Pot Head Detectorist

During the 60's there was a lot of progress with prisoners and LSD. Under the effects of the drug many prisoners got insight into the "Game" of cops and robbers. They were able to understand what their lives were about. One prisoner said "My life came tumbling down all around me and I was standing happily in the rubble."
They also showed successful treating alcoholism. Then the experiments were stopped by the government for reasons unknown.

Without insight into life games a person will just repeat their failures. Having someone just sit in a cell and depriving them of a life will get no where. So if it doesn't work try something else. They have already lost their freedom.

Oh ya, BTW I can't spell well at all. Never could. Don't now why. Some say good spellers visualize the words. I can visualize everything from electrical schematics to what ever I'm building, but not words. Spell Check is my friend.

I think what bothers me the most, is this is supposed to be a family friendly site. I could care less what you people put in your bodies. You all are saying that "there's nothing wrong with a little weed" compared to alcohol it's nothing. You're probably right....a bullet in the head is much less painful than hanging I suppose. I hope the young people that come here don't have their fears about pot smoking removed because of some of the comments here.
I have my own data also. Who's data are we to believe?? I'm surely not going to believe yours.

They get enough of the "Just say No" at school & Such. Heck Nancy Reagan Came to my Elementary School (But not my Class) , Hmmm What if she came to my class ???.
Many Used anyway Esp, Booze.

Tell a kid No=== 'OK YES"

Well I'am going to one of the legal weed shops and browse the 20 variations of marawana. (they all have cool names too) Maybe get a few edibles, yes candy bars with a kick! They usually have a good variety of clones, so you can grow your own. It's a very beautiful plant, with great aromas, all varying just like the taste and the type of high. All legal of course.
When I get home I'm gonna have a scotch or three and a few beers.....
Please don't judge me......:laughing7::laughing7:

I just wanna comment on the Legality & the Shop's , I envy you OV , Not the Booze part tho. I don't mind if u drink tho.

My good friend of 20+ years & a smoker of 30+ took a trip to CO, last fall, went to the shops & he / she said we get basically the Same Quality Stuff here in GA, & at a cheaper price. ....All the popular names to , but anyone can call their stuff what they want.

Our local police and sheriff's department, have more time to focus on real crime, not spend time writing tickets for "lees then an OZ"
Less court cases, more jail space!

kcm I disagree with your idea of crime prevention by making jail a place to go nuts.
Besides there are a substantial number that are in jail either because they couldn't
afford a decent lawyer. Just look how many have been freed by DNA evidence in recent
years. Just hope your not wrongly accused and end up in your jail.
It's been said a nation can be judged by how they treat their prisoners.

But on topic, since Colorado's legalization of pot the sky didn't fall. A couple
weeks ago in the paper a study in Colorado stated there has been no increase
in teen use of pot since the law passed. That was something many were watching.
I would cite the study but I didn't think I'd be referencing it.
The one part of the law that they got wrong was they need to beat the street.
By that I mean the price needs to be competitive.
It isn't. The price in the stores is a lot higher than a connected person can buy
it from an illegal source.
For example the legal stores sell 1/4 oz for $117 after tax where a street price
can be $150 for a full oz. (no tax heh heh)
Street prices can be higher for an unknown connection but still most likely less
than the legal stores.
One illegal dealer stated on camera the law hasn't hurt business a bit.
Said he still makes $20000 a month.

The fact that it looks like legal pot hasn't had an affect on teens is interesting
contrast from what I saw about 15 years ago. In the US there was/is an police
program called DARE. It's intent was to teach kids drug awareness.
One day the police brought their program to a middle school and set up their
display of paraphernalia. The kids were fascinated to the point there was no
room to even see the display. Eight feet deep with kids. All whispering to each
other about what this does and how to use this or that. The kids couldn't get
enough. I think the program had an opposite effect than what was intended.
I don't know this as fact, just a hunch.
Interesting contrast to the Colorado study. Point being as long as something
is illegal, certain people will flock to it.

I did not read your post about Street prices compared to the Dispensary Prices.
Oh that Case of Example Drugs & Paraphernalia the Police always brought to my Middle & High School.
Me & my friends always talked about ,How we wished we could just grab it & run .....Oh the mind's of Teen's

Waste good weed on bad prison inmates? No, no, no. If they don't want to take High School or College classes, or learn a trade, keep them in their cells 23-hours a day. NO TV, radio, or video games. Hell, give the pot to the guards, they need it a lot more than the inmates!

