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the only true fear is not beleiveing in ones self ..... that and a dust storm should not play tricks on shaman ...a 100ft high wall of dust could give you more desert then you would like ...wakening the tunrder Gods takes a few months but a dust storm is a good start...

Hio BB: You can safely rule out Nitro G--- from the Aztecs, Templars, or Spanish.. It wasn't invented until the 1800's. Then Nobel had to find a way to reduce it's sensativity by mixing it with an inert filler, presto Dyanamite.

However, IF you can refind them, I would suggest handling them with gloves and a mask then have them analized. Incidentally, how large were they and what materiel were they constructed with?

Don Jose de La Manmcha


I would have preferred the answer to my question coming from bowman. The question or, factual, answer was not as interesting as his response was.

As bowman has informed us that he is just playing a game here, the only thing left for us to do, is participate or ignore his story. If you wish to take him seriously, that's your choice. He not only posted his game of perpatrating a "joke" here, but bragged about it on the pot-head site some time ago.

I enjoy playing along to see where he takes his story next. :)

His feigned shock at being disbelieved is part of the entire "joke" IMHO. I sign on every day.... anxious to see the next installment of bowman's saga. There is a good deal of historical background (somwhat convoluted) in the mix.

Am I being too rough on him?

Joe Ribaudo

Jose #1,

No need to apologize as I am a past master at doing the same thing. :) Bowman keeps the conversation flowing and that is a good thing.


dont touch the darkwater ,it is dangerous, it will kill you ..the jars hold the answer .... its olive thew dark water is what you dont see . it will also kill you ...good luck

Old Dog, Jose.....Anyone,

Care to take a stab at the meaning of bowman's last post? I admit I have no clue. On the other hand, I use a lot of olive oil in the Ribaudo kitchen. :) Sounds like a treasure worth going after to me.


Nice subject change BB,

Note, some of your arrival information is off by a thousand miles or so.
Ships records show Waltz leaving ship in New Orleans, For starters.
Not your fault as this info is only 2 or 3 years old.
Kust thought I would give an update.


What happened to the jars?


I doubt anyone thought that the post originated with bowman. ::) On the other hand, I believe it was his best post......ever.


As for: "What happened to the jars?" The transition to olive jars seemed pretty smooth to me. That explains a great deal.


The cow jumpes over the moon and the dish ran away with the spoon and I know who shot JR.


"Where is this going"?

If you can figure out where this bus is heading, you're a better man than I....Gunga Din.

I believe, in this case, the trip is much more important than the destination. 8)


Joe ,

You may be right, And yet you have to wonder.

I could almost be convinced if this were in Egypt or turkey.
Still, entertaining conversation.



"i see beyond the human sense ..."

No one doubts your mental and spiritual abilities, but it does pose a few questions:

Why didn't you know the fire was coming to destroy your 30,000 first edition books?

Why is there any question as to what's in your cave?

Why is there any question as to who put it there?

Why is there any question what's in the jars?

Why are you so surprised when people don't believe a word you say?

Why do you ask so many questions? :)

Why don't you already know the answers?

Why did you have to ask a genealogist about the Waltz family?

Why did you need to go to a website to understand the Nahuatl symbols you found?

Why are you unable to take a clear picture with your camera?

Why do you have to "look them up" to determine the meaning of the words you wrote?

There are many more questions that come to mind, but if you answer these I will post some more. Better yet.....just step into the diminsion of the future and answer the questions I will ask next. Please answer them in order so I won't get confused.


Joe Ribaudo

if your so smart why do you have so many questions and then ask a crazy man for the answers lol ... whos crazy here me or you ...


"whos crazy here me or you ..."

OK, one more question.

Why would you ask this question? ;)

Joe Ribaudo

"dose anything really matter beyond the now ...."

Yes. As a Shaman, you should know that it is the past that matters. For some people their past is twisted and shattered. That is why their "now" is twisted and shattered. Do you understand bowman?


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