
Oroblanco said:
Blindbowman has been trying to build a case that ties several treasure legends in with the Lost Dutchman for five years now, can't say I am convinced so far. Just proving that one has found the Lost Dutchman gold mine alone would seem to be quite a hurdle (one does have to find it first) but to then make the leap to say it is Tayopa just baffles me. Why does it have to be Tayopa as well as the Lost Dutchman and lost Peralta mines as well? The Peraltas referred to were active in New Mexico, not AZ; the Peraltas active in AZ were working in the Black Canyon and Bradshaws area not the Superstitions. I can't seem to connect the dots so comfortably as some can.

It has been interesting at times but I would be impressed with one aspect being proven, let alone the theory that it is also the Tayopa complex, Peralta mines, Jesuits etc. Others have taken that "all rolled into one" approach before, and to be sure there are interesting parallels but the southwest is a far more complicated place with many lost mines and treasures, which are not related. One would almost have to think that all of the legends are really located in the Superstitions, with nothing anywhere else. If BB is saying that his Tayopa is a second one, it will still take a lot of evidence to prove it up.

Not to say that it is not possible that several different legends can not be directly associated with the Lost Dutchman - I suspect that the lost Doc Thorne mine is quite possibly the same, as is the lost Black Maverick mine. That one in particular had a detail which resonated, about the foot of the bull (or horse, depending on which version) went through a covering on top of the mine shaft; the covering was made up of logs, covered with earth and rocks etc very similar to what is commonly attributed to the Waltz story. Yet Blindbowman does not seem to address this possibility, or Dr Thorne. Just my opinion but I would think these two legends would be a much easier case to build than trying to link Tayopa with the LDM.

Looking forward to seeing you all,
i wish i could come right out and tell you more .. but it would take away the surprize factor .. DR thorne never had a mine . he was givewn a pile of on the ground .. and i know where that locations and why they gave it to him there ..puzzle peice are funny things .they are much like the unknows that suround us all ..

dose one peice of one part of the puzzle look like all the peice of the puzzle ,,NO and that peice of puzzle may look like it will fit any one of dozen place on the puzzle but it will only fit one place ,and you must ask your self where on the puzzle it belongs we can all see the outer flat peice are there .. its finding the right place for those hard to fit peices that well complete this puzzle ..

i leave tomorrow ,i am coming to finish what i started ..


While you are driving out here, think about how you are going to explain how Waltz was, at least, as brilliant and gifted as you are. After all, he is the one who created the codes and hidden messages that, to date, only one man in the world can read.

Was he the equal of the.............BlindBowman? :o :dontknow:

Have a safe trip!


cactusjumper said:
He seems to have gleaned his information, mostly, from writers of fiction and some of the more imaginative posters on the LDM Forums. Reality will only set in, if ever, after he makes that hike to his area of interest.
Right now his "facts" are pure speculation, as far as I can see.

After all these years of changing stories and fictional facts, I doubt he has convinced a single person here that it would be worthwhile to follow him into the mountains.

We are all treasure hunters on this site so, by definition, we all want to believe. If you can't convince us, you are rowing your boat in a parking lot......not much hope of getting anywhere. When you consider that Waltz worked the mine alone, how can you now say that you need thousands of dollars worth of equipment just to see what's in the mine?

It's a very hard sell.

Take care,


joe i am sorry i just dont have the will to debate the evidence with you to night jim's death has hit hard and i have to stay focused to get ready to leave tomorrow .. see you there ...

cactusjumper said:

While you are driving out here, think about how you are going to explain how Waltz was, at least, as brilliant and gifted as you are. After all, he is the one who created the codes and hidden messages that, to date, only one man in the world can read.

Was he the equal of the.............BlindBowman? :o :dontknow:

Have a safe trip!


waltz did code his will but it was nothing like the stones ,waltz was not a brilliant man . he was man filled with fear and quilt ..and a shamed of what he had done ...

Blindbowman wrote
DR thorne never had a mine . he was givewn a pile of on the ground .. and i know where that locations and why they gave it to him there ..puzzle peice are funny things .they are much like the unknows that suround us all ..

