Historians and Treasure Hunters: If there were no legal hurdles for you to worry about, where would you go first for Shipwrecks?

There is a whole lot of "trust me Bro" here. There is zero risk in divulging info about the production company or other professionals you are working with (unless they don't want to be mentioned, which is a another issue). It might lend some credence to the whole pitch.

Question: Do you define treasure as gold and riches? What about something from revolutionary times? Something from a significantly important historical event? Let us know...

- Curious in New England

This may be difficult to believe, but my cofounder and I have found a way around the UNESCO accords and have built strong 'top down' relationships with multiple countries in the Caribbean and Latin America.

We are creating a TV show about real life treasure hunting. We've been working on this quietly for the past 4 years, amassing the right contacts, getting our ducks in a row, etc.

I am the creative side, the dreamer, who goes out of his way to find incredible people to work with. My cofounder is the business side, the shrewd bulldog with connections to the money and even stronger connections in geopolitics to help us cut through red tape.

When we first began this journey I knew almost nothing about this industry, I was just a producer working with 'treasure/scavenger' themed Youtubers. I had a lot to learn, but luckily I had the right people in my network to help me learn.

I can guarantee anyone in this thread who has reputable projects worth doing, unrestricted access in the following countries if they are working with us:

-Trinidad & Tobago
-Dominican Republic

For the right opportunity we can potentially expand this list.

After season 1 I am hoping to add South Korea and China to this list, potentially Poland and England as well. The goal of this television show is to become an international phenomenon.

Production: We are working with the production company responsible for the longest running TV show in Cable television history

Money is all accounted for. We have a number of potential projects we are currently considering for season 1 - but are on the lookout for a few more.

So the purpose of this thread is for people who know people to share this with them, or for people who have worthwhile SHIPWRECK related projects to contact me and begin the vetting process.

That's it. That's the post. If you have treasure bearing shipwrecks to track down - contact me. Let's make it happen.
This sounds great. I have a contract with Indonesia on the Flor de la Mar. The investor passed away and am currently beating the bushes. I already have several inquiries for documentaries, but until funding hits they are waiting on the sidelines. I have another project off of Trinidad, deep, great story, and already located. I am reachable and look forward to you contacting me.

This sounds great. I have a contract with Indonesia on the Flor de la Mar. The investor passed away and am currently beating the bushes. I already have several inquiries for documentaries, but until funding hits they are waiting on the sidelines. I have another project off of Trinidad, deep, great story, and already located. I am reachable and look forward to you contacting me.
Contact me at: Paultid@gmail.com if interested.


There is a whole lot of "trust me Bro" here. There is zero risk in divulging info about the production company or other professionals you are working with (unless they don't want to be mentioned, which is a another issue). It might lend some credence to the whole pitch.

Question: Do you define treasure as gold and riches? What about something from revolutionary times? Something from a significantly important historical event? Let us know...

- Curious in New England
We believe we know the location of a few land based treasures, as well as WW2 and Civil war era wrecks - but for Season 1 our focus will most likely be Shipwrecks from the Spanish Galleon era or before that and all in the water.

If the first season is as successful as we believe it can be - we are hoping to do spin off shows.

We have important reasons for not divulging more information regarding the team - as I said before, there is no risk in starting private conversations. But we're not going to tell the world everything we're doing. If anyone wants more information - they just need to set up a call with me and we'll proceed from there.

I think you'll find 'Shipwreck' the overall lack of response to your posting is only partly due to the overprotectiveness of everyone to their work.

It's more that there isn't a large pool of persons whose research area of interest or target matches the specific production parameters you are after.

Those who do and have done the research to locate a shipwreck worth checking are probably looking more to engage a real recovery enterprise. They might have been doing decades of work to get this far so a 35 minute appearance in an hourly 'this week we meet Bruce who said he knows where Admiral Lungfish's sunken fleet is' type show doesn't ring their bell.

A similar production call for the same parameters as you (see screenshot) was made by 'Casey' of American Chainsaws Entertainment a few years back.

It never went anywhere as there weren't enough of those with targets or material that fitted those specific production parameters to get a series going either.
I understand what you mean, and well said btw.

