Season 12

I believe your right about all of the above or a version of it. I watch the show to see how they can twist and turn each little thing into a a buried something. It just amazes me how the narrator and the cast all go along so easily with the script to keep the story alive.

Everybody knows when watching the show no treasure will be found on this episode. How...? If they happened upon a vast treasure word would spread quickly long before it's shown on some episode of O.I.

Curse of Oak Island Season 12, Episode 16 Recap

More fake claims as the nonsense continues…
There is another thread going about why people believe in the treasure, why not keep all you negative attitudes over there instead of coming to this one and starting arguments??

My uneducated guess is you dont have much of anything of value in your lives and arguing/trolling fills that void for some strange reason

There is another thread going about why people believe in the treasure, why not keep all you negative attitudes over there instead of coming to this one and starting arguments??

My uneducated guess is you dont have much of anything of value in your lives and arguing/trolling fills that void for some strange reason
Nobody is trying to start an argument here. What's there to argue about sir. My life is full of hobbies and interests. I don't put down your positive attitude toward believing all. I have no personal feelings toward your posts. If you enjoy the program for your reasons that's great. I enjoy it for my reasons also. But nothing against you. Please just chill...

It was absolutely hilarious when rick lagina said that there may be TWO treasure vaults in the fictional money pit area. Then the narrator stated that there is possibly a treasure vault in the swamp.

The laginas are only recovering old wood left by previous diggers and scammers.

It was absolutely hilarious when rick lagina said that there may be TWO treasure vaults in the fictional money pit area. Then the narrator stated that there is possibly a treasure vault in the swamp.

The laginas are only recovering old wood left by previous diggers and scammers.
I'm still wondering what the hell is a "treasure vault" let alone 2 of them...? How did it become a treasure vault...?

I'm still wondering what the hell is a "treasure vault" let alone 2 of them...? How did it become a treasure vault...?
Its been proven many times that there has never been a treasure vault(s) on the island.

My advice to you is either enjoy whatever you watch or change the channel, whining about how much another person earns for a living is childish and none of your bubusiness
Maybe take your own advice with the comments you dislike. Internet is a massive collection of information, maybe stop reading/responding to comments you don't enjoy and read something you do.

Maybe take your own advice with the comments you dislike. Internet is a massive collection of information, maybe stop reading/responding to comments you don't enjoy and read something you do.
This +1000

I use the “Ignore” feature to tune out many of these folks. They have that option too.

Its been proven many times that there has never been a treasure vault(s) on the island.
That may be true.... But in the swamp area they keep referencing a "treasure vault" and I'd like to know why it is called that...?

Its been proven many times that there has never been a treasure vault(s) on the island.
As we all know, there is no way to prove there isn't or never was a treasure vault on the island.. The whole island has never been dug down to water or bedrock and never will be of course. So anything is still possible. However unlikely it might be.. For instance if Samuel Ball did find a treasure of gold coins on the island and he dug a hole in the basement of his house and buried "some" of it and never told anyone before he died, it could still be there and they are not allowed (I don't) think to dig at the site of his old house..

Nobody is trying to start an argument here. What's there to argue about sir. My life is full of hobbies and interests. I don't put down your positive attitude toward believing all. I have no personal feelings toward your posts. If you enjoy the program for your reasons that's great. I enjoy it for my reasons also. But nothing against you. Please just chill...
Your comment about me "believing all" is proof you think you know what I do or do not believe in? Take your negativity to the other thread instead of whining about the show on this thread
Its been proven many times that there has never been a treasure vault(s) on the island.
Not being found is not evidence of not existing
Maybe take your own advice with the comments you dislike. Internet is a massive collection of information, maybe stop reading/responding to comments you don't enjoy and read something you do.
I enjoy this thread and talking about the show which is why I'm here.

There is another thread dedicated to all the negative stuff you and a few others continue to promote, just go over there and be with your own kind and stop whining about it here. I do NOT go to that thread because it does not interest me, you should learn from that.... Unless you are like some of the others who only want to troll and create drama

I've been watching since Day 1. I do enjoy the show and they do find some pretty cool things that get you thinking. Even if there is no money pit, or there is but it's never found, the group has definitely updated the history of the island. The cross from Smith's Cove is definitely cool.

