Long story......Back then I built model rockets as one of my hobbies. I needed a Hugh open field to launch 'the big one'. It was Five foot tall, 12" in Dia.Powered by (5) "D" size rocket engines,and had a 5 foot Dia.chute in the cone.I located the field w/the help of a friend who had a Cessna 182 at the time. Anyhow I went to the farmer to get permission,and his dog attacked me,sunk his canines on my left calf all the way to the bone. I told the owner to get the dog off me,OR ELSE !! He then brought me inside to look at the wound and patch me up .As I pulled up my pant leg he saw the reason for the " get the dog off me,or else". The dog was trained to attack (and hold on) when he smelled a gun,(my 380 in ankle holster). (We found that out later as the hospital reported the incident to the State police.) Thankfully, Dog tested negative for rabies. The owner wasn't aware that his dog had this training (per police investigation). Anyhow a week later I returned to the farm and had a perfect 4,000 ft launch