Platinum Member
Im trying really hard to set up a meeting with a friend of my bosses. When I met this man we got talking about treasure, and I was flabbergasted when he showed me some pics of what he had. This man is in possession of one of the most iconic pieces of 1715 treasure ever recovered. He has the gold dragon whistle and chain that was recovered by rex stocker !!! This piece was sold at auction many years ago and it has never been seen again. Im hopeing to go and see and photograph it for positive ID. the owner has no idea what he has and not a lot of interest in it. He bought the piece to help a friend that needed the money. The piece has been locked in a vault for many years. Im hopeing to make a positive id and maybe get him to donate the piece to a museum, or put it up for auction. This could be a pretty big deal if this is really the dragon whistle !! This piece could go for huge money if it goes to auction......perhaps 10 times what he paid for it. So thats what ive been doing the last couple days......im really trying to make this happen and will push again for a meeting today at work. Might go up tomorrow I hope.
I pray it goes to a museum!
You've got the right personality to make it happen.