Ah, Dr Thorne did not have a "mine" per se, but it is common usage to refer to it as his lost mine; and you have missed some details from that old story, one of which involved a thick vein of white quartz, shot through with visible gold. Were his incident only that he were given a pile of loose gold on the bare ground, with no visible source nearby, why on Earth would he bother to go back and search for that spot? He would have known that the gold had not come from that location, yet we know that Thorne made several trips to try to locate the spot, for he had seen the source of the gold close by. The loose pile of gold version of the tale is but one version, and would not make any sense for him to return to search for that spot.

"When at last he was told to dismount and the bandage was taken from his eyes he found himself in a deep rock walled canon facing a high ledge of quartz all a glitter with flecks of gold."
<from a version published in 1899>

How does this square with your site?

If you head out before having time to answer this question, no problems; drive safe and have a nice trip. I do think that if you were to research this a bit more, you would likely run into the same problems that raise doubts.

:coffee2: :coffee2:


I find it, somewhat, fascinating that bb believes he knows the location of every lost mine and treasure connected, or not, to the LDM. :icon_scratch: How do he know :dontknow:

Over the years I have met and talked to many old timers who knew exactly where all of these things were located. Strange thing was.......none of them were located in the same place. Maybe bb is the only one who really knows.......just as he says.

Uncle Obie Stoker was a prime example. He firmly believed everything he imagined he knew. Once you realize he was medically discharged after WWII with a "Shell Shock" diagnosis, you can forgive him for a few wild stories.

It will be interesting to hear bb verbalize all of the "facts" he has told us over the years. I can't help but feel that a lot must be lost in his strange/unusual writing habits.

See you guys next week. Have a safe trip.

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

I find it, somewhat, fascinating that bb believes he knows the location of every lost mine and treasure connected, or not, to the LDM. :icon_scratch: How do he know :dontknow:

Over the years I have met and talked to many old timers who knew exactly where all of these things were located. Strange thing was.......none of them were located in the same place. Maybe bb is the only one who really knows.......just as he says.

Uncle Obie Stoker was a prime example. He firmly believed everything he imagined he knew. Once you realize he was medically discharged after WWII with a "Shell Shock" diagnosis, you can forgive him for a few wild stories.

It will be interesting to hear bb verbalize all of the "facts" he has told us over the years. I can't help but feel that a lot must be lost in his strange/unusual writing habits.

See you guys next week. Have a safe trip.

Take care,


Personally I'll be surprised if what we hear in person is anything different than what we've seen here so far - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it's even more "grandiose." I hope I'm wrong.

cactusjumper said:

I find it, somewhat, fascinating that bb believes he knows the location of every lost mine and treasure connected, or not, to the LDM. :icon_scratch: How do he know :dontknow:

Over the years I have met and talked to many old timers who knew exactly where all of these things were located. Strange thing was.......none of them were located in the same place. Maybe bb is the only one who really knows.......just as he says.

Uncle Obie Stoker was a prime example. He firmly believed everything he imagined he knew. Once you realize he was medically discharged after WWII with a "Shell Shock" diagnosis, you can forgive him for a few wild stories.

It will be interesting to hear bb verbalize all of the "facts" he has told us over the years. I can't help but feel that a lot must be lost in his strange/unusual writing habits.

See you guys next week. Have a safe trip.

Take care,


I understand what you are saying of course, just curious about how his site matches up with the (supposed) details of Thorn's gold vein, being in a rock walled canyon. I have gotten the impression from his posts that his location is situated on a high point requiring climbing skills just to get to it. This struck me as odd when compared to the stories of Waltz and Weiser, (and Phipps) for it seems that such a detail would be mentioned. Would an old man like Waltz was in his later years, be able to scramble up a cliff to get to the mine? In his warnings to Julia and Reiney in preparing to go to his mine with them, no mention was made of climbing ropes just that they should wear old clothing as it was very brushy. Then there is Waltz's description (to Julia) about coming in to the mine and hearing the sound of breaking rock so he and his partner went to the top of the ridge and looked down on the mine on the other side.

All of the "clues" that I have, seem to indicate that the mine is not located on top of a ridge or hill but down in a canyon; perhaps not at the very bottom of course but certainly not in a place where you would need climbing gear just to reach it. Hence my questions for our mutual amigo BB; he has made many positive statements that he is completely convinced that his site is the LDM, a lost Peralta mine and other things and will fit all of the clues yet to me it seems to be at odds on some major points such as elevation. Of course perhaps the skeptics have it right, all of the clues are nonsense and there never was any such thing as Jacob Waltz or his fabulous lost gold mine?

