Pot Head Detectorist

That would be nice.

I am having trouble seeing where you are coming from on all this. There are much worse things out there than a little pot or booze, such as taking away someones free will with some politically, religious or personal motivations. Everyone should have the God given right to live their lifestyle as they see fit withing the confines of society without fear or repercussions.

I get your trying to present something here but I have yet to read a baseline; perhaps all of us would be more open and understanding if you could explain that as many users here have several times already based on medical science, personal experience, cultural activity and recreational.

I just do not see how so many who smoke pot on here have held their tolerance towards baseless arguments more so than those who strongly oppose it.

So please, use your free will and God given right to explain. I like to think I am an open minded person, I know there are many others on here too. The floor is yours.

That would be nice.

I'm against outlawing most things that an adult does that is not causing harm to another individual.... Cant say what I would like with out violating our rules on politics.....

It's not guns that are bad; it's bad people using guns that are bad.

It's not alcohol that is bad; it's the abuse of alcohol that is bad.

It's not marijuana that is bad; it's the misuse of it that is bad. IMO

I feel that in many instances, it's the banning of something that exacerbates the problem associated with that something. The one thing we MUST NOT lose is our Freedoms!

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Ok... lets just look at a few facts shall we...


Been smoking pot since I was 13-years-old. I love smoking a hooter and then detecting. Relaxed, focused on the headphones, and pulltabs don't bother me as much. :skullflag:

Love yr honesty , I smoked from 13-37 but now I get tested for medical reasons. So I had to Quit.

I REALLY! miss those days of digging relics then taking a break to sit by a stream & smoke a J or a Bowl.
It made detecting Much more enjoyable, Hopefully in the next few year Laws will Change but I'm not counting on it esp, here in Georgia, To many Drunks.

I never have been Stoned like the Guy in the op's story. Only when mixed with a Fifth of Jack Daniels or some other Spirit.

One of THE major perceived problems with marijuana is that it can so readily and easily be laced with other chemicals, thereby causing much more serious effects/results. This all goes back to the folks looking to get high, and nothing more. I watched my former sibling do what any average druggie would do and ruin her life in drugs - namely marijuana. Was her marijuana laced? I'm certain much of it was. It was the high she was after. I know she was doing hard drugs for a while. And now, it has taken its toll. Last time I saw her, I BARELY recognized who she was. She looked old, man...really, really old!! Looked like a ghost or something! She swears up and down that she stopped doing drugs a long time ago, but the evidence don't lie. She, however, does.

Anyway, this is the primary obstacle that needs to be overcome. The 60's was known as a time of drugs and "free love". LSD was hugely popular, as was Mary Jane. Still a lot of animosity today from the 60's. All in all, I doubt seriously that marijuana is as dangerous as alcohol. I mean, look at all the abuse and all the alcohol-related accidents and fatalities each and every year. I haven't seen any such reports concerning marijuana. Doesn't mean there's not any - only that I haven't heard of any. My animosity is due simply to a former sibling who brought the world of drugs into the family, along with a lifetime of lies. THAT is "my" hurdle to overcome in this!

Many street drugs are cut or stepped on, even possibly repeatedly with other substances of dubious nature.
Part of the reason crack is a condensed version of some , and why a heroin overdose can occur from a "pure" (,poor word choice as it is) dose.
As in illegal distillery there are those who grow or source mary jane that care nothing for the end consumer.
So , yes it could be laced.
Where legal a source can be studied or at least known ,to not contain poison or undesired chemicals and some accountability can be assigned the grower.
The option is the street ,or an illegal source.
Buyer beware.

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99% of all alcoholics started with milk.
Someone said that once. :laughing7:

But most know addiction is a painful problem. I believe addicts are born addicts, they just
need to find their drug of choice.
Addiction can be many things. We usually think of drugs but there is also sex, food,
religion, compulsive behavior of many types, anything that has control over a person
that they have no control of.
Even AA can be compulsive and often is. Replacing one addiction with another.
It's all about who is in control, you or an addiction.
I doubt an addict can be actually cured. Hopefully they can find a less harmful addiction.

I smoked pot off and on starting at age 21 for about 31 years, quit for 15 years due to driving company truck and insurance issues. The entire I smoked I worked, worked hard and in fact worked for 15 years at one company with out ever taking a single sick day, next company worked for 10 years with out a missed day of work......... Now I am retired and my philosophy at age 67 is I do what I want as long as I am not hurting anyone else. I pay our bills, take good care of my wife and enjoy life... :occasion14:

I met and hung out with Woody Harrelson in the 90's...
he invited me to dive at his home in Costa Rica etc...

I never took him up on his offer... but had a heck of a time hanging out talking with him...

He was doing a tour with MTV and some other celebs...
We all hung out and talked all night..
And upon the end of our meeting he stated he was gonna think up something "to bring attention" to this...
And told me to "stay tuned"... For he was convinced it needed to be done.

Later that week he purposely invited the media and the cops to a "Marijuana seed planting" on purpose to be arrested to bring media news coverage to the topics discussed.

I have spent many years trying to help correct this wrong... by being over vocal to anyone who will listen...
And haven't stopped.

Nor will I... until a sane approach is reached.

