
sgtfda - that's a heck of an offer to BB - it leaves him no other option than to make the excuse that he can't afford a plane ticket (even though the cost would be much less than the cost of gas to drive a motorhome via his route to AZ).

As far as his excuse that he can't trust you... he was willing on more than a few occassions to put together a "team" of folks to accompany him on his "expeditions" without knowing the first thing about most of them, so once again that excuse doesn't fly either.

He's painted himself into a corner as many of us suspected he would when he said he would attend the Rendezvous this year. Where there's a will, there's a way - I'm not certain he has the will.

As the enigmatic Yoda of Star Wars fame would say... "Do or do not, there is no try"

I got to thinking while working outside today and I'm going to make a public offer to BB to go along with sgftda's offer.

Since my word is my bond, I won't back out of this offer in case anyone thinks I might - so here it is...

BB - If you fly to Phoenix and attend the Rendezvous and are able to PROVE that you've found the Lost Dutchman Mine, I will reimburse you for your roundtrip flight up to a total of $500 which is about what it would cost you at this point to fly there and back.

You now have a free flight, someone who will pick you up at the airport and supply you with tent, climbing gear, etc... - it's a pretty sweet offer and one that should be hard to turn down if you are that confident in your claims.

I give you my word I will cover your flight cost up to $500 under the above terms.

Delta has a flight leaving Syracuse monday evening at 6:30 and arrives Phoenix at 9 pm price including taxs' etc. $ 544 , and if it is paid for by them then you can afford the extra cargo for extra equipment. the flight is round trip . I think if you go BB and you are successful a few days away will give your friend years of better living.

Cubfan64 said:
I got to thinking while working outside today and I'm going to make a public offer to BB to go along with sgftda's offer.

Since my word is my bond, I won't back out of this offer in case anyone thinks I might - so here it is...

BB - If you fly to Phoenix and attend the Rendezvous and are able to PROVE that you've found the Lost Dutchman Mine, I will reimburse you for your roundtrip flight up to a total of $500 which is about what it would cost you at this point to fly there and back.

You now have a free flight, someone who will pick you up at the airport and supply you with tent, climbing gear, etc... - it's a pretty sweet offer and one that should be hard to turn down if you are that confident in your claims.

I give you my word I will cover your flight cost up to $500 under the above terms.


How can you turn down an offer like that BB?

Paul, you are exceedingly generous. I state here
in front of you all that if this happens as according to
Pauls statement above, I will send $50.00 to Paul.
It will be his to do with however he sees fit.
If Paul does not receive the money he can post as
much here and I will never post here again, that is
my word.

No more chest pounding, no more big talk BB
It's time to MAN UP!

WOW! :o :o :o :o :o At both you guys!

What do you say Blindbowman?


Heck, I'll be honest, I haven't seen enough proof to believe the claims of BB, BUT....... even if there's a teeny tiny chance that he could be right, $500 is a small price to pay to be a part of history dontcha think? And it would make for a pretty cool news story :)

Pronghorn - I didn't make my offer in order to try to get other folks to chip in, but I'll accept your offer if BB turns out to be successful.

Who knows.... this could turn out to be the best Rendezvous ever :). I guess now though, I'm committed to going out there with BB (or at least having someone I trust go out there with BB if he shows up) to verify (or not veryify) his find.


Under the same conditions, I will cover half your cost.....$250.00

Trouble is, bb doesn't really care. He will just keep posting his........stuff for another year, and another.....etc. He knows he can't accept your offer.

Take care,



What more could a person want????

This is now what I am thinking.

Up Against The Wall.webp

I got a hunch you fellas are just calling him out on his bs, and dont really expect him to take you up on your more then generous offers, BUT if by some slim chance he excepts.....I would think at least one of you would feel compelled to tag along while he is out there off trail searching blind bowmanly.....Think about it...gonna get a guy out here with little to no skills in the super's? mentally and probably physically unable to deal with off trail hiking? He's very likely to hurt himself and end up in a bad situation! A great gathering like the Rendezvous doesn't need a stain like that airing on the local news.... Just food for thought :coffee2:

P.S. I will donate the use of my two ways to the expedition as long as one of you funny guys are carrying it!!!!!!!



I'm pretty sure that there will be folks who will willingly go with him.

Nobody has a wish for harm, and, honestly - I would love to get some pictures.


mrs.oroblanco said:
Nobody has a wish for harm, and, honestly - I would love to get some pictures.


Of course no one wish's any harm, Im probably one of his harshest critic's here and I wouldnt want to see him get in any trouble out there ....just saying, paying for him to be here then letting him loose by himself out there, I wouldn't want to be the one explaining that to SAR/Sheriff ... :laughing9: :laughing7: :tongue3: Will be in camp waiting for your return to view your pics....ON MY WIDE SCREEN TV :headbang:



I am a firm believer in recording history.

Either way - this will be a historical Rendezvous.


HIO 'BeenThereAndDonethat', mi buddy, you posted --> Will be in camp waiting for your return to view your pics....ON MY WIDE SCREEN TV
sheesh 'show off', a wide screen TV, yet. Maybe I shuuda have stayed in the US. And here I am accustomed to think that I am in luxury if I can find a dry, comfortable place to put my mules saddle blanket to sleep with, a couple of dry tortillas, and enough fire wood to make coffee and be warm at night.

Wide screen tv?

Don Jose de La Mancha (X-LEO)

p.s. No, it isn't sock coffe, the socks have to be dry enough to keep my feet warm through the night.

I knew some folks would think I'm just calling him out on his bs, and I guess perhaps there's a little of that, but quite honestly it's more a matter of "here's your opportunity to prove us all wrong with little to no cost to you" offer.

