Pot Head Detectorist

Some people are still drinking the kool-aid.
I happen to LOVE Kool-Aid. Punch flavored.
As far as HEMP goes.
It WAS made "illegal" in response to extreme pressure from the BIG OIL and PHARMACEUTICAL CARTELS way back in the 30's if I remember correctly.
Henry Ford fabricated a complete automobile from reinforced hemp,,, then powered it with hemp oil based fuel.
Did you realize that the Endocannabinoid System regulates almost EVERY function in your body?
Guess what compounds the human body uses and prefers to use to regulate those systems?
CBD's and THC's to name the 2 "main" ones.
I am not going to re-write anything,, if you wish to comment on such topics,, please come informed with facts and not with pre-conceived notions or personal ideals.
BUT,, I WILL provide a simple Google search for you to begin educating yourself with.
Myself and a few others I know HAVE "self-treated" themselves for many "diseases" and/or conditions that in most sheeples,,,errr peoples eyes,,,
That usually require a very expensive regimen of toxic chemicals and/or radiation to obtain relief and in many cases; a total remission of disease.
Check out the many GOOD and INFORMATIVE links from this simple search.
It has NOTHING to do with "getting high".
It has EVERYTHING to do with alternative sources of energy, raw materials and health.

LOL, ok, funny story before I hit low tide..... (wish me luck)
A dear friend down under, so anti-drug, anti-pill, etc...... but does burn the sage, lol...... (tells me on video the other night.....)
His elderly dad, the sweetest purest great little old man (80's+), finds a half burnt sage, my friend left in the garage......
takes it to the drug testing center, to see if it's POT! LAWL! I haven't laughed so hard..... in so long...... :laughing7:

My friends sis, told him what their Dad did, my friend was so mad at the lack of trust! >:(
I just keep picturing this sweet dear old man, taking burnt sage to the drug ctr...... :laughing7:
It ain't even wrapped right! LAWL! I sure hope they didn't charge him, to tell him it wasn't pot. :icon_scratch: I should ask him next time we talk......
Gotta love well meaning parents...... :BangHead: :notworthy:

eta: oh, I almost forgot, lawl..... no one ever told his Mom, her frankincense she burns (to bless the house and get the cooking smells out) looks just like crack! LAWL!
still cracks me up.....lol.

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So is sugar and coffee...... Point is as a free adult in a free society it is their right to do what they want as long as it harms no one else.

Everything the government has said about pot for the last 80+ years is all pure government propaganda...

A lot of doctors would disagree with your comment.....

I happen to LOVE Kool-Aid. Punch flavored.
As far as HEMP goes.
It WAS made "illegal" in response to extreme pressure from the BIG OIL and PHARMACEUTICAL CARTELS way back in the 30's if I remember correctly.
Henry Ford fabricated a complete automobile from reinforced hemp,,, then powered it with hemp oil based fuel.
Did you realize that the Endocannabinoid System regulates almost EVERY function in your body?
Guess what compounds the human body uses and prefers to use to regulate those systems?
CBD's and THC's to name the 2 "main" ones.
I am not going to re-write anything,, if you wish to comment on such topics,, please come informed with facts and not with pre-conceived notions or personal ideals.
BUT,, I WILL provide a simple Google search for you to begin educating yourself with.
Myself and a few others I know HAVE "self-treated" themselves for many "diseases" and/or conditions that in most sheeples,,,errr peoples eyes,,,
That usually require a very expensive regimen of toxic chemicals and/or radiation to obtain relief and in many cases; a total remission of disease.
Check out the many GOOD and INFORMATIVE links from this simple search.
It has NOTHING to do with "getting high".
It has EVERYTHING to do with alternative sources of energy, raw materials and health.

Please keep the politics out of the thread...

It wasn't big oil or pharmaceutical cartels that caused marijuana being outlawed, it was the timber, fiber and plastics industries that was afraid of the competition from the hemp industry...

