Gold Member
Let's see if I have this right. You spend years getting ready for this grand show and tell, then you get in a......questionable motor home with a sick elderly woman who in not a relative, just a friend, and set out for a cross country trip with a primitive camp site in the Arizona desert for a final destination.
This camp site will be out of range for most phone services, and miles from medical help for your sick, elderly friend, should she need it. To be perfectly honest, none of that surprises me, considering your history here.
All is not lost, and you don't have to fail. Email the location of your mine(s) to Dust Cap, some one who has always been kind and straight with you. I believe he has offered you help a number of times and, I think, even offered to accompany you on your hike into the site.
Ken is someone who has been to many Rendezvous' and is as trustworthy as they come. He is a true gentleman, as others here will testify. The idea that you might try to continue posting here, promising to prove your theories at some distant date in the future will, I expect, not fly.
Sorry to hear you will not be able to make this year's event.
Good luck,
Let's see if I have this right. You spend years getting ready for this grand show and tell, then you get in a......questionable motor home with a sick elderly woman who in not a relative, just a friend, and set out for a cross country trip with a primitive camp site in the Arizona desert for a final destination.

This camp site will be out of range for most phone services, and miles from medical help for your sick, elderly friend, should she need it. To be perfectly honest, none of that surprises me, considering your history here.

All is not lost, and you don't have to fail. Email the location of your mine(s) to Dust Cap, some one who has always been kind and straight with you. I believe he has offered you help a number of times and, I think, even offered to accompany you on your hike into the site.

Ken is someone who has been to many Rendezvous' and is as trustworthy as they come. He is a true gentleman, as others here will testify. The idea that you might try to continue posting here, promising to prove your theories at some distant date in the future will, I expect, not fly.

Sorry to hear you will not be able to make this year's event.
Good luck,