What I can say is this: Our goal isn't a 30 minute special. Our goal is 1-3 solid projects to populate the entirely of a full season of Television. The company has several streams of revenue planned - finding treasure, making TV about it - that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Our goal will be to become the gold standard of treasure hunting - and the way we are doing business will become the model that all honest hunters want to be involved with.

We are looking for reputable historians and hunters, but they also must have integrity!

Cuba remains.

I thought Cousteau film crew did real well.

Vs todays hype and empty promises of dangled fake carrots (see Oak Island for example) when things are slow r menial film wasn't wasted on cereal filler.

If you could do better you wouldn't be here.
And someone who disrespects the quality works of others while empty handed...Isn't someone to share much time with.

Then there's the matter of your suspect integrity.
"Just ask" became refusal to provide posted resumes when requested.
Ya let's all hop on a jet to California to ask in person.
Others time and money vs yours. Just to ask who's involved?
How above board does that sound.
Yes you see Makay is close. What great research on your part.
Still doesn't provide the simple request for others.

Funny how not wanting to divulge can get that way isn't it?

What were you fishing for again?

How many strikes is that already? When one is too many on a venture.

Solicit here again when you mature a bit more.
Good luck in your film company employment endeavors.
If you take offense to that - you're probably too old to get the reference. (it's a joke from a popular comedy I grew up with) - but I didn't mean to offend you.

And the point is that we are in the age of digital. There is great potential in places like this.

Can we just invest time and money into traveling to islands and interviewing fishermen? Sure- and whose to say we haven't already been doing that? Can we talk to veteran salvers? Meet with middle men who promise to sell us filing cabinets of treasure intel? Procure naval surveys from foreign governments? Sure. Whose to say we haven't already been doing those things already?

If you want a resume - you'll have to meet with me privately for it. That's pretty easy in today's world of cell phones and email.

We already have several projects ready to go - but I'm fishing in other places (this is just 1 of many) just in case there is a diamond in the rough I haven't met yet. I want Season 1 to be an absolute home run.

Treasure hunting is never without its risks - and ocean based production always has a tendency to eat into emergency funds with the unexpected that happens all too often.

Having options and a lot of them is the best way to do this.

Sounds like you have got it all figured out...
Or... at least it sounds like your end of this is figured anyway...

But what i still cannot figure out is...
What is in it for those who come on board ?

I have so far heard nothing of an "offer" or "reward"...
payment or employment or even otherwise.

So... again..... What's in it for someone who were to spill the holy beans for you to sow ? ? ?

No offense intended... just curious as to the response / answer to this very important question no one else has seemed to ask.

Sounds like you have got it all figured out...
Or... at least it sounds like your end of this is figured anyway...

But what i still cannot figure out is...
What is in it for those who come on board ?

I have so far heard nothing of an "offer" or "reward"...
payment or employment or even otherwise.

So... again..... What's in it for someone who were to spill the holy beans for you to sow ? ? ?

No offense intended... just curious as to the response / answer to this very important question no one else has seemed to ask.
Absolutely no offense taken. I don't have the right to be offended when I'm being this mysterious in company like this. When I first started 4yrs ago I didn't realize how untrustworthy some people in this industry can be. I've learned all too well how difficult it can be to find good people to work with since.

The people we are working with take integrity very seriously. We believe in complete transparency - but only with the people we are trying to work with. We have spent a fortune on lawyers already to make sure we are doing this correctly.

Without giving away too much information - our goal is to provide incentive that is proportional to the value potential partners bring. If they bring us treasures that we can and do find for the series - the intent will be to take care of them for the rest of their lives. --- we can schedule a call and I'll explain further. LMK

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Absolutely no offense taken. I don't have the right to be offended when I'm being this mysterious in company like this. When I first started 4yrs ago I didn't realize how untrustworthy some people in this industry can be. I've learned all too well how difficult it can be to find good people to work with since.

The people we are working with take integrity very seriously. We believe in complete transparency - but only with the people we are trying to work with. We have spent a fortune on lawyers already to make sure we are doing this correctly.

Without giving away too much information - our goal is to provide incentive that is proportional to the value potential partners bring. If they bring us treasures that we can and do find for the series - the intent will be to take care of them for the rest of their lives. --- we can schedule a call and I'll explain further. LMK
Unfortunately... I am not in "the know" of any treasure for your show.
I was just curious about the "other end" of this... for i saw no incentive offered / posted for someone to come forward with said information.

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