"For the first 162 years of America's existence, marijuana was totally legal and hemp was a common crop. But during the 1930s, the U.S. government and the media began spreading outrageous lies about marijuana, which led to its prohibition. Some headlines made about marijuana in the 1930s were: "Marijuana: The assassin of youth." "Marijuana: The devil's weed with roots in hell." "Marijuana makes fiends of boys in 30 days." "If the hideous monster Frankenstein came face to face with the monster marijuana, he would drop dead of fright." In 1936, the liquor industry funded the infamous movie titled Reefer Madness. This movie depicts a man going insane from smoking marijuana, and then killing his entire family with an ax. This campaign of lies, as well as other evidence, have led many to believe there may have been a hidden agenda behind Marijuana Prohibition.

Shortly before marijuana was banned by The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, new technologies were developed that made hemp a potential competitor with the newly-founded synthetic fiber and plastics industries. Hemp's potential for producing paper also posed a threat to the timber industry (see New Billion-Dollar Crop). Evidence suggests that commercial interests having much to lose from hemp competition helped propagate reefer madness hysteria, and used their influence to lobby for Marijuana Prohibition. It is not known for certain if special interests conspired to destroy the hemp industry via Marijuana Prohibition, but enough evidence exists to raise the possibility."


We can agree to disagree without name calling and derogatory comments:thumbsup:

Thanks OddJob fr your insight on how other Nations view the pot issue.
BTW I, and others used to listen to Radio Luxembourg while in the USAF on alert in England.
I didn't know why the stations couldn't play the whole song. I think it was because Brittan didn't want recordings to be taped.
We hear nothing about where other nation are going with this. I know there are medical benefits that are not really known with many other countries. Some execute violators. Are they on the wrong side of history?
The LAST Nation I would ever believe would allow States to legalize pot would be the USA.
While I know on the federal level it's still not legal I thing OB might change that as a last call.

I guess I will side with the Beatles in the end that it's only a giggle.

Thanks OddJob fr your insight on how other Nations view the pot issue.
BTW I, and others used to listen to Radio Luxembourg while in the USAF on alert in England.
I didn't know why the stations couldn't play the whole song. I think it was because Brittan didn't want recordings to be taped.
We hear nothing about where other nation are going with this. I know there are medical benefits that are not really known with many other countries. Some execute violators. Are they on the wrong side of history?
The LAST Nation I would ever believe would allow States to legalize pot would be the USA.
While I know on the federal level it's still not legal I thing OB might change that as a last call.

I guess I will side with the Beatles in the end that it's only a giggle.

Its only pot; I am not a user my self, but I do use Redman which is much worse.

That said since my medical insurance is higher for the use of something that can cause harm to my health, does that mean folks who smoke have lower insurance cost because it is proven to help people.

Anyway, was not really any insight to how others nations deal with it, just a story of a very funny and straight forward MDer that was enjoying his holiday in Italy. Thinking back to that he still cranks me up with the comment he made about my wind breaker, he was very straight forward. And lost too. LOL

I don't know about govt. propagandas, but that film "reefer madness" sure is scary. Oh wait, now I remember what I was gonna say. OH MY GOD! Why is this topic over a month old and still going?! Please let it die already!!!!


A lot of doctors would disagree with your comment.....

Actually I read a poll of doctors some years ago that showed the majority stated that Marijuana should be legal for medicinal use.

A lot of doctors would disagree with your comment.....

" April 2, 2014 -- A majority of doctors say that medical marijuana should be legalized nationally and that it can deliver real benefits to patients, a new survey by WebMD/Medscape finds.

WebMD’s web site for health professionals surveyed 1,544 doctors as more than 10 states consider bills to legalize medical marijuana. It is already legal in 21 states and Washington, DC.

The survey found solid support for those legalization efforts, with most doctors saying medical marijuana should be legal in their states. They agreed that medical marijuana should be an option for patients. The survey included doctors from more than 12 specialties and 48 states."


The problem thus far with "spreading the word" about the benefits of Marijuana have primarily been a result of bad information...
OR Information that has been misconstrued... but this is typical with all things it seems.

The internet and the world of "potheads" has been the legal end of this dilemma's own worst enemy IMO.

