Things are "Heating Up" leading up to... The Curse of Oak Island!
Interview with Rick & Marty Lagina: As THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND Season 3 Approaches, Brothers Express Appreciation
November 3, 2015 by Mechele R. Dillard
It has been a long process, above and below ground, in the search for treasure by the Lagina brothers, Rick and Marty. So far, we have not seen a lot of evidence that the “main” treasure, so to speak, is there, although, as fans know, there have some been some intriguing hits and finds along the way. What makes the Laginas so sure that the treasure is still there—if it ever was?
Rick Lagina is the Oak Island enthusiast, and speaking with him it is easy to hear it in his voice: THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND is more than just a show to him. He genuinely feels and believes that the treasure—whatever it is—is there.
“I cannot tell you exactly why,” Rick said, “but I do believe. Sometimes it’s your gut. Sometimes you compromise, and refuse NOT to believe. And,” he added, “we’ve made no discoveries to the contrary.”
Younger brother Marty Lagina is the skeptic of the two, as fans are well aware. But, like so many of us out here watching, Marty says he wants to be proven wrong. “I don’t quite have Rick’s faith in the deal, but I want to believe,” he said. “And you have to try until you eliminate all reasonable possibilities—and we’re not there yet.”
Marty also points out that, of all the possibilities floated to them, “We don’t think it is a hoax, because hoaxters usually create a big sensation and leave.” That is definitely not the case with Oak Island; it seems, in fact, that the belief in and hunt for the treasure rumored to be hidden there gets passed on—and taken up again—through generations. As an example of a legitimate Oak Island believer, Marty said, “We have a letter in the files from FDR and he’s writing the then-Professor Hamilton (1939).” President Roosevelt had been on the island with the Old Gold Salvage group of 1909, and according to Marty, his letter expressed an interest in returning to Oak Island someday.
The brothers are definitely not in this without a sense of humor, which is good, because a lot of things have gone wrong on the search for treasure. Like, for instance, the infamous dye test, in which they tested for outlets/caverns with green dye. The dye did end up in the sea—at least, it appeared it did. It was hard to distinguish the green dye they used from the seaweed and algae in the water, as fans of the show will well-remember.
Will they be doing the test again?
Well, without giving away any secrets for Season Three, Marty said this: “If we do the dye test we’re sure not going to use green dye,” laughing about the incident. There was some confusion when they were advised for the test, it seems, and the bore test experts chose the green dye. However, they were choosing the color not realizing that the ultimate goal was to see the dye in the sea; they were looking at a more conventional test, that would be testing the structure of the ground or soil, looking for underground shafts/caverns. In this case, the green would actually be the better choice, as it would be more visible in the ground/soil. Had they understood that the goal was to see it floating in the water—yes, they would have chosen the red dye, just as so many viewers suggested after the much-discussed episode aired.
The Laginas are living out a dream, and they realize that by doing so on THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND, it allows viewers to become a part of that dream, as well. They feel the responsibility of the need to keep the show family friendly, and do so with pride. “It is extremely gratifying,” Rick said of the show, that “people become not just entertained but invested.” They also expressed their sincere appreciation of the many words of encouragement they get from people who cheer them on. And, as Marty added, they hope that kids watching will get a real sense of what math and science can do in the real world, and that education CAN help them live out their dreams!
Of course, Marty has real-world experience in the energy business, and has brought his knowledge of math, science and oil drilling—along with that of partner Craig Tester—along to the hunt. And, as Marty indicated, although they have years of combined understanding regarding drilling to bring to the table, “We’ve been humbled, because it is a lot less similar [to oil drilling] than we thought.” One thing that has been frustrating has been the lack of speed they can get on the digs, due to varying factors, from geological conditions to not always having access to the proper equipment. “We’ve been involved in wells where we dig 800 ft. in a day, and here we are frogging around,” he says, referring to the slow descents that fans often see them take into their projects on Oak Island.
Plus, Rick adds about the overall project, “It’s a lot harder than people think.” It’s true: As viewers and armchair critics, looking back with 20/20 hindsight—not to mention footage that eliminates a lot of the more tedious aspects of the process—we tend to forget that what the Laginas are doing is a big, BIG undertaking, and no doubt has problems and implications that … well, sometimes the old saying is true: You just have to be there.
Ultimately, the brothers seem fully invested in the search for treasure on Oak Island. “If it quits being fun, then that’s probably when we quit,” Marty said. And, the legend of “the curse,” which indicates seven men must die before the treasure is found—and at last count, it had only reached six? Do they worry about it? Neither seemed concerned—Marty is a skeptic on the treasure’s very existence, after all—and true treasure believer Rick dismissed any belief in the supposed curse.
“I don’t [believe in the curse], as intriguing as it is,” Rick said, pointing out that working on such a project is simply dangerous in nature. “You have to be aware of the risks and take proper precautions.” He further added, “Do strange things happen on Oak Island? Yes, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go.”
Fans will be able to find out more about the Laginas, the status of the dig, and whether or not Rick and Marty repeat the dye test in the new season of THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND, premiering on History Channel on Tuesday, November 10, at 9 p.m. ET/PT.
Get more info on Season Three of THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND right here on TVRuckus!
TVRuckus thanks Rick and Marty Lagina, as well as History Channel, for their time; we look forward to the new season of ups and downs on THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND!
Image: Courtesy of History Channel, Used with Permission