Gold Member
I believe you have left out Submarine Captain and Fighter Pilot from your list of accomplishments. No doubt that's just an oversight on your part.
The truly dangerous men in this world, are the ones who don't resort to constant braggadocio to fill up the empty shell that should be a man.
The first requirement for someone to be a good "teacher", is that they are respected by the student they are trying to enlighten. That respect can come in many forms, but that word should suffice for now.
"i started in mantis kung fu at the age of 7 ,after my oldest brother came back from Nam ,i was a 2sd degree by the age of 11. i have study in 5 countries out side of the U.S.
i can change my fighting styles 27 times , i have 31 open hand to hand styles without counting my kicks , but my hands & feet are registerd by federal law...
if you do not know what that means , the goverment says i can not just kill someone without being attacted with lethal force ...but who dosent bend the rules now and then....... free country right !
i am a passifist ..."
The funny thing here, is that your post is the very definition of "shallow".
You are trying, much to hard, to impress us. In the process you are lowering everyone's opinion of cut at a time.
"is the topic about the LDM or not ...."
Most of US have the ability to follow the thread......where ever it goes. You are the one who led us into your fighting.......abilities? Most of your posts have absolutely nothing to do with the LDM. They are really all about you. We are simply following the thread.
When you learn to spell pacifist, you can be one.
Take care,
I believe you have left out Submarine Captain and Fighter Pilot from your list of accomplishments. No doubt that's just an oversight on your part.

The truly dangerous men in this world, are the ones who don't resort to constant braggadocio to fill up the empty shell that should be a man.
The first requirement for someone to be a good "teacher", is that they are respected by the student they are trying to enlighten. That respect can come in many forms, but that word should suffice for now.
"i started in mantis kung fu at the age of 7 ,after my oldest brother came back from Nam ,i was a 2sd degree by the age of 11. i have study in 5 countries out side of the U.S.
i can change my fighting styles 27 times , i have 31 open hand to hand styles without counting my kicks , but my hands & feet are registerd by federal law...
if you do not know what that means , the goverment says i can not just kill someone without being attacted with lethal force ...but who dosent bend the rules now and then....... free country right !
i am a passifist ..."
The funny thing here, is that your post is the very definition of "shallow".

"is the topic about the LDM or not ...."
Most of US have the ability to follow the thread......where ever it goes. You are the one who led us into your fighting.......abilities? Most of your posts have absolutely nothing to do with the LDM. They are really all about you. We are simply following the thread.
When you learn to spell pacifist, you can be one.

Take care,