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Well for what it's worth here's an article projecting what the world population was going back to 10,000 B.C. to now. It's obviously some educated guess or other when you go back that far....the SUV comment is obviously tongue in cheek unless there's another definition you're referring to....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:


I have a question on the above. What was the world population 10,000 years ago (during the last ice age),How many SUV s did they have.

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Hillbilly Prince,

Interesting article but kind of over my head with the various formulas, etc....and note that others with similar expertize in the comments are disputing certain points of the article.

So even the so called experts don't agree on the complexities affecting weather and/or climate change.

I'm with you about the forests being preferable, etc.....to tons of urban development. Case in point if memory serves me correctly Chicago municipal rooftops have been converted to green spaces, they also offered grants for non government buildings to do likewise by planting flowers, gardens, etc....on rooftops.

And supposedly the downtown Chicago temperatures have dropped by an average of 5 degrees during the hotest period of summer as a result. Was that strictly due to those efforts or were other weather pattern changes involved also or was some supposed expert cooking the numbers? just to prove how effective the initiative was.

But I do know for a fact that out in the country where there's much more forests and greenery, rather than metro Montreal the average temperatures during summer is approximately 5 degrees less.

Kind of a no brainer really, all that ashalt, concrete, brick, etc to absorb the summer heat and in turn emit it overnight and limited trees and green spaces to absorb it. Heck even going for a drive to the country during summer versus being in a downtown large city you can feel a big difference in the temperature and how fresh the air appears to be.

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I never lived in a large city. I can only imagine being trapped by concrete and buildings on all sides.
Even in Springfield MO there are lots of open spaces.
We have experts and best guesses. Kind of like the expert witnesses in a trial. Depends on which side is paying them. We can do our part as best we can in our small way.
You are right about that article-don't think it wasn't above my head. But I remembered someone who studied such things pointing out once how long it takes for the temp of the ocean to rise in relation to air temp.
A long long time lol.
We have politicians debating our climate on tv rather than scientists. Does not help.
I think our population growth may be a bigger problem for the future. But that is another story.
Maybe you need to get back in the office and save the world! Or become a superhero. Like Common Sense Man! With your sidekick Pirate Lass lol.

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Long story......Back then I built model rockets as one of my hobbies. I needed a Hugh open field to launch 'the big one'. It was Five foot tall, 12" in Dia.Powered by (5) "D" size rocket engines,and had a 5 foot Dia.chute in the cone.I located the field w/the help of a friend who had a Cessna 182 at the time. Anyhow I went to the farmer to get permission,and his dog attacked me,sunk his canines on my left calf all the way to the bone. I told the owner to get the dog off me,OR ELSE !! He then brought me inside to look at the wound and patch me up .As I pulled up my pant leg he saw the reason for the " get the dog off me,or else". The dog was trained to attack (and hold on) when he smelled a gun,(my 380 in ankle holster). (We found that out later as the hospital reported the incident to the State police.) Thankfully, Dog tested negative for rabies. The owner wasn't aware that his dog had this training (per police investigation). Anyhow a week later I returned to the farm and had a perfect 4,000 ft launch :)

Man! That’s intense!

I was being a little sarcastic? Lol Or were you pretending not to know that?
Actually the boys were close but we never lived in a house like that. I wish I had the cart.
Tornados do not give much warning. I have been lucky
so far. There are seven valleys around this town and I think it is why tornados have only came close. All the flat areas get hit.
When I lived in Purdy there was a day when it rained steadily for hours. I went to bed with the rain was still falling. A couple of hours later my eyes popped open and I was instantly awake. I lay there sort of puzzled and noticed the rain had stopped. Then I hear a train coming but it was not a train lol. Before my feet hit the floor this little tornado came through the backyard, grabbed the v-bottem boat and trailer and threw it into the side of the neighbor's house. No one was hurt. Kind of funny in retrospect. Between that sound which I instantly recognized and the boat being tossed was like a heartbeat.

not pretending. I am having those issues and thought you were too. I get it now.

I have never been in a tornado but I have seen them.

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Heres the story of the dragon whistle from rex himself.


Today's masterpiece I made. Bacon wrapped pepperoni roll.



Here's a cameo appearance of Burt Reynolds on the Golden Girls....:laughing9::laughing9::laughing9:



Looking good, so what's the side dishes going to be?

We used to get those Chinese finger traps for prizes at little carnivals. You won't see him for awhile :)

WD you know my favorite pirate song.

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