Season "3" of Curse of Oak Island

Season "3" of Curse of Oak Island

I pasted some screen shots of the season 3 trailer.

What are your thoughts????

Tim, nice post... I'll take a stab at identifying the more obvious items in these pics. In the likely event a TNet member more learned than I corrects my estimations: I am neither a Mason nor a professional nor an academic in any of the historical sciences.

The sword appears Viking c. 11th or 12th century. Very well could instead be contemporary era ceremonial lodge regalia sword buried in the mud for several decades for some future TH to discover ;)

The medal or pendant is also Masonic and contains logos and elements one would expect thereof: Latin inscription "In hoc signo vinces", skull, sword, G, blazing star. This particular piece is the plainest and least ornate example of Masonic jewelry I've laid eyes on. Likely the product of early 20th century stamp works factory intended for new initiates of a Lodge rather than an ancient relic buried in an Oak Island swamp (where the Templar Knights hid The Ark of The Covenant) for a millennium.

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I reread my post above and regret it sounds cynical. No offense intended towards Tim. I'm as fascinated by Oak Island as anyone and eagerly anticipating the new season Rick and Marty's show !

Well if those clips are showing items actually found on the island I MIGHT spend some time on it.
I think though that those "tunnels" that are constantly mentioned are the result of mining done in 1575 or so by Martin Frobisher. He returned to England with 1100 tons of the fake yellow stuff.
Which I actually tend to believe as I have read that the oak timber used in the Money Pit has been C-14 carbon dated around 1575.

There are some very tantalizing things on this rock,,of that there is no doubt. But I do not think they will find anything truly of significant importance. Like the Ark, Menorah etc..
But they will find "objects" interesting enough to keep going.
The "gold" coin and "headless body" Could be what they appear,,the "gold" probably. But I think the headless item is a statue.
Thus reasoning would lead me more to pirated are and stuff like that.

I think the headless body is man in the moon syndrome.
just the minds Eye trying to make sense of what it sees

I think the headless body is man in the moon syndrome.
just the minds Eye trying to make sense of what it sees

That might be, but still it looks man-made and not natural.

To me the "human remains" looks like some sort of oxen yoke.

Late Bronze Age Ox Yoke.webp


I'm BURNT OUT on this Hoax of a show! Typically, they NEVER find anything of great importance, and just sting you along, year after year. Its about as credible as all the BIGFOOT shows that never find anything!

I do consider Rick & Marty Real Treasure Hunters.
And as such, They do have my respect.
even if I do disagree with the Production companies tactics.

The "Bottom of the Pit"

To me the "human remains" looks like some sort of oxen yoke.

View attachment 1231774

View attachment 1231775

My theory has the Freemasons disposing of all the Spanish ships and English ships used to ferry the treasure from Havana to the Treasure Vault on Oak Island and these parts were placed down there.

This could be the Figurehead of the HMS Sterling Castle scuttled with its figurehead resting in this watery grave.


I will watch the show if i remember date and time.

I think the headless body is man in the moon syndrome.
just the minds Eye trying to make sense of what it sees
I think what you mean is Pareidolia. Where the mind sees something that is actually something else.

But it sure looks like it is human shaped.
Won't know till someone actually brushes the silt off of it.

Thanks for taking a crack at it!

I respect what the Lagina brothers are doing.
I hate what the production company produces.
BEDROCK BUBBA, mentioned "Bigfoot" I think there is about 6 minutes of new footage in each episode, the rest is looped flashbacks of the same stuff.
Or when you come back from a break and they spend 2 minutes reviewing the last 2 minutes right before the break.

I can only imagine how many millions the brothers have invested.
Let alone the years putting all the pieces, permits, permissions, and everyone else together.
All before even putting their first shovel in the dirt.

Let’s face it, after all the attempts over the last 100 years, the local government,
and all the brother in-laws running local government agencies and bureaus screaming “Not in my back yard”,
are not easily going to say, yes.


Also the nature groups worried if the One Eyed, Buck Tooth Flounder’s diet of Glow In The Dark Horned Plankton, will be disturbed by them.

I am surprised that they have gotten this far.

