Read the Lost Dutchman Lies for free

Sometimes learning from the best can get downright painful------
and it applies to the Superstitions just as much today,as it did in Dodge back when.

A young cowpoke was sitting in a saloon one Saturday night, he recognized an elderly man standing at the bar who, in his day, had the reputation of being the fastest gun in the west.The young cowboy took a place next to the old-timer, bought him a drink and told him the story of his great ambition.

"Do you think you could give me some tips?" he asked

The old man looked him up and down and said,
"Well, for one thing, you're wearing your gun
too high. Tie the holster a little lower down
on your leg."

"Will that make me a better gunfighter?" asked
the young man.

"Sure will," replied the old-timer.
The young man did as he was told, stood up,
whipped out his 44 and shot the bow tie off
the piano player.

"That's terrific!" said the hot shot. "Got
any more tips for me?"

"Yep," said the old man. "Cut a notch out of
your holster where the hammer hits it.
That'll give you a smoother draw"

"Will that make me a better gunfighter?" asked
the younger man.

"You bet it will," said the old-timer.

The young man took out his knife, cut the
notch, stood up, drew his gun in a blur, and
then shot a cufflink off the piano player.

"Wow!" exclaimed the cowboy "I'm learnin'
somethin' here. Got any more tips?"

The old man pointed to a large can in a corner
of the saloon. "See that axle grease over
there? Coat your gun with it."

The young man went over to the can and smeared
some of the grease on the barrel of his gun.

"No," said the old-timer, "I mean smear it all
over the gun, handle and all."

"Will that make me a better gunfighter?" asked
the young man.

"No," said the old-timer, "but when Wyatt Earp
gets done playing the piano, he's gonna shove
that gun up your ass, and it won't hurt as
much .


cactusjumper said:

"No-one knows if Bill (blindbowman) filed a treasure trove permit or not. Did Scott post anything about it? I don't recall."

I have it, from a very good source, that bowman never filed for a treasure trove permit.

Game from start to finish.

Have to admit it was fun reading and replying to his.....stuff. :) Maybe he will show up at the Dutch Hunters' Rendezvous. Can't help but think that he learned a great deal about the LDM legend while playing here.

I hope he shook the drug thing, but some of his posts make me doubt it. Life is good for those who actually live it.

We will be making an ATV trip to Utah towards the end of June. When we git back a visit to the Bradshaws will be in the works. You still up for it?

Take care,

my name is bob or Robert , not bill .. i did what i was told to do by a law enforcement officer , i did not have a chioce .i can not explan my action at this time ..and i did request a premit from scott woods office and untill they refuse my request they can be held acountable for the data given to them in lu of that request request is on going as of now...will i be turn down or will it even matter after expedition 3...

the man that threadend me and my family is in jail and will not be getting out right away because of the new york state stalking laws .....
i did not find it funny or a joke .. i was told to say what i said ....i did not have a choice at the time

and you are still an ass hole ...

PM that !

djui5 said:
Who was it? If they're in jail, there should be a court case or some kinda report somewhere.

Djui5 i can not talk about the details of this case it is still on going ,and they do not know if the preson was the only one that took part in this ...

if you know there is nothing out there why do you keep looking??????

thousands have looked over every square inch of those mts , what will you find they did not ?

what is the odds that there is anything still out there if there ever was ?

is your odds of finding anything better then thoses that have already looked ....?

maps and stones that could be fake and clues from who knows . with no way of knowing if they are fake or not or who made them yet you still look ...

you beleive what a crazy old desert rat said over a hunderd years ago if thats what he said at all ...

the legend is a bad joke ....

If the desert hides it's secrets from one,
and gives them up to another because of persistence or even pure luck.
That is the way of the desert.

I see you speak one way and then another,
It is there
it isn't there

Most of the people on here I hold in very high regard,
They are honest and truthful,
They have never given me cause to doubt them or the research they so selflessly provide.
Just because someone asked.

On the other hand there are some who are the exact opposite.
You never know where they stand.
or if they stand for anything at all.
They have no respect for others,
and give me no reason to believe anything they may say.

Have a nice day


well stated Old dog , i just spent $7,000, on a vehicle that well have modifications just for expedition 3 , dose that sound like someone that is playing a game ?

how many of those other people found real evidence ?

any evidence at all ...

how much real evidence in the legend has been found after 1891... ?

you can leed a horse to water but you cant make him drink . you cant teach and old dog new tricks .

old dog , its not if you can get the horse to drink ...its finding the danm water out there in the med of hell . its not teaching and old dog a new trick its a matter of under standing the old dog to start with ...knowing how that old dog got old !

you are wrong about me old dog . never judge what you do not may do the same thing if you knew what i know ...


You definitly have your moments,

I enjoy most of what you have to say,
Some is very informative
some is mostly entertaining

Then there is some ....

The Bowman's Quote...

"if you know there is nothing out there why do you keep looking???

thousands have looked over every square inch of those mts , what will you find they did not ?

what is the odds that there is anything still out there if there ever was ?

is your odds of finding anything better then thoses that have already looked ....?

maps and stones that could be fake and clues from who knows . with no way of knowing if they are fake or not or who made them yet you still look ...

you beleive what a crazy old desert rat said over a hunderd years ago if thats what he said at all ...

the legend is a bad joke ...."

What a wast of time to say.
If this was directed at someone,
Would it not have been easier to just not pay attention?

OH Well,

Actually, OD, the statements you've quoted above are by far the most insightful things BB has said to date, IMHO. Read them again, carefully, and think about them. I wouldn't necessarily say the legend is a joke, but BB's other statements are food for thought.


