Pot Head Detectorist

Not taking this to political places, but HE did the toilet thing. He has about 8 months to do an Executive Order.

Just a thought, maybe he'll read this and get the "notion".

I would reply, but Treasure Hunter would DEFINITELY have a tizzy!! :occasion14:

I would reply, but Treasure Hunter would DEFINITELY have a tizzy!! :occasion14:

Well T-net does have a political section....but you probably already knew that.

I see nothing wrong with smoking some weed and have done it for years on and off. The one major drug that seems to be ignored but causes around 500,000 deaths a year in the US along with countless butts littered and fires started is that legal weed tobacco. I really don't care if a tobacco addict wants to kill themselves but quit poisoning the people around them, covering the earth with their trash and starting untold number of fires. My mom had lung cancer at age 25, never smoked but lived with her parents who smoked 3 pack a day each. She lost half a lung at age 25 and the other half at age 27 because of her addict parents. Her father died at 50 from a major heart attack and her mother at age 80 from lung cancer. She smoked her last cigarette a couple of hours before she died. Her sister died of lung cancer before she reached 50.

Yes I wish they would outlaw tobacco. I have tried to quit smokeless 4-5 times over last 20 years. It's more addictive than heroine

The devil weed? NO WAY! However, lets all drink some, doesn't kill anyone, alcohol.

Er...wait....um.....I might have some things mixed up.......chortle, chortle. lol

Years ago I worked for a local landfill and sometimes had to supervise City Farm Inmates picking up trash, etc. One kid was in for drug charges {crack} and was a smoker. He said quitting crack was easier than quitting smoking. The jail system used tobacco to control inmates. If you screwed up you went to city jail which was no smoking. If you work hard for $1.68 a day and did everything asked of you, you got to stay at the city farm where you could smoke. We had one guy admit to a crime that added years to his sentence to be moved to the farm where he could smoke. That is a true addict!

Well T-net does have a political section....but you probably already knew that.

Even if I was a Charter Member and allowed in the Political section, I'd spend maybe 5 minutes there before I'D be the one having a tizzy!! I'd probably get Tnet banned from the entire WWW!! :headbang:

Yes I wish they would outlaw tobacco. I have tried to quit smokeless 4-5 times over last 20 years. It's more addictive than heroine

Hate to admit it, but I smoked off and on (mostly on) for the better part of my life. Again, thanks SSSOOOOOOO much, big sis!! :cussing:

What finally got me to quit was when Obummer put that ridiculous tax on there, and then claimed it was to benefit sick children. Like, anyone who even tries to argue that is gonna be labeled a hate-monger, even if they can prove their claims. Anyway, it pi$$ed me off so much that I quit, and never looked back. But I've hoped tobacco would have been outlawed most of my life. Still not there yet.

Sorry, OddJob - don't mean to be hijacking the thread.

What kind of crap is this. I have never heard of any creditable research done on cursing.

May not be credible, but try "The Anatomy of Swearing" by Ashley Montagu from Collier Books, copyright 1967.........at the very least it is amusing...........:censored::laughing7:

Oh My Gosh Darn it. I was reading the newest posts and had a major realization.

Smoking and metal detecting. It so explains the antics of those two treasure hunters who had their metal detecting show. Find a coin, roll around hooting and hollering, eating grass, swinging in trees.

THAT explains so much.

hey Oddjob......
Maybe the guy you met was an "enhancement" smoker....


Somewhere, on a stoner forum, there's a fella telling a story, about having Interpol chauffeur him all around, helping him metal detect, hanging out with him, letting him get lit up, taking him home, etc....... :notworthy:

I bet by now, he's an international spy and double agent for some major cartel and the police, top top secret clearances, with big connections on both sides. :laughing7:

That was pretty good, oj...... :laughing7:

Pot is outlawed. How's that worked?

The big pharmaceuticals don't want it pot legalized for recreational use. It would cut into their huge profits made on maintenance" meds that a large percentage of our society is on to keep from going insane.

Somewhere, on a stoner forum, there's a fella telling a story, about having Interpol chauffeur him all around, helping him metal detect, hanging out with him, letting him get lit up, taking him home, etc....... :notworthy:

I bet by now, he's an international spy and double agent for some major cartel and the police, top top secret clearances, with big connections on both sides. :laughing7:

That was pretty good, oj...... :laughing7:

That was hilarious. Still smiling at the humor in your post. Thanks for that.

The big pharmaceuticals don't want it pot legalized for recreational use. It would cut into their huge profits made on maintenance" meds that a large percentage of our society is on to keep from going insane.
Can't argue with that, but I'm not sure how that ties into outlawing tobacco, which would put it on the black market. The demand would still be there.

Except in Oregon, Colorado, Alaska, Washington DC and Washington state.

I would be curious to know how crime statistics have changed in those states since the legalization of smoking then metal detecting.

It would probably be legal in many more states if the stoners remembered to go vote that day. I don't use it but am a little dazed and confused as to why it hasn't been legalized more just for the taxation contribution.

Wait, does this mean it is more legal to smoke the herb than to metal detect in some places in those states?

(I inhaled but I didn't smoke. I just did it again, and again, and again. I must be an addict.)

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PatrickD, I cannot help but to notice that you posted at exactly 4:20. Coincidence? I think not LOL!

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