I'm completely serious when I say that it would be pretty cool to know that I helped pay for the plane ride for the fellow who proved he found the LDM. Even if there's a 0.0001% chance of it (or less), it's worth what I offered, and now it's gotten even cheaper for me since CJ offerred to drop in $250 as well.

If he KNOWS he found the Lost Dutchman, it's a pretty tough offer to turn down. Heck, he was willing to foot the bill all on his own to come out there to do the same thing, so doing it on someone elses dime seems like a no brainer opportunity.

We'll see what happens.

I would be hesitant to be the ONLY one to accompany him into the mountains in order to protect my investment - in fact I would rather not take my time to go at all as I have other things I plan to do. That said, if nobody I would trust is willing to go with him, I suppose I'll have to.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HIO 'BeenThereAndDonethat', mi buddy, you posted --> Will be in camp waiting for your return to view your pics....ON MY WIDE SCREEN TV
sheesh 'show off', a wide screen TV, yet. Maybe I shuuda have stayed in the US. And here I am accustomed to think that I am in luxury if I can find a dry, comfortable place to put my mules saddle blanket to sleep with, a couple of dry tortillas, and enough fire wood to make coffee and be warm at night.

Wide screen tv?

Don Jose de La Mancha (X-LEO)

p.s. No, it isn't sock coffe, the socks have to be dry enough to keep my feet warm through the night.

Im roll'n down with my weekend warrior toy hauler! Gonna have mister's as well since its been 100 degree's here the past week........And its only 4-5 miles as a crow flys from where im at now.....Did i mention a DvD player and Xbox? Why ruff it when i have all this crap? :laughing9: and im fully willing to share all i have.....Shower anyone, stove,microwave??? On the other hand if i were out trekking in-country...good knife and a canteen would suffice !! Im no Dandy Boy

SOCK COFFEE? Uumm Pass.....I'll take my hot water Straight please.....thanks hahhaaa

Cubfan64 said:
...if nobody I would trust is willing to go with him, I suppose I'll have to.

I sense a double-reversal set up a-comin'.

Suppose that after the rendezvous, he says that the whole story about "Helen" was made up in order for him to secretly go into the Supers and gather his evidence (he will apologize and say it was the only way, of course), because he doesn't trust anybody.

Of course, he almost dies getting the evidence, just to make it convincing, and get a little sympathy. And this is the reason he didn't make it out in time to show everyone his findings---because they all had left by then.

Then he posts some blurry pictures of his "positive proof." And calls everyone fools (again).

And then here we go for another year!



EE THr said:
Cubfan64 said:
...if nobody I would trust is willing to go with him, I suppose I'll have to.

I sense a double-reversal set up a-comin'.

Suppose that after the rendezvous, he says that the whole story about "Helen" was made up in order for him to secretly go into the Supers and gather his evidence (he will apologize and say it was the only way, of course), because he doesn't trust anybody.

Of course, he almost dies getting the evidence, just to make it convincing, and get a little sympathy. And this is the reason he didn't make it out in time to show everyone his findings---because they all had left by then.

Then he posts some blurry pictures of his "positive proof." And calls everyone fools (again).

And then here we go for another year!



Wouldnt put it past him! But he never reserved a place at the campground to begin with like he said he did......he never intended to show.

BenThereDoneThat said:
EE THr said:
Cubfan64 said:
...if nobody I would trust is willing to go with him, I suppose I'll have to.

I sense a double-reversal set up a-comin'.

Suppose that after the rendezvous, he says that the whole story about "Helen" was made up in order for him to secretly go into the Supers and gather his evidence (he will apologize and say it was the only way, of course), because he doesn't trust anybody.

Of course, he almost dies getting the evidence, just to make it convincing, and get a little sympathy. And this is the reason he didn't make it out in time to show everyone his findings---because they all had left by then.

Then he posts some blurry pictures of his "positive proof." And calls everyone fools (again).

And then here we go for another year!



Wouldnt put it past him! But he never reserved a place at the campground to begin with like he said he did......he never intended to show.

Never thought of checking on that! Good thinking - bet he has an explanation for that too.


There's never really been much doubt that this is exactly the way it would all go down. Matter of fact, I think a good friend of mine sent me a private message quite some time ago that spelled out
what would a "T". :director:

It has been echoed many times on this forum. Is it possible we have all just misjudged our friend bb? :dontknow:

Unless he shows up ;D, I believe I am through playing with him. On the other hand, how many people do you know who have had face to face conversations with Moctezuma?

If anyone has a small sound system, mike and speaker, please bring it along. Once again, another
gas BBQ would come in handy. SAR is bringing out a load of firewood. We may also need extra shade, although I will have my Big Shade + the trailer's awning as well as Cousin Sammy trailer awning.

See you there!

Take care,



I have to explain "sock coffee" again - its NOT really made with a dirty sock. (no matter what I told Oro :tongue3:). Seriously, we had a problem with our coffee several years ago, and I had brand new cotton socks in my backpack. (I believe in having real good socks inside my boots, so I make sure we both have good, new, cotton socks) so I took one pair, put coffee grounds in it, and soaked it in the coffee pot of hot water. It was better than drip coffee. So, we have, over the years, just continued the "tradition" of sock coffee. They make a great filter, never gets any grounds in your coffee, you can make it by the pot, don't lose any to the filter, and you can make it the strength you want just by how long you let it soak. Enough of that. :laughing9:

This year is a "do or die" year, as far as I see it. You cannot get much better than free while getting the opportunity to prove to one and all that you are THE one who figured it out, and at an event dedicated to that very thing. Just my opinion.


PS: I am assuming someone checked to see if there was a reservation? I never thought to do that.

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