Read the Lost Dutchman Lies for free


I believe you have left out Submarine Captain and Fighter Pilot from your list of accomplishments. No doubt that's just an oversight on your part. ::)

The truly dangerous men in this world, are the ones who don't resort to constant braggadocio to fill up the empty shell that should be a man.

The first requirement for someone to be a good "teacher", is that they are respected by the student they are trying to enlighten. That respect can come in many forms, but that word should suffice for now.

"i started in mantis kung fu at the age of 7 ,after my oldest brother came back from Nam ,i was a 2sd degree by the age of 11. i have study in 5 countries out side of the U.S.

i can change my fighting styles 27 times , i have 31 open hand to hand styles without counting my kicks , but my hands & feet are registerd by federal law...

if you do not know what that means , the goverment says i can not just kill someone without being attacted with lethal force ...but who dosent bend the rules now and then....... free country right !

i am a passifist ..."

The funny thing here, is that your post is the very definition of "shallow". :o You are trying, much to hard, to impress us. In the process you are lowering everyone's opinion of cut at a time.

"is the topic about the LDM or not ...."

Most of US have the ability to follow the thread......where ever it goes. You are the one who led us into your fighting.......abilities? Most of your posts have absolutely nothing to do with the LDM. They are really all about you. We are simply following the thread.

When you learn to spell pacifist, you can be one. ;)

Take care,



Same picture you had on the occult site. How many years ago was it taken? Was it pre-prison or post-prison? ;) Is this some kind of effort, on your part, to get back on topic?

Oops! Just noticed you changed your post. Not to worry, as we can just return to flexing our mental muscles, as opposed to........


i took that picture a 1/2 hour before i posted it . thank you let me know i am ageing well

i didnt copy it , i read part of it ...IMHO it was bs ....thats just my opioion of it others may see something of value ....i did not for the part i read of it keep hikeing and get in good shpe we may need ya before this is done...

From time to time, I need to repeat this:

I do not exchange personal messages or emails with people I don't know. I used to, but ran into some people who did not have all their dogs in harness. ::)

If you send me a personal message, you need to include: Your real name, home address, phone # and email address.

I will call you and confirm that your phone number is correct. I will provide the same personal information to you. I have no problem if you don't want to trust me with that information, we will just have to keep our conversations on the forums. 8)

I have exchanged personal information with many, many people. I have never revealed any of that information to....anyone.


Joe Ribaudo

are you talking to anyone Cj or is that dirrected to someone ...or dose that matter ..?


I do that because some people are just plain crazy. I exchanged a few personal messages with you, because it was obvious you were not trying to hide your insanity....I admired that in you. :)

As for the book in question: It seems obvious that the author is more than familiar with the subject. We have come to the same conclusions about Ted De Grazia and the Stone Maps.

Like all books on the LDM and the legends of the Superstition Mountains, it has it's fair share of B.S. and truth. It's the nature of the beast.

If my message applies to you, then I was talking to you. ;)

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

thank you , i wasnt sure what you were talking about , but i agree , this legend collects nut cases ...if thats the case maybe i would post to you i have nothing to hide and i think you may have good idea in this case ...

i also agree i was not trying to run the book in question down so others would not read it . i was stateing my opioion of what i read of it would not be the frist time i have been wrong it most likely will not be last ...

i guess i just did not have the time to read at the time ....more then if it was worthy of reading or not .. in most cases i would have read it any way ...

but as you know i have a lot going one and i need 28 hour days right about now . at times i am only getting a 2 -3 hours of sleep a night if i am lucky .....

You push and you shove, but it just pops back up!!!

Randy,I don't get it!
Dan gets the mine, Don gets the shaft?
Do you know what this means.

he,he,he, :-*

Sorry I couldn't resist
Dan Adams

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