i try to appreciate everybody's proclamations or theories.. why not just read, appreciate or ignore. to get worked up, carry ill feeling or argue is pointless.. everyone is welcome to have and share their ideas.. no one needs to be told they are wrong.. there is not actual proof that any of said clues are even in the proper sequence.. they are all relayed be word of mouth over 100 years.. there is no proof of any kind strong enough to tell anybody they are wrong , unless your holding the gold.. but i have been around here a long time, and a lot of these posts are becoming more bitter and personal.. i no longer post other than pics , because there are so many nay-sayers.. what's the point of sharing if your going to be shot down.. thanks Idaho and jeff.. both of your expeditions are fun to watch and read.. however neither of you can prove anything.. I'm no different,, no proof.. just saying..
Good morning Dredgernaut,
I agree with most of what you posted.
I do ok except when posters start trashing clues, and changing them, even saying the the folk they came from were incompetent and much worse than that.…. Clues that have been the same for decade's and the folk making these declarations are usually where the incompetent finger really should be pointed. Not always, but usually.
If you reread my posts, you’ll see, that I was inquiring as to the finger pointing statements…… inquiring, because I like the finger pointers to reveal outright, the disdain they hold, for all to see. To let them expose their thinking, and prejudices.
I guess a weakness of mine.
When Someone wants to know what a clue, or clues say, and someone gives an answer, based on the records, then gets told how bad the source is, and then says things that are false. Sometimes attacking the person bringing forth the correction.
I have a hard time just shutting up and going away. Another weakness of mine.
I think it’s important to hold each other accountable to what little facts we have.
I have asked this community to hold me accountable, because it is so easy to see what we want and to ignore what we don’t like.
There are at time debates over this stuff, but often common sense only can rule if parties are willing to submit to truth, and admit when something is truth or opinion.
Clues are tough …. They can be factual, as far as they actually came from an article, or interview, but the person providing the info, could be off base …..
but the fact remains, of the article or interview itself … and the words that were used.
In this case, it all started because Ancient ones was talking about a clue, and Jeff didn’t like the terminology, and was correcting Ancientones, but Jeff also was incorrect, I I thought I was being neutral by providing info about what clues actually said.
Then wham, we all get to hear Jeff trash Bicknell, and Julia.

I guess I took the bait and ran with it.
I apologize to all of you, if I was out of line.
I should mention, I most likely would take the same bait again, but maybe not.