RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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So, my math curiosity has kicked in. I noticed last night how big this thread is getting. Do you know we post an average of 67 posts a day? That's huge!
It would be even higher if Tom hadn't taken those days off to play hookie, ( Tom, that means missing class to go have fun ). :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumright:

Tom is under attack by helicopters again!


Run Tom ruuuuuuuuuuuuun !


Do we now have a "Crow" theme Hillbilly Prince ?
If so, here is my contribution.


This was Simon, my 126# White German Shepherd. Was a "Babe" magnet, and the guys would walk way around him. But he was a Teddy bear. R.I. P. Simon

Simon030605 345.webp Simon030605 359.webp Simon061105 103.webp

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Run Tom ruuuuuuuuuuuuun !

View attachment 1631578



Buddy, up to 1200 yards the pilots will be toast!
I am not completely blind on my "shooting eye" yet!! :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

You know the sniper motto: "Fly slow or you just drop dead out of the sky tired" :tongue3: :icon_thumright: ... or do I mix something up here ??? anyway, you know what I mean :hello:

This was Simon, my 126# White German Shepherd. Was a "Babe" magnet, and the guys would walk way around him. But he was a Teddy bear. R.I. P. Simon


That would be the right dog for me :icon_thumright:

Did I get up in time to say goodnight?

Simon, your pics of Simon reminds me that I was going to try and get a pic for you. I will have to take a drive and see if I can find that dog again.

Here are some puppies for you. They were popular YEARS ago. They were called Pound Puppies. You don't have to feed or clean up after them. :laughing7:
pound puppies.webp

And they "Stay" when you tell them to. ! crying-with-laughter.gifcrying-with-laughter.gif

Morning all you early birds ! :coffee2:

I have been asleep since my last post yesterday. This cold is kicking my arse!

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