I would not be surprised to find that BB can explain his ideas much more clearly in person than over the internet; very often the written word fails to convey the intended meanings.

We won't be heading out for a few more days, so I am free to torment everyone here until then! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

All one has to do is Google him to find out how many screws are really loose rolling around in his noodle!
Here's a sample

the Blindbowman
06-07-2009, 11:38 AM
a little back ground frist
i am 49 years of age ,a creative artistic with autistic tendences ,a boarderline savant. avg IQ 83 , machinical aptitude equal to a Iq of 223..
i am a being frist and a human secound .. i live in your time and reality but i can drop threw time and space and a being at will your time is running out ...
i was here long ago ,i am the Blindbowman of the 4th page of the lost Nostradamus book ..
my question to you
if a being steps out of time into your reality and gives you something like ..............E =M(S/L)5th ... can your cultures take 5 mintiues from killing them self and the earth to try to under .or are you just to far gone for me to care about what happends to you at this piont in time . i fear not your answer for i am a being from out of creation and i can step back into creation any time i will to .. you on the other hand face the truth of your reply ...
3 pages back ,3 pages forward ,focus on the center page and under stand presence...
E = matter time tthe cohesion of sound and light in 3 parts
partical wave , sound wave , light wave
the notation of the 5th element is the sine sound wave defind by the prime number sequences of prime even ,prime odd and nuetronic prime ...
come play and we will see if you under stand or our you just guessing?

thank you

the Blindbowman

avg IQ 83.....i certainly believe that :tongue3:



Does this mean you won't be taking notes at the Rendezvous? :dontknow:

Not to worry, as I imagine Greg will get it all recorded for posterity.

I believe he has said......somewhere, that it will only take five minutes to larn us all.

I think his hike is under two miles, just south of Bluff Spring Mountain. I could, of course, be wrong.
You thinking of joining the expedition?

Are you coming to the Rendeznous? ;D I hope to see you there.

Take care,



Nope, wont be taking any notes ..... Ive heard it all for years now! Certainly will not be going on any expedition if he does, by some shift in the space-time continuum even show up?? Me thinks he a matter of fact i fully expect he will be back shortly and delete this whole thread in the next day or two......... :laughing9: :laughing7: :thumbsup:

Will see ya at the ................ "RENDENOUS" :tongue3: Gonna try and get in early Friday with my big ol rig, Save me a copy of your map please, also Mark on it where you left that gold cross!!!! LOL

See ya Soon


to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

I'm going to repeat this to myself at the rendezvous, so if ya'll see me mumbling, you'll know what I'm saying. :laughing7:


I think it should be recorded for posterity, it could go down in the annals of dutch mine hunting history,

one way or another !, ::)


I agree, sure wish I could be there.
I think I would be up for going on the hike with
BB. Would take all precautions and try to prepare
for anything and everything. I am an avid hiker
and outdoorsmen but my experience was gained
far north of the desert southwest. I have seen the
Sups from a distance, didn't have the time to
wander. Just seems like a challenge I couldn't
turn down, if I was there. Probably a good thing
I won't be there.

If I did somehow make it, I would be the silent guy
on the edge of the firelight trying to absorb everything
that was being said. I don't think myself anything
special or possessing any great abilities, just have
been fairly lucky at finding things others couldn't.
I'm the guy that spends days looking for the deer
someone else wounded and gave up looking for
after an hour.

I don't think BB will show and I do think this
"I found everything" story will still be going on
this time next year, but I've been wrong many
times before.

I was serious when I posted .......

pronghorn said:
Will you be video recording any of your discovery?
Will anybody be videoing any of the Rendezvous?

I would pay good money to see the moment when
you silence all the non-believers

Sure hope someone is recording if he shows up.

yep, and moms all over the world will show it to their kids and say,
you'll end up just like that if you don't eat your greens,



ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, it sure could.



  • ROFLMAO.gif
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  • ROFLMAO.gif
    49.9 KB · Views: 659
And for this years Halloween Costum Contest ......Im going as BB, Pic below....


  • cliff-clavin.webp
    18.4 KB · Views: 508
i am at motel in franklin NC for the night Helen is sick ,i need to take her home in the morning ...

i gave it my best . i failed ...

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