Pot Head Detectorist

Proud Washington resident-to me, herb is like your American Express card...Don't leave home without it!!!:)
(And if you do, there are surely some good safe spots to go refuel!)
In reference to the original statement of can you MD on THC? Sure, if you want to.
I enjoy quiet time by the river with my Herb and my Bazooka Sluices, it's a relationship made in heaven!!

Jesse: It's long overdue for us spend some time at one of my favorite little creeks...

For those of you that enjoy some variety, here's a little ....

Blackberry 071708 011-2.webp

That is "Blackberry Dream", and while you can't scratch-n-sniff, if you did stick
your nose in the middle of that it would smell just like fresh blackberry jam.
I often called it "bud light", as it tasted awesome (just like blackberry pie!), but
never had much of a kick to it. Made for a great smoke for dessert!

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Jesse: It's long overdue for us spend some time at one of my favorite little creeks...

For those of you that enjoy some variety, here's a little Wa. home-grown.

View attachment 1339229

That is "Blackberry Dream", and while you can't scratch-n-sniff, if you did stick
your nose in the middle of that it would smell just like fresh blackberry jam.
I often called it "bud light", as it tasted awesome (just like blackberry pie!), but
never had much of a kick to it. Made for a great smoke for dessert!

Cool, totally cool........

Jesse: It's long overdue for us spend some time at one of my favorite little creeks...

For those of you that enjoy some variety, here's a little Wa. home-grown.

View attachment 1339229

That is "Blackberry Dream", and while you can't scratch-n-sniff, if you did stick
your nose in the middle of that it would smell just like fresh blackberry jam.
I often called it "bud light", as it tasted awesome (just like blackberry pie!), but
never had much of a kick to it. Made for a great smoke for dessert!

Dizzy! How the heck are ya!! Jake and angela and I were kinda up in your neck last weekend for the first dredge trip of the year...didn't go so well as the road was no longer there, we we went to the bridge that you and Phil took us to with the cool worm fossils and panned a little sand there. We need to head out soon mike!! Lemme know when you are feeling up to it, I'd love to spend some time with you!!

Yea Jeff I agree with you. I would jump off a bridge than smoke the crap seen to much of it on the streets and what it really does to people. Media and pro pot crap online and tv always try to portray it as so good for you and so much better than booze. All you gotta do is look the big problems in Colorado now. My view on it is if you wanna smoke it go right ahead but you better not do it around me or my family or operate anything bigger than your electric toothbrush.

Yea Jeff I agree with you. I would jump off a bridge than smoke the crap seen to much of it on the streets and what it really does to people. Media and pro pot crap online and tv always try to portray it as so good for you and so much better than booze. All you gotta do is look the big problems in Colorado now. My view on it is if you wanna smoke it go right ahead but you better not do it around me or my family or operate anything bigger than your electric toothbrush.

I personally would not know very much more than what I have read here; but something such as a plant with propaganda and hype normally is based on facts.

About the only fact I know is that I have never seen it on any crime scene I have been on before, normally the folks I deal with stick with stuff that is really hardcore and helps them with feeling bullet proof. Pretty sure pot does not do that.

But who knows.

Pot defiantly does not make you feel bullet proof..


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Yea Jeff I agree with you. I would jump off a bridge than smoke the crap seen to much of it on the streets and what it really does to people. Media and pro pot crap online and tv always try to portray it as so good for you and so much better than booze. All you gotta do is look the big problems in Colorado now. My view on it is if you wanna smoke it go right ahead but you better not do it around me or my family or operate anything bigger than your electric toothbrush.
Well alrighty then paco, tell us how you really feel. I hear that Reefer Madness is playing at your local theater this weekend. Best film out there for your type of thinker. Drink it up brother.

For some reason, I feel, them ppl kenpod is talking about, would have their "issues" with or without the "pots".

I remember there was a congressman or rep, he got cancer and the dr gave him the thc pills. He said one pill would wipe him out for an entire day, he hated them. One day, his teenage sons friend was at the house and he gave the man a joint. Told him to light it, just do a puff or 2, no more, lay it down, do same thing next day.
I forget who the man is, but, the next thing you know, he is advocating, medical pot use.
He had an actual firsthand experience, that showed him different, than what he had always thought.
Just a thought......

Cool thread! I've only read the past couple pages.....Cool subject...You guys that think pot itself cause people to ruin their lives may have only seen the bad sides of it. There are extremes. The Hype and trouble it causes people is usually about money. I don't smoke, I have less than a dozen times in my whole life.Just because it wasn't my thing, but have pounded some alcohol at different times!:laughing7: But have had many friends that did daily. And you would never know! Some of them were very successful in life!! Like Pattekkercat said, The person that smokes pot and is "worthless" was going to be anyhow. Both sides of the extreme end of this coin are creating hype. Yes, I've worked around people running equipment that shouldn't have, then others that were fine because they were so use to it. Some jobs I've worked at? You would have to be high to work there day in and day out for years. :laughing7:

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Just because Dupont and Hearst didn't want the competition doesn't make weed evil. It has medicated millions for centuries.
Moderation with all things may be key so my suggestion would be to try vaping instead of inhaling combusted plant material. Better in the long run for your lungs (I'm a retired Inhalation Therapist).
Vaping also makes it far more stealth and private. Without blowing smoke into other's faces, So-to-speak..

Just because Dupont and Hearst didn't want the competition doesn't make weed evil. It has medicated millions for centuries.
Moderation with all things may be key so my suggestion would be to try vaping instead of inhaling combusted plant material. Better in the long run for your lungs (I'm a retired Inhalation Therapist).
Vaping also makes it far more stealth and private. Without blowing smoke into other's faces, So-to-speak..

