I think what bothers me the most, is this is supposed to be a family friendly site. I could care less what you people put in your bodies. You all are saying that "there's nothing wrong with a little weed" compared to alcohol it's nothing. You're probably right....a bullet in the head is much less painful than hanging I suppose. I hope the young people that come here don't have their fears about pot smoking removed because of some of the comments here.
I have my own data also. Who's data are we to believe?? I'm surely not going to believe yours.
Well thank you for shedding some light on your concerns so that we all can remain open minded here and respect or at least start to respect where everyone is coming from.
But I will say that this thread started out as nothing more than a story. A day that began with relief for getting back my MD's but I lacked confidence that my machines where in working shape, and then came along this pot head who really brightened up my day.
So I shared the story, shortly there after I started seeing some post on here that just made sense. Now I do not smoke at all and I am a LEO with a very large agency, but I do not work narco and never will. The sort of cases I work we never see drugs and my Team is not informed in the least bit at all about drugs.
But one thing is very clear in my life, I use intel for everything and normally the easiest and most sound explanation is the one that is the truth. Some of the things on here I wanted to reference but due to my career choice I know that the intel can only be as good as its source.
Thats when it clicked, I own a Physicians Desk Reference for Herbal Medicine. Well you can not get more sound intel on this matter than a book that is used at accredited higher learning institutions and sits on many doctors shelves. My family and I normally use the book for dietary needs and healing. Found nothing at all bad about pot.
Then I figured I would go on and check VICAP; the FBI data base for violent crimes. My first check was to see what the stats are for those arrested who committed a crime while on Pot. It was less than 1%
Now my next check was to see how many crimes where committed with pot on the scene, it was 39%. That pot was the main factor in the crimes. So that got me thinking would our Stats lower by 39% in violent crimes if pot was legal all around to use, smoke and sell. Was that 39% a biproduct of our government.
Now this is a family website for sure, heck my 13 year old son just got an account on here. However this thread is not pressuring anyone to use drugs at all, it has provided some very good information in subject and referenced many sources on the good and bad about pot, but also it has shown through our fellow members that some can not handle it, they recognized it and eventually found help, but also that many can use it and do perfectly well in our society.
If anything I would say that thread would be a good baseline starting point for anyone with an open mind to find real facts and live cases on both sides.
Another point I would like to bring up is a little prison my Team and I often deliver people to called the Black Dolphin. Each and every prisoner in there has legalized access to pot and can use it at will in amounts they wish to use it in. Smoking only though. This has only been going on for a year or so now, but in that time there has not been a single altercation at all that involves prisoners. This prison holds the baddest cats around with outside resources that shame some military's. In my time with the agency I have only been stabbed there 4 times my self, but have been stuck in many lock down riots and have had 27 attempts on my cargo.
Could you imagine how the US Prison system would be if we allowed inmates to smoke pot. I feel strongly that many prison crimes would fall off the charts but also that it would turn out more productive members of society when they get out.
Now I am not saying it makes the world a better place, but I sure would not mind if just half the people I have had to go after started using pot; perhaps they would not be so combative towards being arrested.