Well I'am going to one of the legal weed shops and browse the 20 variations of marawana. (they all have cool names too) Maybe get a few edibles, yes candy bars with a kick! They usually have a good variety of clones, so you can grow your own. It's a very beautiful plant, with great aromas, all varying just like the taste and the type of high. All legal of course.
When I get home I'm gonna have a scotch or three and a few beers.....
Please don't judge me......:laughing7::laughing7:

I think what bothers me the most, is this is supposed to be a family friendly site. I could care less what you people put in your bodies. You all are saying that "there's nothing wrong with a little weed" compared to alcohol it's nothing. You're probably right....a bullet in the head is much less painful than hanging I suppose. I hope the young people that come here don't have their fears about pot smoking removed because of some of the comments here.
I have my own data also. Who's data are we to believe?? I'm surely not going to believe yours.

I think what bothers me the most, is this is supposed to be a family friendly site. I could care less what you people put in your bodies. You all are saying that "there's nothing wrong with a little weed" compared to alcohol it's nothing. You're probably right....a bullet in the head is much less painful than hanging I suppose. I hope the young people that come here don't have their fears about pot smoking removed because of some of the comments here.
I have my own data also. Who's data are we to believe?? I'm surely not going to believe yours.
Yes, a family website - also a site known for facts and education.

There was a time when alcohol was banned - prohibition. Did the problem get better, or worse?

There's a HUGE push on right now in America in the healthcare field - pushing prescription drugs. For every complaint under the sun, there is a drug that is prescribed. Are these drugs "natural"? Heck no!! It's all high-tech chemistry! My wife and I are allergic to almost every newer drug we've ever been prescribed. Many of these drugs (like hydrocodone, for example) are used by druggies to make meth. Over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol Allergy/Sinus have been removed from market for the same reason. People sniffing spray paint and glues, eating poisonous mushrooms enough to get a sort of "high" off of, there was even a recent story I heard about someone who actually tried to use some known poison (seems like it was a cleaning agent or something) in order to try getting a cheap high. It's crap like this that is bad. REAL bad!

Tnet IS a family-oriented forum. As such, this thread is and has been able to show both points of view without problem. I'm amazed there hasn't been an eruption of sorts yet. That said, marijuana is a natural plant (provided no human tampering). Various venom's, poisons, and other very dangerous plants are also natural. Should we ban every known substance in order to try and keep people from abusing what is in nature? Or should we instead educate, and to pass on a morals and beliefs system that tells to respect such things, whether natural or man-made. To respect; not to abuse. Every time someone gets drunk, they're abusing alcohol. Ends up getting people killed every single day. Cars get people killed every single day. Cigarettes killed people slowly - probably would have been left alone, except that the 2nd hand smoke can have negative effects on non-smokers, thereby invading their personal rights. And when you look back into the majority of the drug-enforcement history, most of these instances that involved death were from drug smugglers carrying LOTS of marijuana, or from people who abuse marijuana.

I think it's time for that distinction to come out. I don't use pot. Was lured to do so as a child, but didn't like what it did to me. I had sense enough to quit. However, it was my former sibling's abuse of it and other drugs, the lies, the stealing that got me to hate drugs with such a passion! I'm much older now. I don't abuse anything.....well ok, except chocolate! Don't drink alcohol, coffee, tea, sodas, kool-aid, not even milk (I like it, but it don't like me!). I drink water. It can be -40°F outside and I still have my jug of ice water in hand!! Was taking hydrocodone for years, as that was the only thing that helped (somewhat) that I wasn't allergic to. I have no doubt that a little marijuana would help with the pain. Doesn't mean I'm going to take it, but the more I learn and the more I think about it, the more I should probably lean that way. I can't stand not being in a clear frame-of-mind! So am reasonably certain that I will never abuse marijuana should I ever go that route. ...But that's just me. It's natural (not synthetic), has no allergic reactions that I know of, and if used responsibly, "should" be very effective in treating many of today's medical conditions, and at a GREATLY reduced cost!! The tipping point in this argument comes from the people who will abuse it. Again, alcohol is legal, and often abused. Prescription meds are legal, and often abused. Cars are legal, and often abused.

There's also an amazing lack of abuse on guns, though I don't want to entice this thread into even more dangerous waters.

People abuse lots f things all the time. The result? Rules or outright bans on MDing - and prospecting - off-road vehicles - fishing - hunting - etc, etc, etc.... Once all things are tallied in, marijuana doesn't pose hardly any threat to an educated, civilized world. ...It didn't pose a threat 200 years ago, before all the education, so why should it now? It ALL boils down to responsibility. Personal responsibility. And if it's wrong for Tnet to support and spread an air of personal responsibility, then I'm certainly in the wrong place.

I think what bothers me the most, is this is supposed to be a family friendly site. I could care less what you people put in your bodies. You all are saying that "there's nothing wrong with a little weed" compared to alcohol it's nothing. You're probably right....a bullet in the head is much less painful than hanging I suppose. I hope the young people that come here don't have their fears about pot smoking removed because of some of the comments here.
I have my own data also. Who's data are we to believe?? I'm surely not going to believe yours.
Kids are exposed to far, far worst subjects, and teachings in the classrooms of public schools than they will ever read in this thread.......

TC. It is legal is a few of the US States, and some countries around the world, and in many others, it is simply a traffic ticket.

TH, OMG the FFFB, I havent seen that for 45 years!

(I was going to nominate that for Banner!)

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I have all the original comic books somewhere.....

as with all things in life, even treasure hunting!..

take everything in moderation.

(keep on truckin')

The...... "you shoulda been there smoker"

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