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Aw! My bros are watching out for me! That is why I left it be yesterday.

the next time i ran into that dog i was ready for it it cam at me i hit it with the shovel hard it ran off into the woods i haven't seen it since

Heavens...people are complaining about no bottled water in the Carolinas. Like Rush suggested last year walk over to your sink with an empty container and fill it.
And taco bell is voted best Mexican food place? We have a real Mexican restaurant i
n town. Taco bell is awful.
Feel bad for the people in the way of the storm.Hope they get through okay.
You guys got to see that Dragon Whistle Blak Bart posted. Wow!

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Heavens...people are complaining about no bottled water in the Carolinas. Like Rush suggested last year walk over to your sink with an empty container and fill it.
And taco bell is voted best Mexican food place? We have a real Mexican restaurant i
n town. Taco bell is awful.
Feel bad for the people in the way of the storm.Hope they get through okay.
You guys got to see that Dragon Whistle Blak Bart posted. Wow!

I guess I don't quite understand it. With a hurricane there has been days of warning. Although they don't know exactly where it is going to make landfall. Seems to me all of that stockpiling should be a given. We have tornado and don't get any time to prepare. If it were me, my bathtub would be full, every bucket and every tupperware/plastic ware.

Chicken chimichangas!!!:hello2:

Where did Bart post it?

It's been disappearing on me too! I have to go back a page or to a different forum and then back. Reloading the page works, too, but then my reply box is screwed up.

Well, geesh, I need to get my walk in. Catcha all later!

Got up way before dawn to go fishing,having my morning CUPS of coffee I hear a rattling out back as all left overs are put out for the night visitors..



Didn't get any fish either..again..:BangHead:

GOD Bless


How'd you get into that mess?

Long story......Back then I built model rockets as one of my hobbies. I needed a Hugh open field to launch 'the big one'. It was Five foot tall, 12" in Dia.Powered by (5) "D" size rocket engines,and had a 5 foot Dia.chute in the cone.I located the field w/the help of a friend who had a Cessna 182 at the time. Anyhow I went to the farmer to get permission,and his dog attacked me,sunk his canines on my left calf all the way to the bone. I told the owner to get the dog off me,OR ELSE !! He then brought me inside to look at the wound and patch me up .As I pulled up my pant leg he saw the reason for the " get the dog off me,or else". The dog was trained to attack (and hold on) when he smelled a gun,(my 380 in ankle holster). (We found that out later as the hospital reported the incident to the State police.) Thankfully, Dog tested negative for rabies. The owner wasn't aware that his dog had this training (per police investigation). Anyhow a week later I returned to the farm and had a perfect 4,000 ft launch :)

Long story......Back then I built model rockets as one of my hobbies. I needed a Hugh open field to launch 'the big one'. It was Five foot tall, 12" in Dia.Powered by (5) "D" size rocket engines,and had a 5 foot Dia.chute in the cone.I located the field w/the help of a friend who had a Cessna 182 at the time. Anyhow I went to the farmer to get permission,and his dog attacked me,sunk his canines on my left calf all the way to the bone. I told the owner to get the dog off me,OR ELSE !! He then brought me inside to look at the wound and patch me up .As I pulled up my pant leg he saw the reason for the " get the dog off me,or else". The dog was trained to attack (and hold on) when he smelled a gun,(my 380 in ankle holster). (We found that out later as the hospital reported the incident to the State police.) Thankfully, Dog tested negative for rabies. The owner wasn't aware that his dog had this training (per police investigation). Anyhow a week later I returned to the farm and had a perfect 4,000 ft launch :)

I'll bet the dog was not there.:laughing7:

It's been disappearing on me too! I have to go back a page or to a different forum and then back. Reloading the page works, too, but then my reply box is screwed up.

I was being a little sarcastic? Lol Or were you pretending not to know that?
Actually the boys were close but we never lived in a house like that. I wish I had the cart.
Tornados do not give much warning. I have been lucky
so far. There are seven valleys around this town and I think it is why tornados have only came close. All the flat areas get hit.
When I lived in Purdy there was a day when it rained steadily for hours. I went to bed with the rain was still falling. A couple of hours later my eyes popped open and I was instantly awake. I lay there sort of puzzled and noticed the rain had stopped. Then I hear a train coming but it was not a train lol. Before my feet hit the floor this little tornado came through the backyard, grabbed the v-bottem boat and trailer and threw it into the side of the neighbor's house. No one was hurt. Kind of funny in retrospect. Between that sound which I instantly recognized and the boat being tossed was like a heartbeat.

I guess I don't quite understand it. With a hurricane there has been days of warning. Although they don't know exactly where it is going to make landfall. Seems to me all of that stockpiling should be a given. We have tornado and don't get any time to prepare. If it were me, my bathtub would be full, every bucket and every tupperware/plastic ware.

Chicken chimichangas!!!:hello2:

Where did Bart post it?


After awhile it's not exactly easy to know what's fact and what's fiction. One thing is certain all the junk we release into the environment certainly is not helping things.

Likewise I guess I'm kind of what you'd call a centrist and lean to the right somewhat. Don't agree with going overboard in either direction which I believe is true for most things in life.

Ok Bill, I read the article :) I belueve there us a vast pool of people like us. Not radical one way or another.
Our news now seems designed to only make us angry with one side or another. So few journalists without an agenda out there but such people don't get the ratings.
I used to hunt, still fish and prefer forest to farmland.
The trash along the creeks is really bad in places.
As I said climate change is a right-left issue now. And scientists who used to be above such things are caught fudging data. That really helps out.
If people would quit crying wolf it would help. You know all the dire predictions which were supposed to happen by now.. We were going to fry,be frozen,be underwater, and who knows what all.
I think the free market can fix a lot of this. The impression I get from the left is that all these problems require more taxation and the sketchy carbon credits idea.
Here is something long and dull lol I just included the last two paragraphs of the article.


"My current assessment is the climate sensitivity result, CS = change in temperature for doubling of atmospheric CO2 from 400 ppmv in 2014 to 800 is not much, vanishingly small, probably between -1C < CS < 0.8C. Replacing US coal fired power plants with natural gas probably changes Earth’s temperature after 50 years between -0.000001C < T50 – T0 < +0.0000008C. Undoubtedly not worth whatever it cost.

The world it running riot with ignorant people practicing chemical engineering without a registered professional engineer license or degree from reputable college, reporting to UN IPCC and EPA. It is not running out of coal, oil and gas. It is running out of money and unbiased scientists."

I have a question on the above. What was the world population 10,000 years ago (during the last ice age),How many SUV s did they have.

I have a question on the above. What was the world population 10,000 years ago (during the last ice age),How many SUV s did they have.

0......Mankind had not been created for another 4,000 years.

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