Read the Lost Dutchman Lies for free


Of course I know what you mean.

I tried to climb to the 7,000' level in the Supe's a number of times. Ran out of mountain every time. ::) I can see where someone like you, with your experience at getting higher than everyone else......could make that elevation without any problems.


Dang bowman.....Why did you delete that post? If you could see that you were going to need to delete it, you could have just saved yourself the trouble of typing it in the first place. ??? As a seer, you make a better blind bowman.:D


Thanks for your.......reply?

"they logically beleive anyone with a brain would under stand the peak elevation of the area lemits the overall elevation of the speices below the maxium elevation lemits of the speice .wow latter this is waste of time ..."

Did you mean to really wasted this time? It's often difficult to follow your posts, but I would have to agree they are a waste of time.....if that's what you meant to say.

There are times, like this, when the clarity of your thought process is positively astonishing. :o




There are times, like this, when levity is the only way out. :)

Joe Ribaudo

good luck to you both , old what can say , i beleive you will do fine ... you have what it takes to change that some times more rare then people know ... as for you CJ i can only warn you of what i have seen in your future ... what goes up must come down . you live a long live we can only hope but that is not what i have seen ,,,the landing was not the your fate the mts ,where , lemited water and so far out in the mts take there toll you are not as young as you once were ,, i all can say to you dont go with out exter water with you .it could mean the diffrence ... you have people that no dout care greatly about you .. with your kind of spirit who could not ... take care

stay safe stay free


You are confusing me now.

"as for you CJ i can only warn you of what i have seen in your future ... what goes up must come down . you live a long live we can only hope but that is not what i have seen ,,,the landing was not the your fate the mts ,where , lemited water and so far out in the mts take there toll you are not as young as you once were ,, i all can say to you dont go with out exter water with you .it could mean the diffrence ... you have people that no dout care greatly about you .. with your kind of spirit who could not ... take care"


I have already canceled one plane trip. Does this mean I will or will not die in a plane crash? If you are uncertain......why?

If there is a person in your life, with normal abilities, do you think you could get them to proofread your posts so the rest of us can understand what you are attempting to say? If possible, can you tell me if I avoided a plane crash by canceling my last trip? Should I be concerned this year, or is said crash some distance in the future?

Thanks in advance,


i did not say it was a plane ....... i said the crash or mishaps will not take you .... where you land is far from help and not when most would want to be out there even in good wealth ... yet you know it when it happens,,, will it take your life onlyyour will can save you at that piont . i can only tell you what i see and sence ...all i can do is tell you remember the man that broke his leg ... some times the easy path out is not the fastest way out or the safest . keep a clear mind and rest when before you need to .. do not stay over night if you bleed ....blood is wine to those that crave its taste ...

CJ i hold no ill will to anyone , at this site or in this world or reality ....

make sure you have a cell phone with you and keep it save ...if god wanted you he would take you in the crash .. what happends is up to you !

Cj ... no my friend the tribe will be in the heat of heat and sun . was your last trip that way ... no it was not know that and so do i ...did you see what i saw ? you looked did not but you did look ......

i beleive this event takes place in the july ,August or septmber heat just before the noon hour , as i saw you walking in the heat of the day slow and in pain as the sweat runs down your face . you take your shrit off to rape your arm .the pain is numbing ..

your glases are broken and you have scraches on your face ,you stop to set on a rock for a mintiue to rest and remember me saying this to you now ... you will have to make the choice to stay over night or try to walk out ..

both have danger .it is easy to fly above the snakes . night has its own dangers ,, face what you fear , remember it fears you as well ...

was your last trip in a white plane with a blue pattern , a cesna ...?


It is foolish to delete your posts in an effort to hide from what you have said. The truth will follow you around like a faithful puppy. You change nothing by changing or deleting your words. The new words are as hollow and lifeless as....the blindbowman.

My death is surely coming, but yours has already happened. That's the price you pay when you chose a life of drugs.

It's obvious that you are here crying out for attention.....and help. I pray that the help will come to you, as I don't believe you have the strength to seek it out on your own.

Before you do anything else, take care of yourself. The best life is a sober me, I know.


i see it almost the total oppisite of that .. you ve been going out there for 48 years and what have you found ..? have nothing new to add , you keep repeating the same old data everyone already knows ...

none of your last few replies have had anything to do with the legend at all .. your right back at attact me personially .. what a shame you do not act your age ...

i would not worry about my health if i were you .i spend 4 hours a day in my training room .i am a grand master of the 31 hands of Chi ....


It's quite possible we are all wrong, and you are the only one who is right. You are correct that we are all wrapped up in the old clues while your stuff is fresh and new. So new, that I often suspect it is born as you are typing it.

It's a mistake to assume we have never found anything. We just don't go around announcing it to our adoring public. Some thing are better left in silence, like being "a grand master of the 31 hands of Chi...."

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

It's quite possible we are all wrong, and you are the only one who is right. You are correct that we are all wrapped up in the old clues while your stuff is fresh and new. So new, that I often suspect it is born as you are typing it.

It's a mistake to assume we have never found anything. We just don't go around announcing it to our adoring public. Some thing are better left in silence, like being "a grand master of the 31 hands of Chi...."

Take care,


how shallow...
i started in mantis kung fu at the age of 7 ,after my oldest brother came back from Nam ,i was a 2sd degree by the age of 11. i have study in 5 countries out side of the U.S.

i can change my fighting styles 27 times , i have 31 open hand to hand styles without counting my kicks , but my hands & feet are registerd by federal law...

if you do not know what that means , the goverment says i can not just kill someone without being attacted with lethal force ...but who dosent bend the rules now and then....... free country right !

i am a passifist ...

.. you are never to young or old to learn chi ..

do you want to learn CJ ...? is a ballet of the mind & body,,very much like yoga

it can help you in all parts & stages of your life ....wisdom ,guidence,healing.discipline, conditioning ....

you are right , i should leave mankind to its own fate ...

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