I like when Rick said
“It’s proven less than fruitful.
You can see light years into space,
but you can’t look a meter or two underground for small targets with any degree of certainty
… It’s been a tough slog.”

ROBOT, I agree, I think it’s a Ships Figurehead, or Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, grasping a shaft? Getting ready to give a hummer?
Or it could be a young male Olympian!

I read the Greeks were funny, that way.




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As stated before, Pirates did buried treasures, then set up traps. Not this season to find treasure. Maybe next season. I be watching.

I think what you mean is Pareidolia. Where the mind sees something that is actually something else.

But it sure looks like it is human shaped.
Won't know till someone actually brushes the silt off of it.

yes "Pareidolia" is one of those words that escapes me when I need to use it,
So I use the Ghost Hunters Phrase for when
people see ghosts on walls , in smoke & in clouds.:laughing7: "man in the moon syndrome"

Sorry if I missed it, but have they ever figured the size of the "sculpture/object" at the bottom of the hole?

I read some other post's which answered some of my questions, and generated some new ones.

Thanks to FinderKeeper.

click on the link below to view the swamp.

Map of Western Shore - Canada

So I posted the to screen grabs below.
As FinderKeeper wrote, there is a lot of plywood platforms laid out.

Click the photo for a larger view.

Google Maps 2.webp

Google Maps.webp

Thanks to Hitndahed.

As far as legends go the legend of Oak Islands deaths rules them all.
With the legend saying that "7 must die" before the secret of the treasure will be found.
So with all the "success" towards the end of last years shows, and the teasers of what is going on in the upcoming, you have to ask,,, WHAT HAPPENED ?

Well,,, I will tell you.

You heard me,,,read the rest here.

Infamous Oak Island claims 7th LIFE! Curse Completed? UNTOLD STORY Hidden Till Now |

The question now is,,, WHY WASN'T THIS RELEASED ON THE SHOW?

I read the Blog at the link he posted.
Talk about a wrinkle!

This part of the Blog, caught my attention.

Out of over 50 proposed investigative missions and hundreds upon hundreds of historical connective facts which need to see the light of day, they narrowed down four items they would consider for inclusion, three of which were;
(1) find us the map Matt was after and take us to the secret shrine, and;
(2) bring us the 90 Foot stone from the family who has it, and;
(3) bring us the King Baldwin Coins found on Oak Island.
Don’t really remember the fourth since I was in a haze over the “sharing a screen comment”.

So my questions.
#2, They know who has the 90' stone? Are they talking the original?
#3, King Baldwin Coins found on O/I?
Were they found during an earlier attempt? 50, 100, 200 years ago?
Were they Gold or Silver?
I did some googling and found some references to; Crusade Coins, The Leper King- Baldwin IV of Jerusalem.

After the death of Baldwin V, successor and nephew of Baldwin IV 'The Leper', Saladin poised to siege Jerusalem. Out of desperation and necessity, Balian of Ibelin stripped the silver and gold edicule from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for striking coins to pay those defending the city at it's last stand.

Baldwin III [AD 1130-1162]
Baldwin IV? [AD 1161-1185]

Current hoard evidence suggests these types were struck under Baldwin III, though there is the possibility that they may have been revived and continually struck by his nephew, King Baldwin IV 'The Leper'. The coins simply read 'King Baldwin of Jerusalem'.

Obverse: Cross of Jerusalem surrounded by legend 'BALDVINVS REX' (King Baldwin)
Reverse: Tower of David (citadel near the Jaffa Gate to Old Jerusalem) surrounded by legend 'DE IERUSALEM' (Of Jerusalem)


THIRD, Thanks to Hitndahead!

I wondered how much the Lagina Brothers have invested to get this far.

Then there HAS been notable discoveries made in 10X,, guaranteed,,, is this "the beginning of the end?" As Marty so well put it? They have 170 MILLION invested in this project, A thousand times what any other group has invested.
In my opinion,,,I truly believe there are SEVERAL "treasures" to be found there. And every one of them is righteous onto itself, let alone that they are all on this "island".

If my questions are lame, please forgive my ignorance in advance.

If you can share some info, I Thank You! in advance, for your time and patience, it is greatly appreciated.


170 Million for what? Dig a few wells? :laughing9:

looks like something for mining coal

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