1. Your comment about me "believing all" is proof you think you know what I do or do not believe in? Take your negativity to the other thread instead of whining about the show on this thread

2. Not being found is not evidence of not existing

3. I enjoy this thread and talking about the show which is why I'm here.

4. There is another thread dedicated to all the negative stuff you and a few others continue to promote, just go over there and be with your own kind and stop whining about it here. I do NOT go to that thread because it does not interest me, you should learn from that.... Unless you are like some of the others who only want to troll and create drama
1. Now Grizz.... Nobody is whining here except you when you hear something you don't like. While Oak Island may not be a hoax it most certainly is a ongoing con on viewers. Please take your negativity about other members to another thread and quit whining about what somebody says about O.I.

2. After 200+ year of looking, many past digs, countless 6" holes dug and now 7' holes dug and not a single piece of silver or gold or anything of value found.... is pretty good evidence of not existing...!

3. That's why any Tnet member is here... they enjoy "talking" about the show. If you don't like what they say find another thread possibly...?

4. You should learn from us that not everybody is a gullible as some people in believing everything that is spoon fed to them. Calm down and realize it's only just a made for TV show guy. It's no different then Ancient Aliens or others.

I enjoy this thread and talking about the show which is why I'm here.

There is another thread dedicated to all the negative stuff you and a few others continue to promote, just go over there and be with your own kind and stop whining about it here. I do NOT go to that thread because it does not interest me, you should learn from that.... Unless you are like some of the others who only want to troll and create drama
now you are just lashing out. I have said nothing else in this thread for or against oak island. Never whined about anything. Now you tell me what to learn from you and your actions in this thread? You are the only one in this thread throwing a hissy fit and attacking others for their opinions on oak island telling them to go elsewhere. Life lesson here for you; when you try and silence others opinions because they don't align with your own, don't be surprised when you get called out on it.

Not being found is not evidence of not existing
Actually, it is. It is not proof the treasure does not exist, but it is evidence. Every time a hole is dug and no treasure is found, it is accumulated evidence that the treasure does not exist. Proof will never happen unless, as @n2mini says, the entire island is dug down to bedrock.

Actually, it is. It is not proof the treasure does not exist, but it is evidence. Every time a hole is dug and no treasure is found, it is accumulated evidence that the treasure does not exist. Proof will never happen unless, as @n2mini says, the entire island is dug down to bedrock.
"Proof will never happen unless, as @n2mini says, the entire island is dug down to bedrock."

Agree with n2mini also.... But damn with all the huge holes dug over 200+ years, 6" bore holes and now 7' holes and not a single piece of silver or gold found.... THAT'S A LOT OF EVIDENCE TOWARD IT DOESN'T EXIST..!

Calling non-believers trolls should never be allowed here. You have your opinion and we have our opinions. Nothing wrong with debating the merits of the show and the possibilty that treasure is or isn't buried on Oak Island.

The reason I post here is to call out bogus treasure claims. We all work way too hard finding our valuable coins and relics to sit back and watch two clowns claiming to know where this massive treasure is every week, but never finding anything to substantiate those wild claims. I find more on a bad day detecting than these guys have found in 12 years of the show! They need to stop this nonsense until they actually find something.

Why keep airing a show about nothing? It worked for Seinfeld, but it doesn't work for treasure hunting shows. Put up or shut up, Laginas. You're starting to look like con artists collecting a fat paycheck every week by coming up with more and more outlandish tales every week. Have some self-respect and shut the show down until you find the good stuff...

There is a lot of evidence that a treasure doesn't exist but in reality only a small percentage of the island has been searched. Plus there is no way to take into account if the treasure has already been found say 200 or more years ago..

There is a lot of evidence that a treasure doesn't exist but in reality only a small percentage of the island has been searched. Plus there is no way to take into account if the treasure has already been found say 200 or more years ago..
AND.... That's assuming there ever was one to begin with...?

True. but that is why I word my comments that way as it is NOT A FACT that a treasure isn't or wasn't ever on OI.. Some on here speak as if that is a fact and it is not. If you believe that one group of family decedents that was on the show early on, well the treasure was found by the 3 guys who started it all..
Why did they keep digging, well maybe they didn't. Maybe that is when they quit and never told anyone about finding it as to not have anyone try to lay claim to it, or want some form of tax on it.. Others might have known about them digging and once they did, some wanted to continue the dig so the boys/guys had to go along with it to not tell them what they found..

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