France....