I apologise to the Bowman and yourself and anyone else I may have offended.

In an offtune way I asked a question, using bowman's own method of aproach.

I will go back to the sidelines and observe Oliver's law.
Letting a closed mouth gather no feet.


HIO OD: Your remarks and observations are just as valid as anyone else's here, since no-one has found it to our knowledge.

This is a general knowlwdge series, so post away with confirming or doubting questions, all are equally valid at this state of developments.

The only thing is that no-one should resort to ridicule, I had my share of that while on the Tayopa trail. Since I did eventually find it, I was vindicated, but I went contrary to most published data to do this.

Soo post away OD and you others.

Don Jose de La Mancha


"The only thing is that no-one should resort to ridicule".

Sometimes, "ridicule" is all that we are left with. If someone tells you they saw your wife riding downtown on a white stallion, with nothing on but her Nazi armband, ridicule might be called for.

Right now, I believe nothing that comes from BB. ::) Some folks deserve the ridicule they receive.

Take care,


lol .... i dont really care if you beleive me or not the priest stones will speak for me ...and i have not said real de tayopa has not found something ...

we know for a fact there is stone tablets and the templar priest is on the priest stone , you can draw your own conclusion but what have you found .....cj . i respect real de tayopa he is out in the feild doing research . ...

look at the stones there are peices of bigger tablets . i beleive the templar need a way to make a few maps and they broke off peice that were not writen on off the bttoms of bigger tablets .. look at the tops of the stones , and then look at the bottoms .. how thick are they ! ...? . to thick like they are peices of a much larger tablet ...

those maps would have been so easy to make for the templar that were stone masons ...

remember me debeating the dates of the stone wall we found that it had to be earler then 1535 it was a lot earler lol ...

look up the meaning of the word tres it means" secret societies " thats true of both the jesuit and the templar but the templar had swords the jesuit did not and the priest on the stone tablet is not jesuit ...thats just the facts ...

HI JOE: agreed, it might be ridiculous, but in a forum such as this personal ridicule has no place, disagreement yes, or simply no remarks, especially on personal factors..

Incidentally, how did you know about my wife? except for the nude part ------?

Don Jose de La Mancha


Just curious, when is Scott going to see your application for a Treasure Trove Permit?

"i agree, so did scott woods . i repeat there has not been any clams at the sites i requested permits for in the tiime that scott has worked for that office ...i know just what i am doing think i should not post or reply ....OK"


i got some things i am working on that go far beyond legal clam ...

scotts office can only give out permits ...

i am takeing it to a high cort ...

when i can lay photos of the treasure on his desk !

but i hope most of all that you here that have been openly debateing these clue with me dont think for one secound i hold any ill will to any of you . am a shamen and a wealth man with nothing if that is what is .. if i get legal clam and prove it is the treasure of the temple mount it would be worth billions and a few million to 5 or 6 of you would not hert my fellings at all ... i am already wealth in wisdom an spirit...

my goal is not to gain wealth . it would be used ,no dout, but not my main goal in life ...

To Qoute a man I highly respect.
"Good hunting, I hope you find the treasure that you seek"


well stated old dog .. i cant place who says that lol ///

i would hope if the treasure is recoverd i can help some of you , that have hunted along side of me .. you are like my tribe and dont even under stand me . yet i look back and and know you as my friends ... even if you dont even know it ...


if we were talking about the LDM . mineral rights and all of that ... then scott would be the frist person to go to .. here we are talking abut treasure trove and went to scott and found out what is needed to make a legal clam .. he gave me a list of things needed to make that legal clam ... i will not stop till the list is forfilled ...

i have taken a oath my father and his father before him . i live by my beleaves . i dont not brake them ...

my brother is dieing of lung cancer he went with me on expedition 2 . he wants to go even if it cost him his life ... he says he knows we have it and he knows i will not stop untill it is a legal clam ...
and the treasure trove is recoverd for all of mankind ...

is there money involved, saddly Yes

my father once told me it could be found . he is dead and gone on to the beyond . but me and my older brother are still here .. and i will not let my brother pass with out giveing it 120% so he can see the treasure before his death ...

so you can lol at me all you want , you can say i am crazy .

you can say what ever you want ... it will not stop me from finding the evidence for the permits ...when i have made the recovery and the treasure is safe and protected for all of mankind then i will rest ...

authorwell stated old dog .. i cant place who says that lol ///

my brother is dieing of lung cancer he went with me on expedition 2 . he wants to go even if it cost him his life ... he says he knows we have it and he knows i will not stop untill it is a legal clam ...
and the treasure trove is recoverd for all of mankind ...

. but me and my older brother are still here .. and i will not let my brother pass with out giveing it 120% so he can see the treasure before his death ...

BB, you are putting the cart before the horses, FIRST cure your brother, then, go for the thingie. He, and you, will enjoy it infinitely more.

Curing is easy, if I can do it, so can you !

Don Jose de La Mancha

Bob: No comment is required or rated, other than right or wrong, you were not very funny.

I can say honestly say that the only drugs that I have ever taken are coffee, a few bottles of Plum Saki, and an occasional beer. What about you ?

I personally value the few active brain cells that I have too highly to go about damaging them with drugs, but if you, or BB wish to do so, go ahead, it is not my business to control your life. I can't even keep mine in good order.

Besides, this is not a psychiatric evaluation room, but rather a discussion one on the LDM and another new theory which we may disagree with, but nevertheless is allowable .

Don Jose de La Mancha

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