A lot of the pills prescribed by the millions are more of a problem. That kind of gets brushed under the rug though.....Just listen to the list of "possible" side effects on any commercial. I have seen people close to me destroy their lives on Prescription pills. Whether legal or illegally obtained. I guess there are extremes in everything. But who is to tell us what we can put in our bodies or not? Drink gas for all I care! :laughing7: Doesn't mean I want to do it! But I would support that Right. :laughing7:

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Kiva chocolate bar is the tastiest pill I have ever taken, lol.

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A lot of the pills prescribed by the millions are more of a problem. That kind of gets brushed under the rug though.....Just listen to the list of "possible" side effects on any commercial. I have seen people close to me destroy their lives on Prescription pills. Whether legal or illegally obtained. I guess there are extremes in everything. But who is to tell us what we can put in our bodies or not? Drink gas for all I care! :laughing7: Doesn't mean I want to do it! But I would support that Right. :laughing7:

Everyone has a right to be wrong,but....it's not right to be wrong.

My buddies band just finished their last set and he was chatting with a cop and told him that he doesn't drink but loves his herb.
The cop didn't care (it's still illegal here) about Mary Jane and said that the only issue there should be is driving under the influence BUT.....
He thinks that should only apply to those who haven't smoked in months and then smoke up and get right ripped and drive that car.
The cop looked at my buddy (dreadlocks down to his feet) and said "those who smoke all the time such as yourself, are completely capable to operate a vehicle."
He also said that there's a simple blood test to determine if your a regular pot smoker, which would make you exempt from any "driving under the influence charges."
I agree! To those here that are so dead against pot.....
It's common to fear that which you do not understand!

My buddies band just finished their last set and he was chatting with a cop and told him that he doesn't drink but loves his herb.
The cop didn't care (it's still illegal here) about Mary Jane and said that the only issue there should be is driving under the influence BUT.....
He thinks that should only apply to those who haven't smoked in months and then smoke up and get right ripped and drive that car.
The cop looked at my buddy (dreadlocks down to his feet) and said "those who smoke all the time such as yourself, are completely capable to operate a vehicle."
He also said that there's a simple blood test to determine if your a regular pot smoker, which would make you exempt from any "driving under the influence charges."
I agree! To those here that are so dead against pot.....
It's common to fear that which you do not understand!

Put someone behind the wheel that has never smoked a cig! Then give them a cig! It's not as extreme but the head spin could cause a prob.....A mild example but same Idea...

I've ridden with guys in the past that were better drivers under the influence of alcohol, not falling down drunk but buzzed...They would get a Dui or DWI,(or what ever they call it now) if pulled over, but were fine drivers....I know people will argue this to no end, but I've been there and done it, motorcycles, cars,four wheelers, etc.. There is a limit though! I would never anymore because I don't need the trouble.That and I really don't drink much anymore. And if bad judgement... one time is all it takes. That really depends on the person too!!! My wife can't drive sober!! :laughing7:

The cop looked at my buddy (dreadlocks down to his feet) and said "those who smoke all the time such as yourself, are completely capable to operate a vehicle."
He also said that there's a simple blood test to determine if your a regular pot smoker, which would make you exempt from any "driving under the influence charges."
I doubt that will be the case here, coming soon to Michigan, and possibly my county: roadside drug testing via saliva test.

Michigan State Police picking counties for roadside drug testing pilot | MLive.com

I don't think there is any relation between accidents and drivers who have marijuana in their system. I think this strip test could be liabelous for the departments involved based on this last statement- The law instructs the MSP to conduct a pilot program meant to establish policies in the area of roadside drug analysis, Banner said, and to make a determination of the accuracy and reliability of the tests.

It sounds to me as if they don't even know if they work correctly or not. Shouldn't these "things" have already been determined prior to it's use on the public? Then you have the problem of marijuana being in someones system because they smoked a week ago or maybe they just flew in from Colorado that morning. How does this allow the law to arrest someone on the sole basis of testing positive for marijuana in their system? Unless this strip only detects it if it was ingested in the last 2 hours. Even then the effects of marijuana can't be compared to the effects of alcohol or many prescription drugs. Apples and oranges.


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I don't think there is any relation between accidents and drivers who have marijuana in their system. I think this strip test could be liabelous for the departments involved based on this last statement- The law instructs the MSP to conduct a pilot program meant to establish policies in the area of roadside drug analysis, Banner said, and to make a determination of the accuracy and reliability of the tests.

It sounds to me as if they don't even know if they work correctly or not. Shouldn't these "things" have already been determined prior to it's use on the public? Then you have the problem of marijuana being in someones system because they smoked a week ago or maybe they just flew in from Colorado that morning. How does this allow the law to arrest someone on the sole basis of testing positive for marijuana in their system? Unless this strip only detects it if it was ingested in the last 2 hours. Even then the effects of marijuana can't be compared to the effects of alcohol or many prescription drugs. Apples and oranges.

If there was a flawless field testing program then it would not be in the hands of beat cops and cruisers, as they often have interpretation that benefit them and theirs only.

Such systems as BS, sort of like using a laser on a weapon, yes it is OK for fast target acquisition, but really best for mind games and playing a person before you finish. These test kits are all the same, high percent of false positives with BS reports backing them written by Veteran Officers who embellish and perceive their so called professionally developed skills more so on if they got laid before their shift or not.

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