As for the folks up in arms over this being a "family" site, COME ON! I am a lot more worried about the 50-somethings that still can't spell or use proper grammar than I am about a conversation about weed.

I can see oddjob's point , 'more pacifist type inmates ' If it were much longer lasting MDA or MDMA would make for a pretty peaceful prison/Jail Environment . (just Kidding on the MDA thing ' They would enjoy that to much

Heck in jails around here Seroquel is given to most of the population. At-least in County ,/Pre-Trial ;They just sleep all the time.

Well I'am going to one of the legal weed shops and browse the 20 variations of marawana. (they all have cool names too) Maybe get a few edibles, yes candy bars with a kick! They usually have a good variety of clones, so you can grow your own. It's a very beautiful plant, with great aromas, all varying just like the taste and the type of high. All legal of course.
When I get home I'm gonna have a scotch or three and a few beers.....
Please don't judge me......:laughing7::laughing7:

Envious over here in Bible Belt! Can we at least see a picture of some of the top notch Maui Waui

Proud Washington resident-to me, herb is like your American Express card...Don't leave home without it!!!:)

(And if you do, there are surely some good safe spots to go refuel!)

In reference to the original statement of can you MD on THC? Sure, if you want to. I enjoy quiet time by the river with my Herb and my Bazooka Sluices, it's a relationship made in heaven!!


Envious over here in Bible Belt! Can we at least see a picture of some of the top notch Maui Waui

Well sure....Is that allowed? I will guess it is as there are a lot of alcohol pics in the "Tonight's Cocktail" thread.

I quit "mary Jane for years. I now have glaucoma, and started smoking a small amount again....'cause I wanted too. it really helps with my Irish temper.
These are 5 bucks a gram, yes discount weed.







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Well sure....Is that allowed? I will guess it is as there are a lot of alcohol pics in the "Tonight's Cocktail" thread.

I quit "mary Jane for years. I now have glaucoma, and started smoking a small amount again....'cause I wanted too. it really helps with my Irish temper.
These are 5 bucks a gram, yes discount weed.

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That is SOOOOO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!

I dig up heaps of brass cones every week. Should keep em I guess

Sent by carrier pigeon

Well sure....Is that allowed? I will guess it is as there are a lot of alcohol pics in the "Tonight's Cocktail" thread.

I quit "mary Jane for years. I now have glaucoma, and started smoking a small amount again....'cause I wanted too. it really helps with my Irish temper.
These are 5 bucks a gram, yes discount weed.

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Oh Yeah!
Just like looking at pictures of Nice Dug Relics.

Just looking I like the 1st picture the best & not for the high THC Content ,,, 'Look's'

I guess for THC content you can not beat 'Dab'.

I always Prefer d an Sativa High More Speedy, Compared to a Indica High -Eat & sleep.

Also no matter how much I smoked , I could only get so 'high' rather it be Mexican Brick Shawg , or Mid's Or "Kind Bud"
I always smoked smoked 'Near the same amount' Good or bad; likely Smoked more of the Good stuff cause the experience was MUCH Better than with the 'dirt/ drift Weed'.

Funny Ever so often we smoked MJ with white mold on it & every so often while breaking up a oz or more I would find thes big Cicada type bugs & smaller types that did not survive the harvest. lol

I probably could not give away the Brick weed these days.

Is there any other way to MDing? LOL. My best days are started with a lil one hit and then a big hooter when I'm ready to dig. Best companion to anything!!!

Hey I am Irish and think I may have a touch of glaucoma, even though I just turned 46! Lol. That is one beautiful specimen!

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Hey I am Irish and think I may have a touch of glaucoma, even though I just turned 46! Lol. That is one beautiful specimen!
That's ironic. I have a touch of Irish, I just turned 50 and I have had glaucoma since I was a child.

Well from what I read on this thread so far a little pot, or some would say a lot of pot will help you two guys out.

But do not go MDing, last dude I saw on pot MDing said he could not dig his targets.

Be safe enjoyed your story. I saw a guy with an mp5 on his back pack detecting one day.

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