Many posts of information... statements online... or on the news etc. coming from people who do not "know" or spout out random things due to being on the "stoner" end of this...
has "hurt" and curtailed the "movement" of Marijuana from a banned medicinal valued drug to its truth.

UN- Marijuana educated value statements / posts... can sometimes cause more harm than good...
And turns off others when they read absurd or later realized unfounded "miss-truths"...
This undermines and "hurts" the "message"... and casts a grey could over the truths that are associated with Marijuana.

With that said... please..
Get your facts straight as best as you can before stating... for it can cause more harm than good.

The "hippie gung ho" propaganda that is quoted / stated out there is almost as bad as the propaganda that got it illegalized to begin with.

A lot of doctors would disagree with your comment.....

Doctors are good mechanics,fix a broken bone,replace parts..other than that they are pretty stupid when it comes to what causes symptoms,their answer...here,take a pill.

Remove the CAUSE..end of story.

I don't know about govt. propagandas, but that film "reefer madness" sure is scary. Oh wait, now I remember what I was gonna say. OH MY GOD! Why is this topic over a month old and still going?! Please let it die already!!!!

Ehh ?

This topic is over 75 years old.

And it should never die until it has been rectified IMO.

No offense.

It's called... Fighting for what is right...
In other words...
Correcting a wrong.

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I met and hung out with Woody Harrelson in the 90's...
he invited me to dive at his home in Costa Rica etc...

I never took him up on his offer... but had a heck of a time hanging out talking with him...

He was doing a tour with MTV and some other celebs...
We all hung out and talked all night..
And upon the end of our meeting he stated he was gonna think up something "to bring attention" to this...
And told me to "stay tuned"... For he was convinced it needed to be done.

Later that week he purposely invited the media and the cops to a "Marijuana seed planting" on purpose to be arrested to bring media news coverage to the topics discussed.

I have spent many years trying to help correct this wrong... by being over vocal to anyone who will listen...
And haven't stopped.

Nor will I... until a sane approach is reached.

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One of THE major perceived problems with marijuana is that it can so readily and easily be laced with other chemicals, thereby causing much more serious effects/results. This all goes back to the folks looking to get high, and nothing more. I watched my former sibling do what any average druggie would do and ruin her life in drugs - namely marijuana. Was her marijuana laced? I'm certain much of it was. It was the high she was after. I know she was doing hard drugs for a while. And now, it has taken its toll. Last time I saw her, I BARELY recognized who she was. She looked old, man...really, really old!! Looked like a ghost or something! She swears up and down that she stopped doing drugs a long time ago, but the evidence don't lie. She, however, does.

Anyway, this is the primary obstacle that needs to be overcome. The 60's was known as a time of drugs and "free love". LSD was hugely popular, as was Mary Jane. Still a lot of animosity today from the 60's. All in all, I doubt seriously that marijuana is as dangerous as alcohol. I mean, look at all the abuse and all the alcohol-related accidents and fatalities each and every year. I haven't seen any such reports concerning marijuana. Doesn't mean there's not any - only that I haven't heard of any. My animosity is due simply to a former sibling who brought the world of drugs into the family, along with a lifetime of lies. THAT is "my" hurdle to overcome in this!

I understand what you are saying but one cannot overlook the fact that probably 3 out of 10 people have reactions that are different than the norm. To not realize or ignore these facts to be true, then a person is likely burnt out. Some folks get a high, some get a buzz and get the munchies, some just get at ease and laid back, some fall asleep, some get paranoid and with some, they want to try something stronger. It is the latter that truly bothers me as I lost a great friend and comrade and some other friends went on to being Heroin, Cocaine or Crack Addicts.

Now that Marijuana is legal in some States and other States will likely follow, what happens then when folks start ranting about legalizing Heroin, Cocaine, Crack, LSD or some other illegal drugs. Yes, legalizing Marijuana takes the control of it away from the Drug Dealers but they only move on to dealing stronger drugs or gun smuggling, if they haven't already done so.


So do we out law beer because some may turn to whiskey and into alcoholics?

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